Lifestyle evangelism is an evangelism strategy that focuses on living a holy, winsome life among unbelievers with the goal of attracting people to the message of Jesus. It involves sharing one’s faith in Christ through everyday life and relationships, with the goal of capturing the attention of neighbors and coworkers to share the gospel. Evangelism is not just data transfer; it involves listening to people, hearing their objections, and modeling gentleness because souls are at stake.
Christian community begins with daily evangelism with neighbors, which can include sharing the Gospel with them. In the past, evangelism was seen as an activity we added to our lives, such as telling someone about Jesus during lunch or holding an evangelistic event. However, it is essential to change our lives so that we live a sincere, Bible-believing, God-serving Christian lifestyle. Paul emphasizes that we are living epistles, seen and read of all men, not to frighten us into serving God better but to encourage us to live out our faith so that we spread the good news.
Lifestyle evangelism is a discipline that grows us in godliness and develops obedient lifestyles of worship. It combines proclaiming Jesus (Romans 1:16) with living a life that shows others the difference Jesus makes. Evangelism is an honest, open statement of the truth that Jesus is Lord, given in the power of God, to please him, controlled by the love of Christ.
The type of lifestyle evangelism you are talking about is those who go out into various places with the specific intention of blending in. Living a lifestyle of evangelism looks like the way Jesus walked in His day-to-day life, going city to city, observing people, and touching their lives. You are called to live a lifestyle of evangelism, exemplifying Christ so that others can be won.
📹 Which Kind of Evangelist Are You?
Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason encourages Christians for whom evangelism seems overwhelming to focus on small opportunities …
What is the purpose of evangelism in life?
The primary purpose of evangelism is not to save souls but to glorify God. It is not about presenting logical arguments for God’s existence or convincing someone to become a believer. The Holy Spirit moves people through the Holy Spirit. The article explores the confusion between our role in evangelism and God’s role in evangelism, using Will Metzger’s book Tell the Truth as a guide. It is important to remember that God’s work in people’s lives is the one that moves them, and it is not our responsibility to bring someone to faith in Christ.
What is the personality of an evangelist?
The process of evangelization necessitates the cultivation of certain characteristics, including observance, patience, perseverance, and a reliance on divine providence. These attributes can serve to reinforce the dissemination of the Gospel in a world that is largely indifferent to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
How do I live a godly lifestyle?
The seven non-negotiables for life are centered on the Lord, bringing glory to Him alone. These principles are essential for a healthy Christian life, as they guide us towards seeking God, not sin, fearing God, loving God, believing God, obeying God, serving God, and worshipping God.
As believers, we must focus on these non-negotiables to glorify God. These non-negotiables include changing the oil, filling the tank with gasoline, topping off the transmission fluid, and having tires with adequate tread. These non-negotiables must be defined to maintain and fulfill them.
The first principle is to seek God, not sin. As sinful creatures, our hearts are naturally prone to wander from our Creator. Our souls were made to pursue God, know God, and walk with Him, and only as we pursue Him can we live.
In the book of Amos, God repeatedly attempts to get the attention of His people, but they have not returned to Him. Amos 5:4 reminds us that life is found in seeking Him, and we will only find life in doing so. By focusing on these non-negotiables, we can live a life that glorifies God and brings glory to Him alone.
What are the signs that you are an evangelist?
An Evangelist is a person with the gift of evangelism, who can be a preacher or an individual who encourages others to accept Christ. They are outgoing and personable, often paying compliments to strangers and asking lifestyle questions. They have the Spirit-given capacity to serve God by communicating with people beyond their natural sphere of influence and leading them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
They are constantly consumed with confronting sinners with the Gospel or encouraging other Christians to do the same, either directly or through recent experiences. They memorize Scripture to avoid being caught “flat-footed” while witnessing and often quote Scripture to influence others through God’s Word.
What are the four beliefs of evangelicals?
David Bebbington, a British historian, identifies four fundamental doctrines of evangelical Christianity. These are the necessity of a “born-again” conversion experience for salvation, Jesus’s atonement for humanity’s sins, and the Bible as the primary source of Christian doctrine.
What is the life of evangelization?
Evangelization is a fundamental aspect of Christian life, focusing on finding life in Christ and sharing it with others. The New Testament reveals that this life is a gift from God, eternal and abundant, rooted in a deep knowledge of God and empowered by the Holy Spirit. The Church exists to evangelize, as it is a channel through which God’s life is communicated to the world. Engaging in evangelization is a part of God’s mission of giving life to the world, a life truly worth sharing.
Articles on evangelization and parish revitalization include The Eucharist as the Source and Summit of all evangelization, Practical Steps for Reaching the Unchurched, Bible Sharing Guide for Small Groups, Bringing People to Christ by Inspiring Love and Praise for God, Proclaiming God’s Word, From Decline to Renewal: The Transformation of New Life Church–Farmington, The Church’s Social Doctrine and Evangelization, Kindness: A Christian Perspective, How to Bring Someone to Christ, The Ultimate Purpose of Human Life – Glorifying God, From Near-Death to New Life: A Rural Church’s Revitalization Journey, Evangelization simply: “Taste and see that the LORD is good!” (Psalm 34:8), Revitalization of Rural Churches, Attracting Converts to the Catholic Faith, Addressing Low Attendance in Churches, Fostering a Sacred Atmosphere during Sunday Mass, Prayer to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, Jesus is Thirsty for Souls, Praying And Sharing The Good News With God’s Redemptive Names, Embracing the Call to Evangelize, What is Most Pleasing to God?
Bringing Souls to Christ, The Growth of the Church of the Nativity, Deliverance Prayer, Saint Benedict Parish, Five Pillars of the Christian Life, Encountering Christ: The Path to Transformation, What does it mean to have a personal relationship with Jesus?, Unleashing the Evangelization Potential of Your Parish, The True Measure of Success, Pope Francis on Evangelization, Revitalizing the Rural Parish for Mission, Factors Leading to Christian Conversion, Evangelizing Through Random Acts of Kindness, Questions To Start Spiritual Conversations, Three Feet From Gold, Spreading the Gospel One Act at a Time, Gather, Witness and Invite, Prayer to Receive the Spiritual Gifts of The Holy Spirit, The Language of Evangelization, Key Factors for Parish Growth According to Rich Birch, How to defeat Satan, Bringing Love, Hope and Healing Through the Gospel, Love: Our Fundamental Vocation, Touched by the Master, A Man, a Dog, and the Ultimate Love, 19 Pastoral Orientations for Parish Renewal and Growth, Characteristics of missionary parishes, Powerful healing prayer attributed to St.
Padre Pio, Shared Faith is a Growing Faith, In the Shoes of the Unchurched, Parish Evangelizing Cells, Six Unique Features of Missional Parishes, Steps Towards Becoming a Missional Parish, The Jesus Prayer, Saving those who are lost, Saint-Nazaire Parish, Small Groups and Evangelization, Evangilizing By Inviting People To Receive Jesus As Lord And Saviour, You Will Receive Power, and Three Habits of a Fruitful Christian Life.
What are the requirements to live a life of holiness?
Living a holy life involves distancing from the world and avoiding temptation, evil desires, and obeying the Word of God. This life unlocks the supernatural and allows Jesus to become real to you. To live a holy life, one must please the Father in every aspect of their life, allowing His power to manifest in them.
The Azusa Street Revival in the late 20th century was a time when people’s lives were turned inside out, and supernatural things were happening. The people involved in this revival became known as “holiness” people, as they were so different from everyone else. Today, few believers understand the meaning of holiness and the outpouring of God that comes to those who dare to step into it. By making a decision to please the Father in every aspect of life, one can experience a dimension of living where Jesus becomes real and manifests Himself in one’s life.
How are evangelicals different from Christians?
Evangelicals are a subgroup of Protestants who prioritize the authority of the Bible and the doctrine of personal conversion. They are often more conservative in their theological and social beliefs than other branches of Christianity.
What does it mean to live a holy lifestyle?
A holy life is characterized by gratitude, obedience, and joy, rooted in the sacrifices of Jesus Christ on the cross. It is essential for living a Christian life, as without holiness, no one can see the Lord. A loss of understanding of God’s holiness can lead to unholiness within the church. To understand holiness, one must look to God, who is described as “holy” and separate from humanity due to sin. Humanity has fallen short of God’s glory, but God has no sin in Him, and in Him, there is no darkness.
In summary, a holy life is a crucial aspect of living a Christian life, and it begins within the heart of a person as they encounter and follow Jesus. Understanding God’s holiness is essential, as it sets Him apart from humanity and separates us from sin. By embracing the truth found in the Bible, we can achieve a holy life that is both personal and communal.
How do you evangelize everyday?
In summary, it is essential to be intentional about bringing people to Jesus by being intentional about making Jesus loved and writing it down. Ask God to lead you to those who have prepared to receive his Word and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the words and deeds to bring them to Jesus. Start your day in prayer and soak in God’s presence. Make good use of your time by spending some time with people who do not know Christ, limiting your time with those who may waste yours.
Engage conversations about faith or spirituality with new people and pray for them when they share their suffering, illnesses, or difficulties. Assess which activities contribute to the spread of the Gospel and stay focused on your main goal.
Involve people in small faith groups or church, pray often for the people you have shared your faith with, spend time learning about evangelization by reading books, blogs, articles, and magazines, join others who want to evangelize or ask others to join you, create a space in your home where you can invite those who want to lead to Jesus, and check with your pastor to see if an evangelization program can be started in your parish.
An example of a missionary parish is the Phoenix First Assembly of God, where Satan’s tactics are discussed. The law of three hearings and seven touches is also mentioned, along with three habits of a fruitful Christian life.
How to live as an evangelist?
Personal evangelism involves sharing the message of Jesus Christ with others, demonstrating who Jesus is and how to have a relationship with Him through words and deeds. It is a privilege to enter into another person’s spiritual journey, discovering how God is at work and the role we can play. It is essential to live in faith, not fear, and treat people the way you want to be treated. While it may seem simple in theory, it is crucial for motivated Christians to be filled with the Holy Spirit, live in faith, and treat people the way you want to be treated.
📹 Where to start as a NEW Christian
If you just became a Christian recently, we are so excited for your new journey in Christ. You have just entered into one of the most …
I have been depressed for 5 years and i have struggled SO hard. When my dad would suddenly talk about jesus i hated it, i hated it so much that i started hating my dad and wondered why he was acting so different and acting so off. Now that i am coming out of being lukewarm, i love my dad, i love talking about Jesus with him, and i notice perusal these articles when i am sad makes me feel so much better. I keep feeling like i need some sort of sign or some sort of calling from Jesus so i know he loves me but i shouldn’t need any of that to be faithful and trust in his word. Thank you jesus for saving me from this dark world, i want to follow you and only you and follow nothing else.
For the past few weeks I’ve really been having this craving for God’s word and I’ve really been growing my relationship with him…And all this came when I repented my sins and asked the lord Jesus Christ to fill me with his holy spirit….And because of this,my life has really improved with God by my side….And I thank you for the time and effort you put to make this articles may the lord Jesus christ bless you..
I am 13 years old and im a christian For 1 year. Unfortunately, everyone in my town is Lukewarm christian, so i cant establish friendship with believers around me. But i can still make friendships online or especially with my mother, which im evangelizing every day in hopes of getting saved. I dont know if she is taking it seriously or if she is just approving what i say to make me feel good. Anyway, i wont give up. Hope this helps❤
I’ve been Muslim my entire life, went to a Islamic school, had a very religious Muslim family, and I live around with Muslims everyday, and I recently have been saved by Christ, and this article helped me open my eyes more widely I am still very curious about Christianity and haven’t told anyone that I have accepted Christ as my savior, does anyone have any tips? I’d be very glad to hear one, thanks! God bless 💙✝️
This was such an inspiring article. I have been a “Christian” for 3 years. But I didn’t really try building that relationship with our Lord snd Savior. Until 2023, I finally committed my whole life to Christ and started applying his word into my life. These specific steps that you mentioned in this article were amazing and very helpful. May God bless y’all, and keep impacting. Remember, Jesus Loves You! (If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask”. (Also, the amount of art you put into your thumbnails are truly amazing 👌)
It’s been weeks for me ❤❤ I knew of His existence but I was rebelling against Him and because I didn’t understand, I followed my emotions (hatred, sadness, disappointment) and used them against God. Because I was in that state of mind, I was easily influenced by disrespectful non-believers. But then I had this “curiosity” or “need” to get to know about God. And that was Father knocking on my door and let Him in, finally ❤ I began the Bible from Gospel. I just started Luke.
An 11 year old here, I’ve been a Christian my entire life (Lutheran) and for most of it I’ve been lukewarm. But now I’m trying to follow the path God gave me, reading the Bible, and trying to do less sin. This entire website is really helping me with my faith, God bless you and have a good rest of your day/night. 🙏
As a new Christian in 2019, i will share some things that helped me grow in my faith. This may seem a bit long, but i want to try and help with explanation but not be overwhelming. 1. Once I commited to Jesus and found a church of my own that i liked, I joined the church’s mixed adult bible study. This was a small and intimate bible study led by a retired lead pastor, I was in a very comfortable setting joined in with other more seasoned believers. I was able to form a fellowship with the people. 2. My mom bought me a very helpful bible. It was a NKJV (New King James Version) “thin line reference bible. The bible was called a reference bible because it would show in liner notes where one verse references another, for example, John 1:1 might link up with Genesis 1:1. But what really helped was not the reference part but the fact that this bible gave an overview of each book so you know who wrote the book, what was the author’s intent with his message, who was his audience, where was this written, when and why. I didn’t know much about all of the bible translations, so i wanted what my church used, which was the NKJV. Definitely find a bible that un physical form that will help you learn about what is going on in each book. Me personally i like the New King James Version and the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) for reliae translations. The nkjv reference bible, the CSB for ease of understanding (my current church uses this translation).
I’ve been having lots of anxiety over the future. I grew up in a Christian house but it was barely practiced after I turned 9 or so. From 11-15/16 I was basically agnostic. I just didn’t know what was the truth. At 17, I still don’t. I want to, though. And a panic attack because of my future pushed me to beg God for strength for the first time in a really long time. Now here I am. Please, if you’re reading this, I’d humbly ask you to pray for me. I’m so confused about the truth, so lost and scared. I’ve done a lot of bad things, mostly to myself. Almost all I’ve known is a life void of religion. Now, trying to change, is really hard. But I want to. I want to give what I can give to God and find peaceful mind within knowing that I have God and that Jesus is the real truth.
Or better,I double challenge all new Christian’s to:Read the Bible from start to finish(make sure you mix in some of the New Testament after you finished reading for the day)this helps a lot!God bless and remember Matthew 28:20!Teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you,and lo,I am with you always,even to the end of the age.He is with us always.God Bless!♥️🙏🏼
Here is a summary * The article is about the five steps that every new believer must follow in order to grow properly and be protected from spiritual threats. * The first step is to respond to the gospel, which is the good news that Christ died for our sins, was buried, rose again, and was seen. * The second step is to repent from your sins, which means to turn away from your sin and to fight against your fleshly lusts. * The third step is to be connected to God’s Word, which is the Bible. The Bible is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching us what is right and wrong. * The fourth step is to grow in prayer, which is communicating and connecting with God. * The fifth step is to find fellowship with other believers, which means to be connected to other Christians. * The article encourages new believers to find a plan for reading the Bible and to learn how to read it correctly. * The article also encourages new believers to find a pastor or Bible teacher that they can learn under. * The article suggests that new believers pray a two-part prayer, giving thanks to God and asking Him for the things they need. * The article concludes by encouraging new believers to remember that Jesus loves them.
Wow this article has helped me even though I’m not a new Christian because it helped me realize that I am speaking to the king of kings when I am praying and that I need to start reading the Bible because I haven’t started reading it, only during Sundays at church I would, whenever we are told to look for a verse is when I would read the Bible. Thank You So Much!!❤
Thank you so much for this article. In 4th grade I shared the gospel to one of my friends and he didn’t want to give his life to Jesus at that time but now when I got his phone number years later he told me that he actually gave his life to Jesus when he left my school and now I send these articles to him to help him. But please pray for him so he could go deeper because right now he is still new.
I grew up in a Muslim country and I have been an atheist for years. Recently I became curious about Christianity. Every religious person I see seems to be more at peace and grateful towards life. Honestly, I want to be like them too so I recently ordered my first bible and while waiting for it to arrive I wanted to learn more. I came across this article and honestly, it seems like I am taking a step in the right direction. I always imagined religion to be restricting and the idea of a god to be foolish but beyond all these doubts I had I can not deny how at peace I feel while practicing Christianity. It is like a meditation on a whole different level. I find myself wanting to be better, nicer, and kinder towards others and life. One day I hope to be surrounded by a nice Christian community.
Your articles are awlays such a blessing. I have adhd so sometimes my thought tend to wander when praying, and i hate to say it but that lil thumbnail is me chasing the butterfly 😅 it brought a smile to my face and had me reflect on even in our distractions God is patient with us. God bless you sir, and thank you for these articles. More than a few have been an answer to prayer.
I’m 13 and I decided to become a Christian recently but I don’t actually know what made me want to convert from atheism. I just find comfort in believing that there is someone that will love me even when I am at my lowest. I’m not entirely sure why, but sometimes I feel that I am not a true Christian. It might be because I sometimes find it hard believing every verse in the bible. I am going to continue to fight my doubt but if anyone has any way to help me connect with God then I would greatly appreciate it if you can help. God bless you~ ❤❤❤
I think that I need advice: I’m a young teenager girl, and I’ve been to church my entire life. I also got baptized 2 years ago. I recognized that I want to let go of my sins, but I can’t, especially my phone addiction. And since I can’t let go, I feel guilt when I talk with God, I also feel bad for repenting because I know that I will just go back to it immediately. I’ve tried tactics to let go of my phone addiction but it’s hardly done anything, and soon I’m back where I started. I just can’t let go, the only thing keeping me off at this point is school, homework, family, friends, and guilt. I feel very uncomfortable sharing this to anyone I know, I’m not to sure what to do.
I trusted in the Lord of Jesus Christ as my personal savior into my heart through faith alone, and not of works, by accepting his free gift of salvation, by his grace on February 16, 1996, each day, I confess sins for process of sanctification, to receive Jesus Christ as your personal savior, please refer to Matthew 10:28, John 3:16-18:36, 5:24, 6:37:47, 10:27-29, 14:6, Acts 2:38, 16:30-31, Luke 15:10, Roman’s 1:16, 3:23, 4:5, 6:23, 10:9-10:13, Ephesians 2:8-10, and Titus 3:5. God bless the world, and thank you for sharing.
Yeah, well the Invisible Pink Unicorn and the Flying Spaghetti Monster revealed to me the lost first page of the bible…it reads: All characters and situations contained within are fictious, any similarities to events and persons person’s both living, or dead is purely coincidental… My sky fairy is more powerful than yours!!!
Can someone help me please? I am 13 and I come from a really strict and religious family and is forced to wear hijab and sometimes burkha too…. I really want to convert to Christianity but I dont know how to and im scared becuz if I tell anyone in my family they’ll probably beat the shi outta me and kick me out and i really cant tell anyone else too cuz everyone else around me is Muslim too and is very much against Christianity…. Can someone please please help me and tell me what i should do..? I really really want to convert cuz I dont feel a connection with Islam and Christianity feels more like home to me now… If someone can help me i’ll gladly give my discord account because thats the only social my parents dont check.. Thank you 🙂
I asked God’s son “how much do you love us” and he replied, “this much,” and stretched his arms on the cross and died for me. When you carry a Bible, the Devil gets a headache. When you open it, he collapses? When he sees you reading it, he faints? When he sees you living it, he flees? And just when you’re about to copy and paste this, he will try to discourage you. I am a follower of the lord Christ I have made the commitment. I am saved through him. If God is welcomed into your house, copy this onto your profile if you believe in the lord put this into, your profile. DON’T IGNORE THIS BECAUSE IN THE BIBLE IT SAYS: if you deny Him, He will deny you in front of His Father in the Gates of Heaven. If you love God and you are not ashamed of it, you can copy this and put all of it in, God will smile at you
This may sound a bit silky but my family, mum dad and siblings, are atheist, however my grandparents, extended family are Christian and I would like to be Christian. My family doesn’t support that and we live in a country with no churches and my family isn’t keen on me wanting to become Christian. They will not buy me a bible. They are all the greatest people in my life and we all love eachother soo much but this is just the one exception where they don’t support my decision. Is there anything I could do/tips or should I wait until I move out and then become Christian?
New Christians must realize that their entire faith is based on the hope that God is real. I would ask them to also remember that no one has ever seen God in person, God has never answered any prayers and no scientific study has ever found any evidence that God exists. I would also ask new Christians to think critically and logically about what can exist in reality and what is fantasy. Good luck either way.
i need help, i want to accept Jesus as my lord and saviour, but I know well its purely to get to heaven, when i pray for God to loosen my heart and acknowledge the fact that Jesus died for my sins, I know well i only ask for that to get to heaven ( i heard someone say if i follow him to get to heaven i wont get there) How do i change this i want to follow him but i cant, idk how to explain well.
Peter said to repent, how? By turning from sin? NO but by changing your mind from unbelief to belief in Christ. You hear the gospel, then what do you do? Believe the gospel. THATS IT. Romans 3:24-28: Romans 3:24-28 King James Version 24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: 25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; 26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. 27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. 28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.
Question 🙋 what will happen if you’re in another religion? (Going to be Christian if answered bc my parents did not do anything wrong to be going to hell). For example my parents, they are not Christian, so are they going to hell? Bc the same thing applies to them too no? They think the lord is another religion that they should respect and just go with their lives. So are they going to be punished for not knowing? BTW they know ABSOLUTELY nothing about Christianity and can’t read it sadly. From a Buddhist ❤☸️🤝✝️
I recently realized i want to follow God, so I deleted every social media account and unsubbed from all addicting youtubers, only keeping the ones who will help me grow. I keep having thoughts about Im not saved because every time I think Jesus has come I panic and I read the bible every day. How do you know if you are really saved? and does anyone else get that? something is making me think ï REALLY wish I hadnt been born, because then I woundn’t have to endure hell. I desperatley want a relationship with God. can anyone give me some pointers on how to grow and hwo to know when you are truly saved?
I love new Christians. I love how on fire for God they are. Sometimes on my walk with God I sometimes feel like I got lukewarm. When I get back into the word and pray more often I do start feel that fire again. Another verse that makes it clear that Jesus died for our sins, is John 3:16. It does say in the Bible not to forsake the church. I got to a Calvary Chapel church. I like it because it’s not a strict dress code, and it’s nondenominational. I honestly don’t like denominations. To me it feels like they are divided by a form of politics. A piece of advice I would give to new believers is you are not always going to feel the presence of God, but that doesn’t mean he is not there. Often times that’s when he is carrying you the most. Trials will always come, that’s how you learn and get stronger. It’s important to keep reading the Bible and to keep praying especially when in a trial or the desert. It’s easy to pray when times are good. It’s a lot harder when times are tough. I also remember someone at a church I use to go to. I won’t say his name use to say this, “God will never give you more then you can handle.” This statement isn’t from scripture. It is a statement that means well, but neither Jesus or God the father has ever said that. Jesus did say however that his yoke is light. Great article by the way.
A friend and his Baptist pastor (who HEAVILY PREACHED WITNESSING TO OTHERS AND DID AN IN HOME BIBLE STUDY ON CHRISTIAN MATURITY AND WITNESSING) led me to Christ THEN GET THIS, they CONVINCED ME since I was saved I could commit suicide and go to Heaven! And there were televangelists I watched who asked if Christians who commit suicide go to Heaven. The idea stuck in my mind so I got professional help. Now I am a Buddhist, Taoist, and Hindu. I left the Christian faith.
I am born in a Christian family, at first, I refuse to go to the church or being in contact with anything about religious things. But then I started to accept God, I started going to the church every week and I love it there. Now, I got a little confused, I don’t know how to describe it but it is a if there’s a wall between me and God. The problem is, I don’t think that God had answered any of my prayers, but my family had, and I just can’t 100% believe that God exist even though I want to desparetly. Is this a normal stage of a Christain? Can anyone tell me their experience please?
I struggle so bad with the friendship part and I am guilty of being discouraged. My wife and I did not grow up in the church and only heard the gospel 3-4 years ago. I felt the need to get our family in a bible teaching church and that has been great. I have shared the gospel with strangers and family but I am at a complete loss making connections/friendships within my own local church.
Why do we have to repent and everyday ask for forgiveness from God if Jesus already died for our sins? Why do we still have to fight? This is something I’m not capable of understanding in Christianity. Isn’t life extremely difficult, frustrating and conflicting if we have to repent every single day we live here on earth and deny our animal nature which we are not able to escape. Someone please explain…
I’m autistic and have been depressed for 7 and 1/2 years now. Ever since then, as a believer, I’ve only been thinking bad about God that He is far beyond any ruthless, cruel, and tyrannical medieval dictator who eagerly waits in anticipation for me to stumble again unknowingly so He can cast me into eternal damnation. The Bible warns us about MANY ways Christians are not genuine and how MANY true Christians will backslide in the latter times. I believe this relates to me, too!
PRAY P – praise god, give thanks to him for everything. In my case i give thanks for a house, food, clothing, family, friends, pets, etc. R – repent, Ask god for forgiveness for your sins. A – ask. Give god your request. Y – yield. “Nevertheless, let your will be done.” This is the way i pray. Till now god has heard my request to remove my mothers pain. I have requested other things and I have faith that god’s will be done. May god bless you. Amen.
I just want to explain how much this article meant to me, throughout life I’ve never been the greatest person, probably one of the worst if im being honest haha, but a few months ago I got tired of living such an unfulfilling life that only consisted of sex, drugs, and a horrible attitude towards life and others. I scrolled back pretty far in my history just to find the first article I watched when i realized I was in that slump, and it was this one. This article kickstarted my journey with the word of God and I couldnt be any more thankful. ❤
I am a kid who whants to be a christian whos parents are bhuddist. Im trying to find christian friends does any of you whant to be my friend. And also idk how to get to church and im not sure if my parents would drive me there and its hard to do everything im suppost to do like meditating pls help me i need tips alot of tips
As warm and welcoming the Christian community might be, I must be honest about my opinions on Christianity. The Bible and the Trinity makes no sense because it constantly contradicts science and itself. I will show 3 examples from the bible. First of all, we all know that the world is a sphere (not perfectly). But in the bible, it views the earth as a flat surface. Isaiah 11:12 – “He will raise a signal for the nations and will assemble the banished of Israel, and gather the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.” Revelation 7:1 – “After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, that no wind might blow on earth or sea or against any tree.” I did research on this topic and made sure the verses are actually in the Bible and I found out that not only they are in the bible but they were used by old Christians to justify being a flat earther of centuries. The Bible also gets history wrong. When the Bible talks about prophet Joseph, it calls the ruler of Egypt at the time a Pharaoh. Today, we know that there was no Pharaoh in Egypt at the time of Joseph, there were only kings. Jeremiah 46:17 – “There did they cry, Pharaoh king of Egypt is but a noise; he hath let the time appointed go by.” One BIG error I found was that God gave childbirth as a punishment to women for Eve’s original sin in the garden. Genesis 3:16 – “I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth.” Now we know from science and biology that the female gender in mammals has been giving birth even before the appearance of humans.
Some recommendations for new Christians who want them: Apologetics (the act of defending your faith): I recommend Dr. Kent Hovind’s Creation Seminar series that is on YouTube that he did back in 2005. It definitely helps to know where the Bible stands on issues regarding evolutionism. If you like dinosaurs, you’ll have a good time. Evangelism (the act of sharing the gospel with another person(s)): I recommend Ray Comfort and his ministry Living Waters. As a new believer, its a good idea to learn how to talk to other people about Jesus, as well as learn about your new faith in the process.
First I would like to say, I love your pictures, the make the article even better. I am roman – catholic (that is the word by word translation, I am not a naturally english speaker) but was never much interested in religion. In my eyes Jesus was just an interesting person who said ok things. But currently I want to change my life – I dont want to feel all that anger, anxiety and frustration anymore and per chance I came upon religion. I am still a bit sceptical because it feels so strange to believe in something or someone who might be just a fantasy (I really dont want to offend someone, I want to explore my faith but at the same time I am afraid people think of me as stupid😢).. but it feels good to pray and Jesus said some very interesting and postitive things. So this article (and others I already watched) are a great help.
Hi everyone, I’m not sure how to start this, but here it goes. I’m a Muslim, but recently I’ve been feeling drawn to Christianity. It’s been on my mind a lot, and I’ve been trying to understand more about it. Where I live, it’s really hard to find someone who can guide me, and honestly, I feel so lost and confused right now. I’m feeling really nervous about reaching out 😅 but I don’t know where else to turn. If anyone here could offer some guidance, share their experiences, or point me in the right direction, I’d really appreciate it. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.❤.❤
Maybe I’m dumb or maybe it’s my ADHD, or more probably, it’s both, but the bible is hard to read. I feel like I’m reading and trying to understand hard to read and understand poems. Because of this, I am reading an “easy” version of the bible. Am I cheating? I hope not because I truly love God and I hunger for his word, even though I have trouble understanding it.
New Christian here😊.. So, I know this is gonna be a process of pruning out the sin and replacing it with the fruits of the Spirit, but that can take a very long time to do.. let’s say you die before completing this process.. you died still having some sins in your life not taken care of… will you be condemned for that? For only getting part-way through the sanctification process?? Or will God welcome you with open arms because you were giving it your all and making some progress before the end?….
I’m a new believer in Christ Jesus came to accept Jesus as my Lord and savior Nov.25 2022 along with my brother then June 4th, 2023, we were both baptized doing as the Lord said. And from there continuing our walk through many trials and tribulations, twists and turns, yet Jesus Christ gets us through it all, and we grow through all the pain and suffering.
Hello! Could you make a article talking about spiritual coldness? It’s been a few weeks now that I’ve been very cold spiritually, I feel like the church of Ephesians and Laodicea, cold and rejected by God because of my inconstancy. I know I should pray and read the bible, but I can’t, I always end up falling asleep or putting it off for later. It’s not easy to fight, but I see that you are a person used by God through your articles and they are very enlightening, could you talk about this situation? I was a person very close to God, I loved praying and always wanted to learn more about God, but it seems that this feeling is gone and won’t come back…
I’m 19 and grew up with a non practicing catholic family, so I really never felt close to religion. I’m just starting learning a bit about the Bible and God, I’m excited about learning the word of the Lord and I hope I can grow on my faith and get closer to Him. This articles are helping me a lot, thank you! ❤
I wanna be a Christian idk why and when but I just have this feeling that I gotta do something and that somethings pulling into this religion but my whole family,accept for me and my parents and brother, are Muslims me my parents and brother don’t have a religion but I really think that I have to become a Christian and get closer to god
Before mery born number of God= 1 After Mery born, wife of God, number of God= 2 After jesus born, son of God, number of God= 3 I want to say meri’s mother also God, Merie’s father also God. Actually first God is God. From creation of universe to before mery born, number of God= 1 After mery born number of God= 1 After jesus born number of God= 1 Mery is human, jesus is human. God is God. Jesus is messanger of God. In Islam we called Jesus= Issa A.S., Mery= Maryam, Merys father= Imran A.S., Ahraham = Ibrahim A.S. ;; God called as Allah.
I am a 17 year old teenage boy before I was Christian my life was normal but after damnnnnn my dad died a few days before my birthday now every year I can’t celebrate my birth cuz he was buried a few days before my birthday, that really tested my faith but thanks to my friends and close mentors I have stayed in my walk with Christ,I don’t like sharing emotions but if you see this and you feel like no one gets your suffering you are not alone give your burdens to God and you will feel so much better.
Hurricanes, famine, earthquakes, and all other tragedies happen all the time. Millions suffer in agony and death. Young and old. That means either your god can’t stop them (which makes it powerless), OR it chooses not to (which makes it evil), OR it doesn’t exist (which makes it imaginary). Every apologetic excuse given unavoidably leads back to those three choices. Which one do you choose?
I wasn’t going to respond to this article but it is grieving, so I had to. You began describing the gospel by reading scripture, but then you explained it with man’s thinking and completely wrong. You said God is so holy he has to judge sin and cannot tolerate it. You said that the punishment for sin is death and hell. The consequence of sin is death period. There is no punishment. Jesus died the death of humanity and sin was not punished, but forgiven. It sounds like you believe that eternal torment in hell is the punishment for sin and Jesus was punished for us. If that is the case He would still be in hell being tormented for eternity. You said God cannot dwell with sin, yet God lived in the midst of it for 33 years on earth. He was called a friend of sinners. You also said we in the church are sinners that need fellowship and forgiveness. If that is the case then Jesus is a sinner, because we are one with Him and it is no longer us that lives but He lives in us. To call me a sinner, is to call Jesus a sinner. When He rose from the dead the adamic nature was destroyed and humanity was reborn into an entirely new creation. So much cognitive dissonance and contradiction in the traditional evangelical theology of what they teach as the gospel. The gospel is that humanity had a death sentence. Jesus died that death fulfilling the law. His blood redeemed humanity and justified humanity. His death reconciled humanity (actually the cosmos). And His resurrection caused humanity to be begotten again.
@Impact article Ministries Hi, I am 13y and I’ve been a christian during less than 1 year I want to get baptized, but the church of my mom is doubting : adults only read the bible sunday and there is a zone called :Cult of kids where they learn about God (BUT THERE ONLY PLAYING MOST OF THE TIME) My two brothers and my dad arent christian and for my mom I dont think she really one. How im gonna get baptized? Can i get self-baptized? Keep in fact im stll 13y old
IDK why I didn’t realize this before but on a Ford gear head forum I typed in certain information and asked some builders a question. Simple details. Simple question. I’ve got every range of opinions and some even denied “it’s even possible because…” And it is possible and it was very common for that time period. But these newcomers don’t know anything about 9inch rear ends. All they know is this lighter duty stuff. But if they would have just read the simple information giving the year and equipment range I gave they would have never answered it all the ways they have… and these are moderators responding. So… yeah unless you’ve studied in depth or went to Bible college I think most of you should just go on to church to be taught because I realized people can’t read context or even content. There’s no wonder there’s so many ideas. Perception isn’t always the real deal.
I left Christianity. Like those people in the bible who were invited to the dinner party because the first ones didn’t accept the invitation, I hope God somehow managed to help somebody else better through my leave. But I might just be ready to come back now, and this article is going to mark a new beginning, another rebirth. Praise God! ✝️ Edit: (1 hour later) It didn’t work out. I wanted to believe, but I can’t.
I’m a young teenager who is kind of shy and feels awkward when trying to talk with anyone, even God. I know he loves me when I talk to Him but I feel kinda stupid and weird like he doesn’t know who I am, thus making me pray less. Also, I just absolutely cannot talk out loud, even though I’m all alone. Is praying in your head an option? Please help me. I have socializing problems, but I’m trying my best. Do you have any tips?
My partner, father of my son, is a non believer. I’ve accepted Christ before and got distracted, and now I am trying to rebuild my relationship to the Almighty One. Now, that I have a child, I want him to learn about Jesus too, but his father is against it, because he doesn’t believe in God, in the Bible, or Jesus. Even Satan. I’ve been praying that may God touch his heart and win his heart over, but I know we all have freewill and he might still reject God. God loves him and I am hoping he can love him back. How can I be used by God to win his heart without too much pressure on him. I read the bible in secret and at work when I have a down time. How should I show that Jesus’s way is worthit?
Can you become a Christian if you do not think hell makes sense? I struggle with the idea of hell as it does not seem something a loving God could ever create. So that is where the lion’s share of my doubt comes from…. But I do love Jesus. 💜 Not sure what that makes me, but sending love to everyone.
Jesus Is Not His Father!!! That is the Most important thing to know! Sart from the first page Not John 3:16! You have to know and have a relationship with Your Creator God before you can know and have a relationship with His Son!! There is Not trinity, Jesus Never spoke that word or actually said any of that! Pray with decernment in your heat and let God through Christ guid you to the truth! Not humans that have been mislead for centuries!! May God through Christ bless you on this Amazing journey! I love you💜
Accept Jesus today. Pray the prayer of salvation. Then understand this, you’re good, you are saved. Let go of the fear. What if I didn’t pray it right? What if my sin was too big. “What if,” comes from fear, from satan. In faith, “what if” becomes “even if.” Even if I slip in sin, Jesus still died for me and loves me. Not, what if I slip. Fear= What if Faith = Even if. From the moment you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you begin your faith journey. So for now, just believe, and know that in your faith journey you will not only believe, but gain better understanding. I pray that today is your day! There is a reason you are here.
I want to start going to church with my 1 year old son but I have no idea where to start. I was not confirmed so I don’t think I would go to a Catholic church because I was never confirmed and my husband and I did not marry in a Catholic church. Does anyone have any suggestions? I was thinking maybe trying a Presbyterian or Luteran churh
I can’t believe you people can believe in such an evil thing the Bible is vile there is no excuse for it as proof deuteronomy 21:10-25:19 When you go out to war against your enemies, and the Lord your God gives them into your hand and you take them captive, 11 and you see among the captives a beautiful woman, and you desire to take her to be your wife, 12 and you bring her home to your house, she shall shave her head and pare her nails. 13 And she shall take off the clothes in which she was captured and shall remain in your house and lament her father and her mother a full month. After that you may go in to her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife.
I use to be on a… Lost and dangerous path. All that was there was the face of greed, darkness and false happiness. Then suddenly, I started believing in the lord. I think of the church as greedy, pure take-and-not-giving people, so I went down another path… The true path… The path that will let us be free. Where we don’t have to cry and wallow in our own sadness and pity. Some people might disagree with me on church, but think about it.
Tip for new believers. Know what youre reading.. whos taking to who and why? This may seem obvious, but some things were said to specific people for a specific purpose, and shouldn’t be taken out of context. The Bible reveals the character of God, which helps you identify his voice.. it is not meant as a ‘what can I get’ list
I really would like to know what does the Bible say about how blacks have been treated in America? That is something that makes me feel really bad inside as a black woman and I know I have to be forgiving in order to be forgiven. It’s just it keep nagging at me on the inside how every race in America gets an apology Or some type of compensation for what their race been through, except for black Americans, can you help me with this?
i don’t have any christian friends, everyone i know either doesn’t care or doesn’t want to know Jesus, No matter if i showed him to them. i’m a bit hopeless about fellowship. i’m not allowed to go to church, i’m not ABLE to go to church nor i have seen a church that follows god around me. i only know Jesus as a just friend.
I’m learning how to walk in christ, and I’ve been struggling to talk to other Christians or other people In general, there are very few people I’m comfortable being around and talking with, but everyone else is super scary and burns me out being around them but I can’t find anyone who is Christian and doesn’t horrify me I don’t know why I’m like this and I’m not sure what to do any suggestions?
Hey everyone! I’ve been a christian since the start of the year (I think) and i was just wondering what I’m meant to do if before I sin, I forget it’s a sin? I still repent after but it causes me to sin lots more. If anyone has any tips on how to fix this, I’d love to hear them! Remember, Jesus loves you!
God said in Quran about Jesus (peace be upon him): ” And (mention) when the angels said, “O Mary, indeed God has chosen you and purified you and chosen you above the women of the worlds. O Mary, be devoutly obedient to your Lord and prostrate and bow with those who bow (in prayer).”(Quran 3:42-43) ” (And mention) when the angels said, “O Mary, indeed God gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary – distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near (to God ). He will speak to the people in the cradle and in maturity and will be of the righteous. She said, “My Lord, how will I have a child when no man has touched me?” (The angel) said, “Such is God ; He creates what He wills. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, ‘Be,’ and it is. He will teach him the Scripture and wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel, And (make him) a messenger to the Children of Israel, (who will say), ‘Indeed I have come to you with a sign from your Lord in that I design for you from clay (that which is) like the form of a bird, then I breathe into it and it becomes a bird by permission of God. (Quran 03:45-49) “(The Day) when God will say, “O Jesus, Son of Mary, remember My favor upon you and upon your mother when I supported you with the Pure Spirit and you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity; and (remember) when I taught you writing and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel; and when you designed from clay (what was) like the form of a bird with My permission, then you breathed into it, and it became a bird with My permission; and you healed the blind and the leper with My permission; and when you brought forth the dead with My permission; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from (killing) you when you came to them with clear proofs and those who disbelieved among them said, “This is not but obvious magic.
8:37 I actually have a better answer for that. The devil likes to disturb isolated believers, as they are at home, focusing on worshiping Lord and receiving faster answers from the Lord. The devil likes to disturb those who have the most time alone with Lord, because that believer talks to Lord, and the Devil doesn’t want us to know the truth. If we dedicate more of our time to Lord to talk to Him in a calm and peaceful place, we will come closer to Lord, and the devil tries to disturb us more because of this. “James 4 — ⁷Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
Hey Impact? I’m not trying to give a “gotcha” question, im just a Christian who was told not to ignore questions, and I thought about this one. If heaven is outside of time, how can there be events? Like the fall of satan and his fall and when certain people enter. If theres no time, everything that has or will ever happen should be in a constant state of always, shouldn’t it? If this makes sense, could you maybe try to explain? Also I love your articles btw
The Holy Spirit of truth will guide us into all truth.. we shouldn’t feel bad for not “fellowshippjg with other believers “… Jesus warned us about false prophets and teachers and how there will be many of them.. and Paul stated that we should not believe all spirits but test every spirits to see if they are of God or not… not all preachers and churches are of God and most of them are actually run by the devil.. if there is a church or a group of believers that the Lord would want you to become a part of, he will guide you in that direction.. keep praying for discernment and seeking Yahweh’s will in every matter.. don’t follow man, follow Christ. Blessings.
If the stars fall down on me And the sun refuse to shine Then may the shackles be undone May all the old words cease to rhyme If the sky turn into stone It will matter not at all For there is no Heaven in the sky Hell does not wait for our downfall Let the voice of reason chime Let the pious vanish for all time God’s face is hidden, all unseen You can’t ask Him what it all means He was never on your side God was never on your side Let right or wrong alone decide God was never on your side See ten thousand ministries See the holy, righteous dogs They claim to heal, but all they do is steal Abuse your faith, cheat and rob If God is wise, why is He still When these false prophets call Him friend? Why is He silent, is He blind? Are we abandoned in the end? Let the sword of reason shine Let us be free of prayer and shrine God’s face is hidden, turned away He never has a word to say He was never on your side God was never on your side Let right or wrong alone decide God was never on your side No, no, no He was never on your side God was never on your side Never, never, never, never Never on your side, never on your side God was never on your side Never on your side
You said our punishment for sin should be the first and second death but Jesus paid the penalty. So did Jesus get both the first and second death? If so, how can he currently be with the Father if the punishment for sin is an eternity away from God? If he’s with the Father, wouldn’t that make the sin punishment unfulfilled? And if the punishment for sin is just the first death, don’t we all die one day? I understand it as a sacrifice and whoever believes in the one who lived perfectly in Gods eyes will be saved. Not that Jesus took the punishment for sin (since he’s not eternally away from the Father) but rather belief and faith in him is the path to the Father because the Father sent Jesus to be that path. Just my understanding. I never could wrap my head around the “Jesus took our punishment” thing
Could I ask you an ethical question? If I was an Arian and Himler created a device that could turn people into Arians, would it be my duty to turn Jews and other “undeseriables” into Arians, to make sure they avoid dying in the Holocaust? Now that you’ve thought about that ask me this, how is that any different to Christianity? Instead of Arians its Christians, the non Arians are non believers and the Holocaust that they’ll face if they don’t convert is the eternal hell fire. So thinking about it from that lense should we support that system or do everything we can as Christians to bring it to a stop, get God to change his mind on non believers?
I find it hard to accept that non-believers would go to hell for eternity, whatever ones concept of hell might be. If Jesus did die for our sins, why is it necessary to believe in Him in order to be redeemed? I understand that God gives us free will to accept Him or not, and He wants us to love Him because we choose to, but surely a loving God wouldn’t cast his children into eternal torment because they didn’t believe in Him, or had never heard the gospel being preached? Also, not everyone is spiritually inclined, they may however maybe a good person who does a lot of things selflessly for others, surely a loving God would not cast them into hell?
Hey yall i need help with something. So with everything going on in israel and the world i have been super afraid of the end times. It started during covid time and i stopped fearing a while ago but it comes back every once in a while and i just repeat history again. I keep looking up articles and websites about end times to calm my fear but nothing helps. I dont know if this is true or not but i also hear the third temple might be rebuilt and that just adds to the fuel to the fire. Ive tried everything including prayer and nothing is helping no matter what i try or do. How can i cure my fear? Edit: i also forgot to mention i dont just get anxiety over the end times. One time i got a sunburn and then i found out sunburns can lead to skin cancer, i spent like two months trying to see if i had skin cancer. One of my friends got into a car accident and now that i have my license, im worried i will get into an accident too. Finally, as i was writing this, i got a burning sensation in my nose and for a tiny brief second, i thought something got in there or something. Im starting to think i may have some sort of anxiety disorder or something so what do yall think? I honestly hope i do because it could mean im wrong about everything im worried about and life will continue as normal
I started to become a Christian because of.… i started thinking about my future my life, the decisions im gonna and i need to make so I decided that i need jesus boht the son and the father to give me a reason to keep going and fullfill my dreams. Pd: shotout to r3alism he has been making me closer to god. Amen.