To make excuses to your teacher, first get to know your child’s teacher and consider why they don’t want to do homework. Focus on building a positive relationship with your parents and spending time with them more often than just when they want to nag you. Show that if you want to do something your parents aren’t thrilled about, the odds are that they will miss the homework conversation. Prioritize and coach your child to complete homework in the order that it is done.
Set up your child’s study environment and involve your parents in the conversation. Consider reaching out to your principal or connecting with other parents or the PTA to build support for your cause. Avoid perfectionism and wait for a time when your parents seem relaxed and happy. Schulte encourages parents and caregivers to resist homework by fighting for no-homework policies at their children’s schools and keeping the line of communication open between you and your parents.
Include your parents in your progress and assure them that if your grades slip or you become too run down, you will take their advice and reduce your hours or stop working. Kids should not have homework as it saves time, we already do the lessons in school, and it’s tiring. Explain your situation to your teacher and hear their suggestions on how to handle your parents. Remember that this is not about the situation itself.
📹 How to Convince your Parents to Stay Home from School
In this video, I’m going to help you convince your parents to stay home from school in under two minutes! it’s a simple trick that …
What do normal 14 year olds do?
As your son enters puberty, they are absorbed in social media, texting, instant messaging, and gaming. They show interest in their peer group, develop a sense of style, spend more time with friends, and emerge in their sexuality. They need more sleep, want to stay busy with activities, and have both male and female friends. They may be embarrassed by their family and friends. During puberty, hormone levels fluctuate, and they face emotional changes, mood swings, depression, short-temperedness, self-focus, and the first “love” experience. They may also experience feelings of self-confidence and insecurity.
How to punish students who don’t do homework?
The text emphasizes the importance of continuing teaching and involving students in the classroom to ensure they are actively engaged and learning. It suggests that a student’s refusal to work does not necessarily mean they are not listening or learning. Instead, it is crucial to continue teaching, talking, and involving them in the process.
The text also emphasizes the importance of wait time, giving space to small behaviors, being reflective, building better student relationships, considering learning demands, using logical consequences, de-escalation strategies, and giving choices to the student. Wait time can help students feel more comfortable with their work and allow them to focus on other tasks.
Building positive student relationships is essential for success, as it helps students feel more connected to the teacher and the material. It is also important to consider learning demands, such as social and emotional situations, and whether the work is too difficult for them. If a student needs interventions with reading, writing, or math, it is essential to discuss these with a special education teacher or interventionist.
Logical consequences should be used to address the student’s behavior, such as using break time late in the day to finish at least five questions or sending it home as homework to be done later. These consequences should not be surprising and should be communicated affirmatively and positively. For example, a class might say “Everyone needs to finish their work so we can finish watching the rest of the movie”.
De-escalation strategies can help quiet the situation, as it is crucial to know how to de-escalate a situation. One strategy is to say, “Let’s talk about this later”, which allows the teacher to address the behavior later.
Lastly, giving choices to the student can help them manage their work completion. For example, limiting the number of assignments to two can provide control and choice without overwhelming the student. Another option is to reduce the number of problems or essay questions, as this may seem too easy for the student.
In conclusion, the text emphasizes the importance of continuing teaching, waiting time, building positive student relationships, using logical consequences, de-escalation strategies, and giving choices to students who struggle with work completion. By doing so, educators can help students overcome challenges and achieve success in the classroom.
To effectively address work refusal in students, it is essential to consider the learner’s interests, accommodations, and strategies. Identifying the subject the student enjoys and uses in teaching can help hook them and make them feel more interested. Accommodations can provide more options for how the student approaches the task, such as audiobooks, laptop access, calculators, word banks, and manipulatives.
Taking turns writing can be an effective strategy, as it helps model desired behaviors while solving problems. Research-tested breaks can also be beneficial, as all children and teens need a break occasionally. Offering different writing utensils, such as gel pens or colored pencils, can sometimes help overcome the roadblock of beginning.
Individuals with weak task initiation skills can be frustrating for everyone involved, especially when a child or young adult is struggling to start challenging tasks or assignments. It is important to consider these skills when teaching them. Incentives can be a helpful tool, but they should not always be the first strategy. Instead, create a contract outlining the student’s responsibility and the incentives they will receive by completing work.
Finding out what the student would like to work for can help identify their motivations. A reward inventory can help determine this, as each student has different motivations.
Getting together with families is crucial when discussing concerns about struggling students. Instead of saying the child is “refusing to work”, share that they are struggling with getting started even on assignments at their level. Collaborate to discuss any external factors and explore other strategies as an educator. Parents may be more willing to talk with their child and sometimes, this can resolve the issue from the start.
Finally, focusing on self-care is essential in the world of education, as working with students who are primarily refusing to work can be emotionally emptying. Focusing on oneself when possible can help alleviate the emotional burden on the teacher.
In summary, understanding the learner’s interests, accommodations, and strategies can help improve the learning experience for struggling students. By incorporating these strategies into the teaching process, educators can better support their students and help them overcome their challenges.
Why won’t I do homework?
Procrastination on homework is often due to personal and situational factors, such as exhaustion and anxiety, which outweigh self-control and motivation. These factors include fear and perfectionism, as well as distractions and unclear instructions. Self-control is often relied upon to complete homework on time, but when these issues interfere with or oppose self-control and motivation, procrastination can occur. The balance between these factors may shift in favor of the procrastinator, or it may be too late.
Should I force my child to do homework?
As the battle for homework becomes more intense, parents must recognize that they cannot force their children to complete tasks, especially homework. Instead, they can set boundaries, respect their individual choices, and help motivate them to do their work. Many parents believe their children are motivated, but they may not be motivated the way they want them to be. To guide them without nagging, threatening, or fighting, follow these tips.
If you carry more worry, fear, disappointments, and concern than your child, ask yourself what’s wrong with the situation and how it happened. Remember, as long as you carry their concerns, they don’t have to.
How does ADHD affect homework?
Homework problems in children with ADHD often result from difficulties with at least one homework-related behavior, such as inaccurate recording, mismanagement of materials, off-tasking, or a combination of these difficulties. A reliable and valid measure of homework performance is necessary to inform intervention strategies. The Homework Problem Checklist (HPC) is a commonly used instrument for assessing children’s homework performance, encompassing various behaviors essential for successful completion.
Until recently, the HPC was treated as a single factor instrument that broadly assessed the construct of homework performance. However, a study by Power et al. examined the factor structure of the HPC in a sample of general education students and a clinic-based sample. The study found that the HPC measures two distinct aspects of homework performance: Factor I relates to problems during homework completion, such as efficiency of work completion, distractibility, inattention, and parent-child interactions, and Factor II relates predominately to homework management behaviors, such as consistency in recording homework and bringing home necessary school materials. Both HPC factors have moderate to high correlations with the Inattention subscale of the Behavior Assessment Scale for Children and low to moderate correlations with the Hyperactivity subscale.
Should I help my 12 year old with homework?
Claudia suggests that while a child may need help with homework, it’s also beneficial for them to learn and make mistakes independently. She believes that hands-on involvement in their homework, even if done by others, may not help them understand what is required. Instead, learning through mistakes and understanding the whys and hows of improvement is more effective. Dave, who co-parents his 14-year-old daughter, believes that a harmonious balance can be achieved between helping and doing their homework for them.
What do I do if I have no homework?
An elementary school teacher in Southern California, who was previously pro-homework, has discovered that there are 250+ fun activities for kids to try instead of homework. These activities include building a robot, riding a bike, planting a garden, making a compost pile/bin, creating a water catch basin, harvesting, and sharing the harvest with those in need. The teacher believes that by allowing homework, students can develop responsibility and good study habits, which can lead to higher academic achievement.
The author’s brother, who also works as a teacher, also made homework optional, which both students and parents enjoyed. The teacher believes that giving no homework can provide even more beneficial experiences for students.
How do I get my 13 year old to do his homework?
Consider when your teens are most productive, whether it’s after school or after some downtime. Use study blocks to allocate one to two hours each day for homework, adjusting the schedule depending on the day and other tasks. Create a calendar that highlights available times each day, as having a clear time frame and some downtime can be motivating for your teens. This approach can help them stay focused and focused on their studies.
How do I get my 14 year old to do his homework?
To motivate your child to complete homework, set a time limit and encourage them to do enjoyable activities after finishing. Establish a homework routine, especially when you’re present to support and encourage your child. Minimize distractions by turning off TV and allowing younger siblings to play elsewhere. Create a quiet space for homework time, such as reading or doing other quiet activities. A good spot for homework is somewhere with a quiet environment, such as a quiet room or a quiet area with a view.
What do 13 year olds struggle with?
13-year-old teens are experiencing emotional and physical changes due to puberty, leading to feelings of uncertainty, moodiness, and self-consciousness. Physical milestones they may experience include growing taller, gaining weight, breast development, starting their menstrual cycle, deepening voice, testicular growth, increasing muscle mass, developing body hair, sweating more, and developing acne. It’s crucial for them to fit in with peers during this time.
Should I punish my child for not doing homework?
Disputes over homework can lead to frustration, anger, and exhaustion for both parents, as well as a negative impact on the child’s attitude towards school and learning. To encourage homework, establish a system where the child understands that it is a regular part of home life. Once the child accepts this, the battle is won. To set up this system, discuss it with the child during a calm and positive time, and explain that you plan to try something different next week with homework to improve the situation for everyone. Once the system is established, the child will accept it as part of their home life.
📹 How To CONVINCE Your Parents To Get You A Phone 📱
Are you having a hard time convincing your parents to get you an iPhone? Want to know what to say to them so they’ll feel …
1. be responsible to things (homework, grades) 2. Make sure that you dont do something dumb because they concern about your safety (maybe you should give them an open access to your phone, means that they have the right to check your messages, photos and so on) 3. be honest to them about the reasons why do you want a phone (just go like hey mom, can i get a phone because all of my friends have it and i think i am able to control myself and so on) 4. just follow their orders (maybe they may give you some rules so just follow it and remember, you still have the phone)
I have Hispanic parents and I talked to them about it. I also have to call my dad after school to see if I walk home or he will give me a ride.I always have to ask for a friend to let me borrow there phone, I feel like they get annoyed. I told me dad and he said sure but my mom says no I won’t do good in school and I will be using it in class and she doesn’t trust me. It just hurts a bit that she doesn’t trust me but my dad does 🙁
I am a freshman in High school. I am 14. I do not have a phone yet. I even raised my OWN money for 6 months to get my own phone. I asked my mother and she said NO! I tried to ask her why not and she said ” I take you to school I see no need for a phone”. I use her phone for like my snapchat and texting my friends but it is so awkward to ask my friends ” can I use your phone to text my mother?” I am super super super scared I will get made fun of because of it… I have no idea what to do about it… Also I ABSOLUTLY HATE when I invite someone to my dance competitions or performances and I do not know where they are because I don’t have MY own phone to text them on…
I’m twelve and only have a tablet Edit: I came off as ungrateful and i apologize for that. 🙂 At the time of writing this i was in middle school and I was upset of the other people in my grade who had phones. I understand how it sounded and I’ve grown from who is was when I wrote that. Thank you all for your words! <3
Look, im an indian 16 yr old teen who dont have a phone. but my little sister, who is failing her classes, and is 5 yrs younger, how have iphone 14. and my cousin dont have a mobile, who is a male but his young sister which is 3rd grade have iphone and has to beg his mom for mobiles. IDK why every indian parent is spreading rumors about mobile phone, which makes the teens, like us, getting phone WAY HARDER. just explain pls.
I talked to my dad about getting a new phone he actually was already planning to he wants to get me a phone before school starts since I’m taking a bus now and they noticed how hard I work in school and I got all A’s in all three semesters it was worth the work and waiting! My mom just doesn’t support how much money it cost but my dad is talking with her!
my mom literally just wont spend money on me i dont even have a bed i sleep on a blanket on the floor everything i own ive payed for (im not complaining i know other people have it alot worse than i do) but its insane how she spends all her money on louis vuitton stuff and really expensive shoes and barley provides my basic needs but like i dunno i need to get a job or sum.
I have a problem guys. I get good grades. I am an exceeding student. I am at the correct age for an Iphone. I have given my parents many good reasons! My parents still won’t get me a phone! Whenever I be responsible like they tell me too, they just forget about the whole Iphone promise! I’m apart of after school activites and many other things, that without an Iphone, makes me feel scared and unsafe! All my friends have an Iphone as well! But whenever I say this stuff to my parents. they don’t want to hear it! Can anyone help? Or is this a lost cause? UPDATE: I have an iPhone XR now lol I got it a few months back. UPDATE UPDATE: this is so ew but im in highschool now and i have an iphone 12
After days and days of discussing, this is always how the convo closes: Mom: (something related to why I don’t need what I just explained I needed a phone for) Me: Okay, give me some more reasons I can’t get a phone. I might be able to sort them out Mom: (silence for like a minute) Mom (finally): I didn’t have one when I was your age! Why do you need one now? Me: When you were my age you had computers in black and green. Times change and you don’t understand the importance of phones in the modern day. I have a huge friendship at risk here. Mom: I don’t care! I eventually leave. I’m debating asking my dad because he is much more understanding. I’m sure we can work something out, but I’m just scared to. If he says no then I don’t have another option.
I didn’t get my first cell phone until high school, and even then only for use of contacting friends and family (and it was flip phone of all things not a smart phone). Sadly the issue I’m having right now is getting my younger brother off his phone for 5 minutes, it’s like him and the phone are internally connected somehow lol. Great article my friend!
I turn in everything on time and I had straight A’s at the end of last school year, my dad ordered a phone for me but my mom doesn’t want to give it to me because she says I’m not responsible enough, I asked her why my brother got one and she said he was responsible, this pisses me off because even though my brother does do more work than me he is not at all responsible, the only reason they haven’t heard about it is because when I tell them they ignore me and then afterwards my brother beats the shit out of me, when my parents are gone my brother screams and shouts at me to do what my grandma wants so he can play article games, he also is up on the laptop we share until 1 in the morning, he is 1 and a half years older than me and even though I will occasionally go on an electronic, I usually stop at 11 when I do and most nights I actually sleep, it pisses me off because I am going into 7th grade and everybody has a phone, I’m not kidding everybody, hopefully I can convince my mom to give me the phone.
Ive been waiting 3 years for a phone. I told them that they could get access to it anytime,set limits,and take it away if needed. I feel like such a child still texting and calling people from an iPad when all of my friends and 95% of the people in my school have phones. I was talking to my mom about it today-and she said i have to wait till I’m 16- i don’t mind waiting but i really want one now : (. The closest i could ever get to something like a phone would be an iPod-i had an iPod in 2020 ( the newest version ). I was terribly scared when i told my mom i had lost it in a park. Although i do think someone pick-pocketed me. That was the last iPod i had before i had to wait 6 months to get an iPad. My birthday is coming up, i hope i get a phone or an iPod 🙁
i tried to convince my parents to get me a phone (before i saw this, anyways) and they got me a flip phone, now i’m embarrassed to bring it anywhere because i’m literally 13 so i’m 99% sure people will make fun of me if they see it— my mom said that i can pay for a new phone when i get a job in 1-2 years, but like what job am i even going to get when i’m 14-15??? the only jobs you can get at that age are like the front counter or something and i’m pretty sure i’m too socially awkward for any jobs like that lmao haha end me— and i probably won’t be able to use this article now because they’ll just say “you already have a phone” (which i mean,, that’s true but i can barely even use that thing)
Hi, I have asked my parents multiple times if I could get a cell phone and the answer is always no. All of my friends have one and I kinda feel left out. I have no way to contact my parents or friends if anything goes wrong. I have told them they can put many restrictions on it but they still said no. They wouldn’t give me any reason why they would get me one. I have tried everything, help!!!!!
I have been asking my parents for a phone for 2 years now, they refused to even talk about it even though I am 14, Straight A student, Mature and responsible, and kids literally bully me for being the only kid in the entire school without a phone. They believe I should never get one until i’m an an adult and won’t even let me spend my own money I have saved doing chores for my neighbors. I don’t even play article games that often or scroll in social media.
Only toppers are unable to get phones. Failures get it early. Ours parents are usually overconcerned. But failures literally get everything early than us. Even though they don’t even study. Disrespect there parents. Still there parents give them everything they want. We who study hard have to struggle for not only phone but almost every convinience.
13, clean up my room and the WHOLE HOUSE frequently without them asking, clean up after myself, do everything good, best student in my class, no complaints from teachers; only praise. Father has even said I am sensible many times.. When I ask my father, “NO. You aren’t ready.” And that’s the end of the convo. Like, when I try to converse more about this topic, “Stop arguing! You won’t get a phone until you are ready!” And all the time I never make a tantrum, I just try to talk normally but I think he doesn’t want Gen Z kids do have phones before he got his first smartphone. I asked him if I’ll get it next year and he says, “Stop talking about the phone. You'(ll get it hwney ou are ready.” When am I ready? “Stop arguing!” In general he’s an awesome dad but hes quite unreasonable on this topic.
I top my class every time and do my homework and have a clean record with no complaints from teachers either, but my Indian parents say that if they give me a phone I’ll become a dumb. I feel good topping my class and studying to make my parents happy but sometimes I just want to be like a normal kid and get a good phone like my classmates who fail
This is the same position with me. I have been suffering with a very old phone for over 4 years in school and for my whole life and I even get bullied by my friends as they question me “do you have a phone” “why don’t you have any social media apps” and it’s really embarrassing the fact that I have to explain to them the truth about me having an old phone, sometimes I even had to lie about I actually have a good decent phone which I don’t but it was not worth it. I have been suffering this pain for over 4 years,i told my dad a couple of days ago I need a new phone and he said “don’t worry I will get you a new phone”. But I don’t know how long I have to wait and I can’t wait any longer. He keeps saying I am busy, I have it In my head I will get it soon but how soon? Does he not care about his son getting bullied in school. Is that not important to him?
I’m gonna try this… I am 13 and about the only person in my grade who doesn’t have a phone. I need one for sooo many reasons. 1. I have after school band practice and I’ve literally been FORGOTTEN there waiting for someone to pick me up, but I couldn’t call anyone🤷🏻♀️ 2. I always have to use my friends phones for everything 3. I feel left out from everyone at school 4. I get picked on for it 5. Me and my little sister go to school together so I might need to call my parents sometimes 6. I wanna take pictures 7. I need it for school AND church 8. How will I contact anyone if I’m in danged/unsafe 9. I wanna talk to my friends and family :/ but then again my parents are Hispanic so this advice probably won’t work 💔
my parents ( mostly my dad) keeps changing their minds about when I’m gonna get one first they said 13 (I’m 13 now) then they said sixteen now 18. I can afford one but they still won’t let me the main reason is because you can get SIM cards and data (stupid I know). all of my friends at school have it and I feel really left out they say I’ll understand when I’m older but that is bs. i am the top in my class and grade, im also in the highest class for my year I get a’s for all my tests, I study, don’t talk to boys, the only social media I own is Snapchat and instagram (which they know about) and I only go on it to chat with my friends I have my own money I really just don’t understand.
I had a big test like a few months ago and I scored very well. MA MAMA PROMISED A PHONE (cause my old phone is 3 years with a cracked screen and uplifted screen, which you can see the internal chips of, and a bulged battery that looked like it would burst any second) and now SHE SAID NO. Now which angel can pray for me, to at least not die with my old phone?
I have a phone, but it’s an iPhone 6 and it’s really bad. It dies at 50% sometimes, the volume controls are messed up, notifications are messed up, and the buttons don’t work half of the time. I asked my parents for an iPhone 11 which I don’t think is too much to ask, and I even offered to pay for half of it. I never ask for/get any money or gifts anytime besides my birthday and Christmas.
Hey so recently I just got discord, and my dad said it was a trail to see if I was being appropriate and my friends and me may have been cursing or making weird jokes but it’s fine to be honest.. however I do NOT want them looking through my discord since I have a high anxiety problem 🙁 So I am trying to act more mature they also say they don’t want me having a phone yet because it’s the thought of “having access to stuff everywhere” Aka Internet Everywhere. What Do They Mean??
Im 13 and all my friends have had phones for years and my parents I get one when finish grade 10 and there are so many reasons I need a phone, one time I was working on my farm and the tractor broke down but I was stranded in the middle of the field because all I had was my old phone that had no Sim card or wifi
I really want a new iPad. The thing is that I used my iPad irresponsibly last time, she literally smashed it *oof*. She’s tried to smash my iPad in the past, but only received dents and holes. After she smashed it and when I ask, she said she was giving me chances when she was only giving dents, until she legit got the screen to break. She says I’m addicted, but I promised her I’d change that if she got me a new IPad. Since she smashed it, I’ve been getting a straight no. She doesn’t seem like she’s budging. I’m using my school Chromebook, but since it’s from school I can’t download any games or apps I want. I also may get in trouble. The only option I really have now is to do chores, I’m doing them for money, but she doesn’t know. I’m pretty sure when I earn it, she’ll still say no to me. I don’t even think she’s worried about my eyes anymore. What do I do?
I’m 14 years old and my mom told me that I’d get a phone in college but seeing all my friends use it n have it annoys me n the fact Id get called “weird” if I told them I don’t have one (I tell them I have one) but my mom doesn’t understand that,but I’m going to ask her this week or next month i might not though I’m to scared 😭😭
I know im commenting like 2 years after this article was uploaded, but I just want some advice on what should I do to get a phone, Everyone in my grade has a phone except for me. I’ve always wanted one and I’ve always gotten straight A’s and helped out my parents every time they needed it. One day I tried asking my mom if I’ll be able to get a phone and she said “not right now, until college” and I said “why?” then my mom said “Because I’m afraid you will drift away from me and your dad.” Then thats where the conversation stopped. Can anyone help me out? Any advice will help, I just want some advice. 🙂
andddd.. more 2yrs left for my phone 😭😭 cant wait to get it cuz all of my friends have phones i mean all, and when we go to watch a movie at weekends i always have my friends order me a uber and pay for it😭… my parents say u get it when u 15.. but i cant wait and i feel jealous by perusal my friends buy a new phone every 3 yrs
I have a crappy iphone 8+ ( that glitches every now and then ) and I want to ask my parents to upgrade my phone to a 12, but I’m kinda scared, Yes they have the money but I have a freaking B- in humanities, should I ask them now ( cause most of my friends are getting the 12 ) or stick to my crappy phone and wait till I can raise my grade?
I might go to boarding school next year and i still don’t have a phone. I tried convincing my parents that I need one and I wanted to have access to social media. I even told them that I wanted to get more friends and be more social because im a lonely loser. I got decent grades, I do the chores daily and all teachers said that I’m a good student, but they still haven’t trusted me. They can afford expensive dinners, my mom spend expensive skincare products that wont work for her but still couldn’t buy me one.
my mom said that she and my dad have talked about it and said i will get one EVENTUALLY. idk when that is, but prolly when i can afford my own cuz when i go on this really long school trip next year all by myself, my dad said i’ll get a pre-paid phone. i hate being left out so sometimes i get all mad and upset and i cry :/
here in 2021 in the Covid19 pandemic and still in online schooling, I have my tablet, old iPhone 5c, and my old PC and my phone i done for, so I need a phone and its 70percent yes but what should I buy under 200$ phone and stay for 3 years and watch youtube and Netflix only no games and need long battery life, so what is my choice? please help i don’t have a lot of time thx <3
I have done all those things, but my parents wont let me have one even if I clean the whole house every week, they said that I will look at it every 5 mins and dont do anything properly, they just got that from other parents and assume I will do the same, but how will they know unless they let me try? I have given them good reasons, doing my homework on time and getting good grades, and did some extra chores, and I dont think its because of money issues, how can I convince them?
Absolutely nothing works with my parents. I have a Honor 8 that’s like 5 years old and it glitches all the time. Everybody my age already has an iPhone 11 or iPhone X and I’m stuck with my 5 year old Honor 🙁 I do all of my homework and chores, sometimes even more than I should. My mom has the newest Huawei and my dad has an iPhone 11. But when I ask them if I can have a new phone, they just say “no, there is no difference between ur phone and and iPhone. Nothing works 🙁
My mom says I’ll get one at 18 and my dad says ill get one at 14. I’m almost 14, and like all the kids at my school have a phone already. Some kids judge me because I don’t have a phone yet. I have pretty good grades, so, at this point i don’t know. I mainly want a phone because Its easy to carry around, I can call people, and the internet.
Im a 13 year old kid. I have 2 older brothers that are always getting everything, and everything i get if a hand me down. All my friends are getting the new phones and im left here with a 6s which is literally dead. I walk home alone from school and was in danger multiple times. My parents arent being fair even though I said ill pay for it. I spent years gathering the money and they still dont want me to get it. I honestly gave up at this point.
Ive litterly had this exact conversation and I am not exaggerating I swear. Hey mum? Yeah? Well, can I get a phone? nOoOo Why??? Uh… ur gonna do bad stuff and talk to strangers and if anything happened u wouldn’t tell me! I have told you a million times I’ll tell you if anything serious happened! buT u wOnT I will. YoUr nOt gEtTinG a PhOne! Please? noOo means nOoO Then when can I get one? wHeN uR 18.
I am 16 years old and I have a phone and I’m not being ungrateful or anything but my phone is a 2GB ram phone with only 32 GB and during this pandemic i have a lot of things online and I need a better phone, it glitches and for no reason it restarts on it’s own. So please pray that I get a better phone😢😢🥺🥺😔🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
i dont get it. i make good grades, im not lazy, and i do whatever my parents say!but when it comes to asking for a phone, the answer is always NO.once They told me i need to wait a couple more years to get a phone so that i could mature…..they told me that when i was 10…and now they are telling me it AGAIN and im 13.When will they make up their minds???!?!? i feel left out cuz all my friends have a phone exept ME.guys, PRAY FOR MEEEEE
The thing that weirds me out is that my mom and dad will let me have a ipod and a tablet but not a phone. And i tell my mom and dad that i need a phone for in case i need to call the for a emergency but the closest thing i could get to a phone is a ipod and finna ask for one cause my birthday is not to far. If i get one which one should i get
I’m always asking for an iphone and I tell my parents that I will save up the money myself but they dont let me because they say that it simply doesnt worth to pay that much for a phone. So I bought an android 5 months ago with my own money but it has started getting stuck sometimes so I will probably need a new phone again. But they still dont let me buy an iphone, even though I have explained them that they are way much better than androids. What should I do?😫😫
I keep on telling my mom if I could save up for a phone and she says I don’t need it. My brother got a phone when he was my age for his birthday, but when ever I bring it up my mom said that someone bought it for him. I keep telling her that I won’t break it like my brother but he still says no. Everyone in my school has a phone except me, and they always ask me when I will buy one.
This actually makes sense, but you need more money for PAYING for it. They need paying for internet, that is what my mom Is worried about. She also worried that I’m too young for it, I told her that a cartoon that I watched, there is a 9 year old that has a phone, she told me that it’s for playing, but I told her that he calls and texts his friends and family.
I have been acting like an angel for quite some time trying to earn phone points and i think I am my parents favorites but they still dont trust me. Everyone in my whole entire now 9th grade has an iphone. Except like two geeks. I dont want to be a geek. somebody save me. someone convince my parents and ill give you one hundred bucks. Cause it is impossible.
Yeah I hate it so much, I’m 14 and 1/2 and literally everybody in my school has a phone except me. I did have a phone and I was like 11-12 but it got stolen and then my parents don’t trust me with anything because I was immature then. The thing is, why shouldn’t we have social media when we are gonna get it anyway when we are adults. Why not teach the child how to safely and responsibly handle situations instead of keeping them from them. Like my mom says she wants me to be as innocent and keep my childhood but now that is gone because my parents are strict so in order for me to feel like I have a life is to take hold of it when they aren’t present. Literally every time they have to pick me up from something I have to ask my peers if I can borrow their phone to call. I get why they didn’t trust me then, but I feel like I’m old enough to understand things and I feel like they have “protected” me for way too long and they should start loosening the ropes just a bit at least or else I’ll just end up doing it myself like I had to do it my freshman year of high school.
I am 17 and I still don’t have a phone but an I pod touch, my parents say no because I’m not 18 and i told them that where is there a law that says u have to be 18 or older to have a phone, even my cousin who is only in 3rd grade has one and it’s an 11, not being spoiled I love my parents, but I at least just want an I phone 6 that’s it and I told them that I might need it to call them if I’m going to stay after school or because I have an emergency, they told me to ask someone else
My dad bought this second hand, used it for 2 years and gave it to me. It has a cracked screen directly on the screen and not on the screen protector. It’s small, I can’t watch my animes and BLs and do my school stuff in this crap phone. Im 14 but all my friends have phones with big screens. I want one too . I always listen to my parents, I just don’t have the guts to ask them that I’d like a new phone.
I’m 10 and nowadays people my age already have a phone, Some people might say “Your too young to have a phone” Well I guess I am but everyone else has one + I can take it around anywhere. I literally keep on asking and begging my mum she always says ” Your sister might want to pass it down to you. But I doubt it. ” Well she doesn’t say that all the time She was thinking in about a year I’ll get a phone. I’m fine with that, but I already have a tablet so if I can’t get a phone until some years I’ll be thankful enough to have what I have.
My parents can DEFINATELY afford it considering how much they make, but i think that they dont trust me or think that my friends are spoiled. Im in 6th grade and almost everyone has a phone. Many have 12’s 11’s and 10’s. Some even have 12 Pro Max’s. All my friends have a phone and phone number. My parents arent saying no to me getting a phone, since it’s my dad’s old 8 bc he has a XR or XS rn, i forget. They ARE saying no to me getting a phone number tho. They want me to use some weird chat thing or whatever, but i see no difference from that and just being able to text with a number. I think its the part that they have to add me onto the phone plan lol…..Im just praying that i get my dad or mom’s old phones when they get new ones in a while since they both have XR OR XS, and as i said i forget which one lmao
I’m a 13 year old 8th grader exceeding student not to brag I consider myself the smartest person in the whole year group and I don’t have a phone… This got me really sad I feel left out. I’m the 4th of 6 children and my 3rd biggest sibling has had 7 phones since he was 7 years old.. He bought 2 new phones back-to-back. I gave relavant reasons made a full-on debate but it wouldn’t work. Now I’m that sad kid in class with no phone even my best friends left me soon after. I hope things change soon. -Nimir
my mom just got a new phone, and my dad said i could keep the old one. he told my mom and she was HORRIFIED— she thought i was gonna spend WAYYY too much time on the phone, and i was gonna stop talking to them ;-; i told my dad to convince my mom to let me keep it, but she doesnt :/ i also got straight A’s in school this year, and most of my friends already have a phone, so i feel kinda embarrassed being the only one in my friend group who doesnt have one 🙁 hopefully my mom thinks im responsible to have a phone, she says that i need good grades for a phone, but i literally got straight A’s on my last 2 report cards .-.
okay so my problem is that i have an ipad the 7th gen one and it’s been 1year since i didn’t have a phone… the fact that the phone that i wanted is affordable and my parents are kinda rich because they have high class’ jobs.. the problem is that one time i asked my mom that i wanted a phone she straightforwardly said ‘when there will be no more covid’ and i felt sad because we still don’t know when will this pandemic end and i badly need a phone because for communications, for school purposes and more. like imagine you only have an ipad instead of a phone, and you’re going out with your family holding AN IPAD?!! like seriously i tried for months and my mom will not respond to my requests even tho i got straight A’s in class… please help me 😔😔
I have straight As for 3 years straight, do all my homework fast (but correct), am the best in my class, and yet they won’t get me a new phone. They’re saying they can’t afford a new phone even though my mom just bought my dad an iPhone 14. Like, I’m not upset about the fact they won’t give me a new phone (My old one belongs to the recycling bin but it still works so it’s ok) but I’m upset that they have to lie about not being able to afford it. They could just tell me they don’t want to get it, but instead they have to lie.
I have a phone from 2016 but just recently received cellular so my chances of getting a new phone are low. Its an iphone 7 that has horrible battery life, so I have to keep the brigjtness low all the time. It doesnt have much storage and no icloud stoarage, it lags a lot and crashes apps randomly. Sometimes It will shut the whole phone down even when its at a decent battery percentage. I need a new phone. Every time I record something it freezes. Everything takes so so long to work. Even when I have perfect wifi it still does this. I need a new phone.
guys I need help, my mom won’t get me a phone well she just straight forwardly gives me an answer which is, “when im ready”. Im texting this off my laptop btw, anyways yeah could yall give me advice please cuz I keep asking her what certain age can I get 1 and she said “when I’m ready” so im soooo confused… =(
I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, but I believe that for the most part, people should WORK for what they want. I feel that if you work hard for something (like a new iPhone), you’ll appreciate it more and you will be more compelled to take care of it. Saving up for a new phone might also encourage good work and spending habits too.
i’m 15 years old and i’m constantly being made fun of because i don’t have a phone,my parents are always telling me i should stand out,but sometimes i just wish they would understand,i asked them for a phone but they said when i’m in University, so i came up with a plan to save up birthday and my allowance money and buy me a new phone, but i really need help on how i’m going to tell them . Please help guys