Feeling overwhelmed by homework can lead to procrastination and hinder productivity. To help your child prioritize tasks, teach them how to create a distraction-free study space. This article contains 25 tips that will help both students and remote workers be more productive at home.
- Get organized: A well-organized schedule can help you plan ahead and make the most of your time. Take regular breaks, set priorities, and use your network for support.
- Break information into small pieces and revise them regularly.
- Make a list: Estimate the time needed for each item on your list, gather all your gear, unplug, time yourself, stay on task, and take plenty of time.
- Keep the study area clean and organized: Avoid distractions and become more productive in studies.
- Read, read, read: Have story time with your child each night and have them read quietly alone or with you.
- Make exact goals: Break large tasks into small pieces, put your phone with social networks away, and use apps like Duoknows.com for homework help.
- Do homework every day: Doing homework every day will increase your knowledge and prepare you for upcoming tests and exams.
In summary, being organized, taking regular breaks, breaking large tasks into smaller pieces, using apps like Duoknows.com for homework help, and focusing on one task at a time can help increase productivity and success in studying at home.
📹 watch this if you’re avoiding homework
Avoiding your homework? I know the feeling. Try out these productivity tips. COME CHAT WITH ME Need help with homework?
Why am I so slow at doing homework?
Children may take longer to complete tasks due to various factors, including difficulty with activation, difficulty maintaining focus, and difficulties with effort, including processing speed and mental stamina. When effort is a problem, the child’s work pace slows down, and they may complain about feeling tired. Emotional problems can cause difficulty in regulating feelings, leading to meltdowns, refusals, argumentativeness, or tantrums.
Problems in working memory can also add to the time it takes to complete tasks. For example, a child with poor working memory may forget a paragraph or stop working on a class assignment due to forgetting directions. Additionally, children with action problems may struggle with sitting still, fidgeting with objects, or wanting to stand or walk around while working. Addressing these issues can help children improve their overall performance and productivity.
What conditions impact productivity while doing homework?
Studying productivity is significantly influenced by factors such as noise, lighting, and temperature. Online courses often require various settings, making understanding these stimuli crucial. To increase productivity, consider experimenting with background noise, such as music, white noise, or ambient sounds. Experiment with different sounds during study sessions to understand how noise affects information retention.
Additionally, try using natural lighting, such as cool light sources or halogen lamps, to reduce fatigue and unfocus. Getting more natural light from the sun can also help increase alertness, reminding the body to be awake and active. By incorporating these factors into your study environment, you can enhance your learning experience and overall productivity.
What are the 5 steps to productivity?
To be more productive, plan your day, create a pleasant work environment, use your time well, eliminate distractions, and use technology to increase efficiency. Contrary to the misconception that productivity entails getting things done all at once, it actually involves persistently at a moderate pace. Even small changes can make a significant impact on productivity. To achieve this, follow these five small steps:
- Create a pleasant workspace;
- Use your time well;
- Eliminate distractions;
- Use technology to increase productivity;\n5
How to be more productive with homework?
To finish your homework faster, create a list of tasks that need to be completed that evening. Estimate the time needed for each task and be realistic about the time it will take. Gather all necessary equipment, such as a laptop and pencils, to avoid getting distracted and wasting time on supplies. Unplug your device, time yourself, stay on task, take breaks, and reward yourself for completing tasks.
Remember to be ruthless in your list, aiming for 5-10 minutes per task, but be realistic about the time spent. Remember to take breaks and reward yourself for completing tasks on time. Remember, speed reading isn’t a magical solution, and it’s essential to stay focused and organized to complete your homework effectively.
How to increase your productivity to-do an assignment?
To increase productivity at work, manage your energy, build a better to-do list, tune out distractions, focus on one task at a time, batch tasks, prioritize healthy habits, take breaks, and refine your workspace. These strategies can help you get more done while reducing stress. Often, when you reach the end of your workday and realize that only half of your tasks are completed, it can be frustrating.
How to stay productive when studying?
To improve concentration and productivity while studying, change your habits by turning off notifications, staying off social media, establishing a routine, and exercising before and between sessions. Avoid procrastination by breaking down large tasks into manageable chunks and taking action on one small task at a time. Establishing good study habits can improve productivity and focus. Remember to communicate with friends and family when studying and to exercise regularly.
How can I maximize my productivity?
To improve business productivity, it is essential to have a simple and effective productivity strategy. This can include setting reminders, reviewing goals regularly, minimizing time-wasting activities, using productivity apps, motivating your team, avoiding multitasking, and offering a wellness program. A clear plan and talented employees are crucial for achieving goals. Prioritizing a productivity strategy requires time, patience, and flexibility.
Key performance indicators (KPIs), motivation, and physical wellness can all contribute to increased productivity. Business productivity is directly related to employee engagement with their work and employer. A Harvard Business Review study suggests that people work harder when someone shows appreciation for their efforts. Managers and company leaders should create a motivating environment to keep employees focused and engaged.
How to increase productivity?
To improve business productivity, it is essential to have a simple and effective productivity strategy. This can include setting reminders, reviewing goals regularly, minimizing time-wasting activities, using productivity apps, motivating your team, avoiding multitasking, and offering a wellness program. A clear plan and talented employees are crucial for achieving goals. Prioritizing a productivity strategy requires time, patience, and flexibility.
Key performance indicators (KPIs), motivation, and physical wellness can all contribute to increased productivity. Business productivity is directly related to employee engagement with their work and employer. A Harvard Business Review study suggests that people work harder when someone shows appreciation for their efforts. Managers and company leaders should create a motivating environment to keep employees focused and engaged.
How to make good homework?
In order to develop an effective homework plan, it is essential to gain a comprehensive understanding of the assignment and to record it in a designated location. It is recommended that the process be initiated as soon as possible. It is also advised that a time budget be established, a focus area be identified, and that the necessary comfort level be attained. Furthermore, it is essential to set the appropriate mood. Determine the optimal starting point and maintain forward progress.
📹 HOW I STAY PRODUCTIVE/MOTIVATED FOR SCHOOL! 📚 my tips and productivity hacks!
Business inquiries: [email protected] This video is not sponsored. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the music in this …
Timestamp Section 0:58 – You’re Inflating Reality 1:56 – Gain some Sense of Control 2:32 – Create an After-School Routine 3:02 – Minimum Viable Step 3:43 – Fixed before Flexible 5:15 – Evenly Distribute Everything 5:48 – The Countdown Method Summary Section Point 1: You’re Inflating Reality Look at your assignments and think of how long the assignment will take. Doing this will help you lower your expectations of how hard the assignment will take. Point 2: Gain some Sense of Control As soon as you get an assignment answer the first question. This will help you not dread about the idea about the hardwork you will face, all you need to do is to keep the momentum. Point 3: Create an After-School Routine Start your work as soon as you get home, you can take a break but use a timer. This will give a defined a cut-off point for when you stop relaxing and start working. Point 4: Minimum Viable Step Do the easiest & simplest thing to get started. Don’t think off all the other things you have to do or all of the other steps of the process. Do whatever you have to do even the tiniest task Point 5: Fixed before Flexible Some tasks are fixed meaning they’ll usually take some Concrete Defined Amount on Time. Flexible tasks can vary, they have indefinite time to be accomplished. Do your fixed tasks then the flexible tasks, starting flexible tasks first can take up all the time. Starting with fixed tasks can leave room for you to do the Flexible tasks. Point 6: Evenly Distribute Everything Pretty self explanatory, it could make your life alot easier and prevent you from doing all your work at the last minute.
My after school routine which could help some of you guys: – empty backpack and take out lunchbox -snack (I usually cut up some fruit and have a small piece of chocolate) – 15 mins wind down (colouring, reading, anything u enjoy really) – homework (all of these steps make it so much easier to start working) – 15 mins chores (putting laundry away, clean ur room) -free time/screen time (phone, tv)
The way you explain the fixable before the flexible explain SO MUCH. I’m actually the type of person to immediately start and get everything done it one go. This barely leave anytime for my personal activities. And on those extra days when I finish early, I have a complete burnout crash. 😅 I’m going to try doing this, I sure hope this won’t end up in disaster where things are left unfinished..
One recommendation for those who will take breaks, if you find yourself unusually productive as your break gets closer, try to push through and continue working as to capitalize fully on the productivity and focus instead of losing it by forcing a break. I’ve learned this from doing a few too many assignments last minute.
Thank you so much, I noted down all of these strategies. Also, I have ADHD/depression and I am often very easily burnt out, so I really appreciate the fact that you kept on acknowledging that people have different ability/strength levels and that even these strategies aren’t feasible all the time. It really helped diminish the pressure I felt when thinking about executing them. Keep it up 🙂
well, this is an extremely well written article, but a flaw I see with one of the things that he says it to do the first question to gain control of the situation. Obviously this will make you feel much better about doing these assignments and lower the pressure, but one can get too relaxed. Once you feel that it is much easier than you thought, you will keep on procrastinating until the last minute thinking that it will be super easy and you can do it in a quick manner. Other than that, amazing tips and thank you for making articles like these
Your advice is extremely useful to me as a postgraduate student- with so much to do daily,my brain would just switched off and grab the switch near me. Now I understand a bit on why it happens and try to sit in front of the books or just write the title of essay to start working. Looking forward to your vids
My way of dealing with procrastination was short term planning based on what I had to do for the week. Especially for college where your schedule is what you make of it, and classes become formulaic, I would consider what I had for each particular week and spread it out depending on due dates, time constraints, and difficultly of the assignment. I don’t have a physical todo list or planner, I use my head to plan things out instead. This probably only works so well with me because I like things concrete and down and can be a little inflexible at times, but it all comes down to self control and discipline in the end.
I never did even 1 page of my world hystory book the whole year. 😅 im going into 8th grade, and i can’t get more than 2 fs to be able to participate in many school events, including 8th grade graduation. I’ve always failed math and science. Not only because math is just not my thing, but also because i never did the homework until the last moment or in class. Im not sure why, but i dont feel comfortable doing homework at home it just feels wrong or, in a way, hurts. Maybe it’s because I’ve given up for so long, and now i just can’t do it anymore. But im gonna try and do my work this year. Sorry if this was confusing, im not very good at explaining and was just typing what i was thinking. 😅
I’m an 8th grader I think I really cant get myself to fix my problems so I just go with it. Like if when I’m studying but have the gut to use my phone, then I use my phone in a way that I could do my homework like the phone don’t exist like putting a timer or just play a article over and over again. thx for this vid XP
“you have _ _ and _ all due tomorrow” “ofc you don’t start doing your work right away” you took a break but you realised very quickly that the fifteen minute break turned into a thirteen minute break which turned into an hour long break” “and the next thing you know its 10pm and you still haven’t started ur work” me having a test for a subject im currently failing due tomorrow, having to sent friends assignments they missed and group project due tomorrow while “finding music” on yt be like:
My advice (sorry this came out a little longer than originally anticipated lol…not me procrastinating my homework writing this…) Do your work the moment you get home, with barely a break just to say high to a pet or get situated. Make it so that it’s a habit, like brushing your teeth (although I know some of you all don’t do that lol) so you don’t have a choice, whether you want to or not. Most days I come home with absolutely no motivation to do work, I want to do anything else so badly. But I don’t allow myself any choice, not a signal break, because you must remind yourself,”Am I really going to want to do this at 10 PM? Do I really want to have my break stressing about work in my subconscious?” After about 10 minutes, I can assure you you will feel productive and happy, no matter how unmotivated you were in the beginning. Let me emphasize, under no circumstance, unless you’re physically dying, do you allow yourself a choice. Do this 3 days in a row and it’ll become easy, you’ll know your limits. Sometimes I have major writers block, or my mind is fogging, in which case I know I am not being consistent. Somestimes, despite this quote, when you have a great deal of trouble with this (typically around the time you first begin), try to imagine the process in steps of how to complete your assignment, as little as they might be. For instance,”I need to google a topic about this paper for a citation” and once I find the citation “Next, I need to find the author to put it in APA citation.
I do the shorter assignments first because if I look at my to-do list and see more items, I’m more likely not to start, so if I see that I have completed 6 already and only have 3 left, then I feel better and more likely to start. I feel less burdened even though it’s the same amount of work anyways.
Before starting any task go through the all subjects one by one Then schedule them Write down tasks when I get it Evenly distribute tasks through out the week Do fixed tasks first which always take same time then do flexible tasks Think small task like stand then start Take breaks when doing homework
My recommendation for someone who is an insane procrastinator and shitter in general: Stay in the library with only the stuff u bring to school until it is done. At the beginning and during exams I stay from 4 – 12 AM on a daily basis. Your time spent there may be not very effective at first but you will be forced to study, and eventually over months u will get more and more proficient at it. Also going to the gym as a break will give you much more energy than going online.
This will not work in college, however doing some homework during breaks also might help. Of course you wouldn’t write an essay but if you have a few math tasks might as well do them while you are free. Seems like it is not much, but believe me you will at least half the amount of work you need to do at home. Ever since I have started doing this back in 5th grade I was never overwhelmed by homework again
Bro I appreciate that you give us some good presentation and key points to remember during aur exam but some of your viewers are from India and we have a very very very strict education system which does not apply study cards can you teach a method how to study big big detail answers without cut starting any key points and to write every single points please it would really help us to graduate of food 500 out of 500 in our board exam because in India board exams are very very important for your life. Choice
Checklist: • A bottle of water, at least 1liter. Your brain works better if it has enough water and drinking helps you to concentrate💧 • Your charger. You sometimes don’t even notice that your device’s battery is going down, so better have it plugged in all the time🔋 • Your headphones. You will be able to focus more with headphones, because it blocks background noises. Also, if it’s a late night study session, you won’t wake up anyone🎧 • a tea or coffee. Coffee keeps you awake, green or black tea can make you feel more awake as well.☕ • Your study/work stuff: your laptop/tablet/phone, a few pens, paper or whatever you need.⌨ • Anything else you could need, what about a heat pad, a blanket, a good lamp, your pet so you have a study buddy 🐈 Reminder: After an hour, you should stand up and walk a bit around. Better stop the music or put on different music for the break. Open your window, even if it’s cold outside. Fresh air will make it better, trust me. You could also lay your head down on your desk for ten minutes and listen to a podcast. Or, if you have to read a book, listen to the audiobook of it. You can also listen to the audiobook while doing another thing, that’s even better than listening to music while reading the book. 📖 I hope y’all had a good day, if not, that’s okay too. Remember to take care of yourself and try to get some sleep tonight 😴
Even though he was talking mostly about high school and college, this really is gonna help me even though I’m in 6th grade because for example the fixed before flexible method seems actually really smart like I have a China document and I just barely started the final draft and I have a lot of homework due because I missed a lot of it and this article is really gonna help. So I should probably do my homework first then. Thanks Gohar!
In my school, we don’t have much homework, but we do have a lot of tests and projects. Would you be able to do a article about how to eliminate distractions? In my school, we use the computer a lot and almost no textbooks, so if you can make a article of distractions and not go into other tabs. Plsssss Thanks! @Dani_P25
Another strategy I use since I don’t have the same amount of time every day due to other activities, is spend more time on say, a project, on the days where I have more time. I know this might seem obvious, but it is important to sometimes have exceptions to the even distribution rule. For example, say you have a project due Wednesday but you are super busy Tuesday and Monday is free, get close to finishing or better yet, finish the project Monday rather than Tuesday. Love the fixed before flexible rule – will start using that. Another tip is for daily homework, do that first since it is needed to be done, then work on projects and longer-term assignments. Finally, don’t assume you will have the exact amount of time that is predicted. For example, if you know that from the time you come home until the time you go to bed is 5h, don’t leave things until those 5h because things could come up and then you don’t finish your work. It is better to stay ahead than to fall behind. Idk, just some tips that have helped me. This website has really helped me as a student. Thanks
something that i did when i was in HS and it echoes in college now is this: school isn’t over when it’s over, it just means the instructions are over. breaks are necessary but that is only if you are done doing at the very least 3 assignments. sometimes when I would have to read a book for an essay assignment and I was in another class, I would be reading on my free time to catch up on some things that I would need to catch up on. there would be another thing too that I would do like soon as I got home, I would do the assignment after getting a snack and a quick restroom break. most of the time after the homework was done, I would be leaving the HS building for the day. College is a bit different in the sense that you are there for like, 2 or 3 hours in a week for lecture, then you have the assignments to catch up on. sometimes it is readings, other times it’s group projects. I’m doing the same thing I did in high school but I wasn’t the ideal student and was okay with C’s. now that I am in college, I question if I did my best on the assignments and it’s only going to be my second week!
Another very important thing and usually isn’t touched upon please do homework in school if you are given the chance. Dont procrastinate and say its homework supposed to be done at home. With this small step of doing it at school you either lessen the load of other work, already have a portion done and cut the amount needed in half, and finally no stress and more free time if its the only assignment
A lil addon to what Gohar was saying at 2:20 about being overwhelmed with starting a task. Another thing you can try is to change the wording you use when thinking about a task. I.e.: Instead of saying “I’m going to work on my assignment” you say “I’m working on my assignment”. This lil trick of removing the future tense and instead framing a task as if I already started really helped me when it came to getting started with stuff. You can also apply this to other parts of your life as well, like “I’m going to take out the trash” becomes -> “I’m taking out the trash”. By insinuating that you’re already doing a task you remove the all to common “I’ll do it in 5 minutes” response from the issue entirely. I know it feels like its too simple to ever work but give it a try and if it works for you then hey, you just found a new tool to help you get started on stuff! If not then hopefully Gohar’s tips can help you out.
Dude thank-you so much for this vid. The countdown really does work. For example, one time, I was asked to unload the dishwasher. I had just came inside from a jog, so my legs were tired. I go inside, sit down in my favorite chair and got comfortable. Then just as I got settled in I had to do the dishwasher. I just sat there with my eyes closed for 10 secs and did the countdown thing, and it’s got to be one of the most powerful mental tricks. It really does work so next time your in one of those situations, use this.
Before perusal this article, I was really scared because this September I going into year 9 and we are going to start GCSE content I didn’t know how to organise my study time. This article gave me a greater idea on how to organise my daily tasks. Thank you so much for this and I look forward for any other helpful article like this.
This was such a helpful article! Thank you so much! I also wanted to tell everyone that Jesus loves each and everyone of you. He wants a relationship with everyone. He died for you so that you can experience true life and fulfillment. Nothing else in this world can fulfill and satisfy like Jesus. Give Him a chance today. He is calling all of us to follow Him and He is worth following. God Bless
Hello sir, I really need some help here. This question is open to anyone. The main reason I avoid my homework is because I don’t care. It’s not that I’m inflating reality or a lack of after school routine. I’m sure those things will help, but how do I do something that I have zero, literally zero, incentive to do?
I’m in my last semester of college and am taking 6 courses. It has been a huge workload and I find it hard to get everything done by the due dates even starting well before the due dates. Do you think I am taking too much time on each subject? How can I get each subject done at a certain time where my other studies are done on time. Please help me with a direction 😁👍🙏
Genuinely hate hs this is my final year and were almost through and several of my classes have teachers that don’t use the greatest teaching method and it makes it even more stressful when you get assigned 20 calculus problems and you’re clueless on the last assignment that was assigned last class, and you’re expected to complete 6 assignments a class for homework which costs you you’re personal time outside of the classroom on top of having to sit there for 7hrs against your will, so you tell me I’m wrong TLDR: I hate hs
I have been sick all week so my low motivation to do any homework has been nonexistent and I have procrastinated for I think 2 days know it’s the weekend and we have our 8 classes split into 2 days so on one day we have our 1st 4 classes and on another we have our other 4 I am now desperate and just now thought of this article
another tip you could try thats similar to ‘minimal viable step’ : if youre sitting there at home one day and remember you have work, stop, dont put it off till later, dont even think about how long itll take or everything you need to do, dont think about what youd rather be doing at the moment, DONT THINK AT ALL. NO HESITATION. hell dont even think about the work itself, just focus on moving your legs.. get right up and go over to your computer or desk/workspace and do it. trust me. you dont need to overcomplicate things all there is to know is that work has to be done, so do it. its the best use of what little time you have and if you dont do it you will regret it. dont put all of that stress on future you. currently doing online school for the rest of the year because of personal issues but i lack discipline.. until now. these tips helped me out so thanks a ton
Thank you so much Kenna I am another one from like I love your content love perusal you by the beach. Your such as vibe. Thank you so much for this article it will definitely help me with the start of junior high. Your my fav youtuber I am your number one number one fan ☝️ don’t let anyone or anything get in your way love from your number one fan from Hollywood California ❤️✨❤️✨
Opera cracked me up. If ur not someone who’s into tech a lot or doesn’t rlly care about which browser they use lemme tell u one thing: opera was sold to a shady company last yr and the privacy stuff is dogsh! the so called “vpn” id actually a proxy which is less secure then a vpn. yes they have cool features but is it worth ur bank details brjng sold to random people although i dont use the alternative, an alternative to opera with similar features is the vivaldi browser. It’s more secure then opera aswell. A solo project made by an ex-opera company employee
Hi, how are you? I found that your advice has really helped me stay on the right track for college I wrote down all your advice and I am going to try it. I am pursuing a bachelors of science degree in Pschycology so that I can become a clinical physiologist in the future! This article has grew the motivation to do my work that I really needed, thank you so much!
I have to write a holocaust research paper. I had three weeks but I missed the first week because of a trip. So now I’m a week behind and just can’t motivate myself to work on it. I literally just stared straight my computer for the whole period. And did nothing at home. I just need to get it done. 😫😤