There is no evidence that seeing your or your partner naked will cause sexual issues for your child as they grow older. As your toddler grows, she may ask questions about privacy and nudity. Explain to her that some people prefer to keep their bodies private. A new campaign warning children of the dangers of sharing sexually explicit images and videos has been launched, with an appeal for parents and young people to be aware of this.
It can be difficult for parents to know when their child’s sexual behavior is becoming inappropriate or harmful. This can help identify which sexual behaviors are developmentally typical and identify if a child is displaying behavior that is problematic or harmful. A report brings together current research on the developmental appropriateness of children’s sexual behavior online and the comparison and cross-over between.
As social workers working in a harmful sexual behavior (HSB) service, they are often asked if children’s behavior is “normal” and it is something teachers frequently do. In a survey, children and young people were asked whether they had received a naked or semi-naked image because this can be an indication that grooming has taken place.
There is no inappropriate age for being naked around your child, as long as both are fully comfortable. Psychologists generally agree that it’s fine to be naked around your kid, as long as they are okay with it. Children school-age and up should not be allowed to touch the parent’s body while naked.
Privacy is elusive when you have young kids, but when should you stop being naked in front of them? Kids start to notice nakedness around the ages of 3-5. There is one study showing that it doesn’t seem to matter much whether you are naked around your kids or not. Seeing a parent naked can help children learn what real bodies look like and better understand consent and boundaries.
📹 How old is too old for kids to see parents naked?
Is there an age where kids are too old to see their parents naked?
📹 Should Parents Let Kids See Them Naked?
Playboy playmate Kendra Wilkinson recently said she’d allow her 6-year-old son to see her naked spread in Playboy magazine.
I thought this was normal! I’m a 21 year old college student and I can remember that my mom always use to change in front of me. I think when I was like 11-12 she probably stopped bc she thought I felt uncomfortable but honestly I didn’t mind. We are humans are bodies are completely normal. I remember having full 20-30 min conversations with her while she was using the bathroom 😂
“I don’t think its weird unless you make it weird” – nice statement! If your child asks about adult’s bodies then it’s just a problem of parents if they don’t able to answer this question :))) This is normal question. Child is learning the life. Your child will definitely find the answer to this question. Do you like it will be your explanation or the explanation from his friend of the same age?
I’m 14 now, and I grew up seeing my mom naked all the time (Not like that, but whenever she would change or whatever, it would always be completely normal. I just grew up just seeing it as a body, not anything sexualized, and I agree with Dr. Sandra Lee, it is important to teach your children from a start. Although, I can’t speak for my dad, as this was only something that my mom did)
Why are they talking about this? I’m sick and tired of other people sticking their noses into the business of other peoples parenting! Mind your own business! Did Kendra say she would let her son see her in Play Boy or did she say she would let him see her naked as in out of the shower? I saw my mom naked all the time if I was in her bedroom when she was getting dressed. I’m perfectly normal!
Not in the context of a sexualized spread in Playboy, no. That’s not appropriate. As for the rest, when they’re really young I don’t think it’s a big deal to go fully naked. Like, up until they’re 3 or so. They’re still babies/toddlers. They came into this world via a vagina, for crying out loud. When they’re older, and they begin interacting with other kids more and are exposed to other peoples’ ideas of “normal”, though, I feel kind of weird about it once they become aware of the earliest of sexual tones regarding nudity, and sexual and non-sexual nudity are blurred for us culturally. Of course, I will explain to them the differences, and that just because it’s the norm, that doesn’t make it correct… but as I was raised with some of that shame and sexualization of ALL nudity, I don’t think I could shake my own discomfort in being naked around my kids, completely, once they’re past that innocent toddler stage where they’ll just hold onto you by the boob or wherever, because to them, a body part is a body part is a body part. Breasts, though… breasts, I will be normalising. If Dad can go shirtless, so can Mom.
Up to a certain age who cares! It’s basic human anatomy it’s not a problem for them to learn and become comfortable with who and what they are as a boy or girl. It is also nobody’s business on how she parents her kids! Just as it is nobody’s business how I or someone else is raising my/their kids. America is just prude and this is why you have so many body issues! Unless there is obvious abuse then you can mind your own business. As an American that moved to Europe things took getting used to, but I see how there is nobody shaming each other and embarrassed to just be themselves because nobody cares!! It is a body we all have bodies! America needs to get its head outta it’s ass!
love how so many think theres age to stop nudity when its natural..yet so many KISS their KIDS on THEIR MOUTH which is an intimate thing in my eyes…my dad walked around naked plus my parents and I were at nude beaches too when we lived in Mexico….I will not be ashamed of the human body…clothes shouldnt be to hide it either.
I think children seeing their parents naked is fine. I grew up seeing my mom naked (like when she would change or go to shower or something like that) but it was normal to me. But playboy is another story. Playboy is very sexualized, if you have your children see sexual naked pictures of women its obviously going to make them see women as an object. I hope you understand, I think it depends on the way the nakedness is portrayed
My daughter sees me without clothes, I see her without clothes, we live in the same house are both female and I don’t see the need to hide my body from her, she has plenty of questions and sometimes she laughs at my bottom/ boobs jiggling but we just make a joke out of things like that, there’s no shame in the human body and I want her to know that. Playboy spreads are for adults we all know what that’s about and that’s a totally different thing.
In my house we do not hide or promote being naked. If there is a child between me and the shower or me between the child and the shower, there will be cheeks. We don’t walk around naked but we don’t run and hide either. You know everything in moderation. Disclosure (I am the only male in the house and kids are under 10)
You don’t need to be body shaming but it’s called being modest and keeping nudity private. Why do parents need to be naked in front of their children after infancy I think parents need to teach their Children to respect their own bodies but not to be showing their bodies to people keep that private and I think it is odd that some people thinking being coveted = shaming and being named is self respect. I think teaching children their body is their own and to be covered up is shaping themselves respect.
Being Nude around your kids is very different to them seeing a parent in in a sexualised image in a Men’s magazine. I’ve been a practicing Nudist for fifty years since I was seven. My daughters all shared baths with me naked when they were little up to the marriage breakup and my son his whole life. He’s now 23 and we have spent time together at a clothing optional resort. I taught him not to ashamed of his body. It’s just skin and we are all the same.
I grew up being told that nudity is normal and natural, but I should only be naked alone or with my mom. Like that’s just how I was raised. I saw my family naked. It happens. There wasn’t any shame or embarrassment about nudity growing up. Other than being educated that nudity should be private, there wasn’t a huge stigma around it. I never thought back and thought like ohgod I wish I never saw my mom, grandpa, or people naked. When you live in a house with other people, sometimes you just end up in the wrong place at the wrong time and it’s nothing to get screwed up over. They are just bodies.
I am 14 and as long as I remember I have see my mum naked. Born and raised in a black community and church so calm yourself. I walk in the bathroom when she my mum naked in the shower and when she is drying her skin or whatever. Young children don’t see anything but a body, we sexualise breasts like all a child sees is breasts
I have a 5 year old step son and since he is not my biological son I do not feel comfortable with him seeing me naked. So I always wear bathing suits if I bath with him. However, when I was that age my mother was free with my sister and I and her since we were all women but at a certain age little girls do not need to see naked men and vice versa..
my mother used to walk around naked when i was little and it was like that since I could remember and it wasn’t anything strange or out of the ordinary and it hasn’t affected me in a bad way. it affected me in a way that makes me love my body now was as a young woman with all the curves that it may possess
Those of you that say in your home is normal to see your family members naked, I want to know what do you mean. What do you all mean by naked? You mean with underwear on or without? Like parents would wear at least panties in front of their children or they would leave their private parts exposed? You do this only when they are too young to remember or understand like up to 3 years old or all their life? Would a brother and sister normally see each other completely naked without underwear if they are over 3 years old? Like brother and sister that are in their teens?
I don’t remember ever seeing my dad naked, since he worked a lot and i was never as close to him as to my mom, but I know that when I was very young I did see my mom naked, and obviously, it wasn’t weird cause I was so young. But when I got older I’d never want to see them naked. So I think it’s fine if they’re rlly young, but maybe not in a magazine.
The Doctors talking like a body is inherently sexual. My parents were sometimes naked in the house, or I’d go into dressing rooms with my mom when I was little. That’s the body you cane out of, it’s not like it’s a random stranger. Having a kid look at his mom in a Playboy shoot is different to me though. That’s a naturally sexual situation and it might seem odd to a kid that his mom’s naked body is in a magazine for everyone to see.
I never seen my dad or mom naked but my mom was a caregiver and I was around a lot of caregivers and I grew up being taught some things are wrong but if someone is just going about or needs help and are unable to help themselves (someone injured, or too young or old) but I also grew up modest and being taught not to show off our “temple” (body)
When I was growing up I grew up seeing my mother naked. (Not like sexualised like come on I was a kid) like because we would become comfortable with it, I disagree to the lady who said I wouldn’t want my six year old to see me naked but when they’re older then that’s a different story because when the child was older it would be even more awkward, plus I don’t think six year olds would read playboy. When I was younger I wouldn’t see my father because obviously I’m a female and it would be completely normal to see another female body naked right?
It depends on the culture. Not all cultures are repressed puritans. I’ve met people from various Scandinavian countries where skin wasn’t something to be shocked about. Kids take their cues from adults; if you don’t act as though something is wrong, the kids ignore it too. Find interviews with Alexander Skarsgaard where he talks about his father’s family being nudists. Very funny.
I think what she said is misunderstood. I mean come on I dont think she’s going to pull out her collection of playboy mags and say “look honey this is what mommy did for a living!” I think she’s more like if her son ever comes across it she wouldn’t scold him. I mean come on her son will come to an age where he starts looking around (probably not intending to find his mother) and play boy will most likely be the first place he looks since that pretty much the household he grows up in.
This is the most stupid things I ever heard about it, people see their parents as reference and hero’s, seeing them naked will destroy the respect relashionship between parents and kids, not showing your body doesn’t mean that you are insecure about your body, those programs try to spread weird stupid ideas and want it to be normal.
I’ve always been naked at home in Summer here in Sydney. My neighbors were Danes when I was growing up and whenever I was over there I was naked, in Summer as their whole family was. I was about 7 or 8. I grew I accepting nudity and to me being nude is normal. Clothed is not. My son who is now 23 thinks the same way. He’s used to seeing his Dad nude and doesn’t even notice 😎
Why do we shame the human body? Just keep it real from an early age. Expose them to nude museum artworks, not playboy! Besides, EVERY boy will see a playboy at some point in their childhood. It’s what boys live for! Ugh I still remember stumbling on my older bro’s stash as a kid. I even knew it was tasteless compared to nudes I saw in art books! Christians ruined it for everyone the second they affixed all those damn fig leaves on our beautiful paintings & sculptures.
this feels so stupid 😂 I get that you’re not supposed show porn to your kids ofc. Seeing parents naked tho, is really normal and a natural thing. In finland we see our family members naked from a small age. Later in life we can visit public saunas and you have to be naked. Nudity itself is not a bad thing.
I mean my parents let me take a shower with them when i was little. ofc I don’t remember much at all but I took baths with them and my brother when I was like 2 but probably was in the shower with either my dad or mom when I was like 3-5 But I’m glad I don’t remember it LMAO But apparently my mom said I had a fun time in the shower because of the water shooting at my face.