Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings between mania and depression. It can develop from a combination of genetic, neurochemical, and environmental factors. Bipolar 2 disorder, a milder form, has subtle manic episodes that can pass by unnoticed. People with bipolar 2 disorder typically spend more time experiencing these episodes.
There are three types of bipolar disorder, including mania, depression, hypomania, and bipolar 2 disorder. The manic phase is one of the stages of bipolar disorder, along with depression, hypomania, and other mood swings. The exact cause of bipolar disorder is unknown, but experts believe there are several factors that contribute to its development.
Bipolar disorder can start at any age, but usually develops before 20. It can develop in later life, but rarely after 40. Bipolar disorder can occur at any age, although it often develops between the ages of 15 and 19 and rarely develops after 40. Stressful life events can trigger bipolar disorder in someone with a genetic vulnerability, involving drastic or sudden changes in mood.
Bipolar disorder can occur at any age, but it is more common in late teens or early 20s. Men and women from all backgrounds are equally likely to develop bipolar disorder due to stress and trauma. Understanding the types, causes, diagnosis, and treatment options for bipolar disorder is crucial for managing this lifelong mental health condition.
📹 Korean researchers find key cause of bipolar disorder
극단적 행동 부르는 ‘조울증’…발병 이유 찾았다 A team of Korean researchers has found a key element for bipolar disorder, which is …
How do I tell if I’m bipolar?
Bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings, ranging from extreme highs (mania) to extreme lows (depression), often lasting several days or longer. Symptoms of depression include feeling sad, hopeless, irritable, lacking energy, difficulty concentrating, loss of interest in activities, feelings of emptiness, guilt, despair, pessimistic thoughts, self-doubt, delusional thoughts, lack of appetite, difficulty sleeping, early waking, and suicidal thoughts.
How does bipolar usually start?
Bipolar disorder, a condition marked by acute stress, overwhelming challenges, and life-altering experiences, is thought to be precipitated by a complex interplay of genetic and chemical factors. Bipolar disorder affects approximately one in every 100 adults and can manifest at any age, with the most common age of onset being between 15 and 19 years old. The condition is equally prevalent among men and women of all backgrounds.
What is the first red flag of bipolar disorder?
Mania and depression are two distinct mental health conditions. Mania involves rapid, irrational thinking, excessive energy, intense focus, and sudden increase in goal-directed behavior. It can be triggered by rapid changes in topics, lack of sleep, and difficulty maintaining personal hygiene. On the other hand, depression involves difficulty maintaining hygiene, not performing usual tasks, withdrawing from people, poor sleeping habits, and using specific language or phrases indicative of a pending or current mood episode.
These signs can help identify if your friend or loved one may be experiencing a mental health issue. It is crucial to recognize these signs and communicate with them to understand their feelings and support them in managing their mental health.
Can stress cause you to become bipolar?
Bipolar disorder may be precipitated by stressful life events, and individuals diagnosed with the disorder may derive benefit from learning stress management techniques to prevent relapse.
Can bipolar disorder just appear?
Bipolar disorder typically develops before the age of 20, but can develop later in life. Symptoms may persist for some time before a doctor diagnoses the disorder, as diagnosing mental illnesses can be challenging due to limitations in diagnostic tools like blood tests and scans. Previously known as manic depression, bipolar disorder symptoms can impact daily life, relationships, and work. The different types of symptoms include mood swings, irritability, and mood swings. It is important for doctors to be aware of these potential symptoms to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.
Can something trigger bipolar disorder?
Bipolar I disorder is a condition typified by pronounced mood fluctuations between mania and depression. These shifts are often precipitated by stress, hormonal changes, and the use of drugs and alcohol. Although some episodes may be unnoticed, monitoring moods can assist in identifying potential triggers. Modifications to lifestyle, such as ensuring adequate sleep, stress management, and adherence to treatment plans, can assist in the management of symptoms and the prevention of recurrence.
Why did I suddenly get bipolar?
Bipolar disorder is a complex condition with a multitude of potential influencing factors, including physical, environmental, and social elements. Despite extensive research, the precise cause of this condition remains unknown. It is postulated that genetics may play a role in the development of bipolar disorder, as there is a familial clustering of the disorder, with an increased risk of its occurrence in first-degree relatives of individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
What age does bipolar start in females?
Bipolar disorder, typically diagnosed in the teenage years or early 20s, can manifest as mania or hypomania. Mania is more severe than hypomania, causing noticeable problems at work, school, and social activities. It may also cause psychosis, a break from reality. Both episodes involve three or more of these symptoms, and many individuals may need hospital treatment. Both episodes can cause noticeable problems in social interactions and interpersonal relationships.
What are bipolar eyes?
Bipolar eyes refer to changes in pupil size, eye brightness, and gaze that occur during the manic and depressive stages of bipolar disorder. While some reports suggest bipolar eyes exist, they are not sufficient diagnostic tools. Both disease states are defined by common mood and conduct changes. If you or someone you love has symptoms of bipolar disorder, it is crucial to seek the right diagnosis and treatment to ensure safe daily functioning.
What does being bipolar 2 feel like?
Bipolar II disorder is a mental illness similar to bipolar I, with moods cycling between high and low over time. However, in bipolar II, the “up” moods never reach full-blown mania, resulting in less-intense elevated moods called hypomanic episodes or hypomania. Most people with bipolar II disorder experience more frequent episodes of depression, which is why the term “manic depression” comes from. About 2. 5 of the U. S. population has some form of bipolar disorder.
Can bipolar be caused by trauma?
Trauma, often linked to PTSD, depression, and anxiety, can also cause bipolar disorder. However, it is a contributing factor rather than a direct cause. Exposure to trauma increases the risk of developing bipolar disorder, but it does not guarantee recovery. Childhood trauma, including sexual or physical abuse, neglect, and loss of a loved one, is a common risk factor. Trauma during a young age can negatively impact emotional processing and regulation.
Additionally, chronic misuse of drugs and alcohol can lead to a chemical imbalance, increasing the chances of developing bipolar disorder. Overall, trauma is a contributing factor to various mental health conditions.
📹 What is Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar Disorder is a mood disorder featuring manic, hypomanic, and/or depressive symptoms that are experienced in distinct …
Watching things like this always makes me cry. I was diagnosed with bipolar type 1 last year, at 24. Before that I was so cruel to myself, always thinking that I was weak, crazy, not enough (when I was depressed) or too much (when I was euphoric -which was often). I just wish I could hug my teen version, saying that she wasn’t to blame of anything and things would eventually get better.
I got diagnosed with bipolar 18 years ago as a teenage. Spent my whole life fighting bipolar. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Bipolar disorder actually destroyed my life. Not until my mom recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.
I have cyclothymic disorder. I got diagnosed by the age of 12 which was about 2 years ago. It’s hard going to school and people knowing you have this illness they think its a joke. I got diagnosed after being sexually assaulted numerous times by friends I thought I could trust. I take lamotrigine 2 times a day one in the morning and one at night. I’m glad that I know more people like me even if you are an adult.
Around June two physiatrists diagnosed me with type 2 Bipolar disorder and I’ve been having a hard time trying to tell myself that it’s there. I feel okay with my new meds that it’s getting to the point where I want to stop them or I feel like of I’m making it up in my head. Sadly those are one of the downsides that the disorder has. I’ve been perusal articles to inform myself of what I have. I feel better knowing that I’m not the only one with this.
yes it is a taboo but I have number 2 and I thought for a long time that everyone had it like that but I went to the doctor and got my diagnosis and got help and what I think is the best thing you can do is accept it and say it to yourself that what makes you to you and talking about it to friends or just acquaintances also helps a lot
I was diagnosed at 21 last October . A year later and I’ve come along way, but it is hard to convey to others. I don’t know anyone else with it, so as you all know it gets lonely. I wanted to tell all my BP brothers and sisters that we understand. If we don’t have each others backs first, then who will? Take care everyone
What’s even harder is that my husband doesn’t even care when I’m mania he doesn’t share my vibe n expect me to calm down he won’t even talk to me, but when I’m depressed he gets mad at me because I’m not smiling at him and enjoy the conversations with him. He actually gets mad at me because I feel sleepy n tired …. so I fake myself all the time n I long to be alone to be myself and embrace myself by myself.
im actually not sure if i have bipolar. Im more leaning to the side that doctors think i have ADHD, since there are some solid evidence behind it i can have quote end quote “episodes” but it never results in me lashing out against others. Its mostly internal conflict in my head because i try to stay as emotionless as possible so people (mostly kids in my class) dont make fun of me
When I am hypomanic I get scared coz the sadness and guilt is coming. When I leave the house to buy anything even nail polish all the way to town I waste money. And I sing alot laugh alot. When I am sad I just want to cry and think of all the bad things I have done, I have no energy but I think I handle it well 😁. I don’t think I need help. Or that I am Bipolar 😁
I work in a behavioral health unit at a hospital and bipolar disorder is no joke. I have seen people in a manic state blow their top off out of nowhere and we’ve had to restrain them so they weren’t a danger to anybody around them. It is terrifying mental illness and I feel bad for the people who have to deal with it.
Once my psychiatrist told me that the difference between bipolar and major depressive disorder is the fact that during a depressive episode we tend to ruminate a lot (I say this from personal experience) as in major depressive disorder the feelings of sadness are endless and thoughtless as if hope is just completely gone away. Not saying that we don’t feel hopelessness but rumination plays a huge role on bipolar disorder and I feel like that’s left out a lot of times specially in this kinds of articles.
I got diagnosed as bipolar at the end of an abusive gaslighting blackmailing relationship after a lifetime of having my mental health and basic needs disregarded, and didn’t take the diagnosis seriously after escaping. I thought it was all environmental but turns out I’m consistently working on managing my own mood- which leaves me vulnerable to either being shitty or being used. be careful folks, be good to yourself and regularly self reflect genuinely so you can work towards addressing shit and progressing towards something more healthy and authentic. Update: I was in psychosis when I typed that 🙃 oh boy is delusion and paranoia horrifying
I don’t know what was bipolar disorder in my high school. Noone gave awareness about it. I always have low esteem. And I don’t trust anybody not even my parents. I feel l lost how to feel things. I totally feel numb. I get high anxiety whenever I see people whisper in there ears and watch me. I am always depressed about everything. I don’t know to whom to speak or to trust. I don’t know how control my emotions. I got completely lost and I don’t know when my mood changes. I am always frightened. I get extremely enthusiastic or extremely sad. I always forget things or good memories they just fade away. Sometimes I even wish to be dead even though I didn’t have guts to do something. I act like everythings ok infront of everyone but i am not doing ok…I don’t know whether I am bipolar or not. I just want to know and I can’t ask parents to take to psychiatrist they think I am mad. So pls can anyone give me a sign whether I am bipolar or not
I’ve always wondered about something. I’ve been Bipolar since 2008. Almost any bipolar I run into is a woman 😳. So I started feeling like this is a female brain illness (no offense). I was brought up in a culture where depression and mood swings are just not for men, because they involve expressing emotions and feelings and this is a woman thing (no offense). So this frustrated me over the years because the people I was around or male friends or acquaintances seemed so much normalised compared to myself and I had nobody with similar extreme mood swing struggles. Any dudes with similar problem? Now I feel like venting out something to that effect. The next four years after the diagnosis I couldn’t keep a job. I must have had 4 different jobs and remained one month employed each except one I stayed there for 7 months. Afterward, the bipolar warrior thingie kicked in and I did marathons and arrived at my peak fitness levels and that helped secure a job where I stayed employed there for 8 years 😎 (to me that was triump). Then I got burnt out and as Rob mentions the cycle came back I quit and in 2019 and I’m unemployed again. Anyway, I survived that high paying job mind you it was traveling all the time (something I spoke to my psychiatrist about because traveling 24/7 is a BIG NO for bipolars so I started questioning if I was bipolar to beging with etc) by committing to a strict regimen and rituals and other than top fitness work out spirituality swimming – what really saved my life is that throughout the 8 years there was not one day that went that I did not journal!
I’ve has depression since I was in elementary school and the same time I remember I was suicidal. I didn’t know what the name of it was but pretty much every time we drove over this bridge I wanted to jump. I had a better feeling with ppl I know or knew that would make me happy to push it away from my brain. I’m not sure if you can start being bipolar then but alot of times my mother would drive me home I would kick the back of her chair for something that happened that would be forgettable that I hated. I kept it to myself cuz I hated I was skinny, I thought I was ugly and never looked in the mirror, hated that I was short and more that I can’t think if at the moment. I enjoyed the last two grades of elementary cuz I was older and there weren’t any older students especially getting into grade 8. When I would go to overnight summer camp when I was a kid and going into grade 8, but I didn’t want to go cuz I didn’t know what would happen and when I got picked up I loved it every year and wanted to stay longer but getting there I felt different. When I entered high school I hated it cuz I was in the youngest grade at a new school I never has been too. I also never wanted a girlfriend during both schools cuz if they found out how I really felt I would have just quit school. During grade 10 I tried weed that actually turned myself happy so I continued cuz it changed my ways. But with friends I would get in arguments of pretty much nothing at sometime cuz the argument I started I’m sure it was about nothing.
My mother had bipolar 1 and if anyone knows about it then you will know it’s highly genetic, luckily my older sister doesn’t have it but there’s a high chance I may, I already know about bpd but I really wanted to learn more about it so I can spot it early and so I can help my mother out in any way I can, I hope you all are doing well 🙂 ❤️
I’m 36 years old, since I was a teenager I started showing symptoms of anxiety and depression crises. They came, they stopped, I thought this was just a phase. Until I entered a serious depression, I used several antidepressants and they did not solve it, I partially improved a little and then fell again. I went through several psychiatrists, one diagnosed me with Bipolar, and everything started to make sense. It took 16 years for the diagnosis, and over time, the disease got much worse. I remembered my manic attacks, impulsivity, irritability, lack of sleep, hypersexuality, use of alcohol and some drugs, such as marijuana and cocaine. I would do things, regret it, go back to mania and do it again, then go back to depression, feeling very ashamed, feeling dirty. Now I have accepted the diagnosis and will take the treatment seriously. this is something serious, it’s not a phase, I’ve lost a lot because of this mental disorder and it stagnates
IDK I have it for years now and I thing medications don’t really work they just cause you other symptoms to deal with . For example you don’t have extreme mania or depression but you still have it and also have extra weight dizziness,nightmares, shaky hands etc etc etc . Im really waiting for science to really find something that cures the symptoms not just ”helping”them .
I might have it as I have brain injury and one minute I’m happy next minute I feel depressed and cry when I dunno why and I’m 18 and a lot of the time with my injury feel like a lot life is worthless then sometimes feel like I want life to be better and have a good life and then I love that I’m alive as people can pass away from brain injury
I’m just now finding out I’ve been dealing with bipolar2 since I was 17 and buried my first-born son. Now 41 y.o. and I’ve lost both parents in last 3 years then decided to see a Dr. I won’t take medicine for it, however hearing the same types of behaviors in others helps me see myself differently and helps me break the cycle. Keep reaching out to people, YOU ARE NEVER ALONE😊
Doktorum dedi ki : Hastalık gelmek üzereyken ilk uyku bozulmaya başlar. Eğer o anda evinde doktordan daha önce aldığın bir uyku ilacın varsa ve uykunu koruyabilirsen hastalık geçirmezsin. Uyku çok önemli . Uykun bozulmaya başlarsa uyku ilacıyla kendini koru. Uykun bozulmazsa duygu durumun bozulmaz. Bipolar atağı yaşamazsın. Ankara da Hacettepe Üniversitesi Psikiyatri Bölüm Başkanı Prof .Berna ULUĞ sayesinde bipolardan kurtuldum.(12 yıldır hiç atak yaşamadım.) Bende eskiden mani atak olurdu sadece.
i have a biplor disorder…. my mind revolves around like a planet all the time….when i start doing my job as a waiter i just keep on working working and working non stop…but when a customer gives bad reviews about me than my mood starts to swing opposite and i go thinking deeper and deeper like who was the person, why he said that, i am so hardworking and so on….moreover, my mood swings so fast like for example if i am perusal a article on youtube than i see a hot girl than i want to quit perusal it and jump to searching for porn…..furthermore, i judge people all the time and judge myself and when i see a good looking, attractive and rich people i start to complaining to my parents on my mind…i always feel like i need to do this do that but i cannot do it and feel hopeleas
Mama Ayahuasca Healed Me Deeply! The Retreat In Cusco Peru Etnikas Ayahuasca Retreat . Located In The Sacred Valley In Amazon Forest Surrounded By The Andes Mountain. I Was Monitor By Dr, Nurse Psychologist I Was Desperate To Heal To Find Myself. I Suffered From Very Serious Emotional Trauma. Age 4 I Died. I’ve Just Resurrected Learning. How To Meditate. Going. Back Home To Cairo Egypt Exploring The Pyramids And Tombs Just Walking On The Land Of Such A High Energy Vortex Tapped Me Into A Higher Vibrational Frequency! Acupuncture! Very Affective! Very Affective! No Therapist Helped. Me However If You Have Good Therapist. That’s A Plus. As Long As They Not Try To Dope You Up Medications Band-aide. Holistic. Healing What I’m Talking About. Changing Your Diet Including Alcohol. Pleasures of The Root! I Like Over Alcohol However One Must Understand Herbs Are Meant To Heal Mental And Physical. This Government System is Evil And Design To Torment People That’s Why Evil And Negativity Ruling The Planet! I Hope Whom Ever Read This Know They Can Heal Themselves Mother Nature Healed Me Mama Ayahuasca.! Thank You Mama She Appeared To Me As The Moon!
My 16yrs old son was diagnosed with bipolar 1 but i think he was misdiagnosed, cause he was just manic when he was taking sertraline medicine he can’t sleep after few days of taking the medicine he was different he keep on buying online, very talkative in school he said he talked to 20 students including teachers. Doctor give hime divalproex medicine and olanzapine for psychosis but after 2 months they stop the olanzapine thinking it was the cause of his thyroid tsh become high. But now he still taking the divalproex 500mg. I wan’t him to stop drinking it but doctor said he has to stop slowly cause he might have withdrawal. Right now his ok but taking medicine now for thyroid. Before he was diagnose of bipolar 1 he was depressed for almost a month, stressed in school, chat fight with friend, break up with gf and 2 weeks no power after the typhoon those cause him depression. Doctor said he has a lot in his brain that cause depression.
I drove myself crazy for more time than I think anybody knew. I made up horrendous lies (thinking I’m an abuser to everyone and every thing including being a sexual abuser) about myself thinking that everyone around me was on the same page. I’m extremely paranoid and have horrible anxiety that caused me to overthink to the point where I felt like the cops were coming all of the time. I thought it all stemmed from the fact that my life for a yr or two (but it got really bad only one yr) was all me going on missions to pick up fentanyl for my mom. The paranoia is probably from that because I thought it was best to be on ur toes all of the time but idk it might just be my bipolar. Also I just turned 17, I was diagnosed with bipolar 1 in the hospital while I was going to turn 17 that week.
I literally feel sad in the morning, take a shower dress up feel happy, then im ready to go outside but realize I have to charge my phone. So I hang out longer and lay down to wait for phone to charge. I take a nap, when I awake thats when I go from feeling happy and nurtured to feeling lost, sad, and depressed in a matter of 1 hour. I dont understand what changed for me to suddenly feel no energy, and sad.
I was diagnosed as depressive in my teens and anxiety in my 20’s but it wasnt til recently Ive been diagnosed with BiPolar II. Im now 34 years old and learning about what is happening to me and how to recognize my issues. Some days I still feel so viciously helpless and depressed and pointless. Sometimes I can take the entire world on and nothing can stop me and the next week I cant imagine brushing me teeth or trying at anything. Life is so hard for no particular reason.
My best friend snapped 5 days ago… he was irate all Saturday and it carried on the sunday morning. That morning he smashed his head in the wall and ran threw the window. Then he threw everything around, broke everything. Grabbed his girlfriend in a choke hold and then sliced his arms and throat. Noone understood why he was so enraged and noone could stop him. He is now in pscy-holding in jail. With 2 felony charges. I have always wondered for years if he was bipolar.
If a psychiatrist in a team of doctors examine you for a few weeks Is it possible to be misdiagnosed? This happened to my mom once and she doesn’t believe that she has bipolar I lived in taiwan at the time My brothers were back in america and they talked With the psychiatrist in the other doctors Is this common that people with bipolar We’ll think they don’t have it She also thinks that medication is harmful because she’s older She’s sixty two and she thinks that lithium can destroy your liver and some other organ She did have side effects when they forced her to take it. But I told her she should talk to the doctor to adjust it or find something else Because she’s not a danger to herself or others. We can’t force her to take medicine I often find When We talk. She can’t stop talking about the past. She gives me mixed messages about what she thinks of me Honestly, I have no peace in my spirit. So I finally just had to stop talking to her
Has it affected your quality of living? Bipolar disorder affects judgement behavior, can even affect sexual behavior. In the US 95%, according to national statistics, of bipolar marriages end in divorce. Job loss is a common symptom due to the confusion that goes on in the mind of someone bipolar. You will burn important relationships in your life. There are times when you prefer to be in a darkened room for days at a time. You are disorganized and confused as you desperately try to make sense of things. It is usually accompanied by extreme weight loss or weight gain, depending on the person. You will have hygiene issues to the point to where you will smell bad during certain phases and may be known as being smelly. Some people feel like being bipolar is some sort of club or uniqueness that makes them somehow special. Bipolar is a sickness. You are sick with a mental illness and your quality of living REFLECTS having the disorder. People who go around claiming “I was just diagnosed with my disorder” as if its some sort of a club, are using the disorder as an excuse for their behavior and failures when in actuality they don’t have a disorder and is looking to escape accountability. Being bipolar is not a game. Its nothing to be proud of.
My condition is really worst I have bipolar and OCD and that too the PURE O ocd in which extreme intrusive thoughts take a toll on me Fighting with all these demons since 5 years Hope one day I will die soon to end this suffering I pray to God that pls don’t give anybody these 2 diseases coz no one deserve these kind of mental torture Day by day my condition is becoming worse
Any tips on how to best go about breaking my painful habit of constantly trying to help anybody n everybody – only for those ungrateful people to turn around and refuse any n all small simple return favors n then im left stuck ONCE AGAIN feeling HORRIBLY USED n lied to, taken advantage of, taken for granted, like I’m world’s biggest moron n like it was all done to me unporposely. I’m sick n tired of being made out to feel this way in the end result most – if not, all times – i can’t take this kind of “thanks/treatment” from people anymore! So what exactly should I do? PlZ help!
Like all the rest of psychiatry in the U.S. this article is nonsense. “Bipolar Disorder” is a name made up by the American Psychiatric Association to sell goods (drugs) and services (talk therapy). If you have “bipolar disorder” I strongly urge you to ask your psychiatrist what is causing it. You’ll be scoffed at, laughed at, and told something sarcastic such as, “Ha! If I knew that I’d be rich.” I think most people would agree with me that if you don’t know what’s causing a problem you’re never, ever going to fix it. And that’s true with psychiatry. Psychiatrists have NO CLUE how to cure anyone because they were only taught to match up PATENTED, synthetic drugs to patients’ symptoms, turning them all into lifelong “customers” of what only they can provide. When MY family member was psychotic, all the psychiatrists told me it was incurable. What nonsense. It’s only incurable if you don’t know what’s causing it, and again, psychiatrists have no clue. See if you can find my Youtube website, Linda Van Zandt’s Mental Health Recovery website (I haven’t looked at it in years, not sure if it’s still there.) MY loved one is mentally well and 100% free of idiot shrinks and their chemical straight jackets. Good riddance.
The True Cause of Bipolar Disorder A common theory for an answer for bipolar disorder is a chemical imbalance in the brain. The truth is, however, that it is impossible for the body to naturally disrupt its own chemicals and cause an imbalance when there are no outside factors. There is an actual tangible substance that is disrupting the brain and its mental functioning. The answer is toxic heavy metals. Research and medicine stay away from the discussion on toxic heavy metals. There is little to no conversation about them in medical communities, let alone in relation to how they cause mental disorders. There is so much controversy surrounding heavy metals that scientists do their best to neglect them altogether. As a result, medical communities are completely unaware of just how many illnesses toxic heavy metals play a role in. Toxic heavy metals are present in petroleum, plastics, antibiotics, and countless other drugs so it is no wonder science and research ignore them. The idea that the very things doctors are prescribing for healing and managing diseases contain ingredients which are harmful would be damaging to the pharmaceutical industry. Toxic heavy metals are also in our water supply, falling out of the sky, and found in a multitude of other places. If you could examine the heavy metals in the brains of those who have bipolar disorder, you would begin to see why this disease manifests itself so differently in each individual. Heavy metals of all kinds, including copper, mercury, lead, and aluminum, find their way into the body either at conception, during pregnancy, at birth, or afterwards.
It pisses me off that every time I’m in the depressed phase my dad says stupid things like “get a gf or a hobby or join a church” And then I try to explain to him that I am not even sad and there is no reason for this depression other than the bipolar disorder & I did not choose to feel low energy and low interest/motivation for a week straight it just happens with no rhyme or reason. This has absolutely nothing to do with any life circumstances, I could be married with 5 kids & $10 million dollars in the bank but I will always have occasional depressive episodes of low energy & enthusiasm I’ve explained this to him about 1000 times and he still doesn’t get it 😮💨
When I was at the peak of the disease..I even believed I am wife of Creator…I am not human.. such kind of weird thoughts were strong within me… now I know I am a simple human like others who makes mistakes…then I hated myself a lot for the things did during my sickness… self love is hard to practice
I am suffering from age of 5 and still now, actually I just started to interact with myself which leads to me bipolar III one. I was lonely when I was kid so i myself gets distracted,felt guilty,depressed and my mental health starts to change suddenly like positive and soon get to the point as negative, many times I think of suicidal thoughts but I really have the fear of dying and also I want Atleast someone to be with me because when the person is with me I come to the reality, till that I’m on my dreams of something which is not in real life, I felt so embarrassed because many of them know that I have this problem, it really hurts, I love my sister but she is not talking with for some more days, she was the only person who helped me for changing my mind, but still am stuck in the problems….my family already running in the debts so I don’t want to tell this problem to them.With doctor consultantion I got to know am facing this problem, I have to find a way😊 its okay I will face whatever is coming on my way.
My mom has bipolar im still a 12 year old kid my mom has turned off with my dad sisters she looses money,cries if someone is agrresive talking with her,doctor gave her to much medicine and i dont know what to do everyone depends on me i feel like just putting my mom in the hospital but i love her then at the same time she gets mad at me if i dont clean the house..
I think I am bipolar. I have ADHD, anxiety and depression. Sometimes I think I’m fighting the depression hard and the distractibility is just ADHD but other times maybe I could be bipolar. Although, I’m not sure if I ever have a lack of feelings. Most of the time it’s like I feel too much. I go from very optimistic and hopeful to dread and an overwhelming sense of failure very frequently.
goddamn bipolar. i suspect i have bipolar 2 and day by day, gradually, i’m losing my confidence and self-esteem. some kinda ‘don’t know what to do around people cos you’re sad and lost your smile’ terrifies and haunts me all the time. i’m really tired at this point. i just wanna live like a normal person.
It was only about 4 months ago that I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, after seeing several psychiatrists. 3 and a half years ago I went through some antidepressants and I never had an improvement, I used 150mg of Sertraline, 200mg of Desvenlafaxine, 37.5mg of Paroxetine and I did not get better. I was in a mixed state, with energy, irritability, insomnia, having to use Zolpidem and tranquilizers to get to sleep, I still had anxiety attacks and a little anguish. I “improved” about 45% Right now, I’m using Escitalopram 20mg When I received the diagnosis, I was in shock, even though I suspected Bipolarity, but now I made an appointment for the beginning of January Only the use of antidepressants does not stabilize the patient. I saw that Lamotrigine is used in the depressive pole, but it does not protect against the hypomanic/manic pole. My fear of anti-manic medication is the fact that the side effects such as weight gain and hair loss, these medications are strong. I was told about Depakote that helps with this part, I don’t think I have much choice and I’ll have to use it anyway The doctor will probably introduce Lamotrigine while I use the antidepressant, because it takes a while to get the dose I’m just afraid of taking the antidepressant later and having symptoms of withdrawal, I didn’t want to take it now due to insecurity Have you ever been through something similar? I didn’t want to be taking several medications and feeling high, does anyone use this combination of Lamotrigine and Depakote?
I’m pretty introverted person and a kind of lonewolf-type so my social needs aren’t that significant. I do chat with people online daily through some forums, but in real life I don’t socialze much. (Social gathering other than with my family make me uncomfortable haha) For the most part I don’t feel that lonely, but sometimes I do feel some sort of craving for interaction. I somewhat think it’s affecting me because I have noticed that I often make bad decisions when I’m alone. Idk🙄
Uhh I’m serious, aren’t these symptoms normal to everyone ? I mean i feel these symptoms like talkativeness,severe anxiety,depression, energy, dullness and all . thought not everyone are like that,I’m like this since years now like 4 yrs,5 yrs or may be more .is this serious ?i don’t sleep at all properly and my life has been severely effected,is this really serious issue ?
My boyfriend of 16 years is bipolar. I didn’t know what that meant. Well I should have run the other way. Went through alot now I’m Bipolar. I googled it and you can get it from another person. I always had the best jobs nice family I had it all. I met Joe he told me he was Bipolar. I didn’t know what that meant so I looked it up. I thought I would be able to handle it. I was wrong. WE have been off and on for 16 years now I have been diagnosed with this horrible condition. I don’t want it. Is there a cure ?