📹 All About Dolphins!
Dolphin #animals #ngscience Learn all about the cutest and most intelligent animals in our ocean – dolphins! Our ocean is filled …
Why do sharks have streamlined shape?
Sharks have an elongated fusiform body shape that reduces drag, making them streamlined and allowing them to move quickly through water. This activity aims to explore the relationship between shape and water resistance, asking students to design their own streamlined shark. Students fill a plastic container with water and take two lumps of modelling clay. Mold the first lump into a slow-moving shape and the second into a quick-moving shape. Predict the time it takes for each shape to sink to the bottom.
Hold the first shape at the water’s surface, ask a partner to use a stopwatch or timer to time the time it takes for each shape to fall to the bottom, and drop the model. This activity explores the relationship between shape and water resistance and the evolution of sharks over the past 100 million years.
What does a shark do all day?
Some shark species, such as the nurse shark, possess spiracles that facilitate stationary respiration, whereas others, such as the octopus, exhibit both active and restful periods.
Why the streamlined body of a shark and a dolphin are analogies?
These traits serve analogous functions but have disparate ancestral structural origins and have evolved autonomously.
What does body shape tell us about a shark?
Sharks have a fusiform body, reducing drag and requiring minimal energy for swimming. Wobbegong and angel sharks have a flatter appearance, while batoids have a flattened appearance with a ventral mouth and gill openings. Sharks and batoids are generally drably countershaded, using a camouflage technique where the dorsal side is darker than the ventral side. This blends in with the dark ocean depths and the lighter surface of the sea, preventing predators or prey from seeing a contrast between the animal and the environment.
What do streamlined shapes do?
A streamlined body is a shape that minimizes the friction drag between fluids, such as air or water. This is achieved by reducing the surface area of the body in contact with the fluid, thereby providing minimal resistance to both. This principle can be observed in the streamlined shapes of aircraft and ships in water.
How is a streamlined body shape important to aquatic animals?
The streamlining of the body in water animals serves to reduce the resistance encountered by the organism in its aqueous environment, thereby facilitating the attainment of greater velocity in its locomotive movements.
What is the lifestyle of a great white shark?
The white shark is a slow-growing species that matures between 26 and 33 years old, with a maximum age of over 70 years. Born at 4 feet long, they can grow up to 20 feet long and weigh over 4, 000 pounds. They feed on fish, invertebrates, and marine mammals, with juveniles mainly eating bottom fish. Larger white sharks gather around seal and sea lion colonies to feed and scavenge dead whales. They are regionally endothermic, partially warm-blooded, and occur worldwide in temperate and subtropical waters, migrating seasonally to follow their preferred temperature range. They also live off the Pacific coast of Mexico.
What does it mean to have a shark personality?
SHARK individuals are driven by financial gain, recognition, and a desire for significance, which has led to their inclusion in psychiatric and business settings where personality tests are utilized. These individuals are characterized by a tendency toward high levels of motivation, a focus on achieving tangible outcomes, and a proclivity for utilizing personality tests during the intake process to gain insight into patients and ascertain the most accurate prognosis. Nevertheless, these professions also permit the administration of more entertaining personality assessments.
Why do both dolphins and sharks have streamlined bodies?
The evolution of streamlined bodies and fins in marine mammals, such as dolphins and sharks, has enabled them to achieve greater swimming speeds. This phenomenon, known as convergent evolution, has led to the adaptation of these structures in different species, allowing them to occupy similar niches and face similar challenges. These adaptations, including the presence of dorsal fins and flippers, have enabled the occupation of analogous niches and the resolution of analogous challenges, resulting in analogous structures that facilitate adaptation and thriving in respective environments.
What is special about a sharks body?
Sharks are a unique type of fish, known as “elasmobranchs”, made of cartilaginous tissues similar to rays, sawfish, and skates. They filter oxygen from water through their gills and have lighter cartilaginous skeletons and large livers filled with low-density oils. Sharks can fossilize due to calcium salt deposits in their cartilage, allowing their jaws to feel like bone. They also have good eyesight, with excellent night vision and color perception, thanks to a reflective layer called a tapetum on their back. They also have small black spots called ampullae of Lorenzini, which are special electroreceptor organs.
📹 Streamlined sharks (AM) – Live Investigation #CoralLive 2019
This exciting activity asks students to investigate the relationship between shape and water resistance. This live lesson was …
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