Sheri will be giving a talk in January entitled: Are Montessori Educators Barely Awake, Woke, or Too Woke for Our Time and Place? The discussion revolves around the Montessori philosophy and pedagogy, its history, and its alignment with culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP). Montessori education is known for its focus on critical consciousness strength building, hands-on activities, cultural celebrations, and diverse experiences. A meta-analysis of 109 studies found that Montessori education improves social skills and school results, but has limited effects on other areas.
The Montessori method of education is considered the modern way of empowering children to live their lives at their best. A planning process is offered to help carry out culturally responsive care in education in 11 steps. However, the best case against Montessori education concerns orthodoxy. To prevent the term “Montessori” from being applied to just any school, it is essential to avoid applying the term to just any school.
In Montessori classrooms, cultural lessons remain an equally important and vital part of the student’s day, throughout all age levels. This approach builds a culture of “we help each other” and encourages collaboration among students. The woke agenda is alive and well in the Montessori school, and staying asleep among the woke is a choice. As we face challenges in education and society today, it is crucial for educators to be receptive to a theoretical framework like critical multicultural education.
📹 ‘Mommy, Mommy, I Don’t Want to Be a Boy!’ Little Girl’s Reaction to Radical Sex Ed Program Says It A
‘Mommy, Mommy, I Don’t Want to Be a Boy!’ Little Girl’s Reaction to Radical Sex Ed Program Says It All.
Does Montessori have a downside?
The Montessori model, which emphasizes independence, has been criticized for its potential drawbacks. The emphasis on individual work may hinder children’s ability to work effectively in teams and collaborate later in life. Montessori students may struggle with adjusting to different rules and expectations outside their familiar environment. The curriculum also places a strong emphasis on personalized learning, valuing independence and self-reliance.
However, some activities are conducted in small groups, reducing the focus on teamwork and collaborative skills. This may limit opportunities for students to develop essential collaboration abilities, which are valuable in real-life situations. Encouraging independence requires patience and guidance from parents and educators, gradually allowing children to take on more responsibilities and make decisions independently.
Why Montessori is not for everyone?
Traditional educational methods, such as homeschooling or schooling, often require a child to rely on grades, tests, rewards, and a strict curriculum. This can make it difficult for a child to adapt to the Montessori method, as they may seek adult approval and concrete measurements like grades. Montessori schools typically don’t accept children who are completely new to Montessori above 3rd grade. Homeschooling families may have more success with older children, as they can gradually introduce Montessori methods and materials into their homeschooling framework. However, this may not allow for the full Montessori approach to be applied.
What are the criticism of Montessori?
Montessori education is praised for its emphasis on individual learning paths, but critics argue that this may lead to a lack of opportunities for students to engage in competitive and cooperative activities. Montessori observed that children under 6 prefer to work alone or alongside one another, often engaging in activities that develop concentration. However, Montessori classrooms provide ample opportunities for both independent and collaborative learning. Mixed-age classrooms, particularly in elementary years, encourage mentorship and cooperation among students, while small group projects foster teamwork and problem-solving skills.
Critics also express concern that Montessori education may not offer enough structured opportunities for creative arts and physical education. However, Montessori classrooms recognize the importance of a holistic approach to education, providing a multitude of opportunities for creative expression and physical development. Art activities, music exploration, and outdoor play are usually integrated into the curriculum, allowing students to develop their artistic abilities and physical coordination in various ways.
Despite these criticisms, Montessori education promotes independence, self-discipline, critical thinking, and a love for learning. It fosters a holistic approach to education that respects the individuality of each child and prepares them for success in various educational settings and real-world scenarios.
Why is Montessori left to right?
Montessori classrooms use a progression order, displaying materials from easiest to hardest, to provide a clear pathway for children’s learning. These materials encourage purposeful movement and exploration, fostering fine motor skills, which are crucial for early childhood education. Montessori materials teach one skill or concept at a time, allowing children to engage deeply with the material and master it at their own pace.
Each material is developed within the context of all others, progressively building knowledge and skills within each subject area. This balanced approach to early childhood education prepares children for real-life situations.
What is the Montessori view on gender?
Montessori is a child-centered approach to education that addresses gender and identity topics using age-appropriate language and concepts. In the Children’s House, children learn about using correct names and pronouns through Grace and Courtesy lessons, using Learned Word Lists with gender-neutral pronouns. They also create families using figures featuring different genders, ages, ethnicities, and abilities. Family photos and self-portraits are displayed in classrooms, and classroom libraries feature books featuring diverse families.
Lower Elementary students learn about gender pronouns (she/he/they) as part of the Grammar curriculum. In the Reader’s Workshop, children learn about identity and the various types of identities we hold as individuals, family members, and community members. The book Who Are You? by B. R. Pessin-Whedbee introduces concrete terminology for gendered language, gender pronouns, and gender expansiveness. Art class allows students to draw and share self-portraits, and staff affirm identity expression in clothing and hair style choices.
Should Christians do Montessori?
The Montessori Method is a widely used educational approach in various settings, including individuals, schools, childcare, and aged care centers worldwide. It is based on the belief that every person has a unique spiritual nature and can experience personal relationships with God. Dr. Montessori, born into the Christian tradition, applied a scientific method to her study of human development, leading to a better understanding of the personhood of children and the importance of supporting their development with respect for their unique characteristics.
The Montessori approach is applied across all continents in various religious contexts, focusing on the fundamental human needs, which can be categorized as material (shelter, food, clothing, transportation, defense/safety, communication) and spiritual (love, spirituality/religion, culture, arts and music, and adornment). Montessori environments designed to aid a person’s life should also be designed to meet these needs.
The Montessori approach is a person-centered approach that recognizes the innate value of every human being and is applied throughout life into old age. It is a valuable resource for children in Montessori schools, as it helps them explore and understand their spiritual nature and religious practice within their community.
What are the weaknesses of Montessori?
Montessori education, established by Dr. Maria Montessori in 1907, is a child-centric approach that emphasizes independence and self-guided work. It is a popular method among early childhood education theories, as children have different minds and learn differently. Montessori schools allow children to explore educational games and toys in an unstructured manner, allowing older and younger children to learn from one another.
Montessori classrooms are known for their beauty, with ample sunlight and space, providing a friendly atmosphere for children to direct their own learning. This environment helps children understand complex vocabulary and intellectual thoughts through the use of objects designed for the purpose.
One of the main advantages of Montessori education is that it allows learners to work, grow, and learn at their own pace. This education system allows children to explore activities, lessons, and things that build upon their expertise, allowing them to develop their coordination and concentration. However, there are some disadvantages to Montessori education, such as high costs, limited opportunities, and a small student community.
In conclusion, Montessori education offers a unique approach to early childhood education that emphasizes independence, self-guided work, and a focus on individual growth and development. However, it is essential to consider all features when choosing an education philosophy.
What is not allowed in Montessori?
Montessori schools discourage the introduction of fantasy to young children under the age of 5 or 6, limiting their use of play kitchens, dress-up areas, and books featuring dragons and fairies. This has led to the misconception that Montessori education stifles imagination and creativity. However, this misconception is false. Fantasy and imagination are two separate concepts. Fantasy is stories and ideas drawn from a non-existent world, while imagination is the ability to conjure images or scenarios in one’s mind, separate from present sensorial input.
For example, a child pretending to be an eagle on the playground or playing “family” to practice modeled roles in their homes may not be as engaging as fantasy. Montessori education should focus on fostering creativity and imagination in children.
Why does Montessori discourage praise?
Praise is a powerful tool that can lead to unhealthy reliance and manipulation. It encourages individuals to look to others for evaluation and judgment, thereby giving up their own motivations and judgments. This can be beneficial for children, who are preparing to function as human beings and develop critical thinking, discipline, self-worth, and inner motivation. However, praise-motivated behavior can create a foundation of unhealthy reliance, leaving children vulnerable to manipulation and abuse. It is crucial to consider whether you want your child to always rely on you to determine right from wrong or to be able to make the distinction independently.
What is the downside of Montessori?
The Montessori model, which emphasizes independence, has been criticized for its potential drawbacks. The emphasis on individual work may hinder children’s ability to work effectively in teams and collaborate later in life. Montessori students may struggle with adjusting to different rules and expectations outside their familiar environment. The curriculum also places a strong emphasis on personalized learning, valuing independence and self-reliance.
However, some activities are conducted in small groups, reducing the focus on teamwork and collaborative skills. This may limit opportunities for students to develop essential collaboration abilities, which are valuable in real-life situations. Encouraging independence requires patience and guidance from parents and educators, gradually allowing children to take on more responsibilities and make decisions independently.
What religion did Montessori follow?
Montessori education, founded by Dr. Maria Montessori, is not inherently religious but does encourage exploration, enjoyment, and respect for all forms of human spirituality. Despite growing up in the Catholic faith, her work is deeply influenced by her beliefs in the sanctity of the human spirit, the fraternity of all humankind, and the pursuit of peace. Dr. Montessori traveled extensively, meeting with leaders in various fields, including scientists, artists, political, and religious leaders.
Her religious beliefs developed through her personal dissent with the Catholic church and her connections to non-European religions and esoteric philosophies, particularly through the Theosophic Society. Despite her private religious beliefs, her legacy is one of profound humanism, encouraging children and adults to celebrate, develop, and uphold our shared humanity. Her work continues to inspire and empower children and adults to celebrate and develop our shared humanity.
📹 Teaching in the US vs. the rest of the world
Teachers in America have a uniquely tough job. But it doesn’t have to be that way. *Note: At 1:09, we misspelled “Sweden.
I was a major tomboy as a kid. I loved climbing trees, playing with trucks in the dirt, played with all the boys in sports, you name it. Additionally, I hated wearing dresses. I just want to say this…if someone were to tell me that my behavior may be a concern or that perhaps I was a boy in a girl’s body, that might have really made me question and believe that maybe they were right. I’m a married mother of three children and although I’m still somewhat of a tomboy, I absolutely love and embrace being a woman. I don’t agree with this type of teaching to young children. They should just play and have fun as children!! Most people truly don’t know who they are until they’re adults. Please, let children be children.
The problem is that they’re not listening to their own message. They say, “Some boys want to wear dresses and some girls want to catch snakes.” Yep! That’s absolutely true! My son let his two female pre-school friends dress him up in a tutu, and my daughter has a worm farm. He’s still a boy…and she’s still a girl. And yet, when a girl played with “boyish toys,” the teacher told her she was a boy! They don’t even listen to their own words!
Words of my grandfather: “Back in my day we would go outside and see children playing we’d see love and prosperity even during wartime but now we go outside and see that happiness and pride burn before our very eyes we live not for enjoyment but to practice the curriculum and ideologies of corrupted people”
This article was made five years ago…. AND IT’S GETTING WORSE. Parents are literally encouraging children to transition so they can get fifteen minutes of fame on social media. Parents are ruining their own children’s lives. I also blame SOCIAL MEDIA for spreading this. No child should have to worry about any of this. They need to simply go through puberty and wait until their older to see how they feel at that point to make any drastic life altering decisions that could effect them for life. This is just insane to be teaching in classrooms!!!
They take God out of school, but their okay with this. Let kids be kids. This craziness wouldn’t be happening if the schools would stop the bullying. A lot of this wouldn’t be happening if schools put a stop to bullying. They would’ve been left alone and accepted for who they are without the bullying, and maybe this wouldn’t be so out of control.
In my first (and only) year of teaching, I had a 6 year old male student who liked to dress up and snuggle and be affectionate. I watched students tell him that he acted like a girl. I saw him confused by this statement. I defended him and said that it had nothing to do with that. He is allowed to be affectionate and he can wear costumes. But after just a few months, I saw him playing the part more and more much to some students delight. Then the parents told us that he was transitioning to being a girl. In love, I told them that I could not give education to all of the students about this, but I would do my best to help their child feel loved. So the school brought in someone else to teach the students about this. For the rest of the year, I saw several children absolutely terrified and confused by this. I had multiple conversations of little 6 year olds in tears asking why this was happening and if it would happen to them. I saw the transitioned student get more and more confused until by the end of the year, he said he was a dog and would only bark. The entire thing was one of the most disgusting things I had ever seen. This was a creative 6 year old little boy who was easily convinced to do things. He needed parents to tell him when creativity should be used and when reality should be affirmed. He would have been a much more stable child. And on the way, so many other children were damaged as well. I quit after that year. I told the school, I couldn’t stand by and watch children be traumatized in this way.
There’s a difference bw teaching acceptance, and normalizing lifestyles. Identities, under any other context even outside genders, rely on solid reference points. Similar to many commenters here, I too was quite a tomboy due growing up with older brothers and thinking a boys lifestyle was more carefree. But growing up, I was definitely wrong and found strength in femininity. Im still that tomboyish woman, but still a woman. Thats it, no need to inject testosterones
As a young girl, i was obsessed with dinosaurs, monsters, animals, didn’t play with dolls, preferred article games with dad to baking with mom. Im a proud woman and mother of 4 children. 3 sons and a new daughter. As a young girl i also suffered with social anxiety and being self concious. It breaks my heart to think that lil girls like me are being targeted to think they are “other” than What they are: future women, beautiful in all her glory.
This is insane. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a boy. Turns out I just didn’t agree with the stereotypical depiction of girls in the media. Now when the same thing happens to a little kid today they tell them to take hormones and puberty blockers. Trans people: no one should judge you for your choices, lifestyle or identity, but leave the kid out of this. They don’t need to be “trans”. If they grow up and find that out about themselves, good for them, but from 1 to 17 you don’t need to do ANYTHING to your body.
This is beyond disgusting. I am a member of the community, don’t celebrate pride month, and think Drag Queens are dumb. Kiddos should play and explore interests at this age. If they do feel like this, it’s a good time to get support when you are well beyond childhood and teen hood. This program should be taught at a college if wanted to, or just abandon it. I don’t believe, like the rest of us in the comments, that little kids should not be learning stuff like this.
Im saying this as a bisexual myself. CHILDREN CANNOT CONSENT TO THIS STUFF. Let them find it out on their own terms stop teaching them about it. All they need to know is that we accept them for who they are. That should be it other than that we should not be teaching them sexuality or Gender ideology and instead let them find it out on THEIR OWN TERMS
I am a transgender man, and this, this is just too much. Children should be taught not to discriminate other human beings just because they are different than them, not taught that they should be like the minority. Shouldnt it all be about letting everyone decide who they want to be and not telling them what to do? I guess kids should be taught that other people exist, not that they are all of us
So they are teaching this instead of math? I’m a woman who has always been a tomboy. I am a straight woman. You think I’m a man because I catch and relocate wild snakes? Or relocate spiders? Oh! Oh! Or the fact that I want a pet tarantula? This makes me a man? Teach kids math, science, history, and english. Not “Gender equality” bs. You might as well let a MAP babysit them for a few hours.
When I was five years old I barely knew how to add or subtract numbers, and yet these poor children must suffer through this disgusting and nasty beast that rears it’s head every June, snarling. It’s sickening to think that there is corruption of these innocent children. They deserve a childhood not a narrative.
I went to school in Vancouver. We didn’t have the Sogi curriculum in our time but everyone I know came to learn of the lgbtq community and their struggles as we grew older. The SOGI curriculum isn’t there to educate our kids, it’s to prey on their impressionable minds to further their own twisted agendas of God knows what. It’s sick and its twisted and there is no way I am letting my child near a public school. Homeschooling is the way to go, and worst case, I’m leaving.
Imagine growing up, playing with Barbie’s, tonka trucks and John Deer tractors all at the same time. Wearing jeans and cowboy boots riding horses and motorcycles. Enjoying dressing up for prom and going on dates not ever once wondering what gender I was just growing up a kid. A fellow classmate wore pink and talked feminine, he just was who he was we never wondered who or what he was he just was who he is and was our friend. He’s still our fellow classmate and friend who’s grieving his wife of many years loving his sons and granddaughter. My own granddaughter came home crying because she wore jeans and her brothers T-shirt to school and was asked by the teacher if she felt like she was a boy. Our answer to her is her name just her name and that she is who she is. (As a side note she happened to like the superhero character on her brothers shirt which is why she wore it and yet adults had to take steps to ask her that question) People this is ridiculous, kids grow, they go through puberty and changes all the time let them be kids don’t make them carry the weight of adulthood on their shoulders. I mean I remember my own cousin running in saying to her mom she wanted to be a boy because she wanted to pee behind a tree and not have to stop playing to come inside the house to the bathroom. She laughs and says I didn’t want to change who I was I just didn’t want to stop and have to go all they way back inside I wanted to keep playing. Stop reading into everything a kid does and says much of it is very simple.
It’s NOT the roll of the schools to teach our kids anything other than a good education. It’s parents who are supposed to teach their children about morals, character and what’s right and wrong. C’mon parents we need to stand up and take our kids back. God help us and send guardian angels to protect our kids when they are away from home or live in a dangerous environment amen and God bless. 🙏
I was born a girl, dressed in baggy clothes as a tomboy, chased lizards, and still like, love, and appreciate men. My Mom dressed me in pink dresses and flower print dresses and black dresses. Then I grew up and dressed in every fashion around the world and I love the woman I was born to be and looking and feeling beautiful. God gave me this body and I do my best to keep it healthy, strong, well fed, and clean, and men like, love, and appreciate my body just the way it is. I don’t have to change my name, change my body, change pronouns to be who I am. The only thing I change is my clothes and my shoes. Everything God made stays the same. Even my cat still has his balls and he is proud of them. Everything in nature declares who God is. So, people who embrace the unnatural can’t accept the things of God because everything God made is natural. I feel bad for people who can’t appreciate the natural beauty God made. They are missing out on so much. If you are not happy with yourself, seek God and learn about Christ and let the Holy Spirit come into your life. God will show you abundance and truth and love that does not harm you or confuse you. God’s love saves lives and saves souls. God’s love preserves you. God’s love will not let you take your own life. He will give it back to you and make you whole again. God’s love transforms us as repentant sinners of this world to citizens of His Kingdom. There’s no other love that can do that.
Teaching us about gay stuff ain’t gonna educate us we don’t need teachers questioning our sexuality we have the choice to accept if we like or dislike the lgbtq thing. Some schools don’t allow bibles or some other religious items but they have the audacity to teach us about the lgbtq community. I’ve lost my faith in humanity. And I’m only 13.
if a boy likes doing things that are mostly associated with girls, wouldnt telling him that he is a girl be enforcing stereotypes regarding gender? kids should be free to enjoy trucks, the color pink, what ever since they are still growing and finding out who they are. Personally, I think that permanently changing your gender takes that freedom of discovery away.
I have an amazing story. One day I was driving home, when all of a sudden the Lord came to me in spirit. I felt very close to Him. I knew if I asked him to play any song on the radio he would, I guess to bless my faith. So I said “ok, Lord play “Come as you are by Nirvana”. I turned on the radio and the song started playing right there on the spot, perfectly… I started getting flooded with chills like a waterfall, crying, and trembling. He stayed with me for 10 minutes in my driveway. until I got outta the car. A couple months after that I started getting amazing prayers answered way more often, because it helped me quit doubting when I pray and I was lined up with biblical instructions. It’s 6 years later and I still get answered prayers in Jesus name.
Parents will always care for the good of their children, not harm them. Children 2-9 years old cannot decide for themselves what’s good for them with regard to sexual orientation choices. Parents are NOT bad -these groups make them look bad and call them all sorts of label, except that they do not say the TRUTH.
my wife was tomboy type kid, fought boys, played boys game, cut her hair short, learned martial art, and hated girl’s dress, but my in laws always treated her as a girl, because we muslims believe that gender is born and can never be changed. any gender confusion will only last temporarily as long as confused kids are always addressed with their born gender. my wife changed at around 14. I am proud to be a muslim. as far as I know, only Islam stands firm on gender roles and gender issues.
She is right about their real goal Always saying they do what they do to be accepted. No one has to accept anyone tbh. Some people of colour are not accepted due to their colour do you see anyone running around trying to change laws and faiths to implement something where they and theur way of life MUST be accepted. Not everyone will accept everyone else. When people do not agree with their choice because it is choice then they say you are a homophobe or a transphobe. People should treat those who choose this route with respect but they do not have to accept how u choose to live. They are trying to force their ideologies on everyone. Changing laws to get married, Going to a christian baker requesting they bake a wedding cake for a same gender wedding and when she refused due to this being against her faith they tried to sue her but failed miserably. Why go into Churches and mosques and temples and try and force them to marry when they could have simply gone to a registry office it is because it is not about being respected or accepted as they say it is litterally an ambush to try and change society as we know it, ones moral code, the laws, as well as the laws in ones faith. When you see those behaviours you see why so many want nothing to do with the entire thing. When you start trying to force your choices onto others and their families, when you try to go into places of worship trying to change their faith and beliefs etc no one is really going tp be looking favourably on.
Pierre Trudeau decriminalized this in 1968, saying: “It’s bringing the laws of the land up to contemporary society,” says Trudeau, explaining the bill. “Take this thing on homos*xuality. The view we take is that ‘there’s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation.’ What’s done in private between adults doesn’t concern the Criminal Code.” Thus, it should be kept in the bedroom and not forced upon the public and displayed with such overt extravagance. Thank you.
I was “a boy in a girl’s body” when I was 5. I grew up with lots of boy-cousins, not a single girl in the close and outer family. When I was gifted a doll, I cut her hair, painted her a camo face and introduced my new commando to my cousins and dared them to fight lol. I never wore dresses, I never played anything else but football, toy cars, cowboys and so on. And then I grew up. Now I am a woman in a woman’s body, with two sons. Who knew 🙂
Just because a girl like playing with snakes, makes you a boy… What the hell does that mean? I am very much female, but I grew up climbing trees, playing with the boys, looking under the hood with my dad, playing Cowboys snd Indians, and I still play with TRUCKS! and I’m a grown woman. All woman!!! How come sogi can’t decide on gender, but they can decide if you do certain activities, if you’re male or female? Makes no sense. 🤦♀️
Parents need to train their children to speak up and push back against these agendas for example : a little girl playing with boy toys should say — yes I’m a girl playing with boy toys so what ? I’m a girl who plays with boy toys and no I’m not a boy, sadly now children need to push back on these agendas at the price of their innocence
They are teaching this at my nephews school right now. My mom called and asked if I could talk to him because I am gay.. I literally responded with He’s just a minor. Then she went onto explained that the school is telling him that he might be gay because he likes a boy at school who is his friend… he was really confused. Luckily I came out in the early 2000s where it was a lot different. I could actually grow and learn about myself before having to come up with those answers
It gets worse. Just today I was at lunch with my pastor at a place that was full of pride flags, and a guy came up to greet him, and pointed to a photo of him with some random young girl wearing a rainbow dress and an “equality” shirt. Then told him that the girl was born a boy, and to my surprise, the pastor seemed not to be shocked by it. We need to retake the mainline churches, and FAST. Before they can spread any more heresy.
This is the most dangerous and sick thing that you could do to children .A child is easily programmed at this age and it’s such a crime to do such a thing to them. You want the boys to later on become strong men and not weak men with wild emotions,also the school is not allowed to raise the kids,it’s the parents job.
I’m a trans person and I think trans education is a good thing, but this is bad. A. The kids are too young to understand B. Telling someone that they are trans or homosexual is horrible, that’s up to nobody except them to decide. C. This stuff is just cringeworthy, I’m sorry but “The Rainbow Song” 😭😭😭?!
Thank God I was born and raised in Africa Poor children, that will make them grow even more confused, this is literally child abuse Wake up Americans, Europeans, etc It’s so unfortunate people are doing this, some think they are helping and others know exactly the real agenda of doing this to children’s minds I feel like you guys will only realize this when it’s to late
I have a lot of thoughts, but can just start with what they said at the very end, with it being in a “battle between a very aggressive homosexual agenda versus the church.” This is just yet another thing for them to divide us with. Personally, I’m not part of any sort of organized religion, but I am on the “side” of the church, here. I definitely lean conservative or libertarian, but wouldn’t pigeon hole myself into labeling it, as it depends on the topic. With this topic, I’m one to say, if it’s an adult and it doesn’t effect anyone else, do what you want. I also think a child or adult should be able to wear/like what ever color they want, or play with whatever toy they want, but don’t make them question what gender they are, or encourage them to change genders, because of it. Can a women do most of what a man can do, and a man do most of what a woman can do?, Sure, many times, not all, but many times…but why should we? Men and women are biologically different, period…and we should celebrate the differences, not shame them. For examples, typically (not all the time), men are physically stronger than women, and that’s ok. And women can have babies, and men can’t, and that’s ok. It’s not only ok, it’s beautiful, and it should be celebrated and honored, not shamed! Let the man build a home, move the furniture, take the trash out, and and thank him for it! Be grateful! And honor the beauty that a women can grow a baby inside of her, and birth it! And feel gratitude for that! We are still all valued equally, just different.
As a transboy, i think this is a eh situation it’s good to teach kids that like these people exist! And we should acknowledge that they exist. But on the other hand they should probably teach this to kids around 11-13 about LGBTQIA+ since they’re older. Nobody should be told there gender just because of what toys they play with, my honest opinion is school’s should focus on telling the kids to not bully people, no matter what, since bullying is common in middle school, I’m in middle school and i get picked on by popular girls, get shoved out of the way by them in the Hallway. Bullying is more important topic around these parts, instead of teaching kids these people exist and should be forced down on the kids is unacceptable. No kid is old enough to tell who they like/who they wanna be, they’re 5 crying out loud! I started to question my sexuality at 10 years old because of my feelings, real feelings towards my best friend btw. It’s absolutely outrageous they’re forcing gender roles on literal 5 year old that says a lot coming from a 11 year old who knows who they like, and what they feel like, since i was raised like an adult technically…. probably since i was 3. I’m more mature than other 11 year old kids and that says a lot about this “free world” we live in.
I really don’t think this needs to be implemented in the curriculum. I’m a trans guy and kids don’t worry about or need to worry about this kind of thing. It’s okay to teach acceptance and tolerance but we really don’t need to tell them about these things that probably don’t affect the majority of them. Let’s just let kids be kids.