Dr. Jane Goodall, a British ethologist, is known for her trailblazing research on chimpanzees in Tanzania since 1960. She discovered their complex social behaviors, tool use, and omnivorous diet, and founded the Jane Goodall Institute. Goodall’s life and work have revolutionized our understanding of animal behavior and evolution. Born in London, England, at 26, Goodall traveled to Tanzania at the age of 26 to study wild chimpanzees. In her leisure time, she observed native birds and animals, made extensive notes and sketches, and read widely in zoology and ethology literature.
Goodall’s dream of traveling to Africa to observe exotic animals in their natural habitats began at an early age. She attended the Uplands private school and dreamt of living with animals and writing books about them. Despite the dark continent, Goodall enjoyed gardening, cooking, and spending time with her family and beloved pets.
Goodall’s work with chimpanzees changed many ideas about them, such as how a chimpanzee made a tool. Born to a middle-class English family, Goodall spent much of her time playing, exploring, and looking for animals. In the summer of 1960, her dream led her to study chimpanzees in Tanzania, where she discovered their complex social behaviors, tool use, and omnivorous diet. Goodall’s life and work continue to inspire conservationists and researchers alike. Donations can help support Goodall’s legacy and continue her groundbreaking work in studying chimpanzees in Tanzania.
📹 First Look at Jane | National Geographic
About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world’s premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure.
Does Jane Goodall believe in God?
In her 1999 book Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey, author Susan Goodall discusses her belief in a guiding power in the universe, stating that she must admit anti-chance and believe in God. Goodall, who was raised as a Christian, believes in a great spiritual power, particularly in nature, and believes in evolution and belief in God. In her foreword to Ervin Laszlo’s 2017 book The Intelligence of the Cosmos, Goodall emphasizes the importance of accepting an Intelligence driving the process of evolution and that the Universe and life on Earth are inspired by an unknown and unknowable Creator, a Supreme Being, and a Great Spiritual Power.
Goodall used unconventional practices in her study, such as naming individuals instead of numbering them, to prevent emotional attachment and loss of objectivity. In summary, Goodall’s work highlights the importance of belief in a guiding power in the universe and the role of spirituality in shaping our understanding of the universe.
What is Jane Goodall least favorite animal?
The speaker exhibits a strong aversion to ticks, fleas, and tapeworms, demonstrating a lack of concern for the rapper under discussion. Additionally, they exhibit no particular affinity for any specific animal.
What was Jane Goodall’s hobbies?
Early childhood fascination with animal behavior led to her interest in observing native birds and animals, making extensive notes and sketches. She dreamed of traveling to Africa to observe exotic animals in their natural habitats. Goodall attended the Uplands private school, earning her school certificate in 1950 and a higher certificate in 1952. She worked as a secretary at Oxford University and a London-based documentary film company to finance a trip to Africa.
In the late 1950s, Goodall visited South Kinangop, Kenya, and met anthropologist Louis Leakey, who hired her as a secretary and invited her to participate in an anthropological dig at the Olduvai Gorge. Goodall also studied the vervet monkey on Lake Victoria.
What did Jane Goodall like to do when she was a child?
Early childhood fascination with animal behavior led to her interest in observing native birds and animals, making extensive notes and sketches. She dreamed of traveling to Africa to observe exotic animals in their natural habitats. Goodall attended the Uplands private school, earning her school certificate in 1950 and a higher certificate in 1952. She worked as a secretary at Oxford University and a London-based documentary film company to finance a trip to Africa.
In the late 1950s, Goodall visited South Kinangop, Kenya, and met anthropologist Louis Leakey, who hired her as a secretary and invited her to participate in an anthropological dig at the Olduvai Gorge. Goodall also studied the vervet monkey on Lake Victoria.
Did Jane Goodall ever marry?
In 1967, Dr. Goodall, a prominent primatologist, gave birth to a son, Hugo, with Dutch nobleman and wildlife photographer Baron Hugo van Lawick. In 1975, she married Derek Bryceson, who died in 1980.
Is Jane Goodall a vegan?
Jane Goodall, a vegan activist, has been a vegetarian for many years, but she transitioned to a plant-based diet in 2015 after realizing the negative impact of animal agriculture on the environment, animal welfare, and human health. Goodall’s veganism is rooted in her belief that a plant-based diet promotes animal welfare, protects the planet, and maintains a healthy lifestyle. Despite facing numerous challenges, Goodall remains an inspiring figure in environmentalism and animal welfare, inspiring others to take action for the planet and its inhabitants.
She believes that everyone has the choice to make a difference in their diet, lifestyle, and purchasing habits. To follow in Goodall’s footsteps, individuals can support conservation efforts and reduce their carbon footprint.
What are fun facts about Jane Goodall?
Jane Goodall, a renowned female researcher, grew up in England and had a passion for playing out doors. Her mother encouraged her to pursue her dreams, and she had a favorite book, Tarzan, which sparked her interest in animals. Despite financial struggles, Jane attended film school and saved money to travel with scientists, studying fossils and studying chimpanzees in Asia and Africa. She became one of the most well-known female researchers, learning about fascinating facts about chimpanzees.
Jane became friends with several chimpanzees and founded organizations like the Jane Goodall Foundation and Roots and Shoots to help save chimpanzees. Despite her efforts, Jane continues to work towards saving these endangered species.
What is Jane Goodall’s hobby?
Early childhood fascination with animal behavior led to her interest in observing native birds and animals, making extensive notes and sketches. She dreamed of traveling to Africa to observe exotic animals in their natural habitats. Goodall attended the Uplands private school, earning her school certificate in 1950 and a higher certificate in 1952. She worked as a secretary at Oxford University and a London-based documentary film company to finance a trip to Africa.
In the late 1950s, Goodall visited South Kinangop, Kenya, and met anthropologist Louis Leakey, who hired her as a secretary and invited her to participate in an anthropological dig at the Olduvai Gorge. Goodall also studied the vervet monkey on Lake Victoria.
What is Jane Goodall’s interest?
Dr. Jane Goodall, a wildlife researcher, has dedicated nearly 60 years to preserving chimpanzees from extinction. Her work has redefined species conservation to include the needs of local people and the environment. Goodall travels the world, speaking about threats facing chimpanzees and environmental crises, urging people to take action on behalf of all living things and the planet we share. She travels nearly 300 days a year, showcasing her passion for wildlife and her dedication to protecting these endangered species.
What was Jane Goodall’s passion?
In 1957, Jane Austen embarked on a journey to visit her friend and family in Kenya. She met paleoanthropologist Dr. Louis Seymour Bazett Leakey, who offered her a job at the local natural history museum. Leakey believed Jane’s passion for animals, high energy, and fortitude made her an ideal candidate to study wild chimpanzees in Tanzania. Leakey believed Jane’s lack of formal academic training would allow her to study chimpanzees with an open mind and discover more about early humans.
In December 1958, Jane returned to England, and Leakey began arranging the expedition. She moved to London to work in the film library at the London Zoo, where she studied primat behavior. In May 1960, Jane learned that Leakey had secured funding from the Wilkie Brothers Foundation. With permits in hand, she boarded a plane to Nairobi. On July 14, 1960, Jane arrived at the Gombe Stream Game Reserve with her mother, accompanied by an escort and a cook, Dominic.
📹 What separates us from chimpanzees? | Jane Goodall
Http://www.ted.com Jane Goodall hasn’t found the missing link, but she’s come closer than nearly anyone else. The primatologist …
“I was 11 when Tarzan came out (Book) and I was in love with him, and what did he do? He married the wrong Jane.” 😂😂😂😂😂💀 She has a sense of humor too. I love her, she has dedicated her entire life to the understanding and survival of chimpanzees. That is a Love and Strength that’s missing in today’s world and it’s only getting worse. Passion is a dying breed
Jane Goodall is such an inspiration to our society. Humans and apes are obviously much more alike then some of us know, it’s incredible. I really hope to study wildlife when I’m older as well in Africa or in Brasil. My father studied wildlife in the Amazon Rainforest for many years and told me that that was one of the best and most incredible experiences in his entire life.
As someone who regularly devoured National Geographic from almost the moment I could first read, Dr. Goodall was one of the towering figures of my youth. IMHO, it is a matter of considerable shame, for our species as a whole, that we have not done enough to either safeguard the habitats and welfare of our ancient anthropoid bretheren, nor paid proper homage to the tireless dedication of Dr. Goodall.
A professor during a Zoology class a long time ago told me I am like Jane Goodall. I took it as a compliment. That was a very long time ago. Zoology turned out to be not my best choice of a career however I have never lost interest in it after finishing my first year of university in a Bachelor’s degree there. Some years before that I was told by a doctor I would be for the rest of my life sick while needing to take medication with risks for the rest of my life as if it was too late for me too. That doctor and the next one too after I slowly weaned myself off those prescription drugs without telling them at first were both then to learn about how adults do have brain plasticity and the ability to learn well into their old age thanks sometimes to the healing process too.
wanna know how she started this? Ok! Her dad gave her a teddy bear it was an animal she loved it so much and everyone who came to visit her house well they thought it was real and they got so scared of it and when she grew up she went somewhere where chimpazees are and when she was done with school she goes there almost everyday and then she went back to school to study mammels and this is why she loves mammals
A professor during a Zoology class a long time ago told me I am like Jane Goodall. I took it as a compliment. Zoology turned out to be not my best choice of a career however I have never lost interest in it after finishing my first year of university in a Bachelor’s degree there. Some years before that I was told by a doctor I would be for the rest of my life sick while needing to take medication with risks for the rest of my life as if it was too late for me too. That doctor and the next one too after I slowly weaned myself off those prescription drugs without telling them at first were both then to learn about how adults do have brain plasticity and the ability to learn well into their old age thanks sometimes to the healing process too.
I don’t get it, why would we need such a narrow definition of “human” and “nature”? Humans are a part of nature. It doesn’t really matter, as long as you believe in the theory of evolution, but if you believe in other, maybe religious attempts to define genesis, you might need that narrow construct (first and foremost not to contradict your own believes).
Jane was absolutely beautiful!!! She had this very suttle look to her that belong on the cover of a magazine. This was the real Jane of Tarzan & Jane. I remember her from a child. Her love for the Chimpanzee world is so amazing. I too have a love for Chimpanzees and have always been fascinated by how much they’re like us.
30 minutes ago I lied in my bed scared of depression slowly catching my hearth again. After hearing Jane’s words of wisdom that nature and love overcomes everything, I got new hope, because I believe that I am a part of the life circle called nature. Thank you Jane ❤️ Thank you Ted for bringing the content to the public
I grew up in the woods and left to live in LA, to work. After doing so, I’ve experienced the effect of cities- I could feel the smog in my mouth, and my mood became morose. I get headaches all the time and I have a hard time sleeping. I understand her concerns about concrete and hopelessness. I feel her shame and hurt for mankind because we are unable to work together and create a sustainable world. I hope it changes.
jane goodall’s a shiny example of what martin luther was saying in 1517: “A man does not live for himself alone in this mortal body to work for it alone, but he lives also for all men on earth; rather, he lives only for others and not for himself. To this end he brings his body into subjection that he may the more sincerely and freely serve others.”
Mightily valuable message . Problem is how to this across nations and culture. Until this ideas reach and agree to by all other cultures. Our ideas, however true and honorable, remain practice of the west. That would be a worldly pity. Thanks for the great effort. Let’s uphold the hope . Thanks from HK
Beautiful wise, strong, humanistic, WOMAN as any one, teaching us compassion toward ALL ANIMALS and NATURE, We are the only Animal not helping, not producing anything, so we must listen and learn and be humble in order to keep an order to protect NATURE AS MOST AS POSSIBLE!!! Thank you JANE GOODALL for all your experiences and love to animals and nature, thank you thousand times!!
My first introduction to Jane was when I was in the third grade. They had us doing a lot of really cool independent study projects. We had to read her 1988 book, “my life with the chimpanzees.” I remember it was a lot to process as a boy: a beautiful young woman going into the heart of Africa to live among apes, just to study them? Chimps and gorillas can rip a normal man in half on a bad day. It wasn’t until I became an adult that I realized how significant this woman’s contributions to society are. She is an OG, who lived through World War II as a young girl; who would go on to become one of the foremost and respected ambassadors for animals and biology. She speaks with a level of wisdom, warmth and optimism that we all need more of.
Nature can recover but we must stop destroying it with development. We don’t need anymore strip malls, giant homes and stores. We can buy online. We can live smaller. I’ve seen a parking lot where a restaurant was torn down and in 4 months it re grew small trees, wild flowers and grasses. We need to make room for nature to take over again and give her a place to begin new life. We need to stop taking away what nature has worked so hard to accomplish. This is in our hands. Stop hoping somebody else will do it. No it’s not easy, but if we work together we can make a huge difference, but we need to actually do something about it and stop waiting for someone else to do it for us.
warakoze Dr. Jane you came to our land and made us learn how to value what we learned in school that these are “Dump things” wild life I mean… My daughter, wish you could see her… she now say “babaa I want to be like Dota JANE wa SOKWEEE ” THANK YOU. KARIBU KIGOMA TENA NA TENA. If I could be from somewhere else I could say these are just stories…
My illness has given me profound awareness to concentrate on the point! The search for the point almost always brings me back to our Capitalistic mindset and the power behind it – Large Corporations, with modern governments being the largest corporations! It’s all about business and infinite expansion while living on an finite planet. You don’t have to be smart to figure this out. The question remains – WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?!
I too cry for shame at what we humans have done to other species, the jungle, the forest, the insects, the birds, the fishes, reptiles etc, etc. In the last 50 years UK we have killed off with pesticides at least 60% of insects and birds in what we have left in the country side. Mammal numbers are almost wiped out in 50 years, to say nothin of previous uk extinctions. Bears, wolves, red sqirrels, lynx, loads of various small mammals.
How we wish academics(intelligence) would solve most of human affairs. The truth is they cannot. This is why we still have spiritual quest. Science is inconclusive and imperfect, in many cases wrong science approaches cause more harms and irretrievable outcomes. Especially in the Third World, the Western Power continuing to deny the Colonialism which destroyed the nature and spirit of the indigenous people there. Therefore, the ex-exploiters have a lot to account for, and they need to pursue more vigorously spiritual and holistic truth search. Knowledge and understanding different culture is not enough. Their arrogance has to be destroyed. Respect must be borne in anything academics tackle. Scientists/Academics cannot be god. We live in the world where excessive emphasis on science is highly regarded, while neglecting soul and spirit matters. Life is all about finding the truth – why one is given an only once chance to live – by one’s unique way. Chimpanzees may show us similarities with humans, but the fact is humans are not chimpanzees. We need to understand this undeniable reality we are not animals. We have to realize we have far more greater causes to be on the planet earth. Life is only once, why do we have to continue to live with negative animalistic instinct (hatred, prejudice, violence)? Instead, we can make far more efforts through self-awareness, spiritual awakening, truthful education/open mindedness, discarding unequal income distribution, greed-infested political and social systems to drastically enhance our life, regardless of where and what you are.
Much love to you Jane. I often feel desperate and so very ashamed of humans, it hurts my stomach. I have mental issues that make it very hard to utilize my potential, but I keep on trying. As long as I can educate myself and eventually lead a few people to a better consciousness and understanding of “our” Earth (our = all living beings), I’ll have done good. Meanwhile, I hope to develop my inner peace with the help of nature and all my animal cousins.
Perpetuated financial greed corrupts and threatens our own future. But we seem to defeat our own purpose. We no one to blame but ourselves. The wealthy elite ccontrol the economy, consumers and life as we know it. We aren’t powerless but have disavantages which require more action by the from everyone to make any progress conceivable, acheivable, measurable and constant sustainability. It requires such effort to from the majority of the it’s inhabitants, whom are less fortunate then the mongers of capitalism. One day at a time, each seed planted will make a difference in our lives long term. God bless Jane Goodall! She’s so easy to admire and love because she has integrity, intelligence, honesty, compassion, grace, bravery and resolve! I likely didn’t include a dozen more or so attributes describing her? For all her lifetime achievements & sacrifices made for positive change our own humanity.
Incredible Jane Goodall, life work and views. A true inspiration in the field of ecology and biology. Sadly the people coughing and making noises constantly should have been immediately removed from the Ted Theater! It is embarrassing on Ted’s behalf that the company cannot secure a respectful situation and environment for someone as incredibly inspiring and professional as Jane Goodall.
Dr. GOODALL…is a GENIUS! 😊 She, like truly humanistic human beings, can feel and identify with the sentience of other beings. Only, she consistently gives the silent a voice! The only thing that separates animal from man, is the dried up mentality that animal and man are different…we are all animal…and we SHARE this gorgeous planet!
Jane Goodall is my shero. She speaks truth and is so smart. Unfortunately, we didn’t listen and even though this was 20 years ago..we have done next to nothing to change our ways. Humans are destroying the planet every day. And yet as intelligent as we are, we are so stupid! If we learned to live with nature and this planet and animals instead of against it, our world would be so different, so beautiful.
Jane Goodall was the first public figure that I looked up to, in a sense a hero or an idol for me when I was a kid. She still holds this roll for me. Thank you Jane for your work, your care for the world and your hope for the future. Human brains and hearts, like ours, are rising to love problems, and we like nature, are resilient.
“In order to stabilize world population, it is necessary to eliminate 350,000 people a day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it’s just as bad not to say it.” — Oceanographer Jacques Cousteau, as quoted in “The Courier,” a publication of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (U.N.E.S.C.O.)
A brilliant talk! But ‘sophisticated language’ relies on the ability to make associations between ideas and experiences, to conceptualize on an abstract level, and to deliver well-reasoned and sometimes hypothetical as well as practical conclusions which go far beyond the ability of a chimp to use a touch-screen. Over and above that, can a chimp understand the Bhagavad Gita, or imagine or relate to what we call spiritual reality or the transcendental world? That doesn’t mean we should look down upon animals – but why do they have to be ‘like us’ to gain our respect and compassion? If humans have been around for hundreds of millions of years, why has it taken so long to understand that animals have their own feelings and a culture and a society worthy of our respect? Thank you, Ms Goodall, for reminding us of our long-standing arrogance. In the long run, we are destroying – not only our natural world – but inevitably, we are destroying ourselves.
Perdi 30 minutos do meu sono, que valeram a pena! São pessoas como ela que fazem a diferença, pena que não seja com tanto impacto como é pretendido! Porque enquanto o dinheiro e as futilidades falarem mais alto do que o que realmente importa, as mudanças nunca serão suficientes… Precisamos de muitas mais pessoas como a Jane! Precisamos de construir um mundo melhor!
As a student (don’t mind what I say) I got a project regarding this and I would say it’s the worst project I’ve got in my life. It was sooo boring (also good and interesting) but I was really hoping for a good project but while perusal this i couldn’t find any imp points all this sounds like one thing and really broke my hopes for my eng teacher 🤐😋🙄🙃
Ah noooo! the chief took the wrong decision, he has decided wrongly, he imagines things wrongly – ie to step into a new era, know about modern health care and learn new languages. If he does so, that would be his greatest greatest blunder ever, for all the wonders of his home is bound to be destroyed, must he choose this path. I urge him to think 10000000000000000000X before taking his ultimate decision. Cheers!
Que pena nõa está legendado este vídeo. Que mulher extraordinária. Linda sua vida dedicada a estudar os chimpanzés e nos dá lições sobre toda a natureza. Porem o elo perdido ela e ninguém achará, pois nunca foi perdido, está em cada um de nós, nela, em mim, em vc, é só olhar para a natureza, olhar para nós, que também fomos feitos da natureza, da terra. Nosso ELO se chama DEUS. Simples assim. E o ser humano não cuida da natureza por isto esta terra está fadada a fim desde o príncipio. O único animal da natureza que tem INTELIGÊNCIA é o ser humano, e é pela falta de SABEDORIA e não inteligência que ele se autodestruirá.
Sir, I DID compare myself to god, and I did say I am far more moral, and so are you. The actions of various organizations who have either endorsed or participated in acts of violence (ironically, all of them declaring Yahweh on their side) are irrelevant to this discussion. If you do not see how eternal torture is morally correct if it is a punishment for not following 1 denomination of 1 translation of the least credible religion, out of thousands, by the word, I guess we are done here.
I recognize the importance to preserve lens for diversity of other organisms so that they can initiate their Universal right to enjoy those lands by the same token we can’t even afford human beings those same rights, because our Universal rights come in the form of privileges that can be taken away from time to time. What is troubling me is that much of the forests around the world and Bush country is being now designated human free zones oh, this is completely unacceptable and discriminatory. There are deeper agendas and I’ll leave it up to you to discover those in, and hopefully you’re cognitive dissonance won’t get in the way of utilizing well-reasoned and critical thinking tools of the mind to get to the bottom of things. Cuz reality isn’t what we think it is. So we are having to compromise our Universal rights for these sorts of ideologies from which we cannot really substantiate, the earth goes through cataclysmic events thousands and thousands of them over. Of a million years that caused the extinction of nearly everything oh, and they will occur again over and over again, and so what will you have accomplished by taking away all the human beings Universal rights to be just like The Chimps in the forest?. So there is an agenda there. And that’s the bottom line
There seems to be the spirit kindred to people such as this woman, and then there is the spirit kindred to everyone else. I am of the former, but live as the latter. I am trapped in the lower class, and if I don’t contribute to what is killing us, I starve. I am looking for another way but I cannot see one.
Wait, you think everyone around you is immoral because they do not follow the teachings of one denomination of one religion out of 8 major religions and thousands of denominations? Have you never considered that there is not one word of god, but several interpretations by different faiths, and even several translations of each of those interpretations? Because the thought that everyone who does not believe in your version of your denomination of your religion is immoral is quite deluded.
I’ve met crazy people on Youtube but why are people bashing Jane Goodall for outlandish reasons? I’ve met Jane Goodall when she came to our High School and she’s great. She really cares for the environment and her apes. It’s a wonder why some people would be so against people who are doing good to the world.
i’m a french guy doing a subject on you and your work and i almost cried while perusal your article, when you wanted to stay a bit more to show people your work trying to convince them to change their way of living and to make an action to save the world. Your work is very ispiring. That’s beautiful ! 🙂
only bcus there is a loophole in the logic of evolution as darwin explained. I’ve been wanting to visit a museum that can show any hybrid fossil so I can ask the deeper questions. On the surface the theory hasn’t shown any backbone to it, no pun intended. Darwin said for his theory to be true in the future there would have to be this sort of, ‘hybrid fossil’ found or the theory fails. I’m just wondering where is the one ‘apeman fossil’. Once again tell me the museum and i’ll look it up
Science is not contained in one book, on one page or in one passage. The bible has been written, rewritten, translated…the eternal morals you speak of have changed even in your lifetime. I am not going to down your belief in a god, it’s harmless. But my main point remains, it would take minimal effort to find an answer to any question you have that is science related, there is a chimp in Japan that can do it.
What’s your point? I get in an airplane all the time on the faith that our understanding of physics will keep me alive. We all put our faith in scientific theories every day. The point I was making to ModernMarine was in response to a challenge to my intellect to prove that prime numbers continue to the infinite. Nobody can prove anything conclusively; it is through the process of disproving theories and making falsifiable hypothesis that science progresses its understanding of the universe.
Again, very disappointed with this talk from a scientific perspective. If anyone lands here looking for some real science on the topic, try Googling “The Cognitive Rift Between Humans And Other Animals”. You should be able to find some of the latest research conducted at Harvard. There really isn’t enough hard data on this subject though, which makes it difficult for many old philosophical concepts to advance/evolve.
@remon2727 Why is it that you believe in the bible and not other holy texts? What is the difference, how come some people believe and swear by other holy texts, but you swear by the bible. Im not trying to be rude or anything, im really curious of the answer. They cannot say your wrong but you cannot say their wrong for the same reasons. Both are making claims that are not funded by evidence. So I need to know what are the benefits of reading the bible, from say the Quran.
Why do people hate the fact that we have a common ancestor with apes so much? Where else would we come from? There has to be a point where we have a common ancestor with every species (when the original 1 celled organisms ruled the earth) and we all split from there. The common ancestor then split into an ape and a human down the line. Our DNA is 1% different
Well, I’m just saying…for someone who champions herself on environmental issues and population control, it seems just a tad hypocritical of her to be drinking out of a plastic water bottle, that will go to a landfill forever, and having a stuffed animal (both harmful to the earth and an insult to animals)
I agree with some of the things she wants to do but I don’t agree with the left wing approach that she takes to things. Rational, civilized people can work together to build a better world, but not all people are capable of such higher ideals unfortunately, and so her great big human family perspective doesn’t quite work.
And here we have more ad hominem, and more baseless assumptions. I do not believe in eugenics, and I do not believe that condemnation of the UN or the WHO is criminal behaviour. I DO believe, however, that making baseless claims is stupid – and stating that the WHO was responsible for developing AIDS is a baseless claim.
There is a difference between “promoting sodomy” and “promoting equal rights”. There is also another brilliant thing that occurs in both the USA and the United Kingdom called “free speech”, which means that, within reason, I am able to say things that offend people without legal repercussion. Two classic tenets of the homophobe are to assume that “promoting equal rights” are synonymous with “promoting sodomy” and that free speech only applies to them.
Also, yet again you make assumptions – I don’t march in parades either. Oh, and for your information, Webster defines sodomy as: “anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex ; also : copulation with an animal” NOT, as you suggest: “Promoting a group of folks because of their consensual sexual dalliances”
@sbergman27 Why is it unreasonable to expect her talk to reconcile with the title of her presentation? I’m not a professional scientist, but Jane Goodall is considered one of the preeminent scientific experts on primatology and not once in her 29 minute ramble does she even briefly summarize any science on the human-ape differences. She just goes on and on about how similar we are; who doesn’t know this already? Does she think TEDsters are a bunch of uneducated Creationist fanatics?
Thats absolutely alright. There is nothing wrong with you believing what you believe and closing your eyes and ears to any other explantion. I dont think there is anything wrong with that. My only problem is that I dont think it should be spread as fact if it is merely your belief and there is no way to prove it. I actually like your way of thinking and the way you put it, you have not made any false statements or ad hominem attacks. Just said its too hard to understand and would rather not.
@pratt123 Badass man, I’m swing quite the direction of the Buddhist way.. One of my dreams right now is to learn Chinese and, within ten or so years,journey to China and spend some years with the Shaolin monks.. I’d be very interested in what made you become a Buddhist.. Do you listen to Alan Watts?????
@ModernMarine1 Thanks, you just proved my point with a really great example. You could communicate your point about prime numbers using just stones and no language, but, other than humans, there’s no other creature on Earth that could understand what you were getting at. We already know how very much alike to other animals we are, but–like this article’s title suggests it was going to explain–what makes us different from a scientifically quantifiable perspective?
@MrFatherNature Lol, your right I always say 2% when I speak but often I write 1% when I type. I really cant explain, I think its a confusion I got from Neil Tyson speaking about if there was a species 1% different than us. Anyhow, your right, its 2% difference. PS. How do you know im young and not 86?
no set of laws can bring about righteousness to mankind, it is written. But if you think man can fix himself together without spiritual help from the almighty, can you show me what is to look for that is a sign he will not continue to attempt to destroy, seeking ownership to what is not his, commit crazier perverted crimes, elect better politicians to run our countries, stop voting to take away other ppl’s money unfairly, etc. Despite what peace we have going on, for any justice to take place
I’m not saying this bcus I want it to happen, i’m saying it bcus it is based on your rules and really u are no authority to enforce it. And of course I don’t mean something is evil about your rules. they are in fact good rules, but children are being raped in countries everyday by those in power and they are the lawmakers or their friends. So even if you have rules in place what does it matter if you can’t judge them for it in court. But yes, the word does speak of eternal judgement. In fact,
Yes, I am a better judge than the god you worship. I will not condemn anyone to torture because they did not love me. I will not favor any tribe and assist them in genocide just because I favor them. If people do not believe in my teachings, I would not kill every single one of them so that only the believers remain. And the odd thing is: you are also more moral than your god. You would not commit genocide or mass torture for such an arbitrary reason. Or so I hope.
it has nothing to do with my religion. I’m talking about A Creator who shows his eternal wisdom in scripture, His love for the world, and His Son wants us to turn to him for a spiritual relationship. I challenge you to this. No God, No objective transcendant moral order. Which means no god, all under the sun is permissible and right and wrong is just a subjective personal thing, It’s not permanent, and don’t judge anybody cus nobody made you king either. My right is your wrong and vice versa
My standard is not mine it is the one the word of God sets before me 1st off. He is greater than man in any way. 100 percent have failed except Christ. He is the cloak, yet if we believe we must obey. Objective has nothing to do with a worldly faith. Perfection in thought, deed, and word are beyond mortals. Our heart thinks evil things daily. I ask ppl who are atheists if they want last weeks thoughts to be put on a big screen and they all decline. only an immoral society lacks perpetual peace
(I was logged in under a family member’s profile, human mistake janicewttf). morals such as incest, or homosexual acts, even cursing 78 year old women out when you’re drunk. Anything can be justified no matter how stupid it sounds to you or me, and there is no reason to be good or nice to anybody that doesn’t directly affect ones life. That type of society is the future I expect if they don’t turn to Christ. You are calling ppl dumb without considering you could be talking to dangerous ppl
Morals are all subjective if there is no Almighty Creator to give them to us irrespective of sexual preference, or persons period. God gives us morals that are eternal, objective, trancendant, and in order for our sake and His glory. When you accept the wrong principles eventually they fail due to the times. The Almighty’s morals will always bring us to a better place with Him and disobeying them will yeild terrible results which is why our world is the way it is now. U said the truth in your
@ModernMarine1 I’m sorry you are unable, or unwilling, to comprehend my point. Learning & solving are different things, but Karl Popper’s Falsifiability Assertion says it best as referenced by Stephen Hawkings in this quote: “Any scientific theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis: you can never prove it. No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory.”
@SHIBBYiPANDA The thing about religion is your beliefs have to be very constant and easy to understand. It is very helpful to have a list of core principles. No offense meant, but Christianity is very fragmented, confused, and unclear. There is always a principle that opposes another principle, sometimes in the same chapter of the Bible. (Disclosure: I am a Buddhist and proud of it. Take my thoughts for what it is worth.)
@pratt123 Your absolutely right. You have to be very egotistical to not accept something that all evidence makes obvious. Ego can be blinding, unfortunately its part of the package of being human. We are the smartest that nature has to offer that we know of.(I said the smartest, not the best, best cant be measured) That’s why we have no predators, because we can pretty easily outsmart any other creature. That puts us all the way at the top of the food chain, which also makes us so egotistical.
@procommenter Lol, I like how you put it. When I say ruled the earth what I mean to say is they were the only ones on earth at a point. Its not that they ruled with civilizations like humans do. but they were once the only thing you would find, they then figured out clever ways to evolve and better themselves, push fast forward and look what we have today. Thats what i call ruling the earth in my book.
So we are back at the start. You think the world is a terrible place despite it being better than it was at every point in history, and what followed was a slew of verbose arguments I am not going to bother to address. Then you not only threaten me with eternal torture, but you condone this torture because this torturer supposedly created me. I am very disappointed that this comes from a thinking human being. Would you also condone the behavior of Josef Fritzl? Is this the morality you promote?
You should wait till you get some one on one bible study with a minister, or elder of Christ, maybe they can explain it better, bcus u are reading with carnal eyes, not spiritual ones. To say she stopped on the third night shows me how much she judged on appearance. Did she read the part where noah spoke to the world about God and repentance of their sins & they still rejected him? I guess they were just being innocent in their unbelief. Remember no science was around, so they knew basic logic
stump the almighty? He has the power and authority to give eternal life, take life, and defeat death, according to his ways bcus he created us and the first violator was the devil, then eve then adam was deceived. and mankind was made unrighteous through one man’s sin and, so now through one man’s righteousness the world could be made righteous as well. The ultimate obedience and sacrifice shown. He gave his only innocent son and his son agreed, so that this could be true. What great a LOVE!
But nadair even if you consider yourself a better judge that is only one u have thought to be better. How about creator which is his first description. Now the creator’s right’s are always put ahead of creation’s rights (or inventor’s/invention’s), so the former makes the rules on which u are to be judged and the consequences for serving your proper functions. and how are you a greater inventor, well forget it, you need his earth he created to do anything so u lose there. want to try again to
“they will be judged based on their own conscience” Not at all. according to your holy book, the people without a clear conscience will be called the least in heaven. Heaven! It does not matter how many people you have murdered, raped, or otherwise violated their rights, you can still go to heaven if you worship Yahweh. When I was young, my mother wanted to read from the bible before bedtime. She stopped on the 3rd night, concluding it was the most bloodthirsty and foul book she ever read.
and that’s it. But death will not have the final say. Every man/woman that can think for themselves and don’t know the gospel, they will be judged based on their own conscience, but they will not have the cloak for their sin. Nidair you think you are better than God as stated in the bible then put your resume out there for comparison, and u can see for yourself it is more beneficial to accept God’s word over yours if I weigh the good AND bad.Not picking and choosing what I wanting but accepting
It’s funny you are right on my premise of searching for a real answer on this subject. Bcus what I usually get is scorning and ppl responding to my comments without getting my original point. If you came back with the title of a book, page numbers, of some range, That would be from your point honest. You didn’t attempt to do that. now you can judge for yourself or you can point me to the text. I know you don’t have a real answer for this question that’s why only opinions were given.It was a trap
Jane Goodall speaks well and true – if only most humans could understand, that by living every day with common sense, compassion, reasoning, empathy, wisdom, and morals all living beings could be healthy, wealthy and happy. It doesn’t take a lot of thinking, just a matter of living simply – appreciating and respecting all what The Devine Creator has given us to live in harmony with all other living beings.
“This is the scientific reality that the seeds of all common fruits (except citrus) contain Vitamin B17, an anti cancer vitamin. If we ingest proper quantities for these vitamin either in the pure form or through ingesting the nitrilosidic foods we will be able to prevent cancer just as surely as we are able to prevent Scurvy by the use of vitamin C or Pernicious Anemia by the use of vitamin B12. ” …..Ernest Krebs, Jr.