📹 How Marijuana Is Good And Bad For You
Marijuana is the common term for cannabis that is derived from the plant Cannabis sativa. This plan has hundreds of chemicals in …
What is a Stoner lifestyle?
A stoner is a person who is habitually high on drugs, especially marijuana or alcohol, and is usually stoned. They are often associated with Paul the Apostle and are known for pelting or assailing with stones. Common comparisons include the stigma surrounding smoking weed and being a stoner, working with celebrities like Cassidy Carter, and typical Hollywood characters like sweet stoner production assistants and suspicious producers.
What is the stereotype of a stoner?
A study published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science suggests that people who regularly smoke cannabis are not as lazy or unmotivated as people often think. The study found that smoking cannabis did not significantly impact people’s motivation levels. The research, led by psychology professor Michael Inzlicht, from the University of Toronto Scarborough, argued that while their behaviors might change during high-intensity periods, the evidence suggests they are not lazy or lacking motivation at all.
What is a stoner personality?
Stoner personality traits are linked to a culture that is increasingly celebrated in society. Stoners are known for their carefree, non-judgmental attitude, deep appreciation for nature and music, and their tendency to introspection. Cannabis use can help individuals slow down and become more present, leading to a deeper appreciation for life. However, not all stoners exhibit these traits or identify with stoner culture. Cannabis use is a highly individualized experience, and its effects can vary greatly depending on an individual’s biology, environment, and mental state.
What is the point of stoner?
Stoner is a captivating novel that explores the individual life of William Stoner, a humble and ordinary man who tries to restore the memory of a forgotten man. Stoner is not a hero or villain, but a human protagonist who strives to live a life of integrity. The novel follows Stoner’s life as an academic teacher in literature, his relationship with his wife Edith, his affair with his colleague Katherine, and his relationship with his daughter Grace.
Stoner is diligent, hard-working, and dedicated to his job, but he is often overlooked by those around him. Despite his struggles, Stoner’s life offers small moments of beauty and hope, highlighting the potential for a decent life even in the face of adversity.
What is the behavior of a pothead?
Marijuana abuse can have both positive and negative effects. The pleasurable effects include relaxation, improved mood, and increased appetite. Negative effects include impaired coordination, problems with perception of time and space, memory deficiencies, anxiety, paranoia, and panic, especially among first-time users. The primary psychoactive element in marijuana is THC, which interacts with receptors in the brain, including the hippocampus and amygdala.
Chronic marijuana abuse can cause changes in brain functioning and structure, potentially leading to irreversible structural changes. However, with proper treatment, addiction to marijuana can be overcome. Experts estimate that over 100 million Americans have abused marijuana at least once in their lives, and 25 million have used the drug in the past 12 months.
How bad is a joint a day?
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a condition caused by tobacco smoke, causing a loss of elasticity in air passages that deliver air to the lungs. People with COPD become short of breath and exhibit symptoms of chronic bronchitis. Attempts to determine whether marijuana smoke provokes COPD have produced conflicting results. It remains to be determined whether chronic marijuana smoking actually causes COPD, but there is good reason to suspect that it does.
While many tobacco smokers accept coughing and shortness of breath as part of the price they pay for the pleasure of smoking, fear of cancer sometimes persuades them to quit. However, cellular, genetic, and clinical studies suggest that marijuana smoke is an important risk factor in the development of respiratory cancer. Many of the same carcinogenic compounds present in tobacco smoke are also found in burning marijuana. Unfiltered smoke from joints contains higher concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) than does smoke from tobacco cigarettes.
Since marijuana users generally inhale more deeply than tobacco smokers, they may be exposing their lungs to even higher levels of these dangerous substances. Preliminary research also suggests that marijuana smokers’ lung cells contain higher levels of an enzyme that converts PAHs into a cancer-causing form.
How much weed does the average pothead smoke a day?
The study reveals that estimating average marijuana use per day or occasion helps understand population-level patterns of use and use-related harm. However, better estimates and estimation methods are needed. Users struggle with reporting use amounts, but purchase amounts may be more clearly recalled. The study is part of the Addict Res Theory project, which aims to improve understanding of marijuana use and its impact on health.
What does weed do to your life?
Long-term marijuana use has been linked to mental illness, including temporary hallucinations and paranoia, and worsening symptoms in patients with schizophrenia. Commercial interests contribute to drug use and addiction. Cannabis and hallucinogen use among adults remained at historic highs in 2023, with vaping and binge drinking also maintaining high levels. Delta-8-THC use was reported by 11 of 12th graders in 2023, and psychoactive cannabis product use was higher in states without delta-8 regulations or cannabis legalization.
How many cigarettes equal one joint?
Cannabis, containing as many carcinogens as tobacco, is a probable risk factor for oropharyngeal and lung cancer, as well as coronary heart disease. It deposits a third more tar and is a probable risk factor for these diseases. One joint is equivalent to about three cigarettes, and all rights are reserved for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies. Creative Commons licensing terms apply for open access content.
What is a stoner lifestyle?
A stoner is a person who is habitually high on drugs, especially marijuana or alcohol, and is usually stoned. They are often associated with Paul the Apostle and are known for pelting or assailing with stones. Common comparisons include the stigma surrounding smoking weed and being a stoner, working with celebrities like Cassidy Carter, and typical Hollywood characters like sweet stoner production assistants and suspicious producers.
📹 Five Things Medical Marijuana Won’t Tell You | Medical Marijana
Americans may be able to legally smoke marijuana for their health in nearly half the country, but that doesn’t mean they’re safe …
If you need it for a medicinal purpose, great. If you want to smoke it recreationally, fine. It’s really no one’s business, as long as you’re not hurting yourself or others. I’ve never smoked weed. But I’m in the process of getting my recommendation after years of trying all the pills, diets and physio to treat my severe rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto’s. I’ve never been against marijuana for others. I just never had the desire to smoke. I think smoking is disgusting. But I educated myself on all the other ways I could take it, and I’m actually excited at the prospect of being able to live a normal life again. PS I live in Canada and am all for Trudeau legalising all marijuana.
Where did you get your information? I have over 30 years experience, and I can tell you along with Chong the weed potency is not different. And I have chronic back pain from years of construction, and weed helps with the fatigue caused by my pain. So stop your propaganda. You don’t like weed? Don’t use it. But don’t push your agenda onto others.
I have been taken Pharmaceuticals for the last 27 years my kidneys are at 71% what should I do, keep taking pharmaceutical lose my kidneys ? or try something which have been tested for the last ten thousand years ? since time and Memorial Humanity have existed on natural medicine, all of that changed when the petrochemistry industry wanted to find a way to dispose of toxic waste and make money off it at the same time, no matter how much damage marijuana does it pales in comparison to all the damage which has been caused by the pharmaceutical business, Pharmaceutical have caused death cancer loss of function depression none of that applies to marijuana so please try and be balanced when you talk about such a subject
Here’s what this commentator didn’t say: Between 2019 to 2020 nation wide 68,000+ people died of opiod overdose (NOT CANNABINOID). In 2020 there were $49,000 deaths nation wide from alcohol poisoning. O! I’ll say it again…0! Deaths resulting from cannabis usage or “over dosing.” Legalize It. Don’t criticize it.
When it comes down to it I would rather see cannabis made legal on both levels and alcohol banned.Alcohol has caused far more problems than cannabis ever could but cannabis has a stigma attached to it that is slowly fading.Cannabis is also very profitable for governments & municipalities as well as the private prison industry so until we figure out how to turn that around it will no doubt always be illegal at the federal level.
“Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” -Matthew 3:2 KJV “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” -Romans 3:23 “He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” – 1 John 5:12 KJV “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” -Hebrews 9:27-28 KJV And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. -Acts 16:31 KJV “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” -Matthew 24:35 KJV
A lot of good information here. I would like to say on the pain aspect, most of the time when somebody says they’re in pain they’re probably in pain. It’s kind of the same argument with anxiety because it’s some thing that’s not visible physically. Every case is different, some people have a very negative reaction to medical marijuana. I know for me I am allergic to anesthetic as well as pain pills. A lot of times I wish there was an option for me to just take a pop pill because I don’t do well on pain medication. I also don’t do well on anxiety medication or anesthetic. I have severe anxiety coming off of these. For some reason pot doesn’t give me anxiety. So I’d much rather take the pot
You go right ahead and try cindy. Go ahead, tell me my child should be on a feeding tube suffering 50-100 seizures a day with us perusal and waiting for the one that will take her away forever! My beautiful daughter Sharon is 7 years old and suffers from dravet syndrome. It is a severe type of epilepsy that usually kills in early childhood. My daughter’s heart has stopped 13 times from the the seizures she has had nearly leaving her brain dead. By age 7 we estimated her body has endured roughly 13,790 seizures! Only one could have the potential to kill her. We started her on medicinal marijuana in April of 2013. This april, we will be celebrating her 1 year seizure free anniversery!! She is now feeding herself, walking, talking and even going to school!! So go right ahead and try to fight to take this medicine away! Just remember who you will be hurting in the end.
Fact one, you can grow a plant that produces 2 to 3 pounds for less than $30. Also, a large reason for the high mark up is government regulations, despite the fact they could make more money if they’d tax and encourage its use in textiles and fuel, and not just pharmaceuticals. Ok, so he’s wrong right from the start, let’s see where this goes …
cindybin2001 mind your damn bussiness let people do what they want with their lifes, people want do drugs mind your bussines, people want to drink mind your bussiness, people want to ruin their lifes, you know what? thats NONE OF YOUR GOD DAMN BUSINESS..people sem to be sooo worried about other peoples lives like anyone gives a shit.. at the end of the day people will do what they want regrdless.. this guy in the vieo is a complet dork “unregulated amounts of THC” haha last time i checked ive never had any problems with “too much THC” if you dont like something simply dont let it bother you
I honestly never like to say negative things about people but Cindybin is extremely ignorant. Religion is fine if thats what you believe. But when you try to force your beliefs on others with no concern for their beliefs, that is when you become an ignorant. She is very judgemental as well. But isnt that always the way with these religious fanatics. If I dont judge a person for their beliefs but they judge me on mine, then I am 100% positive that it makes me a better person than them. And in conclusion: there is one thing and only one thing is this world that defines a person or makes them god or bad, and that is not what they believe in or if they use drugs, it is simply how they treat others. Now I wouldnt necessarily think that cindybin treats people badly but she sure is very judgemental and does so with her eyes closed tight. And thats close enough.
I remember perusal a documentary where a dispensary owner is raided by the DEA and in the show he’s trying to get advice from growers in the area and the DEA puts a tracker on his car so they go to the growers and bust them as soon as he leaves he even got arrested while he was out on bail because one of the growers gave him a big bag of weed to take home.
You make weed on the same level as tobacco-obviously nobody hears about people smuggling contraband tobacco to sell by the ounce, and if it does happen, like I said, nobody hears about it. Get some quality control (unlike big tobacco) so we can get high quality chronic for $10 a gram. Once every store starts selling it and it is as accessible as tobacco or alcohol, the crime rates at stores wouldn’t be affected, since they all sell the same product so they make roughly the same income from weed, along with alcohol, toiletries, condoms, candy bars, etc etc. It’s time to pull ourselves out of economic failure. It’s time, to legalize!
The Medical Marijuana out here in Florida is really weak. The buds look beautiful! They have crystals and everything but no smell. You smoke it and you don’t get high! Trulieve says some of there weed has 37% THC so I smoke it and nothing! It seems like they extract all the good stuff to make concentrates and give you the leftovers then lie about the potency of the flower! I got my Card but still buy my stuff from the black market!
Hm? Capitalism? Remember when a bale (like hay size) was $2. Remember the difference between a drunk person and a person relaxing under the influence of weed? Wanna go for a ride? How about that one person that will work all day if they are eating quality life giving food and a pinch of weed. Under the rules of generalization let’s not forget the price hasn’t changed for the person that bought it illegally. Medicinal herb? Then lets talk about our freedoms.
Man! Is people like this the reason why it’s still illegal? Who is this joke to tell us what to do? Just because he doesn’t like it means that I’m not allowed to do it? Man forget this. I’m going to stop doing what everyone says. In fact, I’m going to just go hit my bong and relax. When there’s a real crisis come talk to me. I didn’t cause this hell hole’s debt.
This persom smoke a marijuana, other the ask him nicely and put it awsy please, so this guy still puffing away, other guy trun around hit him real hard he fell on the ground said dude i cant breath, man why, i ask you nicely and warned you this time im not warned you again . He claps gis hands saying now you know how i feel when someone ask you cant breath while you are on the ground . How do you be that person 9n the ground cant breath xuase you health threat a person and its your own fault ?
And what exactly is wrong with being a recreational smoker? Who is to say what I should inhale? The THC brownies are stronger than they appear? How do you judge the THC content from appearance? Also the strength of the product does not matter. Your endocannabinoid system will only accept so much and not one gram more. Marijuana does not take the Dopamine pathway in the brain. A lot of could, might, should, maybe…in this report. So not worth perusal imo.
this is so misinformed. I’m not going to start on the many things wrong with this article but claiming pain? i don’t know where you get your licence but where i get mine you have to prove the pain with medical tests that have to be from a medically trained doctor, you would have to also prove you have tried many medications and treatments before. love how he said they are out for your money when modern medicine does the same.. no wonder they rush you out of a dr.s appointment now a days.
I live in a town with population of 18,000 ppl. There’s a pot dispensary on Main Street that’s open 8am to 8pm . People are going in the door all day. We joke it’s the busiest place on Main Street (which it is) everyone going in looks like there 35 and under. Now nobody is going to convince me all these young people have health issues that the need it. Sorry not gonna happen.
A couple of big points here is that the cost of growing high quality pot indoors is about $400 a pound. Outdoors would be very cheap and produce much better results. I see your spinning the same propaganda message about the high THC levels. This is bull shit. The quality of pot today is about the same as it has always been. It’s just that the high quality weed is more available now, then it used to be, but its always been around. The reason your stressing the notion that THC levels are unusually high, is because if you loose the battle over legalization you want to establish controls on the THC level. The higher the THC level, the less a person needs to smoke, on average. This means the smoker will have fewer serious medical issues as a result of smoking. Less smoke in the lungs, less likely to produce lung cancer. The high cost of weed is simply another method of applying prohibition. Weed is the only controlled substance that I know of that does not create an addiction and does not imperil the life of the user by overdosing. Weed is more like a food then a drug. Even alcohol, when consumed in large quantities quickly, will kill the drinker and we have a few kids that die every year overdosing on alcohol. This is not possible on weed. So alcohol is legal and less taxed than marijuana, does that make sense?
He says that marijuana being a huge money-making industry is a myth and then proceeds to describe what a cash-cow it is. It is not risky. They sell you uncured hemp with very little if any THC in it because they are abiding by the federal law. Uncured hemp is very unhealthy to smoke. It causes emphysema, and I suspect it causes a lot of these other illnesses that are associated with smoking pot that are on the rise suddenly. I despise the legalization industry.
It helps some with my spine and spinal nerve pain. Mostly smooths out the nerves, I think for me it relaxes the muscles a bit too much. Have to be careful without the pain to limit me. I’m not sure if it’s good or bad at this point. Got a medical card at 49, last time I tried it was 20-1ish, always just passed after trying and being like, wow this is boring….
I do not smoke pot. I have in the past,, like 25 years ago. I have also had alcohol on many occasions to the point of a good buzz to shitfaced. I rarely drink any more,how about tobacco this isn’t bad at all,, oh wait it’s LEGAL All this being said Pot is by far the only one on this list that should not be illegal. before you get nasty and condemn anything,,, you really should try it yourself,, at least you will know a little more on the subject… walk the walk before you talk the talk… How many car wrecks because a person was stoned on pot??? None,no way there are many chemicals in cannabis that do not get you high. If you high an mighty people would just look at non intoxicating benefits of this drug People like you are just so stupid really … Medical Marijuana does not need to be smoked. There are in fact many ways to get the benefits of the drug. All depends on what illness you have. If the established medical advice or prescription does not work and Medical Marijuana might,,, Let the Individual try it,,,, It is not of your business
It would not be a “cash only” industry if the federal government was stopped from overreaching its constitutional authority. If that were done then the States’ could then tax the production and sale of Marijuana just as they do with cigarettes, cigars, liquor etc.,. And, then people would also be lawfully allowed to put the purchases on their charge and/or debit cards or pay by check.
If anyone wants to use it for medical reasons, but is afraid they won’t tolerate smoking it. Why don’t you try CBD oil that has THC in it? A few drops under your tongue will give you really good effects without a high. Kind of like a zen meditation mood. Improves memory, relieves pain and tastes absolutely acceptable.
Although Trump indicated during his 2016 presidential campaign that he favored leaving the issue of legalization of marijuana to the states, his administration subsequently upheld the federal prohibition of cannabis, and Trump’s 2021 fiscal budget proposal included removing protections for state medical marijuana laws.
What he said in this article: 1:MMJ is a highly profitable business with insane growth potential. 2: MMJ is effective for a wide array of conditions. 3: You can get MMJ regardless of whether your MD gives a hoot about it. 4:MMJ has been carefully cultivated and bred by specialists to create a wide array of differing drug products. 5: MMJ is a Highly profitable business with insane growth potential.