The belief that Adam and Eve were vegetarians is often misunderstood. However, it wasn’t until after the Great Flood (around 1,600 years after the creation of the world) that God permitted Noah and his children to eat meat. Nimrod, the grandson of Ham, was a mighty strong man who inherited Adam’s clothes and became a great hunter and trapper of men and animals. His followers grew in popularity.
While God initially intended for people to be vegetarians, He later granted permission for meat consumption as a reluctant concession. Post-biblical tradition has added supplementary details that cannot be found in the biblical text. Hinduism, though not requiring a strictly vegetable diet, has been a significant religious basis for vegetarianism. Nimrod is depicted as the first mighty figure on earth, a renowned hunter blessed by God, and the founder of a significant kingdom.
Man and all animals were vegetarian prior to the Flood, but only after that they ate meat. After the Flood, God gave His permission for mankind to eat “all things”—including all animals that move on Earth and swim in the sea. Noah and his family were vegetarians, eating fruit, grains, nuts, legumes, and vegetables.
Jehovah later expanded the diet to include animal flesh, and some 4,000 years ago, righteous Noah and his family were big meat eaters. Vegetarianism in Daniel 1 is an anti-Babylonian polemic, as it suggests that people don’t have to be vegan to enjoy food or enjoy other people’s company.
What Was Life Like in the Antediluvian Period? Discover What the Bible Reveals About the World Before the Flood. A mysterious …
When did people start becoming vegetarians?
Vegetarian nutrition has a long history, dating back to the sixth century BC, with major religions like Hinduism and Buddhism recommending a vegetarian lifestyle. Greek philosopher Pythagoras is considered the father of ethical vegetarianism, and it was influenced by various personalities until the 19th century. In Europe, vegetarian nutrition disappeared during the Middle Ages, but during the Renaissance and Age of Enlightenment, various individuals practiced vegetarianism.
The first vegetarian society was established in England in 1847, and the International Vegetarian Society was founded in 1908. The first vegan society began in 1944, with prominent vegetarians like Sylvester Graham, John Harvey Kellogg, and Maximilian Bircher-Benner. A paradigm shift occurred at the turn of the 21st century, with scientific evidence showing that vegetarian nutrition reduces the risk of most contemporary diseases.
Today, vegetarian nutrition has a growing international following due to health concerns, ethical, ecological, and social issues. Sustainable nutrition is crucial for human well-being, and an increasing number of people want to avoid preventable diseases and secure a livable future for generations to come.
Were any ancient humans vegetarian?
Research by Randy Haas from the University of Wyoming reveals that early human diets in the Andes Mountains were 80% plant matter and 20% meat. While meat was present in some diets around 9, 000 to 6, 500 years ago due to mammal hunting, the isotopic composition of human bones indicated that plants made up most of their diets. Burnt plant remains and dental-wear patterns suggest that these humans consumed a significant amount of tubers, plants that grow underground like potatoes.
Were Adam and Eve originally vegetarian?
Scholars have debated the dietary habits prescribed in Genesis, particularly the consumption of meat. The Adam and Eve story suggests that humans created plants to feed them, and meat consumption likely came after the Great Flood. This led to an update of the Adam and Eve story, promoting a vegetarian diet and claiming quasi-equality between humans and animals. However, Catholicism has been perceived as advocating meat consumption by dissident denominations.
The social and ideological order is associated with a dietary model akin to asceticism. The debate shifted towards the consumption of cooked or raw meat, discussing the anthropophagy of cannibals. These polemics were not neutral, as they marked the boundaries between Catholicism and Protestantism and Christianity and Judaism in the context of the Catholic Counter-Reformation. The theme of omnivore’s dietary freedom became increasingly associated with the Gospels, as opposed to the strict practices of the Jews in the Old Testament.
Did God design humans to be vegetarian?
In the creation story, God instructs humans to eat plants, only allowing them to eat animals after the flood. This suggests vegetarianism as God’s original plan for humanity. Gersonides found this claim scandalous, but it’s more about countering Christian claims. After creation, God blesses humans and provides them with vegetables and fruit as food, excluding meat, fowl, and fish. This passage suggests all animal life was herbivorous at this point.
Were humans meant to eat meat according to the Bible?
Genesis 1:29-30 states that God has given every plant and tree with seed for food, including all beasts, birds, and creeping things. This does not necessarily imply that Adam and Eve were vegetarians. The text only states that man can eat vegetation, not explicitly forbidding the eating of meat. Genesis 1:29-30 may be laying the groundwork for God’s command not to eat the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen 2:16-17).
Some argue that the first animals were eaten in obedience to Genesis 9:1-4. God blessed Noah and his sons, saying they would be fruitful and multiply, filling the earth. The fear of them and the dread of them would be upon every beast, bird, and creeping thing. Every living thing would be food for them, but they would not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.
When did God allow us to eat meat?
In Genesis 9:3-6, God reveals the moral and spiritual ambiguity surrounding eating meat. He tells Noah that every living thing will be meat, but flesh with its life and blood must not be eaten. God requires the life of every beast, man, and man’s brother, and who sheds man’s blood will be shed by man. This statement strikes a perfect spiritual balance, suggesting that while being a vegetarian is the higher way, it is not the only way to elevate one’s diet.
Eating meat also makes us comfortable around blood, which is life, and spilling the blood of animals makes us less revolted by it. This nuanced perspective highlights the Bible’s offer of many levels of spiritual practice, allowing us to live a life on as high a level as we want.
When did God allow men to eat meat?
In Genesis 9:3-6, God reveals the moral and spiritual ambiguity surrounding eating meat. He tells Noah that every living thing will be meat, but flesh with its life and blood must not be eaten. God requires the life of every beast, man, and man’s brother, and who sheds man’s blood will be shed by man. This statement strikes a perfect spiritual balance, suggesting that while being a vegetarian is the higher way, it is not the only way to elevate one’s diet.
Eating meat also makes us comfortable around blood, which is life, and spilling the blood of animals makes us less revolted by it. This nuanced perspective highlights the Bible’s offer of many levels of spiritual practice, allowing us to live a life on as high a level as we want.
Were the first humans vegetarian?
It is probable that the earliest hominins consumed an omnivorous diet comparable to that of the modern chimpanzee, comprising a substantial proportion of fruit, leaves, flowers, bark, insects, and meat. This dietary pattern is thought to have exerted an influence on the evolution of the human and primate brain and digestive system, as proposed by Andrews and Martin, Milton, and Watts. Furthermore, the natural history of Homo erectus is also addressed.
Was Jesus vegetarian?
Jesus’s eating of fish and teaching his disciples to catch fish before cooking it for them is a common topic in Christian ethical vegetarian and vegan writings. The Bible does not explicitly state that Jesus ate any meat, and the fact that no lamb is mentioned at the Last Supper as evidence does not support this. However, the fact that Jesus ate fish and possibly other meat only shows that in some circumstances, it is sometimes permissible to eat some meats, but that practices in the modern, industrialized farming system make the consumption of meat produced in such farms morally problematic.
Andy Alexis-Baker argues that biblical passages often need nuanced interpretation and guard against a wooden literalism. He cites the work of Gerald O’Collins, SJ, who suggests that differences between the way Luke describes this appearance in Luke 24:41–43 and in Acts 1, and a tension between Luke 24:41–43 and 1 Corinthians 6, preclude us from reading this verse literally. Vujicic explains this passage by appealing to a synoptic principle.
In the tenth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, there is an account of a vision given to the Apostle Peter, where he hears a voice commanding him to kill and eat. Peter refuses, and the voice says, “What God has made clean, you must not call profane”.
Were people vegetarians in the Bible?
The question of whether Jesus was a vegetarian is complex, as there is no direct statement on the subject in the New Testament. The story of Jesus feeding fish to people suggests that Jesus may have been a pescatarian. Paul, on the other hand, seems to have been more open to meat eating, but even he was open to vegetarianism. In 1 Corinthians 8:13, Paul stated that vegetarianism was a way of not offending vegetarian hosts, but not an explicit command of God.
Modern Christianity has produced vegetarian Seventh Day Adventists, who are vegetarians due to the teachings of their co-founder Ellen G. White. To ease carnivorous guilt, it is suggested to experiment with meatless Mondays, then no meat until dinner, and then a period of no meat for a period. Remember that your journey to God has many levels, and you should have no shame or guilt about the stage you have reached so far.
Were humans vegan in the Garden of Eden?
Eden was a peaceful and harmonious place where God, humans, and the world were interconnected. However, human sin shattered this harmony, leading to evil and human-animal violence. God doesn’t judge animals after the flood, as they fear humans and kill and eat them. This reality was created by sin, and God gives the Israelites laws to mediate their power, ensuring animals rest on the Sabbath, avoid wantonly killing, and avoid abuse or torture even in death.
📹 Most Christians Don’t Know THIS About the Tower of Babel
Most Christians don’t know THIS about the tower of Babel. In this presentation, Bodie Hodge shares how the secular worldview …
One issue I have with it. The Bible talks about the sons of GOD marrying the women of the world. If it was solely non Christian with Christian women, then their offspring wouldn’t be giants that grew to over 300ft in height. It was angels that did it and their offspring was considered atrocious in the eyes of GOD. Their offspring was part human and part angel/demon. They weren’t the offspring of men. Non Christian and Christian make babies all the time, and not one produces a baby that grows that tall.
Great article aesthetically and your writing is great. I’d urge you to reconsider your claim that the sons of God are the line of Seth. That’s plainly NOT the view most scholars, including those of ancient Israel itself took for most of history. That’s a newer and plainly incorrect interpretation, especially when considering the book of Jude
In regards to the sons of God…I think the most acceptable fact would be the ‘angels’ who left there habitation and origin of giants….these giants were not just simply mighty warriors. And again the book of Jude in New Testament records about the angels which are kept bound, because they had left their habitation(heaven) tracing back Genesis 6. 2 Peter calls for repentance upon sins in warning of coming judgement…and all human being should know this truth.
What in the world happens to the commentary at 3:28 to 3:44? Everything goes smoothly until that point, then all-of-a-sudden the pronunciation of words goes completely off the rails. Also, the Sethite view of Genesis 6 is easily disproven, whereas the early church believed there was a comingling of fallen angels and human women. The term “sons of God” was always used in reference to angels. It wasn’t until the 5th century that Celsus and Julian the Apostate used the traditional “angel” belief to attack Christianity. Julius Africanus resorted to the Sethite interpretation as a more comfortable ground. Cyril of Alexandria also repudiated the orthodox “angel” position with the “line of Seth” interpretation. Augustine also embraced the Sethite theory and thus it prevailed into the Middle Ages. It is still widely taught today among many churches who find the literal “angel” view a bit disturbing. There are many outstanding Bible teachers who still defend this view.
Got very little to disagree with this article. Just want to point out that there were no tall, jagged mountains or uninviting places in the world before the flood. The world was newly created and beautiful. Only after the flood, was the world grossly disfigured and jagged mountains and unpleasant places such as deserts, bogs etc. came into being.
Everyone thinks I’m blind, deluded and stupid because I don’t believe in evolution or a millions/billions years worldview. They all ask why I would believe in a fairytale. I tell them because it makes the most logical sense. I’ve been secluded from family and friends for it. To the point that I’m walking alone in 2024. The thing that amazes me is how upset they are.I wasn’t ready for the anger part. I try to tell them it’s ok that you think I’m crazy for believing the Bible. But the anger part is just something I’m wasn’t ready for. Is there anyone experiencing anything like this?
I see some people saying he is talking too fast for them. When i find myself feeling that way about a article I go to the settings button and select “playback speed”. A person can adjust the speed to 75%, or 50%, or 25% if they want the article (and of course the audio) to play more slowly. I think it defaults to “normal” (100%) every time you start a new article. Happi(er) listening to everyone.
My mother’s grandpa was a Martin, which my uncle traced to Ireland. My mom’s mom was a fiery red head with green eyes—a true Irish lassie! The Martin’s of Ireland actually migrated from France. So, that makes me an Irish descendant who loves the French countryside, especially poppies. 🌺 What binds us all together? God’s love for us and our love for Him!🙏✝️🩸🕊️👏❤️
The genealogy given for the Scottish is NOT correct. The label Scotia was given by the Romans for people who spoke Gaelic. The People themselves called themselves Ibre and their Land was called Alba. They do NOT trace back to an Egyptian princesses Scotia! This has been debunked, and the book has been removed from libraries as it has been proven a fraud! I have done research on this as one of my Grandmother’s line comes from there.
Put off all these Genealogies and countries the Lord had me, born of nobodies from nowhere. I am the youngish and rejected by my grandparents. I was voted least likely for anything and Jesus saved me out of the darkness of the occult. Heaven bound and I did not even think it was a good idea on my best day. Thank you, Father! I will praise you for all of eternity! Hallelujah to You be the glory, honor, and praise!
Larry Burkett’s book on “Giving and Tithing” drew me closer to God and helped my spirituality. 2020 was a year I literally lived it. I cashed in my life savings and gave it all away. My total giving amounted to 40,000 dollars. Everyone thought I was delusional. Today, 1 receive 85,000 dollars every two months. I have a property in Calabasas, CA, and travel a lot. God has promoted me more than once and opened doors for me to live beyond my dreams. God kept to his promises to and for me
I have some questions. How many people were left on the planet after the flood? According to this teaching, barely a generation and a half (106yrs) passed until the Tower of Babel. How can we go from the handful of people left after after the flood to thousands of people at the tower of Babel in 106 years?
There’s a very obvious issue with the story of the Tower. First, it states that the whole world spoke with the same tongue and Genesis is a chronological story. The issue starts with with Gen 10:20 which states These are the sons of Ham by their clans and languages, in their territories and nations. This narrative repeats with the brothers Shem and Japheth as well. So you’ve either got a bad translation, incorrect story, or it’s not in chronological order. The next problem you encounter is the mistranslation of God in this passage. El Elyon which does not mean most high in Hebrew but rather commander of the El is clearly stated as the one who divided peoples and languages in Deuteronomy and yet Yahweh is often ascribed this role in Genesis. It goes on to say that yahweh is the son of Elyon and thus subservient and not the most high. What’s the big deal some will ask…exodus says that the name YHWH was not revealed before Moses so it should not ever appear before then. Though I believe the story happened, since it’s written about long before the biblical myth, the Bible version has some very clear and obvious redactions which cause confusion later.
Science is so cool!! To be honest, I wasn’t good in science class and I didn’t believe most of what was taught it just made no sense to me so I didn’t care for it. After meeting the LORD our GOD Jesus Christ and him leading me to this website, I find myself in a fascination with biblical views applied to real science! Not theory they teach as true but academically sound true science!!! GOD is so good all glory to him, thank you all for these articles GOD bless! ❤
It’s also notable that in Hosea and other books it tells how a day for God is like a thousand years for man, so while creating the world before man existed who can say how long the first 5 ‘days’ were. But even the ‘evolutionary’ record matches the appearance of species in Genesis. And those who wrote Genesis didn’t have communications, carbon- dating, or archeological tools that we do, so that would make them really good ‘guessers’ without the Word being the Truth.
When constructing Biblical chronologies, it is important to bear in mind what source manuscript one is using: the Masoretic or those manuscripts which were used to make the (earlier) Septuagint. The Septuagint ages given for the post-Flood patriarchs (Shem to Abraham) have many with an additional 100 years before producing an heir in the lineage. These additions accumulate to about 800 MORE years – pushing the date of Creation much further back. Jesus would not have known of the Masoretic text, as it was produced some 250 – 300 years after His crucifixion and resurrection. All of Jesus’ quotations from Scripture were taken from what would have been the source manuscripts for the Septuagint. And, if Jesus ever quoted anything of Scripture in Greek, then He would have been quoting the Septuagint. Worth bearing in mind, especially when considering population increase from the time of the Flood to the Tower of Babel.
I would like to see a discussion between AIG (Mr Hodges) and Dr. Douglas Petrovich regarding the probable location of the tower or Babel. His studies seem to show conclusive evidence that it was located further south at the site of Eridu. According to Dr. Petrovich of the seven or eight “cities of Babel” only Eridu fits all of the Biblical criteria. While the exact location does not discount the history of the event, could a consensus be reached on the actual location? I would like to add that I enjoy the teachings and respect both gentlemen, so this is not a “I like him better” question, just seeking more accurate knowledge.
Gen 10:1 And this is the genealogy of the sons of Nach: Sham, Cham, and Yaphath. And sons were born to them after the flood. Gen 10:2 The sons of Yaphath: Gamar, and Magug, and Madiy, and Ya’uan, and Thabal, and Mashak, and Thiras. Gen 10:3 And the sons of Gamar: Ashkanaz, and Riphath, and Thagarmah. Gen 10:4 And the sons of Ya’uan: Aliyshah and tharshish, Kathiym and Dudaniym. Gen 10:5 From these the coastland peoples of the nations were separated into their lands, everyone according to his language, according to their clans, into their nations. Gen 10:6 And the sons of Cham: Kush, and Matsriym, and Phut, and Kan’aun. Gen 10:7 And the sons of Kush: Saba, and Chuilah, and Sabthah, and Ra’aumah, and Sabthaka. And the sons of Ra’aumah: Shaba and Dadan. Gen 10:8 And Kush brought forth Namrad, he began to be a mighty one on the earth. Gen 10:9 He was a mighty hunter before 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, therefore it is said, “Like Namrad the mighty hunter before 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄.” Gen 10:10 And the beginning of his reign was Babal, and Arak, and Akad, and Kalnah, in the land of Shan’aur. Gen 10:11 From that land he went to Ashur and built Ninuah, and the city Rachabath, and Kalach, Gen 10:12 and Rasan between Ninuah and Kalach, the great city. Gen 10:13 And Matsriym brought forth Ludiym, and Aunamiym, and Lahabiym, and Naphthachiym, Gen 10:14 and Phathrasiym, and KasLachaiym, from whom came the Phalashthiym and Kaphthariym. Gen 10:15 And Kan’aun brought forth Tsidan his first-born, and Chath, Gen 10:16 and the Yabusiy, and the Amariy, and the Gargashiy, Gen 10:17 and the Chuiy, and the Aurqiy, and the Siniy, Gen 10:18 and the Arudiy, and the Tsamariy, and the Chamathiy.
Alkebulan In Kemetic History of Afrika, Dr cheikh Anah Diop writes, “The ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan. Alkebu-lan “mother of mankind” or “garden of Eden”.” Alkebulan is the oldest and the only word of indigenous origin. It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddans (Carthagenians), and Ethiopians.
Almost all people are related to Abraham. Using generations you can compute the time for the most recent common ancestor of different regions of the world. All people of European descent have Charlemagne as a common ancestor. All people with ties to the Middle East, which is most Africans, Europeans, Asians are probably related to someone like King David; pretty much the only exceptions are some South American native tribes and some island tribes in Polynesia, because everyone else separated who isolated themselves much later. It’s a nice fact to know that pretty much everyone today has Abraham as an actual ancestor.
Good info, unfortunately the article is spliced & diced to death & sped up. Plus there is irritating music in background. Could whoever edits these things stop ruining the articles. I want to watch & glean the info but I cannot take the irritation of the insane hack job ya did, and for what? No one benefits from hacking the article to death. Who’s running the editing department? Why would they ruin the article? May as well not produced it if ya gonna hack it to death to where only gamers can stand to watch it. If ya have another version unmolested by the editor please drop a link, thanks.
Praise Jesus! There is also some interesting information in the Book of Jasher about the tower of babel, among other things. That supposedly, it was so tall, that people who started at the bottom to bring up more materials to continue the build, it took them a year to make it up; and that when God destroyed it, it was in thirds: the bottom third was swallowed up by the earth, another third was burned with fire, and the last third is left to this day, with its circumference being a three day’s walk! The Book of Jasher is worth a read, since it is mentioned in the Bible twice by name and quoted as well, found in these verses: Joshua 10:13, 2 Samuel 1:18, 2 Timothy 3:8 Jesus is coming soon!
Regarding too much oxygen being a problem, no, not really. Before the flood we had twice the atmospheric pressure on the earth. This atmosphere has a massive effect on oxygen assimilation. Twice the atmospheric pressure allowed for three times the oxygen assimilation (as it does in our hyperbaric chambers). Good work on your genealogy stuff though.
The tower of the Babylon and the Jerusalem temple crumbled to the ground and killed many because of the it’s constructors, the builders did not know what they were doing with stone blocks, they were built using unskilled slaves and faulty designs (like many buildings today) with no Foundation or columns to hold the roof, and if they were solid they would tilt like Pisa tower. Eesa messiah (Jesus) used wood / trees along with his inventions of Iron Nail and Cross Joints to build simple and safe individual homes, jews call it sukkot but they do not use crosses in their construction. For more than 2500 years ago every nation tried to compete with Persepolis which had the tallest solid stone columns still standing and so far no nation had built a taller one.
😂 Christianity is based on a bible that is written by men. Evolution is based on evidence “written” by nature itself. The world flood could never have happened. How would australias specific species, developed there in millions of years (evidences by fossils) found their way back from the ark? swimming over the sea?
The word “God” is coming from “Good” and good comes from Farsi word ” خوب – Khoob ” and khoob comes from ” خاک او – khaake-uo ” and khaake-uo comes from ” خاک – khaak ” which means “Soil” or “Earth”. The word “Khaak” is a natural and organic word/language/sound which is coming from the sound our mouth makes when ejecting/spitting out the dirt that has entered our mouth, it was used by mothers to teach children what to eat (enter their mouth) and whatnot. Deus and Dios are Farsi words “Darius” or “Cyrus (the Great”). Hashem is ” آهن شمش – aahan-shemsh ” means “Iron Ingot” from Iran/Iron. Allah is ” آهن آلات – aahan-aalat ” means “Iron Tools / Metal Tools”. Sallallahou Alayhe Wasallam, Arabic ” صلي الله عليه وسلم ” is ” سرب و آهن و حلبی و مس زرد رنگ – sorbo-ahano-halabi-va-mese-zard-rang ” which means “Lead, iron, tin and yellow copper”. Allah o akbar is ” آهنآلات خاک کن – aahan-alate-khak-kan ” means “Iron tools to dig the ground” like Picks and Shovels.
Thank you for this very enlightening description of the various tribes. As someone from Sicilian descent I know my ancestors were the Sicils but I don’t know where my previous people were from. Palermo was robbed, raped and pilfered by many nations throughout history so I guess you can say my roots are such as a mutt. Blessings in your future work. 🙏
God has angels that he talks to, just like demons exist, there are other spirits besides God. That’s why the scripture has it in plural ‘let us confuse their language’ because there’s more than one participant. That reminds me, early on you claimed something that was definitely not true early in this article also, but I forgot what it was. Anyway, the fact that angels are involved in a lot of what God wants done can explain why people think there are many Gods, because the angels themselves are more powerful than us.
One thing that is not correct at the end of your presentation is a triune God. That is Babylonian sun god worship adopted by Roman Catholicism as the central belief of this religious system, which calls herself the Mother of all churches. Rev. 17 calls her Mystery, Babylon the Great, and full of abominations. Protestantism has joined her and is drunken with her wine worshipping her triune god on the day of the sun. There is One God and One Mediator between man and God and that is Christ Jesus. John 17:3, Jesus is praying to His Father, the only true God. 2 Cor. 3:17,18, the Apostle Paul says Jesus is the Spirit, the Lord the spirit. Jesus is the Comforter. He said He will come to us, we wont be left comfortless. The Spirit that is speaking Prophecy is Jesus in the book of Revelation, the Spirit of Prophecy. The holy spirit is not a third individual being separate from the Father and His son. If you do your own study from the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, you will not find a triune god. Only One Eternal self existing God who begat a Son (Prov.8) filled without measure of His Father’s holy Spirit. Who thought it not robbery to be equal with God. The mind of the Father is in His Son. Let this mind be in you, the spirit of God. What? No ye not that your body is the temple for the holy spirit of God to dwell? He is to abode in your mind. Satan wants to abode there as well with his unholy spirit. Its a battle for your mind. If you follow the false god of the trinity, you are of the Catholic faith and not of the faith of Jesus.
My question is to you study European history, obviously a lot and in depth, however have you visited the place called Israel (Which is called north east Africa And just the scripture says There are some who called themselves Jews aren’t Jews or the true Israelites) And the people in Egypt, aren’t the original people or visited Turkey or even Which is most likely not Africa? Due to the fact that you claim your blood line in Christ seed came from God Through the Holy Spirit, Do you actually mean Mary? you must have some African in you everyone on this planet! Because there is just one race the human race. Which nationality do you perceive can create all other nationalities Even White, when we do they are called albinos? There’s one nationality in it’s pure state that cannot create other nationalities of color? When I visited Some of churches in Turkey, the tour guide informed us that the images that we see and know we’re not of a European Yeshua as they are now. That the images were changed and placed there by the Roman Catholic Church after the siege of the southern continents?! You paint the picture of the Tower of Babel As your point of reference to the history of Mankind? That similar to the way, our nation of America is trying to do it black history Keep it within the compound of slavery as the beginning!? Just as American history, teach Columbus was the first to discover The Americas People Were already here. But God started in the garden Eden Which is in the midst of Africa, then there was a migration before the Great flood.
People are ignoring actual known human history. The actual historical records and DNA migrations show that everyone spread out from Mesopotamia. Ancient history is essential for everyone to know, especially the sixteen original civilizations… from the sixteen grandsons of Noah. Learn ancient history before trying to learn science. 1. The first inhabitants of Italy (K) Tubal 2. Thracians (L) Tiras 3. Mediterranean Greek sea people (T) Javan 4. Siberians (N) Meshek 5. East Asians (O) Magog 6. Medes (PQ) Madai 7. Western Europeans (R) Gomer 8. Hebrews and Arabic (IJ) Arphaxad 9. Elamites (H) Elam 10. Assyrians (G) Asshur 11. Arameans (F1) Aram 12. Lydians (F2) Lud 13. Cushites (AB, C) Cush 14. Egyptians (E3) Mitzrayim 15. Canaanites (E2, D) Canaan 16. Original North African Phoenicians (E1) Phut The D paternal haplogroup Sino descendants of Canaan migrated from Canaan east to China all the way to Japan and Tibet. The C paternal haplogroup descendants of Nimrod migrated as far as South Asia, the Pacific, Mongolia and all the way to the Americas accounting for the Olmec civilization as well as the Q haplogroup descendants of Madai ancestor of the Medes that crossed the Atlantic to Central America. The A maternal mtDNA haplogroup belonging to the Semitic N lineage accompanied the Eurasian Q paternal haplogroup to Central America. The C&D maternal haplogroups belonging to the Eurasian M lineage also accompanied the Atlantic crossing of the Q paternal haplogroup Medes and probably the C paternal haplogroup to Central America.
Why so many edits? Don’t you realize that that makes the overall feel of this so so so very similar to all the trash that is on the internet? Anyone that cares about what he is saying is capable of perusal the whole lecture instead of 19 minutes with hundreds of edits. With his fast talking and an edit every 30 seconds this whole thing has lost 90% of ANY appeal it could have had to those that NEED to hear it. You know …. those people? — the unsaved? How does ANY article filled with edits have any credibility? And by the way – I believe so this is not coming from an antiBiblical agnostic or atheist.
I’m a christian and I recognize the logical leap to go from the Bible being historically true to correlating it to the gospel being true. I believe the gospel to be true, but the accuracy of the historical record as told in the rest of the bible is evidence to its validity, not proof. There is evidence and logical deductions that can be made, but the statement is oversimplified to say that “because the history is correct, the gospel must be too.”
Acts 17:24-28 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; 25 Neither is worshipped with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing HE GIVES TO ALL LIFE, and BREATH and all things; 26 And hath made of ONE BLOOD ALL NATIONS OF MEN for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; 27 That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: 28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. Galatians 4:4-But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the ADOPTION of sons.And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. Romans 8:15For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of ADOPTION, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
not to forget the sin of religious Traditions. example; 3 crosses, Bible says 5. stopping at the cross, the Bible says “finished” the physical part at the cross, but job not complete until return to Heaven. Tradition, arrogance, ignorance, laziness, and arrogance (again) have fractured and divided the church into small sects / cults.
I was taught the tower of babble was multi cultural of every color of person, that would make every one descendents of the tower of babble because, the teaching and story has been called by other names yet the history has traveled in every major continent and color of people from the lightest to the darkest skin of people.
It’s interesting that in economics, there’s something called the skyscraper curse. It’s that there’s a remarkable temporal correlation between the construction of record-setting buildings and economic recessions. The trend is that once a record-setting building is announced, the recession happens before the construction is completed, if I’m remembering correctly. I believe that throughout the entire twentieth century, the correlation was close to perfect. The Mises Institute has a book on this subject that can be freely downloaded on their website. I wonder if God intentionally designed the laws of economics such that this would happen.
That’s ridiculous. It’s impossible to get all the various races from one set of parents who are of the same race. Go back and read Genesis again. God created all the various races on the 6th day, he made some of them hunters and some fishers, then he rested on the 7th day. Sometime after that, which we’ll call the 8th day for distinction, God looked and didn’t have a man to till the soil. He then “formed” THE man Adam, and from Adam he formed Eve. These two are the parents that carried that specific genetic bloodline from which Christ would eventually be born through. Eve would be called the mother of all living only in the since that through her would come the Christ. If you are not in Jesus Christ then you are not living spiritually. ( get it? ) The people that populate Europe are of the 10 so called “lost tribes of Israel”. They are not lost to God, he knows exactly where they migrated to.
Christian’s believe in God through a relationship with him and the Holy Spirit, atheists on the other hand haven’t yet experienced this relationship and they gullibly believe other atheists lies and deceptions they have been told their entire lives. That’s why it always boils down to debates because they act as if believers found faith only through the Bible but in reality very few people do because it’s Gods spirit filled living word that instructs us on how to live not simply believe. We believe in Him because of an initial encounter that then continues on throughout our life. It’s ironic that Christian’s are attacked when all they are trying to do it share the good news that there is a free gift called eternity if only you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe, study His word and learn Gods character about how to live a righteous life. The older I get I have come to realize the scripture talking about fools who claim to be wise is so very true of the lost today. If Christianity wasn’t the truth why are we seeing the rise of demonic glorification in the music industry, movies, culture, etc. Why is there a continuous attack on a “fairytale”? It’s because it’s not a fairytale, this is a spiritual war. If the believer is wrong, well then once they die there are no consequences, there is just nothingness. But if the non believer is wrong well there is a very serious consequence, they will face God and have to give an account for every moment of their life and unfortunately the excuse of being too prideful, selfish, or “scientific” isn’t going to cut it.
You need to learn about the Jaredites (Book of Mormon, their language was NOT confounded and they continued to speak the Adamic language) who traveled from Babel across the Atlantic to ancient America where Adam and Eve lived and where Noah built the ark. This is the real old world. Noah landed near Turkey in the “new” world.
I think the meat theory, to decline in age is very viable. Vegetarians can live a healthy life long life and benefit from it. However just because they stay vegetarians all their life, does not mean they have to live 900 years,,,,, or even 100 years. – A thing called Epigenetic’s comes into play. Which means what your ancestors ate has a big influence and compounding effect on your own body genetics and the decline or effects thereof. … Good and bad effects.
Possibly you have a wonderful message to convey but you’re leaving out a group of us who suffer from brain injuries. Your music waning in and out and the article clipping seconds out of your presentation causing visual complications for those of us with these challenges simply cannot follow. If you are presenting a Blessed message, I pray you have wonderful God Blessed success. In the future if you could PLEASE present in a method that challenges the soul not the brain 😉
Europa is not just Japhet. I believe the Semitic decendants of Lud are there as well. If you look at male DNA groups, there is a group (I) that is very closely related to the group the Arabs and Jews are part of (J). Lud, according to Josephus, moved away from his Semitic brothers very early on, he lived in West Turkey. Today group I is mostly found in Scandinavia, the Balkan and Sardinia.
Why do some preachers (who seem to be promoting one thought over another) speak so rapidly when discussing technical details rendering a condition no one can hear or keep up with what he is saying. I suppose if they taught making mud pies, they would speak mush more slowly. Is information really being provided, or just propagandizing the motive here.
Write it on the moon with space junk! Test your tractor beams with the moon as the target for each part of junk when hit by the Lazer will spin and move away the source just as they are moved to a lesser degree by Sunshine. . . Aim for the moon and land them there as it is ‘unocupied’ at this time. . . This is subject to change.
Video is exceptional in its representations. Why is the first page of Genesis dismissed?? The Daughters of Crete organized the ‘mythos’ of the Aegean and compiled them into ‘La Biblia’, which in turn became the first page of Genesis. The ‘Garden of Eden’ at the beginning is not the same as the ‘Garden’ described later… as it was moved from Arcadia Peloponnese during Hellas days of the Orions to the ‘Son’ days of Mesopotamia. Hellas has a quite extensive history on how they bred progenitor apes into humans. When the Aegean was full, they started Mesopotamia and a new ‘Garden of the Egyptian Den’, also known as Tartarus. Also, why was the Orion trek to Carthage and America omitted??
People don’t realize they are listening or read at universities about a guy who didn’t want to finish his doctor studies and has a degree in Art ( Charles Darwin), views and ideas promoted by Karl Marx (Founder of Communism plus and atheist). He promoted his books because Darwin focused more on humans and removed God out of the equation. Karl Marx liked that part. Basically, you are as qualified as Darwin to create your own views. Just need some God hating influencential person to promote your views and books. Less thing you know your views will be taught at universities.
Actually, the thing most Christians don’t know about the Tower of Babel is that they don’t actually READ any of the versions or translations of it. “The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other” ” Despite all the reasonings given by apologists like the people were idolising other gods or whatever, it very clearly says that the all-powerful, omniscient, omnipresent God was threatened by humanity building a tower to the heavens (physically impossible since it would collapse under its own weight), and sought to sow division among them. It NEVER says it was because they were worshipping idols or ignoring God or anything like that. God’s plan was shown to be futile only 3000 years later as most of the world now speaks English as a first or second language, and we now have real-time translators for everything else. The world largely works together with globalism and the Internet, and we don’t need massive towers, since humans have built plenty of monuments in the heavens like satellites, telescopes and the ISS where humans live.
Choose this Day Whom you shall Serve A Nazarene; Is a TRUE Follower of Yashayah from Nazareth in Yasharel Because He Observes Yahawah’s Most High Torah; His 10 Commandments, His Appointed Times which are; His Holy Sabbath on every 7th Day & Yah’s Holy Spring Feasts; Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Shavuot & His Holy Fall Feasts; Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur & Sukkot according to Leviticus with His Statutes & Ordinances who are still in effect. Also Observes His 4 Fast Days & LOVES to Blow His Holy Shofar On Every New Moon & Full Moon according to His Holy Calendar. A Christian; Is a follower of the first pope Constantine Who created the false Name & hippie persona love all in the world Jesus Christ & his Man-made Religion of Christianity in 325AD at the council of Nicaea & Observes all his satanic rituals; Christmas, New Year, Easter, Valentines Day & Halloween with all other satanic rituals according to his Gregorian Calendar. Knowing the FACTS now you know who you are SERVING by what YOU DO. Be a doer of The Word NOT a hearer ONLY. James said it BEST James 2:19-24 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that – and shudder. You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless? Was not our ancestor Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend.
Hilarious. Bible is an accurate historical reference. But according to the Bible, our world started 6000 years ago. So what do we do with worldwide scientific knowledge and evidence that civilizations existed 10,000 or 20,000 years ago ? « Oh but science is wrong on that topic… It’s right about the solar system, galaxies, atoms, DNA, photons, biology, chemistry and all the technology we use, but geology, palaeontology, archaeology, physics, nahhhh… Wrong.
Biblical timeline: Based on a literal interpretation of Genesis genealogies, some scholars estimate Adam lived around 4000-6000 years ago his view is held by young-earth creationists who believe the Earth and universe are only a few thousand years old. Scientific evidence: Genetic and archaeological evidence suggests anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) emerged in Africa around 200,000-300,000 years ago, with human ancestors dating back millions of years Interpretations: There are various ways believers reconcile this apparent conflict: Old-earth creationists accept the scientific age of the Earth but interpret Genesis differently, allowing for “days” of creation to be Ages, as it is in the Hebrew language. Mankind created on the 6th Day (Genesis 1;27) and Adam after the 7th Day Genesis Chapter 2, many believe he was the first Christ, and the first in a special line chosen by God. Like the Angels were meant to serve humanity.
Interesting how at the very end he throws out the non-biblical Babylonian sun deity as if this is what the scripture is referencing. God the Father is spirit. God is Holy. The Holy Spirit is not a separate entity apart from God. Everything else he said may or may not be true, who could say, there is no attempt in the presentation to authenticate any claims made but, this trinity claim is false doctrine and alludes to pagan sun worship which goes back to Babylon.
My theory about the decline of the human age had to be due to the Curse of Sin. Either that or too many battles between those tribes/nations/kingdoms that were very stressful for them… Maybe Peace is a key to living for a long time? In Eden, every living creature is all immortal until the Forbidden Fruit was bitten and One Rule was broken. Immortal life is no longer blessed anymore, so the human lifeline is getting shorter and shorter. We are likely not able to live past the age of 100. Few humans rarely live past the age of 100 on this Earth. To be honest, I wonder if we will not be able to live past the age of 50? Anyone who knows math on how many centuries it took a human age decline from Abraham’s 175 to Noah’s 120? 🤔
God REnewed the earth 6000 years ago. RENEWED. Even David said it in the Psalms. Genesis 1:1 is NOT the original creation. Big bang theory can be wrong and the unverse being billions of years old CAN be both correct at the same time!! Even Lucifer (before he sinned and was the bringer of light) was described as walking in the garden of eden. It definitely wasn’t after he became Satan the devil (snake). Eden was REcreated. Stop limiting God just because you can”t fathom billions of years. What’s billions of years to God compared to Eternity? Seconds to Him.
Gotta say I was supposed to see this article!! Was looking back at some of the things I’ve read in the bible today. And read “let us make man in our image” kinda not knowing why god might say that. Then ended up looking at Tower of Babel stories and got curious where it might have been which brought me here! But also answered a thought I thought was wrong with Jehovah! God bless you❤🙏
ever notice that Noah was still alive when Abraham was still kicking….. how is it that Noah knew God and then it falls upon Abraham…. is it not possible that they knew each other despite Noah being his great-great-great- grandpa….. in today’s society, one has rarely met anyone older than their great grandparent…. imagine your great great great great great great great great grandpa telling you about the Normans invading England in 1066 – the story would be first hand….
I just saw an advertisement for the false book of 1st Enoch and it seemed your website was specifically targeted for this non-biblical book. I heard a few years back that conservative websites cannot buy YT ads and specifically target other websites… but here we are… falsehoods are being pushed the other direction no problem! “Rules for thee but not for me” all over again.
The term “Scot” means exactly what “Viking” means — basically a raider, and that’s what a certain branch of Irishmen were doing just prior to establishing their own kingdom in Scotland, the Dal Riada. There was no Scotland prior to that time, so unfortunately this does not fit with this guy’s timeline.
Here for the genealogy bit, since I’m already a YE Creationist:) Turns out I’m almost entirely descended from Japheth! Poland, England, Swiss, Germany, bits of France, Scottish, and Irish heritage. However, there is a possibility some of Shem is in there–I think it’s likely that we could possibly have a bit of Romani blood, and they originally came from India!
When you can’t understand or properly hear somebody you might say to them “what are you babbeling about? When God scattered the people for idol worship by confusing everyone’s language at the tower of Babbel is that where this saying is rooted from? Also the language app program to help one learn too speak a second language is called Babbel I just find that interesting, good for thought of you will.
13:13 – I have my doubts about the Chinese origin. It is a known fact now – after evangelists starting learning the Chinese (since approx. the start of 20th century) – that the Chinese language personifies/encodes a lot of the Bible. Since, the fallen people – the Canaanites, Hivites, Jebusites, etc. were extremely sinful – and thus driven out from the land, they couldn’t have preserved the ancestral word of God tradition in their language, as the Chinese have, inadvertently. Moreover, the Chinese are more ancient in China than the time when the Canaanites, Hivites, Jebusites were driven out of the land. And, the word ‘Sinites’, ‘Sinim’ may come from ‘Shem’ itself.. it’s just a guess. But, one thing is sure – the generations of Ham couldn’t have preserved the ancestral word of God tradition in their language – as the Chinese inadvertently have.
The word “was” in Gen 1:2 is “hāyâ”, which should be “had become”. Moses uses hāyâ throughout Gen. It’s the SAME word used in Gen 19:26, Lot’s wife “became/ hāyâ” a pillar of salt. She wasn’t already salt, she BECAME salt. Same as the Earth in Gen 1:2. It was already there from verse 1. A time jump. It BECAME formless and void. GOD terraformed the Earth in our 6 days of creation. The Earth as we know it, along with mankind, are 6.9K years old, not the Earth itself. We had an “eternity past” that caused the chaotic state, long before Adam.
The word God is an old English incantation from the 6th century derived from the proto Germanic word gudan meaning to invoke a higher power taken from the Christian Codex Argenteus 4th century the old English way of spelling god is with a Y Yod, the Aramaic Hebraic word for power is El, Elohim the plural El Elyon means most high power, Babylon meaning gate of Elyon Baba in Aramaic meaning gate Tower of Babel is David’s Tower near Jaffa gate in Jerusalem babel meaning door of El bab Arabic meaning door, Immanuel meaning El in man used the sheeps gate oft called the lions gate now called Stephens gate. Jerusalem is Babylon The Great fallen in the book of revelation.
Been reading the Bible for 45 years, and a Christian also, I’m not interested in contradicting it. However, during the great flood, the continents either split up or were rearranged, including the planet 🌎 was not necessarily on tilt before the flood dince the 4 seasons are not mentioned until after the flood. With this in mind, it would mean that EVERY stone 🪨 monument that lines up with stars or the summer or winter solstice or equinox of the sun 🌞, would have to have been built AFTER the flood. Considering the age of those things, anyone who proposes that we have only been here for 6000 years has completely ignored a lot of hard evidence. This includes not reading the book of Genesis properly to get all of the information being presented there. So they can talk alot, but it dont mean that they know what they are talking about.
Speaking of Russia and Magog… Ezekiel 38:1-12 38 And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, 2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, 3 And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: 4 And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: 5 Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: 6 Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee. 7 Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them. 8 After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them. 9 Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee. 10 Thus saith the Lord God; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought: 11 And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, 12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land.
If you can make it to an ancestral list from a European Royal, you can trace yourself back to the Bible. And Babylon comes in play. Family through the Tribe of Levi, etc. My wife has a clean tie to the British Royals. Mine is an earlier generation. Herod goes back to Haman, who hated Mordechai, uncle of Esther. Fast forward, both my wife and I on the Mayflower (read about my many times great grandparents in the book “Courtship of Miles Standish.” My side also includes 1607 and 1610 James Fort, then changed to Jamestown.
The documentary Journey of Man a Genetic Odyssey could be the history of the human race from the Tower of Babel onward. People did not obey God’s command to fill the Earth before Noah’s Flood 60 thousand years ago. It’s a very enlightenening documentary. The book Navigating Genesis is a hard but worthwhile read. 2:07
According to the bible the tower of babel happened before the birth of Peleg, while Nimrod was King. If you believe the flood killed all humans except for those on the ark then that is approx 26 Men. 10 men from Shem. 10 men from Ham, and 6 men from Japeth. Plus who knows how many daughters but if you assume 50/50 male/female that puts us at 52 people. Do you really think 52 people in less than 150 years made up the entire nation of Babel??
I believe it goes beyond “homosexuality”, and I think homosexuality is just one of the fruits of the sins prevalent in Sodom and Gomorrah. Ezekiel 16:49-50″ ‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.
Even accounting for the long lifespans of of the first handful of generations, 84th great-grandparent is not likely. That would be a generation every 70+/- years. Average generation should be around 35 +/- years. I can trace multiple generations of my own back hundreds of years and one over a thousand. A new great-grandparent emerges about every 35-40 years. Portugal DOES NOT mean Port of Gaul.
There are literally almost zero references provided to the interpretations of who the nations are decended from. I have heard some of them previously, but why would people just accept what he is saying at face value? These assertions are not from the Bible and, therefore, need evidence and references. Unless he is a prophet.
Any Christian teacher, or any Christian for that matter, who throws out strange but profound claims as you’ve done here, does not gain my confidence. I have no reason to listen any farther, until some kind of evidence can be given. “Jesus would be my 139th cousin.”?… I can see no way, for anyone, to know something like this, going by the account of the birth of Jesus, or any other chapter or verse of Scripture. Is there a lineage, coming up through history, from Joseph or Mary, or Zechariah or Elizabeth?
You also have to consider when God created men and women before Adam and Eve. Adam was formed by God out of the ground . Genesis 1:27 – So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Genesis 2:7 – And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Dr.Nathaniel Jeansens research into the dna (y chromosome) is absolutely fascinating. Hours and hours of articles in detail explaining the native American Indians and all the other people groups. When they haven’t had enough dna samples from rarer people groups they use language emergent techniques and the people groups own history to piece things together. I was never interested in history…I was never interested in the Bible, but now? Wooooo! Love it!!
There was a world wide flood and their is physical evidence of it. The problem is that it happened 12, 500 years ago during the Younger Dryas period. This means that Adam was created thousands of years AFTER the great flood. For me that is not a problem since most of the Old Testament prior to Abraham is regurgitated myths carried down from Abraham’s Sumerian upbringing and we know this because the Bible matches the more older Sumerian writings in many, many aspects. Some might think this causes problems but it doesn’t because many of the numbers used in the Bible are not literal numbers. For example, 40 days and 40 nights doesn’t mean literally that amount of time but just means for a long time. I mean if Jesus has a human body and doesn’t eat for 40 days then he would die from it. The earth created in 7 days … doesn’t mean exactly 7 days but is just symbolic as 7 is a holy number. The Bible also doesn’t say Adam is the first man or the only man God created. In fact we know from the Bible itself is that while Adam was created in the Garden as a slave to take care of God’s temple and garden there were already other people OUTSIDE the garden which is why Cain is so afraid to be kicked out of the Garden because those OTHER people will kill him. The truth is that God made many people and then he made Adam to be special but then Adam didn’t like being a dumb slave to take care of the garden of Eden so he fell into temptation and sinned. To me the real relationship between mankind and God starts with Abraham and the promise God made to him.
The current accepted time line is from the Masoretic text can’t be correct. that would make Shem alive when Abram was born. From 8 people ( lets say 6, 3 families) the 3 sons of Noah with wives, after the flood. Yes they lives 200+ years, how many children did they have to repopulate the earth to have a large city of Babylon ( there were other cities as well) to build the tower of babel. in 110 years you can have 5 generations at most, if each son had 6 children 6*3=18 div 2 (male & female)=9, gen1= 3×6=18 gen2=9 couples x6=27 after 6 generations you only have aobut 200 offspring. plus those who are still alive, no more the 500 people. 110 years is not enough time to repopulate the earth. 700 years IS !!! In the Septuagint translation of an older hebrew text, 100 years is added to 6 generations after Shem, 132 years in place of just 32 years, for example.
David me, (06/07/2024 11:52) The number 144,000 typically refers to the number of different types of proteins that can be encoded by the human genome. These proteins are known as the “proteome,” and they are essential for various biological functions in the body. Each protein is composed of a specific sequence of amino acids, which are encoded by genes in the DNA. The human genome contains approximately 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes, but due to alternative splicing and post-translational modifications, the number of distinct proteins produced is estimated to be around 144,000 or more. This diversity allows for a wide range of biological processes and functions within the human body. David me, (06/07/2024 11:52) Theoretically, yes, it is possible to modify the human proteome using nanotechnology, although this remains largely within the realm of speculative science and futuristic possibilities rather than current practical applications. Here are a few considerations:
Not that it matters, but to take the “us” in Gen 1 and Gen 11 to be the Trinity isn’t the only take on how to interpret it; and I think it is not the best view. There is also a divine council view where God presents what is going to happen His heavenly council of divine beings; in a way to involve them. This view does not discount the idea of the Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – who are individually unique but still only one, as well as, that He didn’t need need their advice or help, but, He included His divine assembly in the processes. Psalm 82 is a great example of this. He does the same for us humans in the past and today. God who needed nothing beyond Himself, desired to have relationships with His creation, both heavenly and earthly.
This is quite interesting, but it doesn’t answer the question of how we are distinctively different especially if we are to go with the narrative that we all descended from the same family? I mean, a White man, a Black man and an Asian have striking differences just by appearance alone, and correct me If I’m wrong, but going with the Tower of Babel story, the people got scattered and their languages changed but it doesn’t insinuate or highlight that even their appearance will change. Is there a clear answer on this from the Bible or do we just make assumptions about it?
I am so DONE with this website! I wish these 6-day Creationists would stop making themselves look stupid. They’re giving faith, and Christianity, a bad name. The more they talk, the more ridiculous they sound. It’s a conspiracy with Satan to push away the curious. Once a seeker hears this stuff, they stop listening to the Gospel.
be careful when slagging off big-bang/evolution. Why? Read the first chapter of Genesis carefully with regard to the 6 day creation. Read it again, then again. Notice that the Earth was NOT created in those 6 days, but was already there, but void and covered with water! THINK! We are not told how long the earth was already there, in darkness due to the clouds and water vapors. And, according to some Jewish traditions (remembering Jesus Himself was one) there had been a previous age before that particular flood which, like the people of Noach’s generation, people or beings, were flooded out as punishment. The evil-one loves to agitate and divide us from each other. Don’t block out the discoveries of science etc. Just be patient, for ”in those last days many will see and understand…” Likewise, science folk don’t block out the discoveries to be made when others dig deeply into the bible and think for themslves rather than through the eyes of mere creeds, dogmas and traditions. Church creeds and dogmas are one of todays nastiest idols. Including evengenicals.
It wasn’t the tower that was a problem. The text says that the TOP of the building was to reach, or gain access to heaven. It would seem that there must have been a DEVICE on the top of that building. Something designed to allow entry into heaven from here. Remember the dream of Jacob? The “Ladder” that the angels were using to up and down to heaven was a device. A ladder is a device you use to gain access to the roof (or whatever ‘up’ you wish to reach). Jesus said that the “thief” goes up (to heaven) “some other way.” Could that some other way be a device? That is what the LHC/CERN device is, I think. I think it will be used to open a portal, so Lucifer can bust his friends out of jail (everlasting chains, under darkness). What else could it have been that got God’s attention, that God decided to go see for himself what they were up to? Building tech wasn’t anything like today. There was NO WAY they were going to build that high. So it couldn’t have been the building that was so attention-getting.
i love learning and enjoy various aspects of science. i love the Bible more. Science is not important to my theology. There is no interest in trying to make the propaganda of academia match up to the Bible. i have no doubt. God can create everything in 6 literal 24 hour days. That said. Psalms 90:4 and 2 Peter 3:8 (i recommend reading the whole surrounding context) These 2 verses and a number of important details within the creation account and linguistic details. Are enough for me to not insist on 6 literal 24 hours days. i think it is reckless arrogance to insist that God bends to our simplistic understanding. i find linguistic similarities between descriptions of Day1 and Jeremiah 4: 23 intriguing. Yet the surrounding context of Jeremiah 4. Is not that of the beginning of creation, as if from a blank surface. i noticed the nature of words used in Day 1, far before i found the parallel in Jeramiah. i love reading about, Gods science questions to Job. i find that many Christians struggle to explore any Biblical concept that is outside of what they learned as a child. Which makes sloppy laziness like talking about Eve eating from the apple far more problematic than it might seem at first glance. There are complex details that we get peeks into as children that adults never seem to explore. Even when reminded of the peek that was learned as a child and maintained as an adult. Many still shutdown to complex dynamics. We are living in the greatest age of Biblical discovery in 1500 years.
If I believed in my heart that YEC were true, I’d still lie and argue deep-time evolution. Who can afford to look that stupid? 🤣 The word is pronounced ‘lin-E-idge’! It’s never rhymed with spinach. Not bad for a Sunday sermon. Can’t you find work in the pulpit? What you do here is many things, but it’s not God’s work. Your rejection of scientific facts from the remote, crumbling fringe of the fringe could be ignored with a weary chuckle – except for the children subjected to it by their simpleminded caretakers. You’re not doing them any favors. We need the rising generation to be fully prepared to work in, or engage with, the natural sciences. A student who interjects scriptural points during undergrad biochemistry class, the young environmental engineer who pulls out the KJB in a design meeting? Watch for their faces at the drive-in window when they super-size your #3 burger combo.
This is very interesting. I do believe that God could build the earth in 6 24 hour days if he wanted to. But I believe the “days” were of different lengths of time. I believe each period of creation as described in Genesis was referred to as a DAY. Also I have been a genealogist for 50 plus years, and the back to Noah and Adam pedigree is not correct. The lines could not have gone through the Dark Ages, where no records were kept except by the nobles. The division of the peopling of the world from Noah’s Ark as you describe it, with the three sons, is pretty correct. And the languages were confused at the Tower of Babel. Your research and report is very interesting. A lot of good research.
The only thing I see wrong here is the picture of the Ark. It clearly tells us is Genesis 6:15-16 “The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits. You shall make a window for the ark, and you shall finish it to a cubit from above; and set the door of the ark in its side. You shall make it with lower, second, and third decks.” The length, the width, and the height is what is mentioned and it it’s only 3 dimensions but the ark in the photo has more than three. It has like 40 according to the perspective I could see. Which is what a modern-day ship would have about 40 to 100 different dimensions possibly even more nowadays. A real figure of the ark would have been a rectangular shape maybe looking like well oh rectangular building like a three-story rectangular Warehouse. It did not look like a ship that we know today and that is proven just by reading Genesis 6.
I do believe in Jesus. However, I do have some questions on this article which are more curiosity than anything else. So after the when God scattered the peoples far and wide following the Tower of Babel. How did these peoples cross the oceans? Was it the case these peoples built marine craft, or was it because the continents had not separated at those times, but did so probably by God after the peoples had scattered? We are all human and God’s creation in His own image. But how is it that apart from subtle changes in skin tonality through melatonin do we have such different outward appearing characteristics and even internally in bone mass in some cases. For eg. African, Caribbean Hair is completely different as are their nasal structure compared to mine (English) compared to Far Eastern nations whose hair is predominantly straight and into the get old jet black and there nasal structure while slight semblance to African and Caribbean is mostly different from mine generally narrower though in my case not exactly demure 😂, while eye colour and in particular Far Eastern eyes are most different from western and African etc? It might be argued that following the scattering, peoples developed such different physical characteristics in adapting to the new and often challenging environments. If that is so then there is such a thing as evolution though not necessarily in the ways Darwin argued perhaps. And if not then how do we explain such differences? Unless of course God along with changing our languages changed our appearance also, which being God, it is not beyond His capabilities.
God and creation is the MOST beneficial delusion we could have, it is beneficial to believe it.😂 However the dulusion of chance happenings over time, and a pointless “flash in the pan” existence, is harmful to believe, for the individual and the collective. I Love God, His only begotten Son, my redeemer and King, and God’s Holy Spirit, and all the heavenly hosts and they Love me. And it feels gooood🙏
I just learned Robert the Bruce of Scotland is my 21st generation grandfather. I don’t expect to get much further and that’s fine. But Adam? I realized/learned in my twenties that our bible, all the sacred writings actually, are essentially composits of earlier writing. In the case of our bible the Mesopotamian Galgamesh accounts of the flood, Babel, creating from clay of about a 1,000 years before the writing of the bible. I don’t fear such an understanding. I rather am amazed at the complexity of our experience of creating humankind.
Based on the Biblical Genealogy Ham is the progenitor of : Canaanites, Cushites, Mesraem(Egyptians), Philistines (Goliath).. these were all dark skinned (black people, Africans). This also means the Israelites all 12 tribes are also a black people. 400 years in Egypt, left Egypt and partially wiped out the canaanites and mixed with the canaanites that remained. Historians know this and will not be admitted to the mainstream