Ways To Focus When Completing Homework?

This article provides tips and tricks for staying focused on homework, including focusing from the start, maintaining focus, and creating a study environment conducive to productivity. Focus is a skill that helps shut out distractions and encourages productivity. By following these tips, you can create a more organized and less stressful approach to studying.

To concentrate on your homework, move around or stretch while working, fuel up with water and healthy snacks, put away anything that might make it hard to concentrate, block distracting apps and websites, and work on one assignment at a time. Break down your school assignment into smaller tasks and set priorities.

To stay focused on homework, create a quiet and comfortable environment, prepare snacks and water beforehand, provide silence, and create a study schedule. Make sure to get rid of distractions, tell family and friends you’re not available, use productivity apps, set out a routine, and reward yourself.

To be more invisible, make a routine, set up a study-friendly environment, and avoid distractions. Remember to exercise first, set a routine, be prepared, establish a workspace, and remove all distractions.

In summary, these tips help maintain focus on homework by providing a quiet, comfortable environment, setting a study schedule, eliminating distractions, using productivity apps, setting out a routine, and rewarding yourself. By following these tips, you can create a more organized and less stressful approach to studying and stay focused on your assignments.

📹 Why You Can’t FOCUS – And How To Fix That

In today’s world, being able to focus is almost like a superpower. You rarely see anyone who’s able to concentrate on a single task …

How can I focus 100% on studying?

To stay focused while studying at university, it is essential to create a dedicated study space, set goals, minimize distractions, listen to music, get enough sleep, feed your brain, and exercise regularly. Studying is at the core of education and can be challenging, especially with distractions and pressure to succeed. To improve concentration, create a study routine, set goals, minimize distractions, listen to music, sleep, feed your brain, and exercise regularly.

Creating a dedicated study space is crucial, as it helps to maintain focus and make the most out of your study time. Avoid studying in bed, as the comfort of your bed can lull you into a state of relaxation, making it difficult to concentrate on your work.

In summary, creating a dedicated study space, setting goals, minimizing distractions, listening to music, getting enough sleep, feeding your brain, and exercising regularly are all essential steps to stay focused and make the most of your study time.

Why do I get lazy when I do homework?

Laziness can have a number of causes, including a lack of motivation, unclear goals or interests, feeling overwhelmed, or the natural tendency to conserve energy.

How do I force myself to do homework?

To make homework more manageable and enjoyable, set small goals and break them down into smaller tasks. Take breaks after each problem or page, and reward yourself with something enjoyable after completing your goal. Celebrate your accomplishments along the way. Use a planner to keep track of upcoming assignments, tests, and events. Set up a system for tracking course materials, either through an organizational app or a dedicated folder on your computer. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when feeling overwhelmed, as professors, TAs, or advisors can offer advice and support to help you get back on track.

How to stop getting distracted while doing homework?
(Image Source: Pixabay.com)

How to stop getting distracted while doing homework?

College students often struggle with multiple projects and deadlines, leading to stress. To combat this, create a schedule or to-do list, turn off notifications, break down tasks into smaller ones, use headphones, find a suitable workspace, clear your desk, and reward yourself. Studies show that students are distracted for at least 5 out of every 15 minutes they set aside for studying, primarily due to texting and social media use. To enhance productivity, follow these seven tips:

  1. Create a to-do list and prioritize tasks.
  2. Turn off notifications and text messages.
  3. Break down work into smaller tasks.
  4. Use headphones.
  5. Find a comfortable workspace.
  6. Clear your desk.
  7. Reward yourself for achieving your goals.

Why wont my brain let me do my homework?

Procrastination can be a result of various factors, including abstract goals, feeling overwhelmed, perfectionism, fear of failure, anxiety, task aversion, lack of motivation, physical or mental exhaustion, resentment, sensation seeking, a problematic work environment, and lack of sufficient communication from instructors. These issues can lead to a lack of motivation, a disconnect from one’s future self, and a negative perception of the task.

Procrastination can also be influenced by problematic behaviors such as self-handicapping, which involves blaming failure on procrastination rather than one’s abilities, and self-sabotaging, which involves sabotaging progress. Personality traits like distractibility and impulsivity can also contribute to procrastination.

Underlying issues like lack of sleep, ADHD, and depression can also contribute to procrastination. These issues can include abstract goals, fear of failure, anxiety, task aversion, lack of motivation, physical or mental exhaustion, resentment, sensation seeking, a problematic work environment, and insufficient communication from instructors. Addressing these issues can help individuals overcome their procrastination struggles and achieve better academic performance.

Why can’t I focus on doing homework?

In today’s world, there are numerous distractions that can distract from homework, such as TVs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, games consoles, and books. Focusing on homework requires removing the potential for other things to catch your attention. Switch off or put them out of sight, as they will be there when you’re finished. In the past, you might have met friends in the park or had a phone call with them. By focusing on homework, you can avoid distractions and maintain focus on your studies.

How do ADHD students learn best?

Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) face significant obstacles in their academic journey, including difficulty paying attention, sitting still, and controlling impulses. To help them succeed, schools should provide shorter assignments, allow breaks, allow time for movement and exercise, and minimize classroom distractions. Parents and teachers should explore resources available to help them adjust to changes in school, as these strategies can help them overcome the challenges they face and achieve success in school.

How to increase focus?

To stay mentally focused, one can get enough sleep, reduce distractions, focus on one task at a time, be more present, practice mindfulness, take short breaks, and limit social media use. In today’s constantly connected world, distractions are easily accessible, making it difficult to focus. However, being mentally focused is essential for success, as it allows for learning new things, achieving goals, and performing well in various situations. Strategies to help stay on task include getting enough sleep, reducing distractions, being present in the moment, practicing mindfulness, taking short breaks, and limiting social media use.

Which famous people have ADHD?

Famous people with ADHD include Emma Watson, Ant McPartlin, Bill Gates, Ryan Gosling, Channing Tatum, and Albert Einstein. Despite the reputation of ADHD making its owners unfocused, individuals with ADHD can apply an immersive focus to an area of interest or passion. This ‘hyperfocus’ and passion has allowed many individuals to become successful and famous in their fields. The ADHD Hall of Fame features celebrities, sportspeople, artists, businessmen, and scientists to show that ADHD does not need to hold you back.

What is the best time to study?
(Image Source: Pixabay.com)

What is the best time to study?

Scientists suggest that the brain is most alert and teachable between 10 am-2 pm and 4 pm-10 pm. To optimize attention span and practice deep learning, it is recommended to study between 4 am and 7 am. This period is best for deep focus and is popular among students worldwide.

The morning is the most efficient and alert time for learning, as the brain is most efficient after a good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast. It is also the best time to learn new theories and grasp complex concepts. The ample natural light in the morning helps stay alert and focused, and it is beneficial for the eyes, making them strong and able to process information or look at a computer screen. A morning study schedule aligns with your circadian rhythm and helps maintain your sleep schedule.

How to do homework when ADHD?
(Image Source: Pixabay.com)

How to do homework when ADHD?

To help children with ADHD manage time and get off track, consider splitting up assignments into 20-minute sessions with playtime or snacks in between. Switching subjects, such as math for 20 minutes and English for another 20, can help reduce struggles and improve work. Additionally, breaking down homework into mini-assignments with a few minutes each and using an egg timer or alarm app can help keep them on task and reduce the need for constant nags.

📹 How to Get Stuff Done When You Have ADHD

Have trouble getting started? Keep getting distracted? Don’t know when to stop? Try this magical fruit!* *not actually magical** …

Ways To Focus When Completing Homework
(Image Source: Pixabay.com)

Rae Fairbanks Mosher

I’m a mother, teacher, and writer who has found immense joy in the journey of motherhood. Through my blog, I share my experiences, lessons, and reflections on balancing life as a parent and a professional. My passion for teaching extends beyond the classroom as I write about the challenges and blessings of raising children. Join me as I explore the beautiful chaos of motherhood and share insights that inspire and uplift.

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  • As a BONUS TIP, I would like to recommend: Setting an alarm for 60-90 minutes before your designated sleep time to create a “Pre-Sleep Ritual” where you disconnect from all your tech devices (no screen time and set phone on flight mode, and dim the house lights). Do things like brush your teeth, organise your desk, wash dishes, journal down your ideas (download your day onto paper), read your book. That way you will program your mind to calm down with sufficient timing which will allow you to have a higher quality sleep and you will feel incredible and super focused the next day. When you wake up, implement a similar (tech free) Post-Sleep Ritual to start your morning fresh without bombarding your mind with the outside World’s distractions wasting your attention units. Keep those habits implemented long enough and there will be no limit to what you can achieve with your new found hyper focus! I hope this serves you well and if you’ve read this far, I wish you all the best on your journey of personal development and sending much love from Western Australia 🙂

  • To improve focus 1. Avoid distractions 2. Sleep 7-9 hrs 3. Keep Hydrated 4. Eat Healthy 5. Exercise To build focus 1. Do a task in the morning 2. Recharge your brain (nap, walk, etc.) Pomodoro Technique 1. Do a task without distractions in a period of time (i.e. 20mins, 30mins) 2. After that take a break for a period of time (shorter than task mode) 3. Repeat it for 4-5 times (Task->break->task…) 4. Then take a break longer than task mode. 5. Back again if you want more. Remember: Focus is like a muscle it need train, recovery and care.

  • 11:15 -concentrate one thing at a time (no scattered focus) -remove all distractions (phone) -physiology (sleep 7-9, exercise daily, hydration, diet, less sugar) -concentration is a skill (train focus, concentration daily, dedicated time – recommended morning) -unstimulate brain (proper break, no phone still stimulation, walk meditate or nap, allow for boredom) -pomodoro technique

  • FOCUS 2 TYPES: a. SCATTERED -broadly distributed attention / multitasking -trying to focus about one thing while thinking about another -YOUR BRAIN IS EXTREMELY BAD AT SWITCHING TO MULTIPLE THINGS AT A TIME b. DIRECTED -focusing on one thing & ignoring everything else -how high achievers direct their focus HOW TO AVOID SCATTERED FOCUS? -aim to remove all distractions and avoid any stimuli that could potentially harm your concentration. PHONE = biggest anti-focus machine FACTORS THAT CAN AFFECT FOCUS: 1. PHYSIOLOGY -if you want your mind to function optimally, take care of your body. -sleeping under 7 hours a day compromises concentration. -7-9 hrs = better 2. EXERCISE 3. HYDRATION 4. DIET CONCENTRATION IS A SKILL. do it everyday. have a certain time in your day when you concentrate intensely on just one task. Make it a habit. Best time = morning, 1 hr after waking up UNSTIMULATE YOUR BRAIN give your mind a rest after a while. (without stimulating it, ex. phone) instead meditate, go for a walk, nap, etc. POMODORO TECHNIQUE -choose a task -set a timer for 25 mins -after completing 25 mins, take a 5 mins break -after completing 4 x 25 mins session, take a longer break (usually 30 mins) -adjust timings to your liking

  • How to being focused on something. 1.\tRemove all distractions a.\tAvoid any stimuli b.\tWhich could potentially harm your concentration c.\tExample: phone i.\tPut it somewhere ii.\tWhere you know it won’t disturb you iii.\tYou won’t be able to look at it d.\tAware of the possible distractions, to avoid them 2.\tPhysiology/take care of your body a.\tGets 7-9 hours of sleep b.\tExercise, ex: short walk (better, walk in nature) c.\tHydration d.\tHealthy diet i.\tSugar leads to brain fog  Inability to concentrate 3.\tConcentration is a skill a.\tTrain your focus b.\tThe more you do it, the better you get at it c.\tDo smth day after day, i.\tAble to do it for longer periods of time ii.\tHave a certain time in your day 4.\tMake it a habit a.\tBest time for focus: morning i.\t1 hour after waking up ii.\tFully awake iii.\tMind is not yet occupied with other things 5.\tUn-stimulate your brain a.\tTake a proper break i.\tGo for a walk ii.\tMeditate } un-plug & start recharging metal energy iii.\tTake a nap 6.\tPomodoro Technique a.\tChoose a task b.\tSet a timer for 25 minutes (recommendation) c.\tTake a 5-minute break d.\tRestart the timer e.\tAfter completed four 25 minutes sessions  take a longer break

  • I remember when I was in high school I was able to study for hours & hours but after entering university I lost everything. being an introvert & depressed person it’s really hard to concentration on anything especially learning. I can’t concentrate and not being able to increase my programming skills which I have been trying to do for a long time. I like your article btw. in this social media era, it’s really hard to focus. it’s easier to wasting time on social media. i literally hate myself

  • This will not only make you better when it comes to productivity, but also it makes your personal life much better. Because when you are focused on your tasks throughout the day, after some time it makes you more present, gratefull, happier . You have more energy and you are spontenously more positive. Than when you come to your family back or your friends or especially girlfriend, you connect with them easier, talk with them without struggle, enjoy life with them without struggle. Than they follow your path of increasing happines, grattitude, positivity and joy, what leads to much more love. Than,all of a sudden, world is a nicer place.

  • 1. Avoid distractions 2. Fulfill your basic needs, fulfill them the proper way. 3. You can train your concentration like a muscle. 4. Have a time set for every day for that concentration training to keep it sharp. 5. After concentrating for a longer period of time, give your brain a break, meaning don’t do anything that uses your brain too heavily. For concrete information, it is advised to watch the whole article.

  • 1.directed focus 2.Avoid distractions AT ALL COSTS INCLUDING YOUR PHONE 3.Take care of your body like getting enough sleep,exercise regularly 4.concentration is a skill….train it like you are training for a sport and do it in the mornings if possible 5.make FOCUS A DAILY HABIT 6. unstimulate your brain…take a nap,for for a walk,read a few pages and meditate but no PHONE 7.take regular breaks by using the pomodoro technique

  • My father said, exercising is the root cause of staying focused. I woke up early in the morning. I went to jogging, doing some push ups and at the same time. I’m meditating too and when i got to home. i studied english but i feel sleepy because of exercising, i can’t do focus even though ive been meditating. Sorry, my english is not that good to explain my experience. Ive trying my best to learn english. Thank youuuu

  • This was gold. I have now created a structure for my day, incorporating all elements of this sessions’ training. Every point was justified and explained clearly, and had simple animations with it; important because we are very visual creatures (hence perusal this article over a blog). My day will now consist of: 5am — Wakeup 5:10 – 8am — Study with phone out of room 9 – 5 — Job 5:30 – 6 — Help make dinner with Mum so I can cook when I leave home 6 – 6:30 — Dinner 6:45 – 7 — Dog night walk 7 – 9 — Study with regular breaks of either reading or walking around house 9 – 9:30 — Read 9:30 — Bed Keep up the great work making these quality articles guys! You have a new sub now 🙂

  • Speaking from my own experience, Exercising is the root cause of staying focused. How? Well, I couldn’t sleep at night before which had a result of being tired throughout the day cause of sleeping less than 7 hours. So how exactly I can sleep now is because of exercise that makes me feel sleepy and get me proper 7-8 hours of sleep which ultimately helped me to stay focused throughout the day. And honestly, UNHEALTHY FOOD DOES MAKE YOU FEEL SLEEPY!! Trust me or not, Try having junk food for a day then try to focus and have healthy food the other day and then focus, You will notice the difference by yourself. I hope y’all decide what’s best for you. All the best peeps.

  • Loved this article a lot. I hardly watched it on 3 sessions though : ))) Social media impacted my reading habits of fiction books so much. I just cannot concentrate. I bought like 6 novels, and hardly finished one. It didn’t impact my non-fiction book reading focus however. I don’t know why, but I think it has to do with phone distraction. In the old days, reading a fiction book was the escape from the real world. Now, the escape is the smart phone.

  • I learnt in this article………………………. How to being focused………..; First: band all your distraction things . Tips- turn your phone on flight mode, Silenced mode ya switched off all your electronic devices and place them in other room. Second: management of time. Tips- make schedules,that can help provide you to manage your right time to do important things in time. Third: first when you are ready to do your important works tell your friends or family member’s to do not desturb. Tips- tell your mother to do not call me for meal while i am doing my business Tell your siblings or nephews to do not desturb, tell your friends that do not call me or send any other messages or invite me in any party. Last but list: while doing your schedule or any other business just focused, just stay tuned and chill Believe in your self say that you can do it,……eat mentos and Start your Journey becuz life is not short ……. It’s just Beginning your goal will soon in your hands 😀❤️ bye 🤗

  • This article really hit the point! I like multi tasking and recently I’m stress a lot even right now due to many task and I’ll be taking board exam this coming november. I started reviewing last monday and I only have three months left. I really need this because Im really having a hard time focusing. Thank you si much

  • Great article. Happy you mentioned Pomodoro, I was going to mention it, because I was not aligned when you said focus for hours… Also, 2 others things: 1) sleep, 7 to 9 is arbitrary, some people need a bit less and some more… also depends on cycles, usually I have some better nights than others, it’s natural. 2) I am also a Morning person for focus and concentration, but I know some people are unable in the morning and can perform better at evenings… Lots of good recommendations in your article, just wanted to add a little filter 😉

  • There are various areas where better concentration can be beneficial. 00:23 There are two types of focus – scattered focus and directed focus. 01:03 High achievers direct their focus by concentrating on one thing at a time. 02:07 To improve focus, aim to remove all distractions and avoid stimuli that can harm concentration. 02:29 Schedule your focus time in the morning, about an hour after waking up. Historic artists, writers, and philosophers have utilized morning time for focus. 07:19 To focus late in the day, un-stimulate your brain by taking a proper break. 08:04 When taking a break, go for a walk, meditate, or take a nap to recharge your mental energy. 08:21

  • 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:08 🎯 Understanding the Significance of Focus – Focus is a superpower in today’s world, essential for productivity in various aspects of life. – Directed focus, concentrating on one task, outperforms scattered focus, which divides attention among many tasks. – Improved focus leads to faster achievement of desired results, whether in school, work, or hobbies. 01:03 🧠 Types of Focus: Scattered and Directed – Scattered focus involves divided attention, multitasking, and constant task switching, leading to mental exhaustion. – Directed focus requires concentrating on a single action, ignoring distractions, and achieving optimal concentration. – High-achievers focus like a laser beam on one task, maximizing their ability while disregarding other stimuli. 02:29 🚫 Avoiding Scattered Focus and Distractions – To avoid scattered focus, remove distractions and stimuli that harm concentration. – Distractions, even brief ones, force the brain to reload context, wasting mental energy. – Phones are significant distractors; keeping them away during focused tasks enhances concentration. 04:26 🏋️ Importance of Physical Health for Focus – Proper sleep (7-9 hours) enhances concentration; sleep deprivation impairs focus. – Regular exercise releases neurotransmitters, improving focus on challenging tasks. – Hydration and a balanced diet, avoiding excessive sugar intake, are crucial for optimal brain function. 05:49 🧘 Training Concentration as a Skill – Concentration is a trainable skill; consistent practice strengthens focus over time.

  • The notes I took during the article: Scattered focus – multitask focus – brain bad at switching tasks => wasting mental energy Directed focus – singletask focus – one thing at a time – ignore everything else How to remove scattered focus: – remove all distractions: * get rid of phone => out of sight, silent mode – physiology: * get sleep 7 – 9 hours * exercise everyday (a short walk is sufficent) * hidrate => especially first thing in the morning * remove unhealthy food + soda (gives the brain a disservice) * remove high sugar content food (leads to brain fog) * try healthy sugar content alternatives => fruits – concentration is a skill: * can be trained like a sport (ex. from 10mins to 2hours) * make concentration a habit = > make time for concentration intensely on one task everyday * best time for focus – one hour after waking up (fully awake + focus units ready to be distributed) * afternoon is a bad time for studying (scattered focus) without a proper break – un-stimulate your brain: * if afternoon study – un-stimulate brain without tehnology => otherwise draining mental energy * recharge mental energy – go walk, meditate, take nap => extends ability to continue focusing intensely * remove stimulations in focus breaks – use pomodoro tehnique: * choose task, 25 / 45 min timer, 5 / 15 min break, after 4 sessions – 30 min break – Conclusions: * achieve directed focus * avoid distractions * take care of body * concentration is a skill * make focus a habit * un-stimulate your brain * take regular breaks * use pomodoro tehnique

  • When I was in school I had veryyyy good memory because I trained my focus, I read books before like story books but this is not what the main thing that helped me it was more so the fact that I read it in a classroom full of screaming children and it was hard to focus but I kept at it ( because the books were good lol ) and after like a half a year I realized my memory was amazing if my mother had said something completely random to me yesterday, tomorrow I would remember as clear as day and if I actually tried to focus I would have gotten full marks in everything, but alas I am lazy lol

  • Any tips on how to focus on work in an open office? Believe me, my phone or my mom are not my problem. But my 12 colleagues are. I think open offices are the worst places to work, killing overall focus, efficiency and most of all, creativity. Too bad I really love my work or I would have quit long ago 😀

  • Yes! Any time we believe that we are multitasking, or running processes in parallel, but that’s not true. Every task requires ‘booting’ up a set of rules or context. Switching tasks means booting up a different set of rules. This is as time consuming as being interrupted while focusing. They say it takes up 15 minutes to get back into what you’re doing. Multi-tasking is like working with people who interrupt you every half hour, but i’s self-suffering. Great article

  • stop reading the comments…..i read some of em and im pretty sure the people who commented have no aim in life and they think its all a joke…..this article will change you forever…..if im successful i’ll owe everything to this one article…thank you so much… PS: I don’t usually comment but i had to on this one

  • 2 things that I found interesting! . 1. Directed focus is better than scatter bc scatter everytime you have to reload the memory, hence exhausted your mental health. 2. Rest do not mean go on phone, go for a walk. But in my case, if, in that break, you can have fun ( talking with friends, chatting with your gf on phone), it still help recharging my brain energy. Thanks for the article.

  • Fantastic article, I shared it on my coaching Facebook page. A comment: I can focus better and for a longer period of time when I put some music on or even listen to an audiobook. I use this method when I sew, knit, draw, paint, or tidy up and organise my stuff. I don’t think I could listen to an audiobook or watch a movie and write an article at the same time 🙂 By the way, I use the 45 minutes focus time and 10-15 minutes rest as well, it’s a familiar pattern that I learnt at school in Poland (ages ago 🙂 )

  • The fact that I am cooking right now and perusal this article is horrible 😂coz you criticised this thing but I personally like it when something is difficult and impossible to do but I come and make it happen it’s makes me feel like a survivor. I myself actually watched this article just to improve my English and I didn’t want to watch something boring or nor helpful so I decided to watch this article. I also highly recommend the pomodoro-method. It’s the same thing what the Youtuber tries to teach in thia article. I am using this method for almost 2-3 years and I LOVE IT! I study 1 hour and take a 10 minutes break. The times can varies to everyone but it still effectively in my point of view. Moreover I think that focusing on discipline is more important then focusing on motivation. A tip from an A’s student and good luck guy!❤ I believe in everyone of you!

  • AS a person struggling with focus, this article spent WAYYYY too long explaining how focus and not-focus differ. It then spent WAYYYY too long making simple points. Focus on one thing, remove distractions, look after your body, get exercise, you’ll get better the more you try, do important tasks in the morning. There’s most of the article right there. Yes elaboration is great, but it really needs toning down here for me. I can’t do a lot of these things because I can’t focus. I often forget to drink any water, or work instead of eating. I can’t switch off to sleep a lot of the time. You deliver points commonly offered by any assistive materail for this problem, but do so in a very diluted and overdrawn method, which given that the article is aimed at people struggling to focus, is not a very good approach in my experience. So to offer some advice in return, focus on sharp, concise delivery of points, review each point for validity and relevance. As someone struggling with focus, being told what not focusing looks like was completely useless to me. Maybe offer suggestions on how to motivate these positive behaviours. It’s not a bad article, but I’ve found quite a few articles and articles like this and this is probably the worst one proportionate to the duration.

  • Another bonus tip: If you want to maintain your focus on things that matter, you need to make sure to make a list of your to-do tasks from the day before. By doing that, you don’t have to spend your “focus units” organizing your thoughts, but you actually spend them by doing the thing you set out to do.

  • ~2 TYPES OF FOCUS 1) SCATTERED FOCUS: ❌ Focusing on many tasks at a time 2) DIRECTED FOCUS:✅ Focusing on a single task at a time ~REMOVE ALL YOUR DISTRACTIONS: – Put your phone away – Try to do your task at a place where nothing can distract you ~PHYSIOLOGY: – Sleep 7-9 hr – Exercise daily – Stay hydrated – Avoid too much sweets ~CONCENTRATION: – After concentrating on a task take short break to get relaxed. Don’t spend your break time on using Internet, perusal TV or on something that can mentally or physically make you feel tired. Allow your brain to be bored (while on a break) – Concentrating on the daily basis can increase your concentration skills. ~POMODORO TECHNIQUE: -Use this technique for a better focus STEPS: 1) Choose a task 2) Set a timer for 25 min (only to concentrate) 3) When the timer rings set another timer for 5 min (for a break) 4) Again set a timer for 25 min to concentrate and 5 min for a short break. 5) After 4 sessions take a longer break (20 min). {BONUS POINT: ALWAYS BELIEVE IN YOURSELF}

  • From my perspective, focus can be affected by stress, lack of interest, information overload, and even neurological conditions. To improve concentration, it’s helpful to manage stress, align tasks with personal interests, take regular breaks, and get good sleep. If focus issues persist, consider seeking professional help. Remember, everyone’s focus varies and finding the right balance, including relaxation time, is essential. Different strategies work for different people, so explore what suits you best.

  • This will not only make you better when it comes to productivity, but also it makes your personal life much better. Because when you are focused on your tasks throughout the day, after some time it makes you more present, gratefull, happier. You have more energy and you are spontenously more positive. Than when you come to your family back or your friends or especially your partner, you connect with them easier, talk with them without struggle, enjoy life with them without struggle. Than they follow your path of increasing happines, gratitude, positivity and joy, what leads to much more love. Than, all of a sudden, world is a nicer place.

  • 2 main focus: scattered focus and direct focus activities must do to keep focus: -Remove all distraction -Sleep 7-9 hours per day -Take care of body by eating perusal what i eat, keeping hydrate and do more exercise -Concentrate is a skill, we can practice it -make focus is a daily habit -not stimulate my brain by not using internet,listen to music. Instead i can go for a walk, talk to myself … -take regular rest, focus in a long time can make me tired

  • The point about not grabbing your phone for a break is big. You have to shut down your mind. We used to be bored throughout parts of the day before cell phones and the Internet. It wasn’t always a bad thing. Also, the Pomodoro Technique can be a blessing and a curse. Flow state is very important for getting big tasks done. The Pomodoro Technique can be disruptive to Flow State. While you absolutely need breaks, you shouldn’t schedule them at absolute intervals. Take breaks when your mind tells you it’s time. The break length should be some percentage of the time you just spent focusing. Use 20% as an example. Just focused for 50 minutes? Rest for 10. Focused for 30 minutes? Rest for 6. Focused for 90 minutes? Rest for 18. No alarm or timer to break your Flow State this way.

  • great advice, social media is really ease boredness, that’s why when taking a break I used to get my phone and log in to messenger who’s chatting me . i can’t get over with social media right now. but I will strive and apply the things you’ve taught to finish a scripture so that it is the best feeling at achievement without distraction. thankyou

  • I enjoyed this article because i really want to change my mindset. This article really help you when you want to focus your goals because the technique mentioning in this article really helpful. What i learned from this article was how to concentrate a particular task and how to mange the concentration level however i recommending each and everyone who really want to change their mindset. I am sincerely believe that this tool help me in my future journey and also thank you for the wonderful article. The favorite portion of this article has how to manage our concentration and also the tips for how to avoid distraction in a day.

  • Here’s the thing Am I just supposed to stop my bad habit of scrolling on social media all together or should I have a time in the day where I’m allowed to What do I do if there’s a twitch notification and it’s something important like someone’s bday or dsmp season 2 or something 😅 Am I just supposed to ignore it bc it risks ruining my focus and schedule Basically I’m just wondering when is ever the right time to scroll Before I take a break? Should that count as doing work alone? Or at I just expected to stop altogether bc I don’t think I can do that Ik it’s possible to have a balance but idk how

  • Question… I’m trying to master a lot of skills I’ve been doing this for a while I got pretty good at everything. But is it better to focus on one this all week. Or can I change it up day by day? Like practicing drawing one day the next day play the guitar all day the next day craft blades all day. Or practice guitar for a week then next week draw. Which is better?

  • What I tend to do working from home – Use scattered focus for routine in mornings – chores, reading post – pet care ; emails; arranginv work calendar and plan : After about 1pm I sleep- until 4pm, then take a walk ; put phone away – then start on direct focus about 6pm : An hour work then 20 min break – this continues until 8pm – after which its 2 hours work – 10 min break straight through to 2am followed by more sleep until morning. Actual direct focus is between 6pm – 2am, but I did this when at university too – night focus ( if there is such a name) works for me 😆 🤣 ( academic work) I have always used direct focus at night, for me it’s perfect, quiet, the only thing I need to stop, is using my phone to look at YouTube during my one break – because if I use once, I will use in second and third break – concentration breaks, fatigue sets in .

  • And then there are all the writers, philosophers and artists who worked at other times of the day. For some people it is much easier to concentrate in the afternoon or at night. Similarly there are people can exercise in the evening, then fall asleep easily while others find that exercise late in the day interferes with sleep. Or those people who can successfully take a nap during the day versus those for whom doing so leaves them groggy for hours afterwards. To give another example I wouldn’t consider a walk more of a rest for my brain than perusal television. A walk can be relaxing because it is a change, but my brain is still working hard while walking. perusal television is probably less work for my brain. Mediation too involves my brain running at full speed and I am mentally tired after doing it.

  • I realize why I the breaks I take when studying feel like they don’t do anything except make it harder to resume whatever I am working on. I was overstimulating my brain. Every time I take a break I play guitar because it calms me down, but playing the guitar and learning new songs in between those breaks made caused my brain to never actually get a break. (I do have ADHD so it is much harder for me to resume any task I take a break from. That’s why I’ll usually write entire papers in one sitting)

  • Distractions are what kill your focus. I’ve been through it, and that is why you must find a place to work without distractions. Especially, if you work from home it is difficult to focus with kids, dogs, wife, and stuff happening around you. At the office, you just need to shut your door or let everyone know that you cannot be disturbed. I find that if you work in 2 to 3-hour stints without distractions and concentrated effort, you can accomplish your task or tasks.

  • 90 /10. 90 percent on main focus, 10 percent another thing. That you need. Scattered focus is also important sometimes. For example driving a car, perusal many articles on cc tv. When you drive a car, you saw the aft, right, left, forward, police, collision, signal light, pedestrian, and so on. Think about airplanes pilot, 100 new things to see. To read a book, you need a streamlined focus. Your information is not 100 percent right.

  • I’m 100% reliant on the pomodoro technique to get anything done, and my top tip for when you’re having trouble getting started is to start with the 5-minute break. It can be easy to endlessly put off starting that first 25-minute timer, but if you set the five minute timer you still get to chill for another five minutes, so there’s less of a hurdle … and then you get a cue to start the 25-minute one as soon as it finishes.

  • I love this. I actually was directed to an app while I was in college (at age 40). The app is called forest. You set a timer for X min and set how long your breaks are. When you start the timer it plants a virtual tree. You get an alert when the time is up and break time starts, as well as when break time is over and it’s time to get back to work. As long as you stay on task your tree grows. If you get distracted early and start texting or checking media, your tree dies. It helped knowing I had a break coming soon that I could let my mind wander and then I could come back and feel more focused.

  • Because I constantly underestimate how much time everything will take (on my gravestone, directly under my name and birth and death dates, will be the legend “That took longer than I expected”), I’ve started timing myself doing everyday tasks, from brushing and flossing to taking a shower to getting dressed to making the bed. I now know that no, I can’t actually get dressed in five minutes. Armed with this knowledge, I’m much more likely to arrive at appointments and such on time because I can set reasonable, experience-based goals for preparation and transit times. And it only took me 49 years to figure this out! YAY ME

  • Another SUPER helpful thing that’s part of the Pomodoro method but often not mentioned, is keeping a paper or notebook next to you, and whenever you want to go do something else, or you think of something, ANYTHING that’s not related to what you’re doing, you write it down on the paper, and then don’t let it bother you

  • i’m a 28 yr old Indian man.. recently came across russell barkley seminar on adhd and i almost cried.. all my life ppl thought i did not care or i’m flaky.. even i didnt know whats wrong with me.. it was like dr.russell was giving a seminar ABOUT ME.. i’ve seen just two of your articles now and i’m feeling the same way, “she’s talking about me”.. every single point you make is a huge part of my personality.. thank you. SO MUCH. seriously. thank you.. god bless your soul

  • This is the first time i feel like I’m being heard. 😢.. I have wonderful people in my life, i used to be a topper in school, but now im such a mess.. because of my school records, everyone have high expectations from me. But deep down i know, i cant achieve anything, because i plan things, it takes 4 to 5 days to start something, then i hyper focus on that day. Then after 5 or 10 days i get back on that project. I procrastinate more if i get more time. I feel like i can do this easily and actually took days to complete the task. Simpler tasks like washing clothes etc are getting procrastinated, i dont know i mindlessly wander in some world. I thought phone was my problem, but even without phone it was still the same. I start something, i do it religiously for some time then i quit it. You have to see my journal, to know how many routines i have created to suit myself. But i didn’t even last for a month. I tried pomodoro app and ended up switching it off.. i think im hopeless😢😢

  • I love how she tries to make the articles interesting and cute and funny too like we’re some kids who gets bored easily. This helps me love my task, its dumb but it does. I feel like it is easier to start it now and do it now because she feels like an elder sister or a mother. Thank you so much for these tips ❤❤❤❤

  • Omg! I am in tears! Someone who understands it! I have been diagnosed with ADHD since I was 19 I am going to be 33. It’s a DAILY struggle and adderall only works so far. I hated myself for so long, felt I was worthless incapable of simple things. Yet my brain never shuts up?! I am so thankful for your website! Thank you! But this is me 1000%! 🙏🏻

  • I was using pomodoro sessions before I was diagnosed with adhd in 2019. They always helped me out and now I see why! Lately I’ve been struggling with my tasks and such and getting things done. I’ve been putting myself under a lot of stress. But I’m going to trying using pomodoro sessions again and see if that solves it! Thank you so much! Much love ❤

  • You’re literally changing my life, I’ve discovered you 10 days ago, cried when I realized I’ve got ADHD because you helped me realize it wasn’t my fault. Now my inner talk is super chill, and whenever it goes negative your voice pops up. Started using Pomodoro’s super fun and effective. Luv ya keep being awesome!

  • My own solution, at least for school work is to do everything at school. I stay late in the media center, work during lunch, and sometimes during a boring bit of class. Working to find time to do work engages my brain and keeps me on task during school. It also adds a time limit and novelty to work, by trying to figure out how to get everything to fit into my day

  • I’ve used the Pomodoro method before and it works for me when I am relatively motivated already. I just thought of a new reward, which is a 5 minute Body Groove dance workout because I love to dance, and I’ve been feeling depressed and realize I need to incorporate more fun stuff into my life, especially since I’m living alone, and the Coronavirus restrictions are not helping my mood.

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