Steve Jobs, a visionary and inventor, shared his theory of creativity as connecting dots and gathering experiences. He believed that creativity is about connecting experiences and synthesizing new ideas. By the time he died in 2011, Jobs had accomplished everything a man of ideas could dream of, leaving a mark on the world.
Jobs’ core of creativity comes from the “Dimensional Mind”, which is open, curious, and learns and observes without any ideas of what is possible or possible. He believed that creativity begins with curiosity and that to imagine something new and bring it into the world requires curiosity. Creativity is not about conjuring something out of thin air, but about the alchemy of experience, the remixing of what we’ve seen, heard, and experienced.
In the eulogies that followed Jobs’ death, it was evident that they had a deep respect for one another. Jobs’ approach to creativity was characterized by connecting experiences and synthesizing new things. Creativity begins with curiosity, and to imagine something new and bring it into the world requires curiosity.
Steve Jobs’ metaphor of creativity as connecting dots and gathering experiences is a valuable lesson for anyone looking to foster innovation. By connecting seemingly unrelated dots, we can increase our problem-solving abilities and innovative thinking. By embracing cultural pluralism and openness, we can foster a culture of creativity that encourages innovation and growth.
📹 Creativity Boosting Tips From Albert Einstein & Steve Jobs
Patrick Bet-David Podcast Episode 49. In this clip, Patrick Bet-David, Adam Sosnick and Tom Zenner talk about how to boost …
What is creativity explained?
Creativity can be defined as the capacity to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that can be useful in problem-solving, communication, and entertainment. It enables the fulfillment of the need for novel, varied, and complex stimulation, the communication of ideas and values, and problem-solving.
What did Steve Jobs actually invent?
The mythology surrounding Steve Jobs suggests that he was ahead of the curve in the computing and electronics industry, leading Apple to create groundbreaking consumer technology like the Apple IIc, Macintosh, iMac G4, iPod, iPhone, and iPad. However, the origin story of the first iPhone reveals that Jobs was not a technological soothsayer, but rather focused on creating a cool phone rather than predicting the digital future.
What is creativity according to Steve Jobs?
Creativity involves connecting experiences and synthesizing new ideas, often due to having more diverse experiences or thinking about them more than others. However, this rare commodity is often lacking in the industry, leading to linear solutions without a broad perspective on the problem. A broader understanding of the human experience is crucial for better design.
Learning more about the human experience allows for more connections, making it an argument for a broad-based education. In Steve Jobs’ 2005 commencement address, he argued that learning things that may not offer practical benefits at the time adds up to a broader base of knowledge from which to connect ideas.
One example of this is the beautiful hand calligraphed posters and labels on campus. The author, who dropped out of normal classes, decided to take a calligraphy class to learn about serif and san serif typefaces, varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, and what makes great typography great. This artistic and historical approach to typography is fascinating and beautiful, a skill that science cannot capture.
What did Einstein say about creativity?
Albert Einstein famously posited that creativity is a consequence of intelligence and enjoyment.
What was Steve Jobs talented in?
Steve Jobs, a creative genius, applied his perfectionism to designing his team. He believed that hiring and retaining talent is a challenging task, and he advised to focus on the best talent. He believed that a small team of A+ players can outperform a giant team of B and C players. Jobs called finding the needles in the haystack, which involved sourcing talent through various channels like LinkedIn, job boards, internal databases, and external directories.
After reviewing resumes and conducting interviews, the key is to focus on the gut feeling of the candidate, rather than the resume or answers. Jobs’ favorite interview question was “Why are you here?”, which would get anyone’s metadata flowing. His philosophy on hiring and retaining talent should be applied to businesses everywhere.
Is creativity that ships Steve Jobs?
Steve Jobs once said that innovation is the creativity that ships, not just a room full of ideas. To be innovative, one must consciously choose how to move forward and use the team to develop beginning thinking. Innovation is defined differently by George Prince, founder of Synectics, who once said that it is just another word for change. Being innovative involves changing the way one operates to achieve different outcomes. Prince divided innovation into three distinct areas of focus and created his formula for innovation:
- Creativity: Embrace the idea that innovation is a product of creativity.
- Creativity: Use the team to develop beginning thinking and turn it into something breakthrough.
- Creativity: Focus on three distinct areas of focus to achieve a desired outcome.
What are Steve Jobs creations?
Steve Jobs, born in 1971, is known for being a pioneer of the personal computer revolution and co-creator of the Apple II, Macintosh, iPod, iPhone, iPad, and first Apple Stores. He is also the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc., a primary investor and chairman of Pixar, and the founder, chairman, and CEO of NeXT. Jobs is also the sister of Mona Simpson, Bassma Al Jandaly, and Malek Jandali.
What was Steve Jobs’ greatest skill?
Apple’s Steve Jobs’ ability to communicate and sell effectively helped the company market products like the iPhone as user-friendly. Jobs’ ability to create an understandable technology product that didn’t require technical knowledge made him a unique figure in the tech industry. Bill Gates, in a 2020 interview, praised Jobs for his natural public speaking skills and his ability to inspire people, including his employees.
Jobs’ demanding nature and difficult nature likely motivated his employees to do great things, as he was known for being a demanding boss. Former Apple employee Guy Kawasaki praised Jobs’ leadership for driving many to excel in their careers.
What is Steve Jobs most proud of?
Apple CEO Steve Jobs was most proud of his team, the Apple Team, which consistently created award-winning products. His approach to building a high-performing team was based on the success of Pixar Animations, which produced hits like Toy Story 1, 2, and 3. Jobs built an atrium, a communal space where people could meet, talk, collaborate, and create. The goal was to produce their best work regardless of whose toes were stepped on.
According to research by the Harvard Business Review, the average team achieves only 63 of its strategic plans, and high-performing teams seldom evolve randomly. MIT has provided insightful research on team dynamics necessary to create dramatic leaps in performance. Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland, who leads MIT’s Human Dynamics Laboratory and is a founding member of advisory boards for Google, AT&T, Nissan, and the UN Secretary General, has been cited as one of the most powerful data and computational scientists in the world.
In conclusion, Jobs’ approach to building a high-performing team involved fostering open communication, collaboration, and a collaborative environment. This approach has been cited as a key factor in the success of Apple and other companies.
How to be innovative like Steve Jobs?
Steve Jobs’ life offers valuable insights into the principles of innovation. These include the ability to understand customer needs without direct questioning, the creation of transformative experiences, the adoption of a comprehensive perspective, the embrace of simplicity, and the recognition of failure as a catalyst for success through unconventional thinking.
What did Steve Jobs say about innovation?
Steve Jobs, a pioneer in the technology industry, believed that innovation comes from saying no to 1, 000 things. He reduced the number of products produced, ensuring each had an A-team. When introducing the iPhone in 2007, Jobs highlighted the simplicity, cleaner, and user-friendly nature of the iPhone. Apple’s website also focuses on removing clutter, highlighting the product it wants to highlight. Jobs also innovated around customer experience by benchmarking against the best models in customer service.
The Apple Store was inspired by The Ritz-Carlton, and Jobs aimed to create exceptional experiences for every customer, every time. His vision for Apple’s retail model was to create exceptional experiences for every customer, every time.
📹 Steve Jobs Secrets of Life
In 1994, the Santa Clara Valley Historical Association interviewed Steve Jobs. What he said during this unscripted film interview is …
Most of my best problem solving happens when I finally have time physically away from what I’ve been tackling such as time in the shower so I can see first hand how controlled down time may lead to results. I believe meditation/yoga/mindfulness can also most likely produce similar results once the level of comfort involved becomes more developed. I feel the key is general productive intent to the downtime and not using it as an excuse for an escape.
Great episode! Bias confirmation for me as I do a lot of physical exercise daily, read, play piano, etc; but then have my moments of meditating on nothingness, where it seems I mentally organize or digest all that I’ve taken in. I do yoga, sleep on the floor 4-5hrs and wake up fresh everyday. My nutrition is not the best, (I am working on that), but I limit portions so I don’t over eat and practice intermittent fasting that actually gives you more energy.
When you grow up, you tend to get told the that world is the way it is, and your life is just to live your life inside the world, try not to bash into the walls to much, try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money. That’s a very limited life – life can be much broader, once you discover one simple fact. Everything that you call life was made up by people around you and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use.
Steve Jobs was one of the most influential people the world has ever known. We can all learn from him we don’t have to just accept the world for what it is. Everything in this world was created by people no smarter than you and when you realize that you too can experiment and create ideas or things for other people to use. Also remember you cannot connect the dots looking forward you can only connect the dots looking backwards so you have to have belief in faith, the universe, fate, destiny, whatever it is you have to believe that it’s going to work out for you in whatever you pursue.
You can hate him or love him, but there is no way that you won’t appreciate what he just said. I think this is the best piece of advice that i’ve ever been given. Indirectly, but still… Because what else is there, really, if you don’t want to make your mark on the world. It’s really getting boring to just be a spectator and just die that way. To do this, i think it’s really important to keep reminding yourself that you’re going to die someday, and that should encourage you to take the biggest chances ever, not depress you in any way.
👑 trzeba być coraz głupszym a czuç sie coraz madrzejszym miec coraz wiecej cechy glupoty a coraz mniej cechy madrości 📌 miec coraz wiecej cnoty madrości( ktora jest taka energia i natchnieniem do ulatwiania i uszczesluwiania zycia) 📍 coraz mniej wady glupoty ktora jest zbudowana z destrukcyjnych przekonań
Wow, so simple. So profound. So true. Sometimes I stand so close to the forest I can’t see the trees. I think the happiest people are those that love what they do for a living never work a day in their life. And with that comes financial success. Look around at the folks that are the happiest and notice how they view their career. Chances are they are rich with happiness and often are the best at what they do. Not necessarily the wealthiest but often they are but the point I make is they’re b
Man I remember seeing this article like 7-8 years ago and it blew my mind and I appreciate this even til this day at 37 starting my own business pushing boundaries and don’t. Things I never thought possible and it’s working. Sometimes you just gotta DO YOU and fuck what everyone else thinks or says and that’s where I’m at In life literally right now.
He is dead on with this. This is not about if you like apple products or not, he’s talking about living life to the fullest by poking and prodding at it because that’s how everything comes about. You don’t need to wait or have someone tell you it should be this or that way. Its about poking at life and pushing it and it doesn’t matter if you fail or succeed and that is why he succeeded!
What he was trying to describe is the fact that man is the creator of his reality. And the possibilities of how this reality could look are limitless, as limitless as the universe, because through man the universe becomes aware of its own beauty and power. What good is a beautiful flower if I can’t enjoy its fragrance? What good is a rainbow if there is no one whose imagination it can inspire? What good are sunbeams reflected on the ocean if there is no one to watch this light show with their mouth open? What good is dance and music if there is no one to enjoy the movement and the sounds? You don’t need all that to survive. There will be a new era in which the human being will realise this – he IS the universe, he is not an individual separate from other human beings and things. and being on earth is only about one thing: The joy of being. namaste
LSD has nothing to do with this, Steve is bringing up a good point. When you are growing up, you are not told “okay, it is time to change the world” you are shown what already exists, it is up to you to decide weather to try and change the world or just go with the flow. There is nothing wrong with either choice.
Sounds inspiring, doesn’t it? Problem is that Jobs didn’t expand his life, as he implies, but actually replaced what he had, namely a wife and a kid, with his company. Sorry, but all the fame, fortune and fans in the world are not going to make up for hurting your kid. Truth is, he paid a cost for “greatness” and that was his family.
There are some who want to live a simple life made of love and are not going to want to change the world because they are lazy. It takes a lot of work and not everyone has the motivation of Steve Jobs. PS: A lot of people give their opinion on things believing that it’s the absolute truth when it’s just their way of thinking. I would love to hear what Steve Jobs has to say about this.
that’s true, happens to me, I didn’t build something amazing (for now), but I live in one of the most dangerous place in the world, people here just work to survive, But I am the only one in this city working on a USA company with a really good pay-rate compare to the salary here. Also I do code in my free time building a mobile app, and I feel very confident the future will be wonderfully, I just need to keep improving my skills and will be able to make whatever I want.
By the look of him Steve Jobs was not a walker or a brisk walker. Google; brisk walking and telomeres, then walk briskly seven days a week. It really is that simple and the difference between a non-walker and a brisk walker is readily apparent. It’ll change your physicality, your countenance and your mind, so take a picture before you start and then another one a few weeks later. This works like nothing else that you’ve ever done. Good luck to you.
Day 1 of many – 36 years 1. Still haven’t sold a damn song after studying lyric writing for 3 years. (Almost sold one, however the K-pop group disbanded after the recording so the recording went to the dumpster. Hit me hard since I worked on this project for months.) 2. Still haven’t wrote my book related to education that I said I would do in my early 20’s 3. Still haven’t wrote my script about a half fiction story about a boy moving to USA randomly and living life. 4.
Once you learn that you’ll never be the same again, which also means prepare to go through hell because 99% of the people in your life will make you feel like shit simply because you become a threat, a reminder that they are wasting their lives by just accepting things as they are and not try to change it.
สามแดนโลกธาตุ#หาที่จะหยั่งเท้าลงไม่ได้เลย#การบรรลุมรรคผล#จิตมันจะเปลี่ยนไปแบบไม่กลับ#จะมีกระบวนการ#ถ้าฉันเป็นนารายณ์จะร่ายเวทย์#อันเรืองเดชศักดิ์สิทธิ์และรักษา#สันติสุข #สันติธรรม #นำประชา#เจริญผาสุขสันต์นิรันดร#ถ้าฉันเป็นพิฆเนศวิเศษสุทธิ์#จะรีบรุดนำวิชามาสั่งสอน#ใส่เชิงศิลป์#พิณเพลงบรรเลงพร#ทั้งกาพย์กลอนรื่นเริงเชิงกวี…#ถ้าฉันเป็นพระอินทร์ถวิลไว้#จะสั่งให้วิสุทกรรมนำสุขี#ลงมาสร้างเคหาทุกธานี#ให้ท่านมีสุขเท่าเจ้าเมืองบน…#ถ้าฉันเป็นกามเทพเทวบุตร#จะฉวยฉุดสอยบุบผาเป็นห่าฝน#ชโลมลูบจูบดวงใจให้ทุกคน#เป็นสุขล้นทุกข์สลายมลายไป… #แต่นี่ฉันใช่เป็นเช่นกล่าวอ้าง#สุดหนทางที่จะทำดังคำไข#จึงขอเขียนบทกลอน#อันอำไพเพื่อเตือนใจ#เตือนตนทุกคนเอย#สวัสดิรักษา#อย่าเล่นกับไฟ#ไกลกังวล #ดนตรีชีวิต #ผิดเป็นครู #ภูเขาหิน #เรื่องกินเรื่องใหญ่ #ไฟในอย่านำออก #ความหลอกลวง #บ่วงความรัก#สลักจิต #สันติรส #ถ่มน้ำลายรถฟ้า #ก่ิ้งก่าได้ทอง #ครองสันติสุข#สามแดนโลกธาตุ#หาที่จะหยั่งเท้าลงไม่ได้เลย#จิตใจที่แห้งสนิทจึงจะหลุดพ้น#ความหลุดพ้น #วันปิดสามแดนโลกธาตุ#ถ้ารู้ว่าเราหลงทางเราจะกลับบ้านถูก#อริยสัจ4#การเจริญมรณสติเพื่อความสิ้นอาสวะ #การเข้าผลสมาบัติ#เป็นการเข้าอยู่ในอารมณ์พระนิพพาน#ที่ได้มาจากอริยผลญาณ #อันบังเกิดแล้วแก่ตน #เพื่อเสวยโลกุตตรสุข #ซึ่งเป็นความสงบสุขที่พึงเห็น #ประจักษ์ได้ในปัจจุบัน #พระนิพพาน ที่เป็นอารมณ์ของผลสมาบัตินั้นมีชื่อ ๓ ชื่อหรือมี ๓ อาการคือ ๑. #อนิมิตตนิพพาน หมายถึงว่า ผู้ที่ก้าวขึ้นสู่มัคคผลนั้น เพราะเห็นความ ไม่เที่ยง อันปราศจากนิมิตเครื่องหมาย คือ อนิจจัง โดยบุญญาธิการแต่ปางก่อน แรงด้วยสีล เมื่อเข้าผลสมาบัติก็คงมีอนิมิตตนิพพาน เป็นอารมณ์ ๒. #อัปปณิหิตนิพพาน หมายถึงว่า ผู้ที่ก้าวขึ้นสู่มัคคผลนั้น เพราะเห็นความ ทนอยู่ไม่ได้ ต้องเปลี่ยนแปรไป อันหาเป็น ปณิธิ ที่ตั้งไม่ได้ คือทุกขัง โดยบุญญาธิ การแต่ปางก่อนแรงด้วยสมาธิ เมื่อเข้าผลสมาบัติ ก็คงมี อัปปณิหิตนิพพาน เป็น อารมณ์ ๓.
Some of them were smarter than us Steve, at least more experienced, that is what you will be, when coming back from the “phantom zone ” you wil save and rebuilt your dream ( at Apple) with an unbelievable pragmatism. This clip is very much dated, in your life 😉 Wich altogether is, will be, was, very UNIQUE.
I’ve always brushed off Jobs as being just a good marketing guy with a bad temper. I didn’t give it much thought especially because the average’s person’s arrogance for owning Apple products always turned me off. But hearing this man speak, especially in his earlier days really made him feel relateable, especially in this stage of my life as I feel I’m unveiling these things. I’m beginning to love the man.
Steven Paul Jobs was best known for co-founding the technology company Apple Inc. He was a pioneer of the personal computer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s, along with his early business partner and fellow Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. The Montreal Gazette featured an interview with Steve Wozniak, the Apple co-founder and Honorary Doctorate recipient, who was scheduled to speak at the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal on February 16. The article included a photo of Wozniak delivering his commencement address at Concordia University.
Steven Paul Jobs (San Francisco, 24 de febrero de 1955-Palo Alto, 5 de octubre de 2011) fue un empresario, diseñador industrial, magnate empresarial, propietario de medios e inversor estadounidense. Fue cofundador y presidente ejecutivo de Apple y máximo accionista individual de The Walt Disney Company.
I was working in a company that had no perspective of this, and they made choices that were completely disassociated from themselves, which never created positive effects. When i questioned this and pretty much said it was madness to push an idea that they dont believe in i was called disloyal. I quit shortly thereafter. Never waste your life in a place you dislike, unless you gain something of greater value that you have a specific interest in.
Jobs says about not be passive. You need to live truly your life, doing different things always thinking about how to change the world, your life. It’s a class of trust. Believe in yourself will make your life better. If you want to open a new company, do it. Life is broader than just a loop of “work – home – work”. Change your life friends.
Well the reason I can’t think like Steve Jobs is not because society put a barrier on me, but I am not smart like him. Even of I risk my life to break the barrier, I don’t have a goal or any intension to solve a problem, I just want to live and try to become a better version of myself, I don’t want to push in business or technology or any field just simply to get acknowledgement. I would be only able to do it, if I feel Competitive in it, or discover a problem that I can solve. Our life is just a morning news for society, and then they mind their own business.
“Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it.” It’s true. I’ve known PhD holders who were idiots, who wasted away in jobs and places they hated, trapped by the qualifications they were told they needed to get even though they didn’t want them. And the smartest, wisest, freest people I know don’t even have a bachelors. Live your own life the way you want to. It’s scary, but it’s just as scary if you’re 14 or 40, if you have a bachelor’s or a PhD, it’s scary for everyone.
La mia nuova vita svizzera e’ molto piu’ divertente di quella di prima e mi da gioia ed entusiasmo senza fine. C’e’ pero’ anche una cosa che devi sapere e’ una vita con cuore e mente pieni pieni pieni di humour. Non amo litaglia glitagliani, hli ibbrey e gli americany. Qualsiasi cosa facciano o blaterino mi viene da ridere. Sorrido e dico si si si si. E pero’ dentro di me penso: ma che razza di teste di cazzo di cane che sono i taglianj i brej e i merycani. Secondo te e’ normale? Voglio dire: e’ abbastanza normale, molto normale o solo ottimisticamente normale?
Il vero segreto della vita di Steve Jobs era che portava gli occhiali. Non poteva stare senza i suoi occhiali. Io lo so perche’ quando mi trasferii a magenta e Paola venne a vivere con me, una notte cerco’ di sfondare la porta di casa e di introdursi in casa. Vi mando il filmato. Un terribile segreto.
Oh mi dimenticavo di dirvi che io mi sono.buttata nel buco san pietro. Vi mando il filmato. Tanto io posso perche’ io sono luce. Una roba solo male. Solo male male male male poi tutto il male di tutti i tempi e’ finito e ancora avanti. Tant’e’ che io ho fatto il giro e sono.tornata a Dio dall’altra parte. Anche il male e’ limitato, perche’ ha un fondo non si vede nulla perche’ e’ contro luce, da la schiena alla luce. Praticamente un nero inchiostro con attimi concentrici. Che sembrano ma non sono perche’ e’ sempre male, fino.alla fine di tutto il male del mondo e di tutti i tempi. Mando il filmato perche’ io che sono la luce non ho visto nulla. L’esperienza mi fa dire che tutti i tagliani e ibrei sono cani.