Self-procrastination is a common issue that can lead to feelings of isolation and isolation. If someone is thinking about suicide, professional help is needed, even if it is not a danger immediately. To help, urge the person to seek help, surround themselves with supportive people, and do things that uplift them. If struggling, reward yourself each time five minutes have passed and use the “I need urgent help” tool for practical ideas.
When you feel suicidal or start thinking about death, remember there are things you can do to keep yourself safe. Create a plan with activities and actions to stay safe when you have thoughts of suicide, such as contacting your doctor, therapist, or crisis line. Do everything in your power to get a suicidal person the help they need, call a crisis line for advice and referrals, and encourage the person to see a mental health professional.
Educate yourself on suicide warning signs, what to do when there’s imminent danger, how to talk to someone who may be suicidal, prevention, hotlines, and other resources. If you have a friend in need of help, please encourage them to seek help.
Suicidal thoughts can be complex, frightening, and confusing. Peer support is available for anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts. Anna Mehler Paperny’s new book emphasizes the importance of being more honest about suicide and its consequences.
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