Medication can often help artists better access their creativity and express their emotions more readily. However, the literature on the degree to which differing mood stabilizers have differing propensities for compromising creativity is sparse but seemingly clear cut. There appears to be a distinctive gradient in the cognitive impacts of differing mood stabilizers, with lithium offering the highest risk, carbamazepine, and valproate. If lithium is the recommended mood stabilizer, the risk of compromised cognitive performance is real and may be more likely in those with a bipolar II than a.
Creative individuals are highly sensitive, which causes strengths and struggles. Mental health issues such as anxiety disorders can hinder the ability to create. Medication can dull your creativity or unburden your mind and allow creative expression to flow more freely. So, the medication isn’t ruining your creativity; it’s dulling your motivation. Explain this side effect to your doctor to find the right treatment.
When offered a mood stabilizer, many express concerns about any impact on their creativity. This piece seeks to address the question and emphasize that medication can often help artists better access their creativity and express their emotions more readily. While it wasn’t uncommon to hear patients complain of dampened creativity while taking SRIs and SNRIs, that’s not the case across the board. People claim psychiatric medication should not be used because they prevent creativity, but psychiatric medication doesn’t necessarily mean the end of creativity.
📹 Who Should Take Mood Stabilizers? | Health
Kenneth Robbins, MD, clinical associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, describes the signs and …
Does bipolar affect creativity?
Bipolar disorder, a mental health condition causing extreme mood and energy changes, has been linked to creativity in various fields such as artists, actors, writers, and musicians. Symptoms include alternating highs (mania) and lows (depression), with some experiencing only a few episodes per year. While some studies have found a connection between bipolar disorder and creativity, the exact relationship remains unclear. It is important to consider the potential impact of bipolar disorder on creativity and its potential impact on daily tasks and overall well-being.
Does serotonin affect creativity?
Brain diseases and their treatment can impact creativity and quality of life. Increased creative drive is linked to conditions like bipolar disorder, depression, psychosis, temporal lobe epilepsy, frontotemporal dementia, Parkinson disease treatments, and autism. Creativity relies on goal-driven approach motivation from midbrain dopaminergic systems. Fear-driven avoidance motivation is less beneficial to creativity. When serotonin and norepinephrine lower motivation and flexible behavior, they can inhibit creativity.
Hemispheric lateralization and frontotemporal connections must interact to create new ideas and conceptual schemes. Genes and phenotypes that increase plasticity and creativity in tolerant environments may confer risk in rigorous environments. Antidepressants that inhibit fear-driven motivation may also inhibit goal-oriented motivation. Antidepressants that boost goal-directed motivation may remediate this effect. Benzodiazepines and alcohol may be counterproductive.
Dopaminergic agonists may stimulate creativity, but their suppression may be inappropriate. Physical exercise and REM sleep may help creativity. Art therapy and psychotherapy are not well studied. Preserving creative motivation can help creativity and other aspects of well-being in all patients, not just artists or researchers.
Can antidepressants affect creativity?
Bipolar medication can cause emotional blunting, a state where patients feel disconnected from the world and their creative mind. This is a common side effect of medications like antipsychotics, antidepressants, antianxiety medications, and mood stabilizers. The sedative nature of these medications can be helpful for those struggling with mental health conditions, but it can also trigger a loss of creativity.
Bipolar medication is necessary due to the connection between bipolar disorder and creativity, which is a positive trait of the condition. During periods of mania, individuals experience a widening expanse of their senses, memory, and imagination, allowing them to express exceptional creativity.
Is it bad to take mood stabilizers?
The use of antipsychotic medications is considered safe when appropriate precautions are taken and the potential for adverse effects is monitored. In some cases, these medications may also be effective in stabilizing mood. Further information on the use of antipsychotic medications can be found in the Facts About Antipsychotic Medication handout.
Can medication affect your creativity?
Studies have shown that medications can either decrease creativity and make responses more uniform, or increase creative output. Some studies suggest that medications lower the pursuit of creativity and make people’s responses more uniform, while others suggest that medications increase creative output. Both studies highlight the importance of understanding the relationship between medication and creativity in order to make informed decisions about medication use.
Are intelligent people more prone to bipolar?
A correlation has been identified between elevated IQ and an increased propensity for substance abuse, as well as an earlier onset of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. This is in accordance with the findings of various studies in this field.
Does dopamine reduce creativity?
New research from Karolinska Institutet has found that the dopamine system in healthy, highly creative individuals is similar to that found in people with schizophrenia. High creative skills are more common in those with family mental illness, and creativity is linked to a slightly higher risk of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Certain psychological traits, such as the ability to make unusual or bizarre associations, are also shared by schizophrenics and healthy, highly creative people.
The study, which appears in the journal PLoS ONE, suggests that the dopamine system of healthy, highly creative individuals is similar to that found in people with schizophrenia. This suggests a possible explanation for the link between mental health and creativity.
Do antipsychotics affect intelligence?
The discovery in the 1950s that antipsychotic medication could improve the positive symptoms of severe psychotic disorders led to them becoming the first-line treatment for acute recovery. Maintenance for at least one to two years is recommended for relapse prevention. However, antipsychotic medications do not usually improve symptoms that underpin poor functional outcome, such as cognitive impairment. Clinically significant cognitive impairment is a hallmark of psychotic illness and is already present prior to the introduction of antipsychotics.
Evidence shows that antipsychotic effects on general cognitive functioning are at best mildly positive, mostly explained by cognitive test practice effects or atypical antipsychotics being less cognitively impairing than typical antipsychotics. A growing body of more recent literature suggests that antipsychotic medication may in fact worsen cognitive functioning, including specific domains such as verbal learning and memory as well as composite functioning.
Subjective cognitive impairment, particularly cognitive slowing, is commonly reported by people taking antipsychotics. Naturalistic studies have shown higher cumulative antipsychotic exposure to be associated with poorer cognitive functioning, although these findings may reflect confounding by indication.
A recent triple-blind randomized controlled trial compared the effects of risperidone/paliperidone versus placebo on cognitive functioning over the first six months of treatment for first-episode psychosis. The study found that in several cognitive domains the stability or improvement observed was similar across the three groups, suggesting improvements were in fact typical and not related to illness or medication. However, a significant interaction was observed for verbal learning and memory, where the healthy control and placebo groups improved, but the risperidone/paliperidone group declined in performance.
Antipsychotic medications encompass a wide variety of compounds, sharing a common mechanism – antagonism of the dopamine D 2 receptor. Atypical second-generation antipsychotics also antagonize serotonin 5-HT 2 receptors, and third-generation compounds exhibit preferential binding to D 3 and partial D 2 receptor antagonism. However, the sequalae of this modulation on cognition and variance by antipsychotic class remains understudied.
To optimize antipsychotic selection and treatment response, there is a pressing need to increase our mechanistic understanding of how antipsychotics may alter cognition through systematic investigation.
Do antipsychotics change your appearance?
Antipsychotic medications can negatively impact personal appearance, leading to weight gain, hirsutism, acne, dental problems, halitosis, alopecia, rash, tremor, stiff gait, unsightly mouth movements, voice changes, or incontinence. These side effects have not been adequately discussed in the psychiatric literature. The study aimed to analyze the profile of cutaneous conditions in patients with schizophrenia and contribute to existing evidence. A total of 102 consecutive adult patients with schizophrenia were evaluated by a dermatologist for the presence of any skin disorder.
Dermatological findings were noted in 70 of the patients, with 38 having multiple skin conditions. Infections were the most prevalent diagnosis, with fungal infections being the most common. Other common dermatoses included nevi, age-related cutaneous changes, dyschromia, and drug-induced acne. The study concluded that there is a high prevalence of dermatological diseases in patients with schizophrenia. Caregivers and psychiatrists managing these patients should familiarize themselves with these conditions and seek dermatology consultation for prompt diagnosis and management.
Do antipsychotics make you less creative?
The creativity of patients with schizophrenia is influenced by the type of medication used. Patients who are receiving new antipsychotics, including amisulpride, clozapine, olanzapine, and risperidone, have been reported to demonstrate higher levels of creativity. The research can be requested directly from the authors, but the citations for this publication have yet to be resolved.
Does BPD affect creativity?
BPD is characterized by emotional instability, which can lead to profound emotional experiences and a unique capacity for expression. This can result in exceptional talent in fields like art, music, writing, or drama. The intense emotions experienced by BPD individuals can sometimes foster creativity and artistic genius. Hyperawareness, a trait often associated with BPD, is another characteristic that allows individuals to be highly observant and sensitive to their environment, gaining a deeper understanding of human nature and behavior. This heightened awareness can contribute to an exceptional understanding of human nature and behavior.
📹 The 4 WORST “Mood Stabilizers” for BIPOLAR DISORDER!
FROM THE VIDEO: “My YouTube channel has given me a very unique advantage when it comes to exploring mental health …
QUICK NOTE ABOUT CAFFEINE: I personally enjoy a coffee every morning. I love it. It’s all about balance though… If I start consuming caffeine pills and energy drinks – just to get through life, that’s where it becomes a problem. If it starts to impact my precious sleep, that’s a problem too. We all have to find our own personal balance and for me, a cup of coffee in the morning is a must lol. Stay well Warriors <3
Alcohol had ruined my life, pre-diagnose. It literally didn’t feel right being sober. And the things I would do while drunk are embarrassing, yet I preferred it over feeling depressed. I lived like that for almost five years, until one night I peaked into Psychosis. Possibly the scariest moment in my life, I was delirious and out of touch with reality. I ran away and disappeared for a day from everybody! Ever since those experiences I have been sober, 145 days now to be exact. Although sometimes I am very tempted for a drink or two, I try to avoid it at all cost because I too have an addictive personality. We can do this!! We are much stronger than our temptations, you guys! We are warriors! 🙂
Over time I’ve found out by trial and error and more trial and error that I need to avoid: Caffeine Energy drinks of any sort Alcohol Stevia Certain preservative found in biscuits and cakes. Dried fruit Dried meat Anything with a lot of food colouring. Grapefruit Of all of these the worst is definitely stevia. Which I found out when I tried eating diet food to manage weight gain. No one talks about it. But in 10min I become very strange. I’ve also found my mood is much more stable if I don’t eat junk food. It’s been more than 2 years since I’ve had McDonald’s, Hungry Jacks, Dominoes, KFC. Sometimes I’ll have Nandos or Salsas. Mostly I’ve found it’s just a better idea to cook at home. Then I know exactly what I put into my food and if something effects me it’s easier to narrow down what it might be.
Im one of those who swear by marijuana. I’ve struggled with all kinds of adictions to other substances, and still struggle with binge eating. But marijuana is like medicine for me. Im “fine” without it, but definetely much better with, even after using it for 18 years. And it keeps my weight off when I binge. Bingeing during a “clean” period will always show on the scale for me. But it’s like meds, what works for one person doesn’t neccessarily work for another. Good article as always Rob! 🖤🤍
Marijuana was my “mood stabilizer” of choice for two decades (I wasn’t diagnosed at the time). It was more addictive for me than alcohol and I stopped smoking it about 15 years ago. You really should do a article on marijuana going over both sides of the argument. If someone is self-prescribing it, I don’t see it as any different than using street drugs, abusing prescription drugs or drinking. Honestly, due to the lack of peer-reviewed studies on marijuana and the amount of other drugs that have been studied extensively, I think prescribing the latter makes much more sense.
232 Days Sober today. “I actually believed a little bit of alcohol was part of my wellness program and how I maintained stability. Alcohol is like this crazy trap that starts to trigger the same major symptoms that I was trying to escape from in the first place. Alcohol and bipolar have a strange relationship.” Couldn’t agree with you more, Rob. Since March 2nd, I haven’t been on much of a high and I haven’t been nearly as impulsive… Yes, I experience a lot more lows but as you say, it takes a while for the body to recover and reproduce dopamine again. Thanks Rob, Cheers <3
I’ve got a fantastic psychiatrist that helped me beat alcohol and benzo abuse (I should have died from what I was doing). He’s really helped me minimize my caffeine abuse. Now I just drink my 2 mugs of weak coffee before 9 in the mornings. No other caffeine the rest of the day. Been going strong 5 years!
Regarding Cannabis, ive noticed – Sativas will definitely push you into a manic state, avoid at all costs. Indicas will snap you out of a manic or depressive episode almost instantaneously, but sometimes makes it worse the next morning once worn off. I find mixing a good old school Indica 50/50 with a quality CBD flower is the best cannabis combo for my BPD, but still needs to be used in moderation.
I was misdiagnosed with Unipolar Major Depressive Disorder in 1989. After years of trying various antidepressants, I was labeled medication-resistant. I also developed severe anxiety including panic attacks and night terrors. I was prescribed Klonopin which made me sleep 20 hours a day. I was then put on Ativan. It wasn’t unit 2007 after a suicide attempt, with yep a whole bottle of Ativan that I was properly diagnosed as Bipolar II. The psychiatrist I had to see before I could be released from the hospital talked to me for about two hours and then said my problem was I had untreated Bipolar II. He started me on Lamictal. The signs were there. I had had a number of, at the time unrecognized hypomanic epsidoes, especially when I was put on a new antidepressant. My depressions were very deep, long-lasting, almost always accompanied by suicidal ideation and regularly occurring and I was on Welbutrin, which was the only antidepressant that worked. The mood stabilizers worked, but I was still on Ativan for what was then diagnosed as GAD. As an side at that time, I was also on hydrocodone for my knees. I never had a problem with it except it made my nose itch which caused me to scratch it at inopportune moments. I have since gone to injections and a prescription anti-inflammatory cream and will be getting them replaced. When I quit them I had no issues. Ativan on the other hand was my “special friend”. Unfortunately, that psychiatrist passed away of a heart attack three months into my treatment.
I’ve tried all mood stabilizers and all of them have made me sick, lithium was one of the worst I hallucinated when I was only around half where I needed to be. I resent ever being put on benzos, no one ever said there was a chance of getting hooked so long as I took them normally. I took them normally and when time came to get off them I had such bad withdrawals they had to put me on something else. I’m currently addicted to caffeine, and still take benzos just to stay from freaking out. I’m in that stage where I wonder if I even have bipolar or if its ADD ?
Years ago, I was prescribed clonazepam like it was candy. My doctor told me it was not habit forming or addictive. Yet, she kept increasing my dose when it didn’t work as well. It turns out that she did that to a lot of people and I tapered off with my (new) psychiatrist’s support and my desire to not live in a fog anymore. The original doctor isn’t a doctor anymore, I don’t take benzodiazepines anymore, and I feel like I have my life back.
Wow, thank you so much for this article. Between the ages of 18-24 my life was a blur of reckless decisions & I rarely went a day without abusing xanax, adhd meds, alcohol & cocaine. They made my symptoms 100x worse; I’d be sobbing on bathroom floors around the world, waking up in strangers’ apartments and basically a mess. They were all bandaids for my deeper issues. I am 25 now & was diagnosed bp2 a few months ago, on a low dose of lamotrigine and not using any crutches. Alcohol was the hardest to release, but reading the book “This Naked Mind” really helped. Now to turn my life around and face everything head on lol… Very glad I found this website.
Thanks Robert! I always enjoy your articles. Honestly, I’ve learned much more about my own bipolar and taken it much more seriously since finding your website a year or so ago. I’m not a fan of medicating at all, especially with pills- uppers, downers, Tylenol, anti seizure, antidepressants, antibiotics…. I just hate swallowing pills in general. That’s part of the reason I’ve been on and off meds over the years. Personally, I found marijuana to be relaxing in small amounts but a little more sent me into anxiety attacks. So I avoid it altogether. The last time I went into psychosis, I wasn’t on anything at all. I was driving in a Walmart parking lot and crashed into one those little yellow poles. It’s made of concrete and covered with a hard plastic type material, and I bent it. It was brand new at the time too- less than a week old. Destroyed the front end of my car because concrete will do that. Lol! Anyway, I hope you’re doing well, kind friend. Thank you again so much for putting so much time and effort into every article you make. I know there are many hours of behind the scenes stuff to make these articles the quality that they are….. Take care!!! 🤗🤗🤗
Two years ago I overdosed on klonopin. I didn’t take enough because I’m still here. I stopped taking it after that the hospital gave me Ativan but my psychiatrist didn’t like that. I was surprised that not taking klonopin the world was less foggy. I have been Manic lately so she upped my medication so life has been hard. Tired and no motivation. But at least I’m not on my spending spree. I had ordered a PlayStation 5 that I could of lived without but it gave me such a rush. Thanks for your articles they really do help.
I love coffee. I couldnt imagine not having it. I DO drink wine and while I take long breaks from it, when I drink it, I notice my symptoms increase. I will have to stop having that glass of wine, but coffee? I can’t stand caffeine free, so hopefully coffee won’t be something that causes issues. Thank you for your articles. I appreciate and learn so much about myself, this disorder and how to deal with it from them.
I really like you your voice calms me I like you have used uppers alot and your right about them when I think About it the reason I tend to use drugs is that when im low Im really in that much despair i just want relief from the the crippling negativity I feel I feel like im the worst most inept and useless person in the world that everyone is so much better Than me I feel inferior to all walks of life. the problem in uk is that alot of so called experts dont believe in duel diagnoses I remember a time when they even stopped alot of nurses who speacilised in that Mine was stopped out the blue I truly believe you are more advanced in america in these arears I have Got a Better understanding of my own bipolar listening to you than any consultant or cpn that I have met and ive seen alot in 21 years you have a great insight respect to you my man
Hola como estas Amigo my name is Sonia and in me mid 30s i was diagnosed with Bipolar and Believe me it’s been a struggles accepting me with that diagnosis. I live in NYC and a few years ago people with this condition was doing bad things in the community that it was on the news every week and i felt embarrassed by having to be label with the Bipolar later understood that each of us are unique and society can not blame all of us for a few of People with the same condition doing bad stuff. Anyway thanks so much for helping us. And as you can see i called it Bipolar Condition or Bipolar Mental Health Condition cause I’m not confortable with the Word Disorder.
In the uppers you mentioned coffe, and I am on a down “episode” if you can called like that, I am starting to get to know my bipolar better now, so is it ok to have coffee in the morning? It is so hard for me to get up and going this last two weeks that the coffee is what helps me to get up. Thanks for your articles it has been helping me a lot to get to know my condition.
Oh my gosh! Food! I have celiac disease and now I’m having issues with nightshade foods. Tomatoes are in that category. So being a junk food junkie and having to find gluten free junk was (( still is) quite a task. Then trying to eat healthy, I run into the nightshade issue! I feel like I can’t win for losing. Great topic.
I take Ativan as an as needed med for both my bipolar and anxiety (though honestly it does almost nothing for my anxiety… Great for bipolar crisis though) and I refuse to let myself take it unless I literally feel like I’m dying. Even if I’m in a really bad crisis I still won’t take it because I’m scared of the dependence it can bring. I don’t go anywhere near it without the permission of my parents either lol It’s definitely a last resort… I tend to either put on some headphones with some white noise, meditate, lay down snuggled up in my bed with my eyes closed thinking either about nothing or daydreaming about pleasant things, force myself to shove my nose into a book (read lol), take a short nap, take a shower, ride my bike, or get in touch with a friend instead.
Diagnosed with Bipolar II and doing OK on meds, eating right, and exercising. I can wholeheartedly agree with the ill effects of the substances on this list. I have bad days all the time but I am now able to recognize them for what they are and don’t feel like everything is a vortex of doom and dread. I am navigating and avoiding the iceberg tips on the ocean of life as opposed to being rock bottom and stuck in an underwater icy corridor with no way out. I remember, despite taking several of the stuff on this list, denying that they were affecting me negatively and blaming it solely on my depression and my terrible life. I was eventually prescribed medication and even though the meds were of great help for my mood, the tired feeling I felt never went away. I gained considerable weight while taking the medication too and realized that I was beginning to put on more weight than I had at any point in my life so I REFUSED to let the weight continue creep on me to the point that I would one day be 100 lbs heavier than I should. This bothered me mainly because I personally did not want to look at myself and wish I was thin again. I started to exercise daily and picked up running which has now become a passion that I hope to continue doing. I quit smoking (“light smoker” 2-3 cigs a day for 10 years) cold turkey to improve the health of my lungs and dedicate myself to this new and enjoyable hobby. The exercise boosted my energy levels and that was the unexpected side effect which opened my eyes as to why I felt so crumby physically (I would stay in my house for days at a time depressed and denied this aggravated how I felt because I was “comfortable”).
cannabis is #1 alleviate for, so called, bipolar … addiction, for me is doing, repeatedly what i desire to do to exclusion of wholeness…one person’s medicine may be another’s poison…anything can be addicting including expressing … nicotine is the hardest to get off of, then booze…to each their own…Joan Bello has insight around cannabis…tks
It would be great to see a article dedicated to marijuana/weed/hash. Would greatly appreciate it. I have been using it for years as I prefer that to drinking and tell myself it is much safer for me as well? But would like to learn more about that specific topic as it is very limited what my doctor can tell me as it is still illegal in Denmark. Keep up the important work <3
So glad I found this. I am an alcoholic and opiate abuser. I’m 45 and could have probably used the diagnosis when I was a teen. I have destroyed my life and others. I have been on antidepressants since I left rehab in March of this year. Doctor and drug counselor both agreed to a bipolar 1 diagnosis. He took away my celexa 40mg kept me on Wellbutrin extended release and started me on Lamotrgine 25 mg to work up to 100 in a month. Thank you so much for your educational articles. When I get back on my feet financially I will support this website in that manner. Thanks again god bless.
So glad I came across your website. I went from blanked out mania to feeling dead and lifeless. Drinking energy drinks for weeks just to get me through the early starts at work then rewarding myself on a day off with an alcohol binge. Then bang! Hell broke loose. The following day I had no recollection of what happened because it all felt so fast.
I’ve got a terribly addictive personality.Black-out drinking for a lot of my life. Stress and hypo-mania led me to buying a bottle of wine yesterday,thankfully with the support of a friend,I poured it down the sink.I’m having the house decorated and it is stressing me out. Today I just want to go back to bed with a sandwich,a cup of tea and a book.There is loads I should be doing but the thought of it is nearly bringing on tears. Thanks Rob,you are a God -send,though.I know this will pass.
I don’t use any “alternatives” for the mania yet all of my diagnoses are “treatment-resistant”, so even though I’ve taken every mood stabilizer (and almost every other psychiatric med, I’ve taken 80+ and NOTHING works – except unfortunately klonopin which I’ve been stuck on for over 20 yrs – without it I can’t sleep for a single minute) I’ve never experienced efficacy – except for briefly on lamictal, but then it simply stopped working. I’m living minute by minute, that’s how hellish my life is. Don’t know if I’m going to make it to the end of the pandemic, the perpetual instability, 24/7 agitation, suicidal ideation, anhedonia, etc. etc. is also making me feel physically sick these days 🙁 Just found your website btw 👍 I’ve wanted to have a second account for years to share this godawful “prison sentence” w others who might benefit & feel as lost & hopeless as I do – but, I’m always too afraid to try.
I take Valium it helps me. When I have severe anxiety disorder. When the backs of your hands are sweating and the anxiety gets me to throwing up. I reach for my Valium and it helps. I stay away from all alcohol. I got off the opiates I was on them for 20 years bc of a broken back when I was younger. I got off the opiates and have never taken them again. I have really bad back pain bc they took my Soma as well. If I don’t take my Adderall I’m a hot mess. I’m literally scatter brained if I don’t take it. I smoke pot to calm me from the Adderall. It also helps my PTSD. I know there are not a lot of meds for PTSD and unfortunately PTSD and bi polar disorder go hand in hand a lot of times. My PTSD is almost as bad as my bi polar disorder. It’s off the charts for me. None of these meds have I ever abused. And like I said I do not touch alcohol or illicit drugs. I guess cause I have enough on my plate. I know these drugs are not safe for most but I don’t have many manic episodes it’s usually depression for me. I don’t recommend any specific drugs illegal or otherwise. I just know what works for me.
Food is like my enemy since I was a teen, but it spiraled out of proportion when I was diagnosed and began taking meds. It was and is emotionally tied to me. Binging tendencies and habits like hiding food from others or not wanting others to see me eat or even drink water have screwed me over and put +20kgs on my normal, healthy weight. It’s been 3 years now and I’m still trying to get rid of the extra weight without much success (yay for meds that have weight gain as a side-effect… not). I used to abuse caffeine to the point my stomach couldn’t take it anymore and whenever I have a cup now, chances are it’ll trigger painful spasms. Lastly, I know benzodiapines are considered risky (luckily, I have no addiction to them whatsoever), but they have saved my ass a lot of times e.g. sudden panic attack that lasted for 7h before contacting my psychiatrist. Popped one 2.5mg Tavor and in the span of an hour the horror I felt, the trembling and crying etc. etc. were gone. Anyway, enough about me lol. I’m really looking forward for the article mentioned, Bipolar & Nutrition!
This never happened to me before, but a couple of months ago I binge ate so much that I literally made myself sick. And when it happened a second time a couple weeks later, I knew I had to change something quickly, so I stopped smoking weed at night. When I did smoke, I found I would compulsively eat and eat and watch t.v. while trying to forget about what was bothering me. Gross. And I’ve smoked weed for almost two decades. There’s the munchies and then there’s … something else …
recently i started drinking and man… that stuff messed me up without even realizing it. like i didn’t link the drinking and my bipolar getting worse. so glad i caught it before it went too far. and when i was abusing xans and clonazepam it made me go insane. ran away from home and was sent to a mental institution. never again.
I used marijuana to “manage” my condition, and every year I had at least one psychotic episode. I quit using marijuana more than a year ago, and wollah, no more psychosis. I thought that the drug was “helping” me, but it was super expensive and alienated my children from me. Sad, how we can’t really tell what is helping and what is hurting, but I KNOW for a fact that I am finally feeling a lot better. 🙂
Klonopin for me personally is ok. I barely use it, like once in a blue moon. What I found best for me is working out 🏋️, going on walks, yoga, eating healthy and tracking my macronutrients, reading, and reading the Bible. Also, I’m thankful for God in my life and for Him to give me challenges to overcome. I’ve been through a lot of mental anguish from life and my university. But things are turning around! How amazing! Billy Graham said “recline onto Christ.” God changed my life, and I hope your life changes dramatically too – in a good way. 😊 Believe and achieve. Say no to the naysayers! The best medication is natural, but it MUST filter through God, or else things can go the other way around. I can’t emphasize enough how much my life changed. It’s truly amazing! And I pray yours will too! Take care 😃
I got prescription for Ativan as a preteen and they kept me on them for years, until they tried taking them away for a year, and I went NUTS, so they gave my benzos back. I don’t abuse them but I do find men love them and are always asking me for mine. But I don’t go there 🛑 I need them. I’m 32 now.
My gp put me on valium 40 years ago, the same time she put me antidepressants, in fairness she didn’t know I was bipolar but fluvoxamine maleate put me in jail then the psych ward. I got Akathesia from the old antipsycotics and it’s literally chemical torture!!! I’ve kicked the booze into touch but can’t seem to get through more than 2 days without valium for anxiety. The reason I saw her in the first place was because speed was giving panic attacks. As for skunk, the times I’ve been sectioned I was smoking it and so we’re others I met in there. Thanks for your website brother 🙏❤️
I’ve taken Adderall for “ADHD” for years. Recently I decided I would quit taking Adderall to see if I could function without it. This led to cocaine abuse and ultimately I was admitted to an inpatient facility twice this past month, spending a total of 16 days inpatient. I am now diagnosed with bipolar 1 and major depressive disorder. My doctor has me on 600mg of trileptal and 5mg of trileptal. I’d love to see some input on these medications. I feel like they may be helping but I haven’t been taking them for very long. Maybe a couple weeks? How have these meds worked for other people regarding this purpose?
Thank you for your sharing it has helped me so much to understand my beautiful friend that I had to let go because I couldn’t handle his abuse….. I held space for him through his delusions and unfortunate hospital stay & I took him in when no one else would….. now I have had to let him go and I am so sad and missing him but I am protecting my mental health at this point and praying he will find his way somehow. You are amazing! Sending good energy your way!
Just now discovered your article’s. I’ve been shocked to discover that I relate/recognize every symptom, in every article I watched.. I often entertain the thought that I’m not rêallý bipolar.. I cant stop perusal, you’ve given me so much information and good advice. Its nice to hear someone speak about bipolar with some positivity. Thank you
It seems my weight increased during COVID-19, or due to moving back with my husband, I have become relaxed (in a granny flat) by having more money to use, on food !!! Whatever, my bipolar is better, but my stomach is swelling, my favourite dresses are not fitting……yet I will not use any uppers to stimulate my brain or exercise faster….now 58 I just watch, my choices of foods & when I should eat. We are all a work in progress. Thanks for this website.
Great information. 😊 I had to stop drinking in my mid 40’s I started having blackouts and no hangover, a serious problem for men in my family. I wasnt diagnosed in my 20’s – 54, so i finally understood all of those decades I was self medicating. Marijuana actually scared me because I could hear voices and see shadow people the 3 times I did it, understand now it was psychosis.
You clean up well for someone that has been on a bipolar roller coaster. I am female and am only alive by the grace of God. Bipolar was such a wrecking ball when I was younger. Thank you for sharing your info. Where was all this help in the 80’s when I unable to stop myself from ruining my own life…
I am a recovered drug addict, serious abuse for 20 years of my life. Now 8 years later and I have terrible anxiety, I do drink coffee and a little to much some days. I have been learning breathing techniques that have help me tremendously. I have tried pot and it just makes things worse, so that is a BIG NO for me.
I am 25 and I struggled with binge drinking when I was in a manic state. I didn’t eat, drank almost everyday and I was taking a benzo for my anxiety. I should not have been drinking liquor (vodka was the worst for me) with having a benzo prescription. I recently got diagnosed and am on lamotrigine, ziprasidone and trazodone. I have no desire to drink at all. I’m actually worried about social situations that involve drinking. However, smoking marijuana has always invoked anxiety for me. Especially eating edibles!
I found your website by accident and I’m very glad I did. I am extremely impressed with the high quality of information you present and it’s obvious that you are dedicated to research and to carefully relating anecdotal information from both your viewers and your own life. You delivery is personable and appealing, especially since you eschew claiming expertise and support people in making the best decisions in their choices for recovery. I will definitely recommend your website to others. I don’t know if you are familiar with the work of certified peer specialists or CPSs, but we are people who are willing to self identify as having received a mental health diagnosis and work with others who have experienced similar problems in supporting their recovery. Thank you for your excellent work.
Thanks again Robert and brought something to my attention. Although I’ve been Dx’d with anxiety/depression, PTSD, and once BP 2 I’ve been stabilized on Clonazepam but as you mentioned I feel symptoms of alchohol use lately especially when waking up. I recently tried Abilify which helped sleep but makes me feel dull during the day. Also tried Wellbutin which like other antidepressants made me feel worse. The one thing I’ve recently discovered that has a positive effect is Ashwaganda which has a calming effect and used it n Ayurvedic medicine and other parts of the world for a long time. The journey goes on and thanks again!
WOW. I have yet to come across a article that has had so much breakthrough and explained so much in one article. I thank you for letting yourself be vulnerable enough to share your story and help so many with understanding symptoms,medication side effects,getting through “episodes” etc…. I wish you all the best!
Forgot to mention one thing ~ if I could safely get away w it I’d very much want to use hallucinogenic drugs ~ not every day but enough to “escape” my anguish which really is 24/7. When I was a teen a lot of my friends took lsd/shrooms/ecstasy/mescaline etc. yet I always avoided it bc I felt I’d likely have bad trips, I was already highly anxious & neurotic then. Recently I’ve done ketamine infusions (for treatment-resistant depression/bipolar) which have a dissociative effect that is both highly psychedelic & pleasant but also can get quite creepy & unsettling. It’s the only thing that helps my TRD & to a lesser degree the bipolar – prob is it doesn’t last very long & it’s very $$$, insurance doesn’t cover the pure form ketamine (IV) But….when I’m in the middle of the treatment it’s the BEST I can ever feel – it’s trippy but heavenly too. So I wish I could take something else too to “safely trip” now & then. Reality/normal consciousness is too painful at this point but I’m stuck w it
While doing research on bipolar disorder I found your website I’ve suspected that I myself also has bipolar perusal your articles helped me be able to cope and understand what I was feeling I was diagnosed with bipolar Sunday and I feel like you helped me accept that and I feel calm and okay with myself now
I don’t take drink or drugs no more 4 years now..but I see alot manic happening and when this happens I don’t stop working no sleeping at all then I just crash down then start all over again been like this for about 2 years now none stop its so hard but I keep on goin because mad as it sounds I’ve just got to work and do not rest at all don’t no how to..
I come from a long line of alcoholics. My grandmother refused treatment for her bipolar and instead treated it with alcohol. I have always stayed aware that I am genetically disaposed to addiction, or at least alcohol addiction. I try to never have more than two drinks in one day, and often go months between drinking. What I should have known was that I would also be easy to get addicted to other substances, especially with bipolar. I was born in 1979. I have been around smokers all my life, though my parents didn’t, many friends in middle school, HS, college did. I never really saw anything wrong with it. I didn’t like cigarettes, but enjoyed cigars. My habit got to smoking 3 or 4 cigars a day by 37. The only thing that made me stop was inconvenience. We moved across country and had to rent, instead of own. Thus no smoking inside. Outside was typically over 100 F. So I stopped. But now I worry I have traded it in for something else. My husband wanted to try cannabis since it is legal here. We started with it on weekends, now it is everyday. More then the alcohol or light headedness of smoking, this gives me the euphoria that I am not experiencing in my everyday. I haven’t seen my therapist since the beginning of covid and I lost my job. I am still on my meds as I refuse to be off them after a scare about 10 years ago. I have gone through a combined 18 years of therapy ( 28 years since I was diagnosed), I do know what to do. Just wish it was easier each time, instead of starting back at the beginning.
Great article, very informative 👍 Would like to see a article about ketamine/other psychedelics and bipolar disorder. I got diagnosed with type 1 bipolar disorder at the age of 19 following very severe manic episode that included psychosis (wouldn’t wish my worst enemy to experience this). Anyway, for many years I tried to forget what happened and pretended that I was fine. Never had a manic episode ever since, just depression (maybe a short period of hypomania when I opened up to my wife). Have been seeking professional help for my treatment resistant bipolar depression for the last 3 years. Tried dozen of meds, psychotherapy, exercise, cold showers, reducing stress, unfortunately nothing helped, even being on antidepressants alone (ssri, snri, maoi) didn’t trigger the hypomania/mania whatsoever. Tried 8 courses of ECT without any benefit, luckily no side effects either. Just started the Ketamine treatment (only had a couple of infusions so far) and I must say it’s very interesting the way it works. Been reading more lately about classic psychedelics (psylocybin, LSD, mdma, DMT, etc.) following the recent TV programme on UK television about Psylocybin trails by Kings College in London – another big study is being done by John Hopkins in the US. Also watched articles from high profile people supporting the research of them, e.g. Tim Ferris who disclosed that he’s been living with bipolar disorder/dealing with childhood trauma and said when he started using Psylocybin he’s been depression free for the last 6 years.
I’m 27, have Bi-polar 1, and am struggling. I was diagnosed at 24, did medications and therapy for 2 years. My insurance stopped covering my medication (latuda 40mg) and I was pretty upset by that because I do NOT want to gain weight from my medication and decided to stop taking all medications (I know). I’ve completely had to relearn who I am and its strange. I’ve missed some things about it but definitely dont miss some things. Can anyone else relate?
FOOD: Ugh! If only we did not have to eat. I really hate eating healthfully. It’s amazing how many aisles in the supermarket I don’t let myself walk down. So much of what I loved to binge on as a kid is now on my “forbidden” list. I can’t eat them moderately at all. I struggle constantly with my weight. I think I have too little in my life that I really enjoy, so my brain is full of lust for ice cream, cakes, candy, chips, pizza— mostly ice cream.
I have Bipolar ll with severe anxiety and Bipolar depression Plus ADHD. I take pain meds because I have to, 48 yrs of Crohns has now spread to my entire small intestine. I’ve never abused any drugs, don’t drink alcohol for 30 yrs and take less than prescribed pain meds…I take them as I need them. Adderall is bad if you try to get a high from it. I use it only to focus, keep my head clear…and that’s all. I’m doing better since dr added LATUDA…yes, my depression is doable now. It’s taken a long time to find the right mix..I’m there for now..
Pot seemed to throw my wife into the most destructive manic psychosis she’s ever had one year ago. She suffered from horrible delusions for about 3 months and even after the manic episode was over it still took months for the delusions to completely fade… considering she only just started smoking around the time of her hypomania, I would assume it’s safe to say, it was definitely the pot that threw her into total psychosis.. in 14 years of us being together, I had never seen behavior from her anywhere near where she went this time. In fact, I’ve never seen her have a manic episode until this. She was diagnosed bp1 8 months later.
I don’t have bipolar, but PTSD and pmdd, major depression. I started Klonopin snd Zoloft and it saved my life. I never abuse my meds and im female. It is sad though because i know ill probably never be able to get off Klonopins. Idk. Ive been on it so long. I cant imagine not having it when i need it.
I can only tell that I have been through hell my entire life… I found out that I was bipolar 5 years or so, but only when I read about it ( just on the web by searching information!!) I got the all instantly, saying to myself “that’s why I did and act like a maniac for ever!! Last “insane” thing I did was to blindly trust a “friend” into business and like Robert says (can be avoided!) I almost lost a big amount of money…. no matter I have quite solved the disaster and listening to this article I wish to thank Robert for his most precious advices!!
I am not sure my 3 acid trips 40 years ago were a good idea! Good thing I didn’t enjoy the experience. I am more of a foodie now and drink rarely so as not to mess up my lithium. Used to be a binge drinker pre diagnosis. A negative experience with Baileys over the holidays has confirmed my decision not to drink. Scary, but I will probably continue to turn to the odd bag of chips to relieve stress and to drink Coca Cola for that wonderful kick I no longer get from alcohol.
I have my opinions about these 4 stabilizers, but it’s not more true or wise than anybody else’s views. But I like to mention a mood-stabilizer that comes before any other, and that’s the “Stabilizer” himself, – like “me” or “I”, and the automatic attaching and clinging to views that this movement of mind does to make any mood become better or worse. This fifth mood stabilizer is the most crucial one because if one is able to see through this false agent and let mood, thoughts and feelings be as they are, let them come and go in their natural flow, then there really isn’t anything to control anymore. Be well and happy, fellow nuts 😉
Hi i’m trying to want figure out If a person takes their medicine for their biopolar, can they have a normal life? I’m confused because i’ve been hearing that medication doesn’t work My mom has bipolar. Your refuses to believe she has it even though she has been diagnosed She thinks her problems are because Of insomnia so she smokes pot She only tried medicine once and she hated the side effects They were kind of serious but I told them to tell the doctor right away and to try another kind But she’s a very prideful woman. She just thinks she has insomnia and she has problems that are hard She really doesn’t think she has a psychological problem But I really want to know does taking medicine help you My brother assures me that it does. Because he works with people like this and has for ten years I’ve been trying to tell my mom. You know she needs medicine but in a kind way This time I finally told her the truth of course it caused to have rage
Precious. I was going to cancel my subscription. Not going to do it. The information today was significant. I’m a binge eater and I’m currently under stress from coming out of an abusive job. I’ll try to do better about listening. Still somewhat in denial. Keep up the good work. You have made my day. Take care.
thanks again brother your help is appreciated! even though that addictive personality gig sounds like an excuse I believe it factual. been a heavy drinker/toker for awhile and the booz abuse is noticable, but the weed situation is much harder to diagnose. but after all this time (43 y.) I guess it shouldn’t be. the conundrum is while the herb seems to hold me together, I am not sure if it would be worse with out it.I once again try in to find out! thanks. peace
Alcohol has never been out of control for me but I definitely have convinced myself at times that a stiff drink at night was just part of relaxing and helping me sleep. I would do this to the point of lying to myself about whether or not I needed or depended on it. For now I have quit and don’t drink unless it’s the rare social occasion.
Hey, I just wanted to say, although I’m choosing the unpreferred and very unfavorable unmedicated life for my bipolar disorder, and probably especially because of so, your articles are very helpful. There’s not a lot of people who can understand, and you do not only a good job of understanding, but also of explaining and giving insight on a lot of topics and issues, and a good job of explaining the damages, causes, effects, etc. I just wanted to thank you for taking the time out of your days to do this. I know it gets hard sometimes, and even if you start one of these articles, following through with making them is very difficult. I struggle with bipolar disorder, and my dad chose the medicated route after reaching his prime and the consequences becoming too much, and I think with the abilities I have, combined with the knowledge of those who have suffered and my own, I can do this. You’ve given me the confidence to drive my life in the right direction, so thank you very much. You’ve also given some of my loved ones the insight they ended up needing.
After my battle with opioid addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, sexual addiction and all the medicines I took I found, marijuana helped me. I hope the medical community helps with this. I don’t drink and sleep regiment is very important to us. Plus if a flower doesn’t grow its because of the soil, lack of rain or sun, not the flower. We are flowers.
I have bipolar disorder. I do not have an addictive personality. I do not like to be high or to not feel in control of my body. I’m on two mood stabilizers that do not make me high. I stressed that to my psychiatrist. I also suffer from anxiety with panic attacks and I’m on a medication for that. I also stressed not to put me on something that made me high. I was prescribed klonopin 2mg for sleep because I have racing thoughts and cannot fall asleep. I don’t take it every night, and do not depend on it. I do not like marijuana, or cigarettes at all. I find it disgusting and the smell makes me nauseous. My only vice has been alcohol. In my 20’s I would consume alcohol when I would go out partying with my friends, and that was just about every day… Now that I am 40, I am sensitive to alcohol. I’ll have two glasses of wine or two glasses of beer when I go out and that’s it. And I don’t go out every weekend either. Food has been an issue in the past too. I either ate a lot or went days without eating. It depended on my mood swings. Now my eating habits are more controlled and I eat way more healthier. I try to exercise a little bit everyday… I love your website. Having this disorder has not been easy, but I have learned to embrace it.
Excellent topic. I have no polar 1 and I have survived this 53yrs My main issue I’d love if you would explain to thoes ignorant generalizing people the difference between a mood disorder and intelligence. I’m so tired of boyfriends or people that come in and out of my life assuming I’m stupid and have no clue about their deceptive behaviors against me because I have bipolar the ignorance is overwhelming I have you above genius level IQ I by far not stupid can you please explain to the world the difference between intelligence and a mood disorder and how they are not related I would be so appreciative of that you have a wonderful show I watch you constantly first time I’ve commented this particular show was amazing thank you
My apologies, I’m forced to thumbs down this article. You are not grasping the concept of chronic pain patients. My diezapam is the only way I make it through my day everyday, on top of other meds. My opiates are needed when my chronic pain is unmanageable, throwing me into a psychotic fit through pain. Alcohol is by far number 1, like you said, every prescription has an alcohol warning, there’s a reason why the majority of home’less/mentally ill end up alcoholic. My worst has been SSRI’s, SNRI’s, NDRI’s, caffiene, steriods, and very certain and select anti-psychotics. I have 11 years in, learned the hard way, but am forced to disagree. Feeling good/bad isn’t the problem, it’s human. It’s when we are too good, or too bad, we can’t function. Every person is different, every medical cocktail is different, so say benzodiezapams are number two as like forgetting to pharmaceutically treat anxiety, a huge trigger for anyone bipolar and can/does lead to it’s own psychotic outbreaks… Only 11 years in as the love of my life leaving triggered my outbreak, what do I know…?
My parents think Mania is meth and depression is pills. They are dead set on the fact marijuana has caused all of my life problems and they negate me being bipolar. They think it’s a choice. If I share something with them their responses is. Stop doing it. People think I’m weird for laying on a blow-up mattress in my yard at night the pillows and blankets and dogs and I think they’re weird for sitting on their couch eating spam perusal a fake story that someone wrote haha
I use meth and I’ve done it all as well I’ve started at a very young age but I use to be a big drinker I prefer to use substance I haven’t touched a drink and very many years I’ve been losing my way of Medicaid keeping my happy thought happy times but I do have a lot of trouble sleeping actually I don’t really sleep at all and I know what you mean I went through a lot trauma as a child haven’t anybody to talk to for things are done just like you but I haven’t gotten I come on antidepressants and thank you for sharing that really helped but I’m not ready to quit yet but my number one love is my weed it keeps me metal like Good vibrations darling just go by the good vibrations Tooties
Harder to get into a shelter than a jail cell. I used to be a mental health intensive case manager I picked up one of my patients upon discharge from the mental hospital which was always way too soon it was too late for him to get into the shelter which by the way you have to call and get on a waiting list because all homeless people have cell phones and I’ve seen people wait months even have their name come up on the list they started putting people in the hotels Congress is busy arguing about abortions and books and what the f*** Vines doing with his laptop but can’t provide adequate housing mental health education food I never noticed that the roads in the poor areas have more potholes therefore making the cars fall apart quicker as if we’re the ones that can afford it❤ Brazilian rose without hot bottles cell phones so I had to tell him to get himself arrested because I didn’t know what else to do I didn’t want us to freeze
Yes, Mania episodes suck! I used to get Insominia from Bipolar 2. I made my own fruit type wine. Grapefruit wine 10% alcohol, and Cranberry wine 15%. I would drink a lot thinking back that was so so dangerous. I vow never to touch Alcohol again. Even tho perusal the yeast grow in fruit juice in Big 3.75 L Wine Alcohol fermentation bottles was fun i am giving this up, Plus i put a lot of sugar in the wine too (800-900 g white sugar) per 3.75 L all that sugar + Alcohol really gives you a buzz. I tried for sleep Wild Lettuce (from Etsy)- Tintures it did nothing.
Opioids I wouldn’t even do for euphoria I would do it bring in hypomania and mania when I was depressed. Every bipolar person will tell you Mania can sometimes be euphoric itself. I drank for mania but opioids got me feeling drunk with energy,no nausea and rids my social anxiety. I had 2 years recently of everyday opioid abuse chasing mania just so I could read 4 or 5 books a day, research etc on subjects like philosophy,economics,history and human nature like Machiavelli,Robert Greene Sun Tzu. I got off opiates for 60 days relapsed due to a family crisis but I am stopping again in two days. I was addicted to the hypo mania or mania not the drugs from being more prone to depression for so long.
Great article. Could you please do a more in depth one on cannabis? (couldn’t see one) Think it would interest a lot of people. I hate being ‘owned’ by the stuff, but it really does help control my symptoms. My Dr said I’m one of the people it seems to help (been smoking, mostly on, for 22 years). Even my mum says I’m more like my old self when I’m on it. Stimulants are bad news for me. Tried coke once and almost started a fight with an ex-soldier. Not good.
my worst was for the mania… I would get so drunk that I would have mental blackouts and have crazy sex with whoever… wow, I’m so glad I don’t drink anymore… I guess God takes care of fools because there is no telling who I could have ended up with and what could’ve happened… I had a hard time trying to change that habit, so I gained weight so I could be repulsive to men and also gave up alcohol… you know, there are men out there who really think you’re so lonely that you would have sex with them, and when you reject them they start calling you horrible names… the depression was always spent sleeping, lieing around, crying all the time knowing what was wrong with me but not able to get the help I wanted and needed…
Most opioids as well as marijuana don’t work on me, they literally have no effect at all which can cause issue in medical pain management situations like post-surgery. Stimulants (ADHD meds) where forced on me for years and cause psychosis, street upper like ‘speed’ cause the same, its hell and I would NEVER willingly take them. I did use to drink a lot during isolation it probably made me more ‘depressed’, caffeine was also really bad for me I use to drink 4+ liters of monster/boost/blue charge and other such drinks per day in uni (maybe made me manic but physically it was undoubtedly very bad, its terrible for your kidney function and put me in hospital many times). I have never had benzodiazapines.
My son just did a 7 week in patient taper off Klonopin. He’s had two neuro psych evals and has ADHD and Anxiety off the charts. We didn’t get a Bipolar diagnosis but I believe it will come eventually. He self medicated with weed and alcohol on top of the Klonopin, and was prescribed Adderall while weaning off the Klonopin. He didn’t take it. He’s had it in the past and just thought it wouldn’t be good for him. Thank you for the great article!
Before I got diagnosed with bipolar type 2 I was heavily addicted to opiates. I was able to get myself off them however I don’t recommend you self detox. I got lucky but yeah I have never touched them since. I am prescribed adderall which I take responsibly. But I have my girlfriend hold them for me and she gives to to me every morning and gives me one for the afternoon. She is very supportive so again I’m pretty lucky here
For me with MDD and GAD, alcohol is a dreadful choice, hikes up my depression the following day. Disinhibiting. Dangerous with or without medications at te same time. My brain does not react to Serotonin, in facts it “bleeds” to them ….. SAH Stroke in 2015. Dopamine on the other hand as my depression seems to be a comorbidity of very late diagnosed ADHD, my recent prescription of Ritalin has given me my life back, the joie de vivre, but the anxiety goes through the roof on most days so I bring it down again some days by taking prescribed Benzos. Without the Rits I can’t even get out of bed. So it’s not negotiable. The failed antidepressants drove me into alcohol abuse 10 years. Careful with BP and Ritalin if you’re readng this. My Cardio has tried to put me on hypotensers and statins this January which I have refused and will try to make the radical adjustments food/activity/de-anxietizing wise (yoga maybe meditation if I can concentrate enough) and thru plants which I know pretty well.
Here’s my take on benzodiazepines if it helps and it’s a low dose I’m fine on long term use. If you have an addictive personality don’t take it. But if you don’t and it helps just take it. I’m from the mentality that if it isn’t broke don’t fix it. I’ve went from what my dr. Gave me 8mg a day to 2 and a half and am still tapering. Once i get to a good level I’m staying on it.
Vraylar made my throat close. I had asthma issues and lost 10 lbs in the hospital, it gave me insomnia, and at the highest does it made me drool. Went in and out of the ER 4 times because I was on a dose of Vraylar too high for my body, then I had to spend a week in the psych ward just to find the right meds and withdraw from Vraylar with cogenten shots. It may work for some, but for me I wounder if death was better. It wasn’t just the drug that was the problem. I had people who completely ignored my asthma and asthmatic allergies calling it psychsomatic when I had the reactions I did. I now google all my providers to find out the worst things people have to say about them as providers and treat the reviews as gospel. Now I know why the cal it a private “practice”. Be careful with Vraylar. I was fine at the lowest does apart from never being able to sleep a full night again. Your body can and cannot tolerate things others do. No one can say the same will happen to you.
Marijuana has been my mood stabilizer since I was 14 this past year I been on and off my meds and on and off weed I don’t mix the two but whenever I get off my meds I get on weed. I hate taking meds. I was in denial this whole year. I was diagnosed with bipolar in November of 2020 but I have had 2 hospitalizations this year bc I was manic and didn’t sleep for days so now I’m just going to stick to my meds. I lowkey miss weed but I know it only makes things worse.
I don’t know if you have taken a stance on cannabis previously, but for me personally I think it contributed to psychotic episode last year. The other major issue with cannabis is that you cannot get a consistent dosage with it compsred to pharmaceuticals. Because you’re smoking or vaping it you’re going to get dosage variation due to inhaling, suction, etc. My personal opinion is use with caution or abstain. I had to quit entirely. Thst said — I can use alcohol with no problem. I just don’t like being drunk at all. I have a built in defense against abuse with alcohol. EDIT (after the comment): As an addition — when I’m talking about dosage, I am talking about inhalation specifically. With edibles you’re still going to get variation if you’re doing DIY. This is super inconvenient. If you’re in a legal state and have access to more precise gummies that is obviously going to be more consistent. The downside is they can be expensive. EDIT 2: The other major issue for cannabis is that it is not covered by health insurance compared to Rx drugs. I DO think cannabis should be legal, as well as decriminalized for at home grows. But, personally I got psychologically addicted so I am done.
I’am not a Doctor. All I know is factually what has worked for me… I take Saw Palmetto… Family member’s make comments to me all the time about how much of a better person I’am when I take it. It is one of only known herbs with no known side effects. It contains the Omega 3 fatty acids. It wasn’t until lately when I was listening to Bypolor Podcasts and one of them mentioned the Omega 3’s. I didn’t even know Saw Palmetto contained the Omega 3’s until I recently. All I knew is that it worked for me. It really helps me to eliminate those really deep bad feelings of lows in my life. My oppion Regarding Marijuana is. I have been sober for going on 3 years now. And it helped me to stop drinking. There is no dought in my mind I would have been dead by now from drinking, If it wasn’t for Marijuana. I have been straight now from Marijuana for 2 months. Marijuana won’t kill you. But, Drinking will… God Bless all of us Polor Warriors…
You project too much. Not everyone who is bipolar who has yet to try pot should stay away. Psychotropics kept me crippled for over a decade and when I quit that and started smoking weed I became functional again. It has helped me with way more than I can mention, which psych meds never touched (only made me sick and more depressed) and that was over a decade ago, during which time I have achieved more than anyone had ever imagined was possible for me and I’m not stopping now. Pro pot for bipolar for me! Stay away from lithium .That stuff is poison.
I’m not recommending marijuana for everyone but I know I use it, especially when I or my partner senses I’m becoming manic, it can really take the uncomfortable edge off of the mania which allows to me to (sometimes) website the mania into something a little more positive than what I used to go through. I used to do opioids and drink a lot, now I use it alongside my regular meds and don’t use anything else.
I was lucky to realise that alcohol did something to em at a young age and Iv managed to stay clear. It makes me hyperactive, but I know now it’s mania lol.when I start I can finish bottles, where it be wine, Malibu ir schnapps. I smoke weed and helps with my mania as it calms me down and can also help sleep. But still have days on 4 hour or less of sleep for 3-4 days at anytime.
I used to abuse cannabis for more than 30 years, smoking 2 to 3 grams a day made me feel psychotic for the most part . I still use cannabis but in far less quantity I must say sometimes its a ticket to psychoses and sometimes it relaxes . I think it gives me something to work on like a thru polar warrior here by I want to thank you very much your site is a thru inspiration for me 🙂
Just discovered your website and appreciate the insights discovered so far…I too am type 1 and share a similar story. Diagnosed at age 21. Sobriety has made the greatest impact on life. Living with bi-polar is a challenge but by finding a level of acceptance around this I now try and explore my creative endeavours and find nature very helpful. I am 55 and would appreciate learning more about bi-polar as it relates to aging and getting older. Any insights there? Keep up the good work
I was always had a problem with sleep. My doctor tried many medications. I was admitted to a hospital for depression and attempted suicide because of lack of sleep and concentration finally my doctor tried Retinol and surprisingly it did not have a up feeling but help me to fall asleep. The doctor was so surprised that this medication worked opposite of work opposite from what it was used for. I was put on Lamictal, Prozac and Adderall ( only take 1/2 of 5 mg)only to help with concentration. I’m bipolar 2 with many dangerous periods of depression and mood which Lamictal has helped me immensely. So everyone responds to medication differently, so don’t give up and consult your doctor if problems are hard to deal with.
In third world countries, bipolar disorder needs much more attention to be paid on. People really don’t understand or want to understand it and usually they assume bipolar patient as a body occupied by some spiritual unseen power who suddenly become so much energetic and on other times becomes so anti social….. Even doctors rarely diagnose it. They mostly take it as depression. This issue must be discussed on local media websites and newspapers.
Opioids – I used to take codeine pills every day for years but gave them up. I was taking a hydromorphone about twice per month up until recently but trying to quit. It is very tempting because at age 50 I am rarely even happy let alone euphoric. My mania now is all about anxiety, anger, psychosis, and paranoia. On them I actually feel involved with my friends and able to enjoy chatting Benzodiazepines – I have been on lorazepam for 30 years but only as needed basis. My psychosis is very rooted in anxiety on overdrive and for me it can prevent psychotic episodes. It really helps with sour nothing is real sensation during panic attacks Alcohol – down to maybe a couple beers twice a month. From age 14 – 40 I was drinking buckets every night. Blackouts, reckless behaviour..lots of fights. Lots of saying terrible things and ruining relationships Stimulants – nope. Used to do coke but uppers cause nothing but anxiety now. Even coffee I have to be a bit careful Marijuana – currently taking a bit of a break (I am recovering from bad episode) but I have been smoking pot for 36 years. It can cause a bit of anxiety while I’m high but having lots in your system can be good for me. It suppresses dreams and night terrors of which I’m horribly afflicted. Without it I would never sleep either. It dulls so many things..anger, irritation, obsessive thoughts and bad memories. Olanzapine can do similar but jeez the weight gain I started all these habits long before I was diagnosed. Until my first psychotic episode at 21, hypomania was just my norm.