Creativity peaks between the ages of mid- to late 30s or early 40s, according to psychologists who study creative accomplishments throughout the life cycle. A study from MIT and MGH shows that fluid intelligence, such as speed and memory, peaks at different ages, some as late as 40. The paper considers the organization of fluid intelligence and psychometric indicators of creativity and is based on experimental data obtained for children aged.
The precise relation between age and creativity depends on the domain, with some creative types, such as lyrical poets and mathematicians, tending to have early peaks and relatively rapid growth. The current investigation explores the relationship between childhood intelligence (measured at ages 11 and 13) and middle-aged creative achievement. While conclusive evidence is sometimes lacking, it seems likely that most of these would change with age so as to affect creative productivity, usually adversely.
Cognitive performance tends to decrease with aging, which may lead to a decline in creativity with higher age. Researchers have observed that the innovative creative phase of creative artists and scientists peaks before the age of forty. New research suggests that creativity peaks at different ages: one in our mid-20s and another 30 years later. They conclude that humans reach their cognitive peak around the age of 35 and begin to decline after the age of 45.
Conceptual innovators tend to do their best work in their mid-twenties, while experimental innovators peak in their fifties, the researchers contend. Fluid intelligence is believed to be highest around 18 years old for women and 24 years old for men, with some studies showing that it is highest around 18 years old for women and 24 years old for men.
📹 When Do We Reach Our Mental Peak?
References Horn, J. L., & Cattell, R. B.. Age differences in fluid and crystallized intelligence. Acta psychologica, 26 …
Do creative people have higher IQ?
The threshold hypothesis is a classical theory that suggests that the relationship between creativity and intelligence may vary at different levels of intelligence. Guilford and Christensen assumed a break in the correlation data between intelligence quotient (IQ) and creativity at an IQ level of approximately 120. This hypothesis suggests that high creativity requires high intelligence or above-average intelligence, which is considered a necessary but insufficient condition for high creativity.
People with intelligence below average intelligence have little chance of being very creative, while those with intelligence above the threshold may have the potential of high creativity but it is not related to their IQ level.
Many theoretical treatments of the creativity-intelligence link exist compared to few empirical studies, with only a few systematically examined the threshold hypothesis and conclusions are inconsistent. Some studies provide evidence that does not support the threshold hypothesis, such as Runco and Albert using California Achievement Test (CAT) scores as the estimate of intelligence and Preckel et al.
Investigating the relationship between DT and fluid intelligence with a sample of 1328 German 12-16 year old students and discovering that correlations between both variables are almost equal at different IQ levels.
Recent research has also raised concerns about the threshold hypothesis, as previous studies tested the hypothesis by dividing a sample at a given level and separately estimated the correlations for lower and higher IQ groups. However, empirical studies cannot prove that the threshold should be defined as 120 IQ points. Recent studies have examined the threshold using different data analysis techniques, such as Karwowski and Gralewski, Jauk et al., and Mourgues et al., finding no threshold effect for advanced indicators such as creative achievement across the entire IQ range.
At what age is critical thinking fully developed?
Parents can help their children develop critical thinking skills in fun ways during summer vacation or school year. The Foundation for Critical Thinking cultivates core intellectual virtues that lead to fair-minded thinking. They have identified three typical ways K-6 children think: naïve Nancy, who believes everything she hears on TV, and selfish Sam, who thinks a lot to achieve his goals, regardless of whether it hurts others. These children can help keep their minds active and develop the foundations for good thinking in younger children.
What is the smartest age?
Research indicates that mental abilities peak earlier in life, but many don’t reach their highest point until around age 40 or later. The brain is constantly learning, growing, and changing, and certain mental abilities reach their fullest point in specific periods of life. Information processing and short-term memory are at their highest in early adulthood, while emotional understanding becomes highest during middle age. Vocabulary and crystallized intelligence are at their best from the ages of 60 to 70.
While certain cognitive abilities start to decline later in life, certain mental abilities reach their highest points at specific ages. Understanding when your brain is at its best can help you maintain a healthy balance in your life.
What age is most crucial for brain development?
Research indicates that birth to age three are crucial years in a child’s development. Parents should be warm, loving, and responsive during these early years, encourage safe explorations and play, establish routines, and use discipline as an opportunity to teach. Children learn differently, with some learning visually, others through touch, taste, and sound. Each child has their own way of learning, and it’s essential to recognize that each child is unique.
Quality child care and self-care are also crucial. Children love to explore and discover, and they often solve problems during play and daily activities. To learn more about these learning styles, visit the First 5 California Parents’ Site.
At what age does your creativity peak?
Creativity peak occurs around the age of 25, with most people reaching their peak around 35 or 40s. This is when they produce their most valuable work. After 45, most artists’ prolificity starts to decline. As our bodies age, we become slower, move with less ease, and find it harder to remember and perform mental tasks. However, our creative side remains unaltered, except in cases of cognitive diseases like dementia.
Studies and experiments show that a person with great creativity in their 30s will still be at least half as productive and talented by the age of 80. This means that once you have a natural inclination for the written craft, you will always have it, but it may require more time to produce great content.
At what age is your intelligence the highest?
A new study by neuroscientists at MIT and Massachusetts General Hospital suggests that fluid intelligence, or the ability to think quickly and recall information, peaks around age 20 and then begins a slow decline. The study, published in the journal Psychological Science, found that different components of fluid intelligence peak at different ages, some as late as age 40. Joshua Hartshorne, a postdoc in MIT’s Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, believes that there is probably no single age at which most or all of these abilities peak.
What age is creative thinking?
The world of preschoolers is filled with imagination and magic, with many children reaching their peak before the age of six. However, supporting a child’s creativity in preschool sets the stage for continued development in the years beyond. By the age of three, children enter Piaget’s preoperational period, which involves using symbols and representational thought to represent something else. They can place blocks in an arrangement, scribble lines on paper, and control writing utensils or manipulate objects with precision. By the age of 5, children begin to create with intention, adding details and annotating with words and narrated stories.
With these newfound representational abilities, children’s imaginations become boundless, and they love pretend games and have a natural tendency to fantasize, experiment, and explore. They are fascinated with magic and struggle to distinguish between fantasy and reality. However, their creative drive ignites a desire to learn and supports intellectual development across all subjects. Thus, it is the perfect time to support the development of divergent thinking, where children generate unique solutions and make new connections without being tied to one right answer or way of doing things.
Supporting divergent thinking involves activities that allow for child-appropriate inquiry, reflection, wondering, curiosity, and supported confusion. Divergent thinking, creativity, and creative problem-solving are more than art; it is thinking, predicting, imagining, and creating.
At what age are you wisest?
Studies show that the average age for individuals who think wise is around 55 or 60. However, the Berlin Wisdom Project found that older people are not wiser, with a plateau of optimal wisdom performance occurring in middle and old age. A separate study suggested that wisdom starts to decline at age 75, which may explain the fading memories and cognitive function associated with the elderly.
When emotional factors are added, the elderly seem to have a better chance of attaining wisdom. A 67-year-old mother of seven who grew up poor and never finished high school scored well above average on the wisdom scale, suggesting that positive nature and emotional resiliency acquired with age and experience contribute to the development of wisdom.
A 2008 study by the University of Alberta and Duke University used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to peer inside the brains of older participants, finding that older participants were more likely to view emotionally challenging images as less negative than younger participants. Brain scans revealed interaction between emotion-related brain parts (amygdala) and emotion control (arterion cingulate cortex).
At what age does the brain learn best?
From birth to age 5, a child’s brain develops significantly, significantly impacting their learning and success in school and life. The quality of a child’s early experiences, positive or negative, shapes their brain development. At birth, the average baby’s brain is about a quarter of the size of an adult brain, but it doubles in size in the first year, reaching 80 of adult size by age 3 and nearly full-grown by age 5.
What age does genius peak?
Research indicates that mental abilities peak earlier in life, but many don’t reach their highest point until around age 40 or later. The brain is constantly learning, growing, and changing, and certain mental abilities reach their fullest point in specific periods of life. Information processing and short-term memory are at their highest in early adulthood, while emotional understanding becomes highest during middle age. Vocabulary and crystallized intelligence are at their best from the ages of 60 to 70.
While certain cognitive abilities start to decline later in life, certain mental abilities reach their highest points at specific ages. Understanding when your brain is at its best can help you maintain a healthy balance in your life.
At what age is one smartest?
The adult brain undergoes significant changes throughout life, with information-processing speed peaking early and declining rapidly. Short-term memory improves until age 25, then declines around age 35. Memory for faces peaks and gradually declines. Emotional understanding peaks in middle to later adulthood, while vocabulary abilities continue to increase. Crystallized intelligence, or accumulated knowledge, peaks late in life. Researchers now recognize that the brain continues to develop and change throughout early adulthood, but we often view the adult brain as static or on the decline throughout most of adulthood.
📹 Jordan Peterson – Why Being Creative Is Problematic And Even A Curse
Don’t be thinking, that creativity is such a good thing. It’s a high-risk/high-return strategy. So if you’re creative… You guys are going …
I don’t believe in putting one’s intelligence down to a number, there are many types and general intelligence is a very fluid and ever-changing thing. I don’t like how people how people practically worship figures like Einstein. He was intelligent, yes, he made a lot of contributions, yes, these are things most people are grateful for. But people seem to like to get down on their knee’s and start hailing anyone who is “smarter” than them almost instantly. I believe people really should believe in their own strengths more
I think one reason scientists and mathematicians have often contributed their most groundbreaking work early on in their life has a good bit to do with psychology, and not intelligence. As we get older, we get more set, or accustomed, to how things are. The younger we are, the more likely we are to question the world around us, what is actually true. Very young children like to ask why. If you give them an answer, they are likely to ask you why again, and so on. The adult will often at some point say something along the lines of, “it just is.” Our environment, including politics can also play a role, pressure from colleagues and bosses to not challenge the system, to not affect the status quo, because there will be negative consequences. New and innovative can be cool and exciting, but may also be risky, or at least perceived to be risky. There is a resistance to change.
What she doesn’t mention is that IQ typically declines as we age but that’s because as we get older, we’re rarely learning new things. We researches teased out which groups of older people had declining IQ and which didn’t, they found that those who worked in careers where they were required to continue learning, such a college professors, maintained their intelligence as measured by their IQ score.
Seems to me that the reason why in things like physics, math, etc (or almost anything), the great new stuff is discovered by people in their 20’s is the idea that young people are more willing to embrace something new. If you are 60 and built your whole successful physics career on ideas based upon Newtonian physics, you are probably much less willing to think outside that box than some kid working in a patent office with not much investment in the status-quo of physics.
I feel like learning new things unlocks more capabilities with fluid intelligence, so really… your fluid intelligence peak is entirely dependent on when you stop learning. For example, since I’ve worked with a bunch of article and image editing apps on my phone, I can now be more creative with them, because I know how to use them in conjunction with each other. I think your peak is highly dependent upon many factors like fitness level, diet, and how much you work out your brain in those areas. I’m pretty rusty with hooping now, because I haven’t been hooping as much. I’m much less creative with my motions and flow because I haven’t done it as much. I’m more creative with dancing now, because that’s what I’ve been doing. In short, the more you do something, the better you will be at it, and the more creativity you will have in that specific skill.
Haven’t come close to my peak. A lot has to do with your job and opportunities you have. Someone in this late 20s will have a greater chance if it’s at the time they’re going for their PhD. However, many don’t have the opportunity or resources and end up in careers in which they don’t get the opportunity to be discovered. Risk takers on the other hand have a much greater chance of being recognized and often will peak at a younger age. I’d say the late 40s would be when someone knows they’re at their peek. By that time most have had the opportunities to pursue their peak. Of course, this isn’t mental peak biologically but more environmentally. To determine a biological peak we’d need long term studies on a group of people with similar opportunities and different genetic backgrounds.
Well, Derek did do that article about why revolutionary scientists always do their revolutionary work so young… I feel like I kinda buy that idea, but I feel like those scientists were in a part of human history when new ideas weren’t accepted as readily as they are now. So the younger you were, the less likely you were to get judged, and people might have just passed off your idea as “a crazy idea this immature young person came up with”. Now, I feel like scientists are more likely to try and break the laws of physics or discover new things then they were… So that might be the reason we see that rise in age of scientists. I do think people get smarter every day (no intended reference here…) as they grow older. I mean, there is that general thought of ‘the older a person is, the wiser he or she is.’ But I guess it’s really case-dependent, and it just depends on when your brain decides it doesn’t want to be smarter anymore…
Creativity and accumulated knowledge are both important, but what about judgment? That’s something that seems to get overlooked in discussions of intelligence. I’m in my late 50s. Looking back, I may have been slightly more creative in my 20s and 30s, but I also did more things that looked bafflingly dumb in hindsight (sometimes milliseconds later, sometimes years.) It would be wonderful now to have the physical strength and resilience of those years again, but I wouldn’t want to have the mind I had then.
My comment made it to the article, I certailny did not expect that. Sadly nobody noticed that what I wrote is actually the oppsite of what was told in the previous article. I wonder why nobody pointed out this and tried to find the reasons for it. We need to put things into categories in order to make sense of the world around us. It is not a bad thing but we should be constantly aware of the fallacies this approach inevidebly brings with it. Also we think in metaphores anyway without relizing it. I would like to know why I am depressed again but this time without bringing myself down again. Better post this before I start doing so.
If the average fluid intelligence peak is at 25, we could guess that that is when our brain is fully developed. Considering the amount of experience we had in that time and adding 5 more years of it, We could assume that our mental peak is at 30 years. I noticed that both my fluid and crystallized intelligence have increased drastically over the period of 1-2 years. Probably because of frequently being put in pretty hard conditions. I’m 16, and would say that my fluid intelligence is highly above average because I got the max scores on all the IQ tests i found, but my crystallized intelligence is just a little above average compared to other kids from my school (its second hardest in my country though). Considering that i would guess that my mental peak will be around 25 years old if my brain isn’t fully developed yet The more experience you get the smarter you will be.
Hmmm, there are three problems I have with “experience”: 1) things change all the time at a fast pace, so we carry a lot of dead weight (things we learned that became obsolete). 2) one can perform something poorly all through their lives, stalling at a rather early age (= confirmation bias). 3) We always know better after the fact, Yep, but how do we recognize beforehand that a certain pattern is about to repeat itself and apply that experience to improve the outcome (which is a completely different ability but vital to experience being of any value)? I guess always being curious, hearing other people out, always learning and trying to be as honest about ourselves as we can – neither being driven by vanity nor giving in to self loathing – is the key. That comes from a guy well into his 50s. I’d say: there are various peaks. The peak of physical strength and health is way behind me (probably was around age 25 starting to decline more rapidly in the mid-late 30s. But my intelligence is probably still evolving (some skills may decline while others emerge).
I don’t think that we are “smartest” or “most creative” in our twenties. I think this illusion of intelligence and creativity is due to how resistant people are to “peer pressure” and negative comments from society (whichever society you belong to). When people get to their thirties I have observed that they become more conformist and societal views and judgement become much more of a force in their lives… and this is what I have observed influencing people’s creativity in regimented fields such as maths and sciences. If you look at the ‘exceptions to the rule’ of this myth of declining brain-power you will find that most are only lightly affected by “peer pressure” or societal influences. BTW: IQ is an atrocious index of intelligence that misses so many intelligent people that just don’t think in such a way that the ‘standard IQ tests’ can easily measure – and I don’t mean the cultural or gender biases so many talk of.
I think intelligence, much like physical strength can be gained and lost over time. There is a general arch; however, that arch is not how intelligent we actually are, but rather our maximum potential intelligence. Actual intelligence is somewhere between base instinct level and that maximum based on our engagement level. And much like physical strength, we can affect that maximum arch based on our current engagement level. For example, those who are regularly, intellectually stimulated can extend the span of that arch into the future much the way someone who is physically active extends their potential for good health as they get older. I am picturing something like a backward logarithmic curve. Ultimately, this leads to us having peaks of actual intelligence out of alignment with the peak of potential intelligence because we were not optimally engaged at the peak of potential intelligence. And of course, this is so far not accounting for childhood learning.
When I was 12 years old I was knocked over by a car… with me surviving the impact, all of the Doctors said I will have to live my life in a wheel chair unable to speak or move… Now I am to be 33 years old, I’m Married with two gorge daughters, I think that they are growing up where you need nothing but knowledge to know how to use a computer to find answers (including mobile phones and any other way of accessing the Internet) I know my daughters aren’t the only humans under the same umbrella, but all the future will depend on other peoples thought and wisdom instead of trying to work things out for themselves I like computers, don’t get me wrong, I think that the new head held computers that are worn over the user’s eyes will be a change around from sitting pressing keys, and it will allow you to get the wrong answer, just that it won’t be a big problem, for it is in the computer world where you can only continue by getting the problem right
I feel like over the past few years my ability to solve certain types of problems has decreased due to lack of practice, but for other problems (namely work related) have increased (I’m 24 and started working full time a few years ago). It all probably depends on the person and what they’re doing, as with physical strength — on average there’s a peak, but that’s not saying that someone who exercises a lot at any age can’t be better than someone who never exercises at any other age. I also think older people will state an older age for this peak than younger people. My guess is mid to late thirties.
I feel like something else that people are failing to factor in is that the younger you are the more brain power you have. Granted you don’t have the knowledge yet, but your brain is able to learn more easily and make connections faster, etc. Which is probably why the fluid intelligence reaches its peak in adolescence. I think around 23 personally. The brain completely finished development at ~25, so you’re old enough to have some decent knowledge accumulated, but young enough to still have extra brain power. Though it’s also been found that people that continue to actively learn and create throughout their early adult years into their 20s and 30s can maintain more brain power than those that don’t. So I suppose it is more individual. (Also I’m curious about the differences in intelligence peaks in autistic people vs. non-autistic)
Mmmm depend on your definition of ”Mental Peak” is it whene you got the more info in your brain (AKA long term Memorie) Or is it whene you got the best processing skill (AKA short term Memorie OR RAM for informatic talk) Those are 2 really differant things (I am 23 or something like that and I know my short term memorie is not that great I don’t know whene it peak but I would say it what you lose frist arond 30 to 40 seem fair But long term Memorie is something else… Again depend on what you find usefull is knowing how to buy a house how to take care of a kid and things like that more important than your job? if so than the peak is probably lated around 40 to 50 (After your XP form having kids or things like that) SORRY FOR THE BAD ENGLISH
I think it would be at age 10 or 13 That’s when kids wonder and are able to find the reasons and answers. I am 10 and kids are always smarter then adults when it comes to technology and math and everything in that matter.I believe that people are smarter when they are 10 or 13 rather then 20 or 30 because most kids are always getting A+ or B+ on tests when they go off of studying but I have gone off of the work we do in school instead of studying and homework and I still get A+ and B+ so I know that I am correct because of life it self rather then doing the math to get the exact answer they just estimate which is smarter then getting the exact answer
It would simply come down to how you define intelligence. From a psychology point of view, with specifically administered tests, the peak age occurs in the mid 20’s. However, from an everyday point of view, intelligence would simply equate to how adapted someone feels within their environment, thus, it depends on their environment. If they are in an environment where they must solve new problems quickly, like being employed within the advertising industry, for example, they will likely associate intelligence with ‘fluid intelligence’, which works best when quite young (Before 30). Accordingly, if they are in a slower, fact recall environment, they would see ‘crystallised intelligence’ as most important, thus, past age 30.
If I recall, IQ actually starts to decline at about age 21 (depending on the healthiness of your habits), but the brain continues to develop until age 25, and we have to consider the intangible factors of life experience and “wisdom”, which can only increase with time. Even if your IQ is lower at age 60 than age 21, it seems that most 60 year olds are smarter or “wiser” than most 21 year olds, so the question of peak mental age seems to clarify the difference between having a high IQ and being smart: wisdom.
I would say that logical (or fluid, as you say) is the most important form of intelligence. You can have all of the experiences in the world, but if your logic filter is poor, you will glean nothing of actual value from them. When I talk about logic, I think the end game of this is being able to see things almost completely objectively and not being influenced by our cognitive biases, which is extremely difficult. This is some thing that definitely comes with age, but you need a strong logical starting point. I’ll use Elon Musk as an example. The guy is clearly an extremely intelligent man. When Elon Musk is asked why it is that he has been so successful in such a short period of time, he usually attributes it to his training is physics and his method of reasoning. “I think its important to reason from first principles rather than by analogy…The normal way we conduct our lives is we reason by analogy…”, “”First principles” is a physics way of looking at the world…what that really means is that you boil things down to the most fundamental truths…and then reason up from there…that takes a lot more mental energy…” He has the discipline to consistently use this reasoning, he is very good at reducing cognitive bias, (he does this by constantly seeking friends opinions) and has a very large knowledge base which he will seek to expand if required. To me, that is true intelligence.
I think he said such a thing in a time when there was much more to be “discovered.” Nowadays, there is comparatively less to “discover,” more people trying to figure out the same things, more specialization, and a much more thorough, sometimes arbitrary, system to follow to publish (god forbid you run into conflict with special interest groups) which leads to more competition and more time to “make a contribution.” (I’m missing many other aspects which elongate the process.) Einstein was a great scientist, but I see that he’s over-quoted.
How would I measure good judgment? Hmm. It would be a combination of fluid and crystallized intelligence, but it would be tough to measure – maybe it’s one of those “know it when we see it” phenomena. I once worked for an officer who had a big poster framed on the wall behind his desk (where it would be centered in your view when you were at attention in front of that desk) that said, “Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment.”
hmm… could the “peak” age of people, assuming there is one, be dependent on the geographical location? Given that there are many types of intelligence, ie- spatial, emotional and so on, I think certain groups of people adapt in different ways. The part of Einstein’s brain which was responsible for abstract thinking was much more pronounced than normal- if his brain adapted to the amount he stressed it than perhaps quoting him would be the best answer- “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
These breakthroughs scientists make in their 20s, IMO attribute to being able to think abstractly while at a young age. Fluid thinking. As u get older I feel like the fluid, emotionally driven, abstract thought process dwindles with age. And turns more to book smarts. But with all complicated formulas, there are variables. And the variables in this case are variables upon variables lol.
Related, maybe. I saw this great talk a few days ago about how traditional education trains creativity out of students by stigmatizing mistakes: Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? Younger people, especially children, feel more comfortable taking chances and making mistakes. This might be a factor in the decrease of creative thinking and fluid intelligence with age, since it is safer to rely on crystallized knowledge than to go out on a limb with something new. Make a habit out of these safe choices (and of punishing mistakes) over years and you are strengthening the related neural pathways. This is not to say that older people are less creative by definition, but it’s a real hoop most of us have to jump through one way or another. The nature vs nurture dilemma doesn’t make defining and measuring intelligence any easier, I guess. Your articles are wonderful, thanks!
It is very hard to even define intelligence… One can use intelligence as “how fast you can acquire knowledge”, someone else may use it as “how fast you can create knowledge”, while others may just think intelligence is how good you are to apply what you know for solving problems. And I think which one “weights” more to intelligence may depend a lot in personal preferences.
I think the data is thrown off by our education system. If you are constantly learning new things and wrestling with new ideas, you could be getting smarter and smarter. Many people quit education when they are “smart enough” to get the jobs they want, and then sort of quit on new learning. Or is it the other way around? Does peak smartness cause folks to be “done” with new learning?
If we’re talking about scientists then I think their intelligence and probability to publish papers will only increase with time as they pile up more and more knowledge on a certain topic. As for intelligence in general Marcus Aurelius (a roman emperor) says this; if we live longer, there is no guarantee that our mind will likewise retain that power to comprehend and study the world which contributes to our experience of things divine and human… Our comprehension of the world and our ability to pay proper attention will fade before we do.
I bet it’s 25 because you still have a very creative imagination, not to say later than that you won’t and you are fresh out of high-school or college so you still have your cristilization (I think that’s what you called it) intelligence at your peak, or that you still remember most of the facts that you’ve learned.
Intelligence doesn’t exist. It’s a combination of attributes involving information processing like the speed of processing certain amounts of info, or amount of information that can be remembered or used at once, or the ability to manipulate information (this also creates new info – creativity), ability to find information and any other combination of information manipulation I haven’t mentioned. I read books upon books about intelligence and the more I read, the more I tried to understand what intelligence is the more I realized that they don’t know what there talking about. Ever since I read a book about creating AI-s I understood the human brain and they talk about information manipulation.
i like the idea, BUT, i feel like its hard to say fluid and crystallized intelligence are totally different to the point where there is no point where they ‘cross’. just like how you couldn’t draw a time dependent graph of temperature in a room and amount of people in a room and ask where the lines cross. they may be connected, but because they have different types of units, the point where they cross is totally arbitrary. ON that line of thinking, i think that kinda informs the larger question of when you are the most intelligent. each of these types of intelligence follow a curve dependent on age. i believe you’d be hard pressed to find a maximum of them both- its much easier to say that your type of intelligence changes as you grow older. almost like potential energy being converted into kinetic energy…except nothing like that, because they don’t turn into each other and aren’t dependent on each other.
Excellent work. I am a doctor who is 50 years old in a few months. I feel that I can diagnosed the most difficult cases today that I ever could imagine. As well I started making prototype of different gadgets in our line of interventions just a few months ago. Seems I needed all the years of experience to learn what is needed…
I think your peak is dependent upon what actions you take, what part of the brain you are stimulating the most. As well as genetics obviously. There might be some sorta soft cap on how smart you can get in one area of study, like music or motor reflexes. Those limits are kinda hard to determine if they even exist at all. It all depends on the structure and efficiency of your brain for any given task.
Hard to say. Our brains stop growing at around 25 years of age, but you and I already know that we can still learn new things after that. We always feel like we are smarter than we were last year. All the things we use to think about the world we no longer think are true, but this time we’ve figured it out! I would guess that so long as we keep mentally challenging ourselves everyday and don’t fall pray to mental diseases, the smartest we will be in our whole lives (as far as we ourselves can tell) is the last day of our lives. Which (to me) is pretty, especially if we end up living to be hundreds of years old.
I my opinion its not physical age that matters its our mental age and technically I think it can be altered or even stagnated lyk I have read that Einstein’s brain was as young as 35 years old when he died and if I talk specifically in yoga there are ways to even somehow revert the aging of brain. That’s what I think and want ur view point too.@braincraft
I think people’s intelligence level, as a whole stays the same pretty much throughout your whole life. It’s just the different categories that make up intelligence that change. For example, younger people are emotionally not as smart as older people, but they are more creative. It’s probably because interests change, and experience guides were your intellectual focus should be headed.
Being intelligent and highly creative often results in being very divided, unfocused and having a difficult time settling on a direction. Often the people who appear to be very successful aren’t people who possess any of the qualities typically associated with success, they’re just simple people who decided their direction in life early and they focused all of their effort on that singular goal. Especially in the age of the “new elitism” many intelligent people waste a large portion of their lives to becoming institutionalized zombies as they get bogged down in the mire of academia rather than pursuit of their ambitions. I would advise any young person, get only as much schooling as is required for you to have the credential to support yourself in a career you feel is worthwhile. Once you’re there, continue to educate yourself in pursuit if your ambitions.
He treads the line with being realistic and pessimistic. He finished well with keeping your day job and working on your dream on the side but Jordan was being a complete dream crusher. You don’t have to do things the way others have done it. If you’re talented enough, determined enough, and motivated enough….you can blaze your own trail.
I pray that every creative person who’s watched this article…will remain motivated to pursue their path….one thing he forgot to mention is that nothing happens by coincidence….you wouldn’t be given the creative gift if you were not meant to use it in the world…otherwise why would it be given to you?? Love and light to everyone!!💯💥🙏
He speaks the truth! I lived in my car for two years on $20k to get my business going, then worked another three breaking even. I’m at 10 years now and the company works alright, but I spent many of my highest earning potential years taking the risk to do this… it works best long term if you love it, believe in it, or think it’s important for the world.
I was about to make my rebuttal till I heard him at the end. He said exactly what I do. This is the only way. Also, what I create, I do not care for recognition. I do it for the sake of making one forget about their concerns. If I can make just one person feel, even for a moment. That is the reward. I let my energy speak for itself.
He is spot on. I have been an aspiring inventor since I was 5 and it has been rough on the heart. Nothing is as frustrating as having an idea everyone around you thinks is great and supports you/cheers you on but you have no resources, time, nor capital to get the wheels turning. I think he left one big issue with being creative in this world and that’s paying the bills while trying to pursue your passion. Jobs suck all the motivation and creativity right out of you on a day to day basis and unfortunately it takes about a day (Saturday) to recuperate it back…leaving just one day of good work unless you have other obligations. It is hard work to overcome that, but if you’re struggling my personal advice is try to have a non 0% day. Even if you put 2 bucks in the wish jar for that $1,000,000 idea you’re making progress. If you’re programming at least put some comments in describing what you want the code to do, even better if you can guess the syntax before researching into it. If you’re writing a book, do short stories first that you can dish out in a small manner and build a portfolio/get raw ideas out for refinement. If you’re developing a physical product, which I find to be the hardest, I cannot recommend a 3D printer enough. Your product may be metal or wood, but the rapid prototyping with a well calibrated 3D printer will save you gallons of time as you can print while doing chores or go to work if you trust it. The key is to not stare at the mountain when you’re climbing, but to stare at the next foot hold/anchor.
Absolutely the Truth. I can say 100%, as a person who’s always chased the creative path in life, that every thing he said is spot on. It’s really a rude awakening to realize that most famous or successful artists (musician,painter,actors,etc) are connected through family or friends to other highly successful, influential people. Its ALOT about who you know. Money tends to stay in select social circles
So sad. Its a blessing and a curse. If you’re really good at music, and fresh and unique most people won’t quite get you. You don’t fit in even though lots of people think you’re good. Because you don’t fit in you can’t monetise your music. Then someone else comes and copies you and gets success monetising and now you’re still struggling AND looked at as if you copied them. Trust me creativity is as much a curse as it is a blessing. Probably even more so.. Yes, this happened to me.
What he explained at the end is EXACTLY what I’m doing now. I tried being a professional musician and it was incredibly exhausting. Now, I have a normal job that’s tolerable and pays the bills so I can play music as a hobby. I don’t compose or play for anyone other than myself. If friends ask me to play piano at their weddings or whatever I politely decline, I’m just too much of a perfectionist of my music and way too critical and invested into the process to share it.
I spend ridiculous hours on my songs, spent all my time learning my craft since I was 15, took until I was 27 to find any kind of real break – it’s still there’s no money to be made. He’s absolutely right about finding something that isn’t soul crushing to do for a living so that you can fuel your dreams – it’s the better, easier, less mentally draining route for any of you fellow dreamers. Yes hard work pays off, but it takes money to make money, and if you’re a fellow creative then you have to pour more money than you’re willing to make into your craft, and more time than any reasonable person is willing to spend on strategizing – then after years of hard work – it will pay off. Most important piece though.. is to never forget why you’re doing it in the first place.
I am creative and it’s been hard. I’m a writer and a digital artist. I had to separate the both, which one I love more and decided I’ll focus on my fantasy writing. I created a business and had to put money into it, then I ended up broke, so I had to find a 9 to 5 job as my emergency support. As a creative person living a repetitive cycle is incredibly hard, especially since I am bipolar and my moods are hard to keep still. I’ve never been capable of staying still in one place, so I left the job and decided to temp . Eventually, I used my degree for education. It’s been a hard journey. And I can only hope that one day it gets better. This is the advice I’m going to give everyone especially the young. If you are multi creative focus on one, stop thinking which makes more money, just focus on the one that brings you happiness. And when a year passes and nothing has moved… continue, and continue, and continue. DO NOT give up, because it is consistency of the mind and action that will help you achieve your dreams. To all my creative fellows, I wish you luck in this bumpy yet lovely journey. -with <3
Why must we “monetize” and “market” everything? I write and record music, I paint, I write, I sculpt. Someone might think I’m good and some will say I suck—so what? I do it because I enjoy doing it for myself. I hate to think of the number of people that stop trying because someone told them they can never monetize/market things they’ve created. If ‘marketability’ is the criterion by which we judge ‘creativity’ then we’ve just made the world suck even more and are helping to rob it of possibly priceless works of art.
As a creative, I have never seen my creativity as a curse. There have been times where my creativity has brought me praise and lucrative employment opportunities, as well as romantic encounters. The most depressing situation is where I am unable to create. Who says one has to create a company to fulfill one’s creative urges? I have used companies that I worked for, and their products that I have had a hand in designing, to express my creative ideas. Thus allowing my ideas to come to fruition on someone else’s dime. There are plenty of people without creativity who are willing to pay for the creativity of others. In musical acts it is the songwriters who make the most money. In engineering and science it is the more creative individuals who rise to prominence.
What the hell do money, sales, customer services, building a business or any organization have to do with creativity anyways?! This guy is talking completely rubbish and pointing out the wrong things. He’s leading a very one-sided argument here, because it cannot be reduced to a single particular subject… Creativity is magic, it creates something out of nothing It can be any kind of a great idea that goes through your mind right now. Someday you might lose everything you have, but at the end of the day you‘ll still have creativity in you. All you gotta do is let it flow AND YES not everyone is creative, but everyone CAN BE. That’s the major difference!
Really good points. But seeing it with a different perspective: why all the rush? I believe we can take small steps often, towards crafting a product, but also crafting our skills. Analyzing results all the time and rushing to be the best might just be too stressful. And being creative in fight-or-flight mode is almost impossible.