The article explores the world’s most social animals, including dolphins, elephants, wolves, gorillas, lions, penguins, wolves, meerkats, and chimpanzees. These animals have diverse and fascinating family structures, from strong bonds of wolves to complex societies of ants. Some animals have developed complex social structures and relationships that allow them to navigate and survive in their environment.
The article highlights the importance of understanding the social networks of these animals, such as cows in ciques being smarter than lone bovines, and the complex social structures of other mammals like cetaceans like dolphins, whales, orcas, and non-human primates like kangaroos. Multiculturalism has been observed in cetaceans like dolphins, whales, and orcas, and in non-human primates like kangaroos.
Mammalian species exhibit multilevel societies, which are not only common among large-brained mammals like humans, other primates, and elephants. Female mule deer have each other’s backs, and coyotes and badgers team up to hunt. Animal societies vary in structure, with African elephants having huge complicated social groups ranging from tens to hundreds, while Asian elephants are often thought to be the loner.
In conclusion, the article highlights the intricate bonds shaping biodiversity and social structures of various animals, including dolphins, elephants, wolves, lions, penguins, wolves, and meerkats. These animals exhibit strong communicators and have developed complex social structures and relationships that enable them to navigate and survive in their environment.
📹 Why are humans so different from other animals?
Why do humans drive cars and not chimpanzees? What explanations can be found in our prehistory? Magnus Enquist, Stockholm …
📹 Giraffes are highly complex social animals, scientists find
Giraffes are highly complex social animals, scientists find. The ruminants are not only highly social but just how social they are has …
Why do we have religion, math, spirituality, quantum physics, chemistry, nuclear weapons, spacecrafts, the internet, philosophy, existentialism? Why do we look at the stars, and ask “why”? Why does the human brain feel the need to understand itself? Why do we manipulate matter on the nanoscale? Why do we have the capability to explore the macroverse and microverse with telescopes and microscopes? Why are we the only animal of billions of animals who does all these things?
What if we lived in a world where another animal, like a bear or kangaroo, for instance, were not as smart as humans, but close. How would society work? Would those animals still be considered subservient to humans? Would it be considered discrimination? Would we have wars with them for the role of the dominant species? Would they eventually gain equality where they would be allowed to vote and serve in Congress? It’s a super weird thing to ponder…
What i find even more impressive is the rate at which technologie evolved. Considering humans started using tools millions of years ago most major development only happened within the last hundreds of years. The oldest people still alive witnessed the uprise of technology from basic electric equipment to what we have now.
I used to think humans are very unique, but we are actually similar to ants. They also use tools, they also live in society, they also have pets (even slaves), they also have highways, build roads, have leader, workers, etc. Only difference is that we are much bigger then ants and therefore can gather much more resources then them (since we have more power). I think if ants were as big as us that they would easily dominate the world
The article answers the question ‘how’ but not ‘why’. Why did single celled organisms living in the same ecosystem, subjected to the same natural events allegedly evolved so differently that one became human and the other remained single-celled? Moreover, why we don’t find several species creating advanced civilizations that compete together? Why only one animal species (humans) managed to achieve that by a huge margin? Other animals are not even close.
I believe the recording/handing down of information across the generations of humans explains the process of our advancement in technology. However, that still leaves the major question of “why” exactly, and to what ultimate end does humanity truly require of technology? I say if we can question it, we can find the answer.
Well i think The ability To “Think” that probably originated when we picked up stones,thought about it and shaved them and put them on sticks to make spears ((Their thoughts and “WHYS”)why was the one stone sharper than the other, why stone by itself is not cutting good enough?), that “WHY” changed the reality of humans forever we think about why we are here,well the answer would probably be because we asked “WHY” in the first place . Well I think that every single decision that is made consciously or by habit creates a new future, I drank coffe this evening this could change the entire universe forever, and i can not go back every thing is a life changing decision.
Having a long childhood when you don’t have any other advantage (can’t run fast enough, can’t fly, can’t swim, not enough body hair, fur for warmth) seems, evolutionarily speaking, a huge risk–why should it have happened that way–if that is the real reason at all? Is there any new information to explain why/how humans separated from chimp evolution, shedding body hair, in exchange for elongated childhoods, bipedalism etc? Considering conditions at the time, seems like devolution. And why is it NO OTHER SPECIES seems on its way to where we are, after all these millennia??
We also have to consider humans great Fine motor skills as a crucial factor; an animal can have an amazing notion of how to create a tool from their surroundings but without the ability to actually execute the idea there’s little benefit from it. Look at the way chimpanzees and other great apes besides humans use tools; they have the notion of using tools for cutting, breaking and even washing, but they do it in a not very productive way given how low their Fine motor skills are.
This is not the true answer, to find that we have to solve what caused or allowed us to evolve into having children with such long childhoods when doing so goes against our chances of surviving. Almost all species have very short childhoods, they are born and within a few months they are strong and ready to fight. This happens to ensure they survive. Why did humans not evolve like all other animals? What did we have that allowed us to survive as a defenseless child so well?
We are not the exception. Its just that we humans kinda killed the other slightly less Inteligent species. Even if we at some point shared this planet with another equally super Inteligent species. We would fight with then, and in the end only one of them would remain. Asking themselves why are they the only one alone. We humans often dislike what is different, the Inteligence that we have doesn’t prevent us from being stupid.
That’s easy answer: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1, ESV) 26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. 28 And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” (Genesis 1:26, ESV) No need waste public money on this stupid research, just open Bible and read all is there 👍
Because we have more evolved brains, simple, our bodies are the same as other animals, but our brains are different, not even better, just different, because other animals are way smarter when it comes to hunting, camouflage, and survival in their environment, we need weapons to hunt, unless they are very small creatures, for example, if you put a bare human and a lion against each other, the lion would win because it is stronger, and knows how to hunt better, humans are smarter in some areas, and animals are smarter in other areas
I’m sorry this doesn’t make sense. Obviously the Bible makes more sense here. Animals were here first, and then god made humans in his image, with his likeness, …a lot different from animals, on purpose, from day one. All this about stone tools, and fire, …I can’t believe people still think, or act like that makes any sense. Stone tools, and fire don’t mean humans were learning, or getting smarter. Humans have always had stone tools, fire, and wheat. This whole humans getting smarter thing …shoot evolution in general doesn’t account or have an explanation for the human condition, or sin to put everything’s context into. Bad things happen because of sin. Humans were made by god to worship him. Sin is innate for humans. Humans are sinful by nature. However, humans have free will, logic, and reason. Animals can’t sin, because they don’t have free will. Animals only act on instinct, not logic or reason. Animals were made to reflect god as the creator, but never to worship him the same as humans. Their existence alone glorifies god, and taking care of gods creation also glorifies god. Animals were made on purpose, with a purpose, to be different from us humans. Culture plays a big roll in human history, but culture changing over time, doesn’t necessarily mean humans are getting smarter. If anything humans have gotten dumber over time because ancient places like great Egypt, and Peru, put us to shame. …just so I don’t make another comment: When, animals die they don’t go to heaven, or hell like humans do because that’s not what god intended for their life plans.
God is not as simple as people try to explain, your simplicity dismissal of a being who created and arrogance to think of he as simple is the problem, we all think deeply and think we are the only one so self aware and we are not going to be like the thousand generations before and just accept what they told us we are too smart for that we think! The reality is we are not more aware we create new definitions for things, new technologies, new devices, even new languages modern day. But the truth lives within us all and no matter how we try to be different and use different words, describe different perspectives, or experiences we all know several things! Evolution is bullshit we didn’t come from cosmic soup, or lighting into algae or whatever other nonsense Darwin so plainly failed at and pushes all who are butthurt in the direction of nothingness! We also know intelligent design is at play, there is to much creation to not have a creator, this did not keep accidently happening intelligently chance by chance by chance! Nothing changed into something else or evolved upwards, if anything things degrade only and continuously!
Humans are one of a kind. I don’t think evolution alone can explain our uniqueness among the innumerable lifeforms. I’m not sure you can even classify us as animals. It may be more accurate to say we are descended from animals or we have animal ancestry. But clearly, we also have a spark of the divine. We aren’t just more intelligent than animals. We are fundamentally different. Animals are more like biological automatons, where as we have free will. Moreover, I’ve never seen an animal appear to comprehend the sublime. You never see them stopping to take in a beautiful view. They never appear to marvel at human creations, or show any interest in music. Even the most primitive humans, if they discovered a watch, would wonder who made it. They would know it doesn’t belong in nature, where as a pidgeon sees Notre Dame as just another rock to perch on. You can’t explain away the mystery of humanity by saying we have longer childhoods, or a superior ability to transmit our culture. I’m sure you could artificially extend a chimp’s childhood in order to test if this idea is true, but we already know it won’t make a difference. We won’t ever be able to teach an animal our culture. They simply lack the interest and the ability, nor will they ever evolve the ability. If it were that easy, it would have happened hundreds of times by now.
I sometimes wonder how the worlds cities and building would look for different animals if they had our intelligence…ya know like a dog can’t use a doorknob or how big stairs for an elephant would be. Or how they would make a “lock” easy enough for them to use like we do. Would they wear clothes? What kind of clothes if so? Just some high-deas hahah
I feel it eventually boils down to curioisty, research and exchange of information combined together that really makes us human… I mean u clicked this article out of curiousty, learned something from it by an exchange of your own thoughts and believes and hence derived a conclusion. I see no other animal doing that
There really is only one answer, we are a created being. Created by God. now is God as described in the Bible, or an ancient alien race that left us here or are we a simulation and God is the A.I. running the simulation. Take your pick but it is pretty obvious you can not explain humans through the work of Darwin
I think that in someway we can be biased that we consider ourselves completely different from animals, some forget that it took millions of years to evolve into the current species of Humanity, they use the excuse of the technology, artitecture, scientific acheivements and what we have done progressively to diffentiate us from animals like Wolves, Rabbits and Chimps, while I agree that its impressive, we mostly forget that not everything is perfect or like a utopia that people like to claim, we can act irritationally, the smartest we have to offer are only a minority, even the most average intelligent people can make irritational mistakes, we are still constrained to our primitive instincts; Reproducing regardless of how horrible the living standards people are in and self preservation regardless if a situation is actually dangerous or not. If we remained neutral and not 100% certain about something in a biased manner, than most people would at least treat non-humans with dignity (I know that there are people who care about animals, myself included, its probably because some have a caring personality, even for completely different species, not to the point of doing… unsual things that we would consider immoral or disgusting, that doesn’t represent the majority, if anything, they’re just following the law because they don’t want to get introuble or they may actually care about animals, but regardless, there are people who still mistreat animals as if we’re somehow not animals to a different capacity.
Why are people so different from animals? First off, you’re not animals, you are mankind created in the sixth day. What made you who you are is the God of creation. What distinguishes mankind from animals is the possibility of having a personal relationship with our Creator, as earthly vessels in which he resides. Look folks, the speaker is reprobate having no preeminence above a beast. Human beings DO NOT EXIST except in biological evolution from corrupt minds of liars and antichrist; those who believe in evolution and mankind being animals. Science is their god … and fire their only reward. REPENT!
My real question is if someone can please answer it maybe it would be this professor if he read this why are we the only species on this planet to evolve the way that we did why is no other species evolved similar to us what happened were there some species that evolved and why are we the only ones it makes no sense all species have been on this planet together so to speak in the same amount of time but yet we keep trying to tell ourselves we’re the only ones that evolved that somehow become sentient and human this makes no sense to me I’m sorry there should be other species that are almost like us there should be a crocodile man there should be an alligator man there should be a shark man there should be a whale man there should be a birdman you get what I’m saying every species on this planet has been here just as long as we have and they have not changed nothing about them has changed yes some have maybe adapted certain things to become better what they’re doing and living but not changed like we have you’re trying to say we went from being a monkey or a gorilla to a walking talking human in the span of a year if you think about it that’s what they’re trying to say they’re trying to say at the beginning of the calendar year to the end of the calendar I’ve heard will make this reference thousands of times yes long periods I understand that but that’s how they try to make us understand it that us humans became human this makes absolutely no sense to me why was there no other creature on this planet that has become what we are today do you understand this is impossible
That’s probably part of the answer, but it doesn’t explain culture. They’ve done experiments with apes and four year old children around the world where they showed a bunch of useless tappings with a stick you do before you open a drawer in a clear box to retrieve a treat. When this is shown to apes, they simply open the drawer and take out the treat because they know the useless tappings with the stick has nothing to do with it. But all the human children from around the world replicated the useless repetition before retrieving the treat. We have a fascination with useless things that we assume is important because someone we view as an authority shows it to us. Apes don’t have that. It doesn’t make sense yet.
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. I shall rule over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
But then, you can still ask, what are the genetic origins of prolonged acculturation. Or ask, what are the mechanisms by which we assimilate culture, or turn scattered data into something coherent? Can Chimps do what we do, given four times as much time? How does human language, music and mathematical skills play apart? And how did these skills provide an adaptive advantage? Tool making, we have some reason to believe, is enhanced by language instruction, for example.
Our understanding of the world and the universe is hindered because language is an imperfect way to learn and express things. A good example of this would be schadenfraude, the German word for ‘deriving pleasure from someone else’s misfortune’. I know I spelled it wrong An it’s not exactly a perfect translation but the point is that there are things that we CANNOT understand because we LITERALLY don’t have the words to express/describe things. In the same way a dog can be clever but will never be able to understand the book your reading or the movie your perusal.
Its not “Length of Childhood” that makes us different. Its our support networking. Without proper guidance and security in at least emotional bonds, life can take the most beautiful person and turn them inside out with hatred and grief. In turn, greed, and control issues, but thats a bit of a tangent. Sure, animals are just as intelligent (if not smarter at the moment) as humans and can communicate, but they dont have libraries because they dont write. They dont have thumbs. Also weve been doing a hell of a job killing them off as well so,, that sure puts a damper on their ancestral “trees”.
Is this evolution or the Human Body conditions itself to the environment after prolonged adaptations to its surrounding ? 1*So if you were a Islander your whole body system is naturally condition to survive in such an environment *If you lived in Ice Cold Country your body adapts to extreme cold for survival 3*The Human body is all of 96 natural elements and its all energy with little mass “Atomic body “: 4*These atoms must be activated, electrons hitting neutrons and protons to create the energy the body needs for SURVIVAL 5*HUMANS are created smart Bio robots not at all evolved from Animals The animals do not have the varied cells, neurons, and DNA including the bone structure of the Spine and Brain matter 3lbs 6*All Animals are still the same as billions of years ago but have lost their physical conditions due to pollution and environment changes 7*Archeiologist have dug up skulls and mummyfied bodies buried millions of years ago and they look no different to present day humans 8*We have to be happy we were created differently and not evolved from single cells or animals. 9* Today Scientist proudly boast of Artificial Intelligence created by them, almost identical to a human 10*If this is accepted and possible Aliens, Gods or the Creater could have created Humans as Bio Robots for their own needs or benefits 11*Maybe to develop the Universe,maybe just populate and make the vast emptiness be more liveable. 13*We have to seriously rephrase ” Humans evolved” to “Humans were created” with basic intelligence and body structure but over centuries they conditioned their body brain and mind to adapt for SURVIVAL
this topic facinates me a lot I think it should be studied a lot more… why out of billions of species is there only 1… 1 solitary one that diverted so differently to add all these weird irrelivent uneccasary things to our lives…. Why are we born so helpless… why do we question things… but really why are there no others… it makes such little sense… I personally think that we are not beneficial, our development is actually pointless.. if there is no purpose to existence and all that matters is breeding and surviving.. then we have added a significant amount of useless and ineficient “steps” to our existence.
The thing is, we may or may not have the answer as to why humans only developed to the level they are today, but why is it that other animals didn’t? If we keep the evolutionary process in our minds, and say that we developed because of the culture and the society that passed ideas and information down the generations, is it true that if any animal was kept and trained like a human being, say like a part of the family in every family and in every tribe/society from the primitive times, would that animal also evolve to be human? or semi human? if no then why? if yes then how? And also, can there be a time in the future, that, if we see this from a consciousness point of view, that this consciousness was GIVEN and not acquired, that we start losing this in the future? like we start becoming like Animals in the future, stupid and unable to comprehend even basic things? Like if someone somewhere gave us these basic fundamental principles and functions upon which we built ourselves exactly like they wanted or expected?
God….not that deity in a book im talking about whatever is responsible for this whole reality created the perfect biological being to observe itself from within but that came with alot of things we perceive as evil but everything we was gifted through thought even a tool was indeed a gift but that knowledge that led us to hunting bigger animals sadly led us to hunting each other so no eve didn’t bite the apple from the tree of knowledge but when we was gifted with knowledge of right and wrong evolutionary speaking at our most venerable (feminine/eve) thats when we where no longer animals acting purely on animalistic instinct alone
Because we can talk out our differences…. But when that one human from animal distinction is not reachable, is usually when i catch domestic charges. Communication is everything. You keep speaking in ignorance and baby im keep speaking in truthful tongues. You act out as animal and ill act out as Syrian zoo trainer.
How is it? We survived as long as we have ? Even tho our vital organs are so very exposed. It seems that, this is a huge weakness and would be a huge disadvantage, to animals that actually evolved on this planet . Somehow here we are at the top of the food chain? Strange . No matter how smart one is . When you Look into the past, population numbers were a lot higher, when it comes to predators like Tigers and bears and wolves, and many other animals like these. To animals like these, I imagine, we would be food ! And a easy meal at that! given that our vital organs are so exposed as they are !
Humans as We are, were Various forms of Animals. Thise who retained traits of those animals were killed off by those who had more Humanish features. The Process is known as Genosis to those Who came from Heaven. This was Inclusive of bringing “an animal” into the Floating Temple and Realigning Thier Genetic Material. The Missing Link is the Genome Splicer that was Used to Reform the Primative Genome into a more Advanced make. The sequences used to fill the gap were that of the Angels Slaughtered in Heaven for challenging Lucifer for the Throne. Saying They would Never Bow to the Form thier God made for His Father so that He could be born Like This. As Such, there were Gallons of the Blood Mopped Up and Saved for a Rainy Day. -Lucifer (by Spirit) The Father of Time Himself(not Time…His Only Dad)
3:33 – Do you see why it’s important to revive/reboot/refine unpopular, obscure or even dead Indigenous cultures and spiritualities? They are untouched by the influences of otherworldly evils! It’s a reboot for all of humanity – our problem solving potential, creativity and so much more. Allow me to see Hoku and I’ll make humanity’s creativity GO WILD! It’s to the benefit of all of humanity to do this and it starts with the Kingdom of Hawai’i’s full sovereignty.
It is so awful how human beings today deny the obvious truth: That we are human beings, with a unique-for -us higher part consisting of individuality / spirit/thinking capacity/ freedom/having morality and the choice between good and evil. He is still evolving, not ready at our evolutionary destination like the animals are. They are perfect in their specialization, whereas man is non-specialized and adaptable to many different situations and abilities. Calling the human being an animal is as wrong as it would be to call an animal a plant, or calling a plant a stone, mineral.We belong to a 4th kingdom, category, layer, realm and cannot be sorted among animal.To do that is to wing-clip him, to shrink him, to mutilate him, to stunt his growth, to empoverish him, to do him infinite injustice and cómmit a crime against him.
MEAT – What did we do with those “tools”? With those sharp stone pieces? We cut off chunks of scavenged meat and our brains grew from dense animal nutrition. Our brain sized grew and grew. We became the ultimate hunters of meat. Then when we started cooking our meat we leaped forward again. Tools, culture, meat, fire. These things set us apart. When we became non-nomadic and started farming/agricultural based out brains have shrunk the last 10,000 years.
We followed migrations of cuddle buffalo, and with that keen to discovery of magic mushrooms 🍄 that’s what put us on a pathway to who we are today That’s why when you look back on history, and even till today, the water buffalo cow are held at high regard, even till today look back at any time period in history of humanity and you will find a four-legged buffalo cow held in. Hi Steam
So glad that this scientist pinpointed an obvious reality pertaining to humans (by the way, one which Aristotle also saw as pivotal). That reality is the very extended period of maturation for our children. This not only allows for incredible formation of culture, it also does something else (noted by Aristotle), yet treated as unimportant today. That is the necessity of strong and long pair-bonding between a woman and a man (the father). This is so important that NO civilization can arise without it and any society that ignores it will quickly go extinct.
so the dude really isn’t going to explain how the code works??? shit I could have generated that graph in 20 lines of python with matplotlib…… How does one even quantify culture or is he using culture to mean “social learning”, where a node can transfer information to another node given a brownian???(this is how anyone would approach this problem)………. but, im gonna need to see the code doc.
the most obv fact that dosent seem to come up in this article is that humans are the most cruel and ruthless “animals” on the planet, and every modern society is built up from superior streangth to one and other human being. The laws and rules applyed in to a modern civilisation are all structured around who has the most brute force to make the others subbmit beneth them and be ruled by others above themselfs on this planet. This article is trying to apply that humans are more superior based on knowladge and wisdom but that is just an over rate, we are simpley more dominant and harsh aginst nature and other human beings. Any one els who belives anything els is either naiv or very brainwashed. Look at human history of the 100 000 years modern humans have been alive, ther has been over 20 000 “registerd” wars which nearly 15k of those has been religiousely wars but with the same principels as any other war have had “Power”.
I didn’t find it convincing. I think the ability to walk on 2 feet gave these creatures more advantage over the other animals. That’s where the ability to create began. But always wonder what must have made human to walk on feet for generations and generations? The obvious answer is TREEs. But what kind of trees and HOW?
Do you think 🤔 there are any animals that have the different fingerprints; within a species of the animal? Human are too special, we are too special to be called or classified as animals. No two humans have exactly the same fingerprints. Even if there are animals that share this same characteristic (if there is), we are still different from any other animal on planet earth, and of course, in the whole universe. Humans are three-dimensional; having spirit, soul and body. Some of us often say ‘that is the spirit’, knowing the idea that we have spirits. Whereas, animals do not. Humans are very powerful. Of course, God – the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, is All-powerful. Then, humans are next in command, then nature- animals are classified as part of nature.
We are different because change accelerates over time as advantages accumulate. First-mover advantage snowballed. We invented fire and cooking and stone tools a long time ago, and each new invention led to more new inventions. We filled the niche first, so nothing else can. And we’re too far ahead, nothing could possibly catch us on Earth.
okay but what about pets? are you saying over time we will eventually have cultured pets that are way smarter? also isn’t culture and craving for social interaction part of our code? so what really makes us different? I guess it’s just luck and fine tuning and it’s been happening for a long time, it has created a highway in which information can be passed on…which is language and culture?.. they are pretty much the same thing right? but culture would fall into habbits and language is totally different… im sure they use differnet parts of the brain .. im just shooting in the dark here no idea wtf im on about lol. but it’s super interesting i think there is a perfect conditional determination(or a release22 😛 ). happening with the outside world, evolution/generational knowledge and our brains..
Dont you know animals are talking but as human we cant under stand Cat:meow! Meow’ meow! Cat2:meow meow meow!! Humans:i dont understand In reality if your a cat you hear this Cat:hello human i love you Cat2:yay me to Thats what cats are syaing Animals can understand other animals too Humans cant understand Exept parrots they understand humans All animals too
The Spirit of Life’s Power is shown supremely in each world of creation: In the mineral realm it is seen in ‘cohesion’, in the plant world as ‘growth’, in the animal realm as ‘sense perception & mobility’, in humans alone there is ‘abstract thinking’. In the highest realm, that of the Messenger of God (i.e. Moses, Christ, Muhammad, Baha’u’llah etc. etc.), it is seen as the power of ‘revelation’. ~ Baha’i Faith Concepts
This is because humans are created in the image of God. It is mankind’s unique capacity for moral and rational awareness. God made humans to be inherently different from animals. He built into us some of His own qualities; we share with Him the experience of personality, truth, beauty, meaning, will, and reason. These attributes allow us to relate to God in ways other created beings cannot. Another meaning is that humans were meant to stand as the representative of God’s authority on the earth as we rule over and subdue the rest of His creation. I find it fascinating how we’re able to domestic/tame animals, and our desire to pet and nurture them.
Most animals are better adapted to their environments than we are. Most animals are more civilized. They have to hunt to kill so they can eat, but they aren’t doing it for amoral reasons. Nature forces them to compete to mate. They don’t wreck the environment. They aren’t self promoting. They aren’t malicious. Even a shark or a cobra is just being instinctual and surviving.
We humans are a bunch of animals. We’re good at some things and bad at others. We’re good at running, but bad at flying. We’re good at digging holes and burrowing things out of the ground, but bad at swimming. We’re good at using our hands to make things, but bad at catching flying objects in midair. We’re good at building fires and keeping warm, but bad at staying cool in hot weather. We’re good at eating plants and animals, but bad at eating rocks. We’re good at using tools, but bad at making them.