Homework can be both beneficial and detrimental to students. While it can enhance critical thinking, time management, and learning, it can also lead to increased stress and negative health consequences. A Stanford researcher found that too much homework can negatively affect kids’ lives away from school, where family, friends, and activities matter. Homework can drive students to develop negative attitudes towards school and learning, and assigned homework prevents students from engaging in self-care.
Mental health experts agree that heavy work loads have the potential to do more harm than good for students, especially when considering the impacts of the ongoing pandemic. Some studies have shown that homework can cause physical and emotional fatigue, fuel negative attitudes about learning, and limit students’ ability to engage in important life tasks outside of school.
Research shows that some students regularly receive higher amounts of homework than experts recommend, which may cause stress and negative health effects. Some reasons why homework is bad include lack of free time, reduced family time, negative impact on sleep, loss of interest in academic material, difficulty shifting out of a negative mood, pessimism, and difficulty finding something to be grateful for.
Researchers have cited drawbacks such as boredom and burnout toward academic material, less time for family and extracurricular activities, and the constant pressure to meet deadlines. Too much homework encourages cheating, contributes to negative impacts at home with family, peer relationships, and general school-life balance, which can lead to more negative outcomes.
📹 Why Doing Homework Leads to Worse Grades
My controversial opinion is that homework should be BANNED. Growing up, I had to be in school for 8 hours and then come home …
Why shouldn’t schools give homework?
Homework can lead to health issues such as sleep deprivation, headaches, exhaustion, weight loss, and stomach problems, as well as a lack of balance in one’s life. Many students experience distress and lack time to engage in important life tasks outside of school. The majority report being stressed over schoolwork, leading to physical symptoms and less sleep than the National Sleep Foundation’s recommended 8. 5 to 9. 25 hours per night for healthy adolescent development.
On average, students reported 6. 80 hours of sleep on school nights, with 68 stating that schoolwork kept them from getting enough sleep each night. Many reported that the amount of work they received made it challenging to spend time with family and friends, and a similar percentage had to drop an activity they enjoyed due to their school workload.
Students require time to rest and take their minds off school work, especially in kindergarten, as they have spent the day solving difficult math problems, reading chapters, and memorizing long lines. Heavy homework load can negatively affect students’ performance, as they need to balance learning in a classroom environment with other activities outside of school, such as exploring other activities, spending time with friends, and going on family vacations.
Who invented all the subjects?
The list includes fathers of various academic disciplines, including history, mathematics, the field of economics, the work of Adam Smith, and the study of botany. Prominent figures included in this list are Herodotus, Archimedes, Adam Smith, and Theophrastus.
Who is the creator of homework?
Roberto Nevelis, a Venetian inventor, is frequently attributed with the invention of homework in either 1095 or 1905, depending on the source consulted.
Do teachers assign too much homework?
Many students complain about the excessive amount of homework assigned by their teachers, but teachers often claim that they are overreacting and need to focus on the work. Teachers assign one to two pages of homework each night, which can be overwhelming for many students who have to balance school work with extracurricular activities. Many students participate in extracurriculars and sports, which adds to the stress of completing homework.
A study from Whitby. com showed that excessive homework can lead to high stress levels, a lack of balance in children’s lives, and physical health problems such as ulcers, migraines, sleep deprivation, and weight loss.
Students also struggle to relax when they get home from practice or games, working on homework for hours on end. Studies suggest that students should spend 10 minutes per grade level per night on homework, which can range from 10 minutes in first grade to 120 minutes in senior year high school. However, studies show that students work on homework longer than this, leaving them with no free time. Students work on homework from home until they go to bed, without having time to do anything else.
Some students feel tired from their long school day and find it difficult to balance their schoolwork with extracurricular activities on weekends. This can result in students feeling overwhelmed and struggling to balance their academic and personal lives. It is crucial for teachers to address these issues and provide students with the necessary support and resources to help them manage their workload effectively.
How does homework affect sleep?
Homework can negatively impact a child’s sleep by affecting their sleep schedule, stimulating them too much, and causing them to associate the area with stress. Home entertainment and technology, such as watching TV or playing video games close to bedtime, can also contribute to sleep loss. Children may engage in inappropriate content, which can make them anxious or scared, increasing the risk of nightmares. Additionally, using entertainment technology too close to bedtime may lead to using it after bedtime.
Eating habits, such as heavy meals before bedtime and going to bed on an empty stomach, can also affect sleep. Therefore, finding a balance between these factors is crucial for a child’s overall well-being.
What are the 10 disadvantages of homework?
Homework is a set of tasks students are expected to complete outside the classroom, such as reading, writing, or typing tasks, mathematical problems, content examinations, or other activities. These assignments can have negative impacts on students’ academic achievement, especially for those who perform below average. Homework can also cause stress for students and parents, and limit their time for other activities.
The primary purpose of homework is to reinforce concepts covered in class, but it can also lead to academic burnout and loss of power. It is crucial to understand the potential drawbacks and benefits of homework before implementing it in the classroom.
Does homework have negative effects?
Homework-related stress can lead to sleep disturbances, sleep anxiety, or sleep deprivation, negatively impacting cognitive function and emotional regulation. This has led to a growing concern among educators, parents, and researchers due to its potential effects on students’ stress levels. Understanding the extent to which homework affects these stress levels is crucial for educators, parents, and students. Research has shown that homework can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to sleep anxiety or sleep deprivation, which can negatively impact cognitive function and emotional regulation.
What is homework problem?
A homework problem is defined as a question that is posed to students outside of the classroom setting for consideration or solution.
Why do we have homework?
Homework is an invaluable educational tool that enables students to hone their problem-solving abilities, reinforce classroom learning, provide parents with insight into their child’s academic progress, and instill a sense of responsibility for their role in the educational process.
Why do teachers hate gum?
Educators have different opinions on whether students should be allowed to chew gum in school. Some argue that it can impede learning, be noisy and distracting, and cause an unsightly mess. Others believe that monitoring and disciplining students who violate policies is a waste of time. To address this issue, it is essential to learn your school policy, which may be different from district to district. If your school does not have a policy, create your own rules and stick to them.
If you plan to allow gum chewing, set limits, ensuring it doesn’t interfere with teaching or students’ concentration. Students should be allowed to chew gum silently and dispose of it appropriately. If they don’t follow the policy, you may want to prohibit gum chewing altogether. It is crucial to ensure that your efforts to deal with the issue don’t interfere with classroom lessons.
Is it better to sleep or do homework?
A substantial body of research indicates that students tend to perform better when they sleep. This is because inadequate sleep can lead to poorer test results and impaired learning abilities. A lack of sleep can impair cognitive function, including thinking, reasoning, and understanding. This is comparable to the effects of being intoxicated during a test.
📹 Homework Is Bad For You!
Guests: Cara Santa Maria Science Communicator @CaraSantaMaria Travon Free Writer, The Daily Show @Travon ****** Rubin …
This isn’t news. Of course kids are stressed, of course kids have too much homework. Adults however, laugh this off. My old charter high school would give me at least 4-5 hours a night a homework. That’s combined projects, essays, work sheets, reading, and unfinished class work that you (and everyone else) couldn’t finish in the time the teacher told us to do it.
Homework is the most useless thing in the world. It only produces stress and it never had the effect that it’s meant to have. It’s meant for practicing, not freaking wasting time. Teachers give us too much of those and change it’s meaning, or use. Also what’s the point of doing the same thing all over and over again? This only makes students get more frustrated. 8 hours at school, waking up earlier than adults, additional screaming and detentions that sometimes get unreasonable or the reasons are invalid, bullying and then get punished by their parents are already enough for the students. Adults want to be children, because being a child can play all day, or have less stress, or just have to do less work, but they just laugh out the students and punish them while they are doing the meaningless and useless homework. LET CHILDREN ENJOY THEIR YOUTH LIKE THEY USE TO. STOP MAKING THEIR CHILDHOOD ONE OF THE MOST SHAMEFUL PARTS OR PERIODS OF THEIR LIFE.
I’m currently in high school, and I can say that I lost all faith in the system when I was placed into advanced math classes. I’m extremely poor in math, but have A’s in basically everything else. {Except PE, because who really liked that.} I nearly break down crying over my advanced homework because I just feel so broken. Just because someone is talented in language arts, science, and history, doesn’t mean that they’ll good at math as well.
when i was in high school i did not do a single homework assignment ever. As i told them now and would maintain to this day, when i go to school my time is yours, i choose to go and be taught by my public educators and will do any and all assignments that they decide qualifies me as capable in whatever course it is they teach. When i go home my time is mine, my homework is cleaning horse stalls, feeding the animals, putting up barbed-wire fence and building pens. When i went home after school me and my family spent time together working on something we could all be proud of together like a family should. For this reason i will excuse my son from all homework assignments when he starts attending our public education system.
School is bad for mental and physical health! These kids don’t have enough time to be kids and have fun. They have 8 hours of school plus several hours of homework because nearly each class will give homework. Plus they are crammed in this hard plastic chairs for hours. Health specialists say you shouldn’t sit for more than 2 hours a day… especially not in a bad chair. But look what we are doing to kids.
this reminds me of when i was in school we’d get pounded with homework and needed to study after that. but when in a turbulent household where you dont always have assistance or the time and place to do it, it turned school work into a joyless, pointlessly tedious task. And since my teachers didnt seem to care or want to understand my home life, it was one unified shrugging of the shoulders. school just became the place i went to waste 8 hours a day. I never understood how a person could be “self driven” towards school work or enthusiastic about school. It always seemed like their parents had trained them like a dog to sit and beg for treats
Of course. Teachers give homework because they feel it’s what they’re meant to do. It’s what’s expected of them. It’s not out of any deep understanding or insight in the best ways to educate. There’s the overly simplistic idea that pushing harder gets better results. But everyone knows it’s not really that simple. A little homework might be useful but students are different and how much homework is right will vary from student to student. The issue isn’t just that students get tired out (And that can be an issue with heavy amounts of homework) but that they’re getting really stressed out. Stress isn’t going to help kids learn. We know bullying at school has a devastating effect on the victims school performance. I would suggested kids being stressed out at school because of homework will also have a negative impact. Kids shouldn’t be dreading class because they’ve not got their homework done.
What I remember of homework is that it was a reminder that I wasn’t important as a human being. I got sent to school, irrelevant of whether I wanted to go; I got taught subjects regardless of whether I had any interest in them. The only reason I did my homework at all – which wasn’t often – is out of fear of repercussions. When it came to leaving school, I was suddenly expected to make all these big, life-defining decisions, yet I’d had every meaningful decision stripped away from me leading up to that. School was a prison. 8 years of therapy hasn’t yet unpicked the damage that it cause me. It’s already far too late for me to have a normal life. The best I can hope for is that the very idea of schooling can have a renaissance so that other kids won’t go the same way in the future.
Despite how many problems the way homework is currently handled is causing students health and well being, most school boards refuse to listen and just write it off as whining. And I must say, for people who run an organization all about teaching facts, THEY DO A REALLY S*ITTY JOB OF LISTENING TO THEM!!!! I say if school boards refuse to make continue to scoff off the criticisms of homework and not do anything to make it better, then we should take matters into our own hands.
“Self driven to do their homework” he he. I loved my teachers. They where of the philosophy homework was just to study and had no impact on our grades. I almost never “Did” homework unless I saw something in it I didn’t know/understand. But always going over the homework when I got home, before bed and before school.. B average, Second highest exist exam in my school, standardized test had me 93rd percentile nationally. It still came to about an hour of study outside the class every day.
I have lost faith in school right now I’m in year 9 my current maths subject is “Scale Factor Of Enlargment” I don’t get it at all and is pointless to me… Like literally I will subscribe to anyone who can give me a legitimate use of that Actually never mind if you are a adult I will subscribe to you if you can tell me what the hell that even is…
In my opinion, homework isn’t necessary at all. I think it should be optional for when a students needs something to study and learn more about or maybe for extra credit. Homework just increases stress and what I hate the most is that health teachers tell us to get a good nights sleep, but we can’t since we have a lot of homework and we also have lives at home.
I’m in school and I think homework is ruining the schools and making people stupid First off the thing is all you have to do is homework to get a passing grade so kids don’t try so hard and Just complete homework and makes them stupid also It is stressful and stupid all it does is give stress and more problems. Also I hate people who call homework practice it’s not. It’s so dumb Like honestly people who call it practice it’s toxic. ITS NOT PRACTICE IF IT COUNTS FOR A GRADE. Homework should be studying doesn’t count for a grade just study then you get a good grade on the test and other things and I’m the end you get a good grade that you actually tried for
We were using block scheduling for the first two years of high school. 4 classes with 90 minutes each meant teachers could fit more into their lessons and didn’t rely on homework to pick up the slack. Still had the occasional paper we’d need to research at home but aside from that the school day well and truly ended at 3pm, for the students at least. Then for our junior and senior years the school switched back to the traditional 7 classes with 45 minutes each and everything went to shit. Some teachers were still taking their time like they had on the previous schedule and let half the class go by before getting to anything relevant, then assigning us tons of homework to compensate. While other teachers were so frustrated by the change that they didn’t bother teaching. Just let us watch movies and then gave us the answer keys for the tests. On a slightly unrelated note, if I have to watch Finding Nemo one more goddamn time I’m taking a bat to my TV… Never did understand why they made the change. Block scheduling was amazing and actually helped slightly with college prep since 4 classes a week is full time for university.
I want to thank my 11th a grade teacher Mr. James Cox for shaping me into the man that I am today – everyday day he was in a bad mood and would rant on about injustices and the way our rights were being stripped everyday; I did not understand his frustrations until I was a freshman student in college about what his daily tirade was about… now that I’m older, I understand his why he was always in a negative mood on most days – the truth is right in front of us, some of us don’t pay attention to these things, or are too ignorant to accept them as reality.
I agree. I think more focus should be put on making kids review and study. Studying at the last minute is probably every student’s biggest struggle, and trying to finish gigantic assignments and pieces of homework is a big contributing reason for that. We need homework, but not as much as we’re given.
Homework is the reason we can’t sleep at night; if you fail to do homework for the due day, you get a 2nd warning which is a 15 minute detention at break/lunch/home. 1st warning Name on board 2nd warning You may be moved to a different seat in the class Incident in your homework planner 15 minute detention 3rd warning Removal from class a 1 hour detention after school Letter home to parents Incident recorded in your permanent school record.
why do we frikin even have homework?? If we dont finish something in class then thats the teachers fault! Its gives kids more stress and anxiety and crying. Also, ALOT of kids DO have alot of stuff going on after school and cant do it!! But teachers just dont belive or care. school is supposed to be only 6/7 hours a day (or diff idk) and not an extra hour or ANYTHING! In fact im literally crying rn cause my teacher gave a step by step sheet on how to do something and im doing it right but then the questions im doing isnt even close to what she taught us to do UGH
I got in a bad habit of not doing homework from a early age. In the beginning, homework wasn’t weighted very much and I would do well on tests, so I never saw much point in homework. My grades started to decline when homework was weighted more. I resented homework at that point because I was still getting good marks on my test. It just seemed like busy work. But then, before I knew it, there were tests I started to fail. By then, I didn’t know how to study, and I couldn’t get the hang of it. It got to the point that if I didn’t understand something almost immediately, it seemed impossible. Trying to do homework was arduous, and when I attempted it, it would take all day (a large part of it was that I had trouble focusing). I finished high school by the skin of my teeth, and getting my BS was pretty tough. I still feel bad about my performance in school, though I’m fine where I am in life. I’ll wonder what could have been, but I’m not so sure I would be any different even if I spent more time on homework.
I’m meant to get 45 minute homeworks in 2 or 3 subjects per night, and I typically spend less than 40 minutes on my homework per day. And I’m still doing well. If people are bad at certain subjects, I don’t think doing more homework helps them as they need to understand some of the task material in the first place in order to complete the homework.
As a high schooler we never know how much homework we will have. All 7 teachers will have a certain amount of work we need to get done. If its not done its homework. Most of it is busy work, but it counts for a grade so we have to do it. I have one teacher where if I finished my work at school she would give us more just so we would have homework. So she needs to see this study.
This is how my school worked For every subject except P.E, english and maths; each term (3 in a year) we would get a homework project which lasts 4 weeks in a row. This meant thst we had to hand in 1 piece of work for each week but each task was given at the same time. Each task had to be at least 1 hour of work. The worst time wss In year 7 (ages 11-12 and the first year of secondary school) I was given 5 of these projects (art, science, RE, history and geography) which were all set in the same week. On top of that we also weekly or sometimes daily got english and maths work. I was good at homework though. I had to do an essay on evolution when I was 13 and I got an A* (A star) which is the highest you could get at the GCSE (end of school exams)
The system is fucked. We are born into it against our own will, and told that the meaning of life is the system with its rules and limitations imposed on the individual, as well as the ideas it dictates. Steadily we are programmed to believe, and eventually, accept that our worth as living beings is decided by how well we serve and contribute to the eternal propagation of said system. We go to school to learn to be obedient machines that will get jobs that take up half our time awake, to pay tax that will keep this machine going for all eternity. We don’t work and pay tax for the betterment of mankind. We pay tax to fuel the machine. Homework is part of the programming.
I’m actually wondering if they actually also took note of the VOLUME of homework that the students were doing in that time. I think that is essential in a study like this. It could have just been that the students were all doing similar amounts of work but the students who spent more time were just less intellectually inclined and couldnt go through their work as quickly, not keeping track of volume would make the statistics misleading and meaningless.
I hated homework and they tried to keep me back because of it even though i did my classwork and did well on tests. Sometimes homework would take all evening to do and it was a nightmare. They expect you to excel at everything or nothing so my natural aptitude for writing and comprehension was ignored so they could scold me for not doing well in math. When I couldn’t understand pre-algebra because I had no proper introduction they put me in a bunch of classes for slow people. I was doing fine in my other classes. It was such bullshit.
Pft, didn’t need to tell me that. In 2nd grade when the teacher asked my class if we wanted our first homework assignment, I was the one and only kid to say no. I was pretty adamant about it too. Look at the name. “Homework.” Work you take home. Fuck that noise. As a kid I knew my rightful place. On my couch, scratching my balls and playing article games.
teachers just stopped asking me to do my homework and to be honest i still had grades and was very good at most things in school except sports i hated it i even got academic awards in school. to be honest half the time the home work given to a lot of students is not really necessary and 10 to 20 min preparation for the next lesson is a better strategy than just random home assignments. i think personally if you as an educator cannot think of why someone would need to take work home don’t try an make up home study packs for the reason of making them.
I am in my school system’s gifted and talented program, so I’m basically in classes full of nerds. My english teacher gives like an hour of homework everynight that is due the next day. Plus, my other teachers still give their homework. So I end up staying up untill like 11PM-12AM doing homework each night. God help me.
So the best you can hope for, if you do homework, is a slight increase in grades. Otherwise, your grades end up declining. That just shows the worthlessness of homework. I’ve learned more just fucking around on the internet than I have I did from homework. In some cases, I’ve learned more than I was taught in a few classes. As cool as my science teachers were, they NEVER held a candle to Bill Nye. My phone has a calculator on it, so learning algebra was a waste of time. I stopped using leet speak years ago. I don’t really care about countries and continents. I didn’t need Sex Ed, because I’m never getting any. History is only interesting when I give a fuck about it, which I never did in school, but do now. The list could just go on and on. I know more today, solely because of the internet, than I ever learned in school. Mostly because it’s been proven you learn faster about stuff you WANT to learn about. So why do school boards believe forcing kids to do shit they have zero interest in is going to have good results?
I’m sorry but if you dont have a personal interest in the subjects you study, you will probably fail them. If you don’t desire to do the homework set, then you simply won’t succeed in that subject. You need to want to learn. Forced learning ruins creativity and creativity is the most important thing in science.
I will never understand why teachers gives us homework, its like taking away our freedom. Besides they award the students who have done their homework and got a huge improvement on their reports and put their name up on the trophies. but guess what? i don”t care because i couldn’t be bothered to do homework because my life is mine and i will not waste seconds or hours on writing answers on the worksheet and i got mental illness that i have to deal with.
I don’t want to hear old people who haven’t had homework in 10 years tell me and everyone what homework is like. When they’re generation had less homework to beging with. I want kids who are in middle school/high school telling people these people’s age, and teachers, and parents how homework is affecting then and others using science and studies
One thing I hate about school is electives cause if the one you want is taken you have to do the one you don’t want to do. And a lot of times they are the reason you probably have a bad gpa:m. Unless you’re a god then kudos to you. But for me I had to sign a sheet by a certain day, didn’t and the. Got put in two classes that I absolutely don’t want to be in.
Wait!!!! before you read this comment… share it, forward, and read or show it to your teachers, principal, or basically any school peers you have that don’t understand that homework is crap!!!!! original comment by (Sparkz) (may change in the future)\\ btw to forward this just copy and paste it! or show it to someone, thank you! Homework should be banned in schools world wide! i mean its at the verge of being literally crap! anyways then you should replace it with a new homework, a 2.0 or V2. then the new version would involve a LOT more creativity and imagination, and thats proven good for your mind, and regular homework was proven to be bad for you…so yeah. also every, for the one subject i hated most, i took all of the worksheets (and other stuff) i still had that was related to, for example social studies, and took all the S.S. crap, and feed it to my mom’s dog, burn it, save it for my summer camp, and have in my backpack, and throw it off the little cliff they have there (and by little i mean like it’s 5 yards high! (ouch!)). Or i could also burn it by giving it to one of my friends who actually has a fireplace, and use it as firewood! 😀 yee! take that fresh home crap that i pulled out of the playground porta-potty-of-doom! (those really sucked) i still do this, social studies is actually my #2 hated subject, health was part of its name heal, said as hell. and i still, and will keep doing this until i dont have to go to that brick built dungeon again! (it doesnt have to be bricks it CAN be steal walls with no windows for some schools!
I always worry about home work, when I have to sabmit the assignment or just read its a lot of preasher. And the teacher always yell at me for small little thing like you did not do this, and that etc.I makes me feel like im the most dumbest person it the world how they yell at me. I now that home work is good for you and that kind of stuff, and Im not agents it its just foreordaining