Antisocial behavior is a socially maladaptive and harmful trait that can lead to erratic discipline, neglectful parenting, and undermine effective caregiving. Parental personality disorder (ASPD) is characterized by a pattern of impulsivity, irritability, and often lacks concerns over their purported responsibilities. As a parent, this can result in erratic discipline, neglectful parenting, and undermining effective caregiving.
Antisocial individuals are impulsive, irritable, and often have no concerns over their purported responsibilities. As a parent, this can lead to erratic discipline, neglectful parenting, and undermine effective caregiving. Fathers with antisocial personality disorder may become involved with mothers with borderline personality disorder, which can contribute to children’s aggressive behaviors.
The coercive family process theory suggests that negative parent-child interaction contributes to children’s aggressive behaviors, deviating them from having a healthy emotional structure and care. Common behaviors for children who have experienced trauma include lying, stealing, hoarding food, lack of empathy, and aggression. Traditional parenting methods may not be effective in managing antisocial behavior, as it can lead to erratic discipline, neglectful parenting, and undermining effective caregiving.
Higher rates of child antisociality in divorced samples could be due entirely to the genetic risk transmitted from antisocial parents to their children. One or both parents may misuse alcohol, and parental conflict and harsh, inconsistent parenting are common. As a parent, this can lead to erratic discipline, neglectful parenting, and undermine effective caregiving.
Antisocial behavior is manageable but can lead to more severe problems in adulthood if left untreated. If you’re worried that your child has antisocial behavior, it’s important to seek professional help.
📹 How to Spot Antisocial Personality Disorder and Protect Your Mental Health
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Do people with ASPD love their family?
ASPD, or antisocial personality disorder, is a condition where individuals lack empathy and understanding of others’ feelings. It can lead to feelings of remorse and take advantage of others for personal gain. The cause of ASPD is not fully understood, but both nature and nurture play a role. People with ASPD are more likely to have the disorder if they have a family history of the disorder, experienced traumatic experiences, are male, had behavioral problems as a child, or grew up in an unstable environment.
Many people are unaware of the disorder and may never be diagnosed. The term “sociopath” and its cousin, “psychopath”, carry a lot of stigma and misconceptions, making it difficult for people with ASPD and their families to identify the condition and seek help.
What are the effects of antisocial parents?
Antisocial behavior is a harmful and socially maladaptive trait that can be detrimental to a child’s emotional, cognitive, and social development. It involves traits such as deceitfulness, irresponsibility, unreliability, and inability to feel guilt, remorse, or love. Parents with this personality structure can leave a child traumatized, empty, and incapable of forming meaningful personal relationships. Both genetic and environmental factors influence the development of antisocial behavior.
Children with a genetic predisposition to antisocial behavior and those raised with a parental style that triggers this liability are at high risk for developing the same personality structure. Antisocial individuals are impulsive, irritable, and often have no concerns over their responsibilities. This can lead to erratic discipline, neglectful parenting, and undermine effective care giving. This paper focuses on the implications of parents with antisocial behavior and the impact on attachment and the development of antisocial traits in children.
Do people with ASPD like being alone?
Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) is a serious mental health condition where individuals may act without considering the consequences of their actions or how they affect others. Symptoms may include physical aggression, reckless or impulsive behavior, breaking the law, feeling angry or superior, using wit to manipulate others, not taking responsibility for actions, and not showing remorse or concern for behaviors. Each person experiencing ASPD may have a different perspective on certain behaviors, and it is essential to recognize and address these symptoms to improve overall well-being.
How does social isolation affect parenting?
Isolation can significantly impact children, leading to feelings of loneliness, guilt, and lack of role models. It is crucial to avoid parenting in isolation and seek support from trusted friends and family. Develop healthy relationships, relying on activities like babysitting, playdates, and meal swaps. Avoid being defined by your parenting situation and focus on your interests and talents. Join community centers or volunteer to meet people and add perspective to your life.
Get out of the house to feel more connected to the world around you. Search for parent support groups, resource centers at local schools, and online groups, especially for parents isolated by distance, such as military or rural families. This will help them feel more connected and less isolated.
How does antisocial personality disorder affect family?
Parents often misuse alcohol, leading to conflict and inconsistent parenting. These issues can result in behavioral problems in adolescence and adulthood. Antisocial personality disorder, a key feature of this disorder, increases the risk of criminal behavior and imprisonment. Men with the disorder are 3 to 5 times more likely to misuse alcohol and drugs than women, and have a higher risk of premature death due to reckless behavior or suicide attempts. Social services may become involved in child care.
How to deal with a family member who has antisocial personality disorder?
Setting boundaries is crucial in preventing poor decisions and reckless behavior from your loved one. Be clear and communicate the actions that won’t be tolerated, such as not raising your voice or yelling at you. Enforce these boundaries by stating the consequences of stepping over them, such as taking a break from the relationship if you lie to them again. Only state consequences that you are willing to follow through on.
If you rely solely on your loved one with ASPD for support, acknowledge areas where they have repeatedly let you down and temper your expectations in these areas. Turn to other friends or family members who can meet those needs.
How does antisocial personality disorder affect daily life?
Antisocial personality disorder, also known as sociopathy, is a mental health condition where individuals consistently disregard others’ rights and feelings, leading to anger, manipulation, and harsh treatment. They often violate the law, become criminals, lie, act violently or impulsively, and struggle with drug and alcohol use. Symptoms include repeatedly exhibiting these behaviors, lacking remorse, and difficulty meeting responsibilities related to family, work, or school.
How does personality disorder affect parenting?
Women with Parkinson’s disease (PD) frequently encounter difficulties in parenting infants due to attachment challenges and the emotional intensity associated with this process. Infants often elicit a high level of emotional response from their parents, which can present a significant challenge for those with PD.
Can people with ASPD feel empathy?
A study has demonstrated that patients diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome (ASPD) exhibit diminished empathy and an inability to comprehend the emotional states and difficulties of others. Nevertheless, an enhanced capacity to discern mental states in the eyes was associated with augmented empathy. Furthermore, the study revealed a correlation between elevated empathy levels and enhanced capacity to discern mental states through eye gaze.
How does mental illness affect parenting?
Children are most vulnerable to the effects of a parent’s mental illness at specific stages of emotional development. The first stage starts from infancy until around age 5, when infants and toddlers form strong attachments. Parents with mental illness may struggle to meet their child’s need for bonding, leading to problems regulating emotions and behavior. Adolescence is another vulnerable period, as adolescents rely on their parents for structure and positive reinforcement.
However, parents struggling with mental illness may be less attentive to their teenager’s needs and focus solely on their child’s mistakes without balancing negative feedback with praise. Depressed parents may also struggle to pay attention to their child’s school routines, causing them to struggle to get to school or after-school activities on time and complete homework.
What are the implications of antisocial parents?
Antisocial behavior is a harmful and socially maladaptive trait that can be detrimental to a child’s emotional, cognitive, and social development. It involves traits such as deceitfulness, irresponsibility, unreliability, and inability to feel guilt, remorse, or love. Parents with this personality structure can leave a child traumatized, empty, and incapable of forming meaningful personal relationships. Both genetic and environmental factors influence the development of antisocial behavior.
Children with a genetic predisposition to antisocial behavior and those raised with a parental style that triggers this liability are at high risk for developing the same personality structure. Antisocial individuals are impulsive, irritable, and often have no concerns over their responsibilities. This can lead to erratic discipline, neglectful parenting, and undermine effective care giving. This paper focuses on the implications of parents with antisocial behavior and the impact on attachment and the development of antisocial traits in children.
📹 Antisocial Personality Disorder, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.
Chapters 0:00 Introduction 0:29 Causes of Antisocial Personality Disorder 1:07 Signs and Symptoms of Antisocial Personality …
Not sure how or why this article doesn’t have any comments but I’ll say this, this is one of the most important articles a person could watch. Thank you for making it, your efforts were not in vain. Tbh I’d even go so far as to say we need stuff like this taught in schools. Choosing the right people to connect & form relationships with in life is PARAMOUNT.
The science community needs to do more research on this disorder. I am currently going through this with my girlfriend and I also learned one major cause of this disorder is environmental. If you grew up in an environment around drugs alcohol violence and/or ANY type of abuse is also more likely to develop this disorder.
You know, I keep getting these Narcissism and Antisocial articles pushed to me through the algorithm and I watch them to really consider if I am the problem in my interpersonal relationships. I’ve had people describe me as antisocial before, but the more I hear about the mannerisms of that disorder, the more I realize I may actually be the victim of one (or a few). I dont really like to hang around folks much and can be very avoidant at times, but whenever possible I like to be of help, sometimes at my own detriment. I now realize that me wanting to be of use to someone, is like being a magnet to others who will take advantage of me and I lack the capacity to enforce boundaries, then internalize that me getting hurt was my own fault. Maybe someone else feels the same here too, I just wanted to put it out there
People that get help with this are much better. But, the extreme end, this info is exactly spot on. They need an exorcism. The abuse and violence manipulation is literally hell. Had to just stay away as a family. Tried to get my aunt help but it is just used to keep her out of sight for a bit. She knew exactly what to say or act like to get out of whatever and go do it all over again.
My boyfriend has anti social personality disorder and our relationship has been a nightmare. He will never get help because he thinks there’s nothing wrong with him. I left him yesterday and have blocked him everywhere, I had to plan for months because he’d been controlling my money. But I’m free from his crazy behaviour.
The generalization is certainly true. I am diagnosed with ASPD, and I have engaded in criminal behavior, and I have been to prison; in prison there is a wide range of antisocial personality disorders (I’m also quite lazy so my manipulations are slight, and my criminality minor; takes too much energy). My follow through is also awful. But! I have come across certain methods of functionality. I’m in university at the moment and, Ironically (?), I am failing my Interpersonal Communication class, again. My resistance/antagonism to the course I express in the assignments by stating that the methods of communication that we are assigned to work on, I am capable of utilizing for unhealthy purpose. I argue that for those like myself, to do the assignments, say what I’m supposed to say, and perform / conform to class expectations is not a good idea. That is how I put forth a persona. Within that space between where I am, and how you think I am is where the mischief happens, and you’ll never know. The appropriate, expected behavior is what I’ll abuse, and that has lead to all the let downs, for the people i care about, and who care about me. Anyway, I’m seeing that there is an inverted path for those with ASPD that can lead to positive social outcomes, and that there is also a pernicious… something, I cant put my finger on it yet, but i am certain that there is an appropriate use of an antisocial personality. It is also likely that this is just a narcissistic, grandiose delusion. But hey, you know what my favorite thing about narcissism is?
Lots of this article Is accurate I called a sociopath out she became verbally and emotionally abused me also she has a history of breaking the law she stole from her company and never was remorseful about it also she abused me by what I shared yelled at me and don’t respect my boundaries I think she still capable of doing something wrong since she doesn’t have empathy or compassion her smile was so disgusting it was fake she did manipulative towards me back then she still capable of doing harm to someone else she was and still is rough around the edges she is still a danger to society I reported her to the caregiver agency so I really thank this article helps me know what kind of people who I dealing with especially the person I used to deal with most of everything on this list fits her perfectly.
The reason the person doesn’t see their disorder is because it is subconscious behavior. We only see our conscious behavior, and we can only recall our conscious behavior. If our attention spotlight isn’t on the topic, our behavior is carried out from memories. If there are consciously unknown miss-associated memories, behavior without conscious awareness will follow those memories, but the person is unaware of the behavior. Again, we only see and recollect CONSCIOUS behavior. Denial can be when the accused has no recollection of the behavior; behavior they wouldn’t do; unseen subconscious behavior. At the root of many personality disorders are Subconscious False Beliefs. Stage hypnotists know how to plant them for laughs. Cult leaders do it for control or power. I knew a girl who, one day shortly after her first baby, developed a SFB that her husband was her dad. Of course, nobody knew this. When she thought of her husband, she acted fine(spousal), but absent a reason to think of him she went about her day and he never came to mind(without her spotlight he was tagged as her dad, and so wouldn’t come to mind). To her husband she seemed distant, rejecting him at night, acting as though he was invisible and meant nothing during the day. He complained, but she acted like he was exaggerating and lying. That case took 24 years and buckets of tears to figure out. The danger with some psychologists is they come off all intellectual, but don’t actually know what they’re talking about.
I don’t go out of my way to disrespect or be mean to anyone and I would help anyone in danger if I saw it but generally I have zero emotions towards any other human or thing besides my 9 year old son. Like I said, I do not go out of my way to be nasty or spiteful to anyone but I do not desire your relationships or friendships or social structures to be honest. I am a misanthrope through and through so the more that everyone leaves me alone and I do the same to you all the better for me… No, I have never hurt, harmed maimed or killed any kind of animal or human in my childhood, teenage years or adulthood.
I find that its not enough for a person to read off a list of traits and characteristics. But, to understand what the underlying issue is. Otherwise, they tend to misinterpret the traits. Not all psychopathy shows up in childhood as bed wetting, hurting animals, arson. It can. It does. But not always. But it can show up in other ways though. For example, bullying other children, lying a lot more than most kids typically would, etc. Just throwing that out there. Yes they absolutely will tell someone whatever they think that person wants to hear. They don’t mind deceiving and lying.
Well I just found out I was diagnosed with this as a kid in 1997 and u know what the NHS let me down because I’ve coped with this alone … been fed all sorts of anti depressants…. I do lack empathy in situations but I’m a sick dad to 2 kids and I’m a class partner who’s loved dearly. When I was young I was terrible …. now I deal with myself really well now amd im 37..still cant keep a job though jeez im such a good worker when im there its just keeping me there 👌
My next-door neighbor outfitted his Mustang with an aftermarket exhaust system that sounds like a helicopter taking off when he starts the engine and runs the engine. Six days a week at 7 AM he does this noise routine, waking me and other neighbors up out of the sound to sleep, and has done so for three years. Police ticketing and visits and neighbor complaints have had zero impact whatsoever. His behavior will not stop out of his own free will. Too bad outside legal pressure has had no effect either. The impact on our quality of life is extreme.
I’d like to see some research on the link between aspd and reactive attachment disorder. The symptomology is SO VERY MUCH THE SAME! This is hugely concerning raising a child with all of the same personality traits. But it’s called an attachment disorder. This article is describing the person in my home.
I have some of the traits of an antisocial personality disorder, but not all of them. Some of the situations I get in are ambiguous. There is no law that says I have to find a woman attractive, but you can cause a lot of heartache if you don’t. I’m pretty awful in that regard. I can’t help it. I have all these passive aggressive mannerisms that nearly always cause pain. I’ve had this problem for over forty years. It’s death on my social life. I’m not trying to make excuses, but I have seen other guys practically tell a girl to her face that she was ugly. I can think of three times I’ve seen that happen just off the top of my head. For instance, one time I was sitting with this guy in the school cafeteria at college, and this guy pointed at this girl sitting at a table within easy hearing distance and said, “Look at that. Isn’t she ugly?” I said, “No, she isn’t.” But my own involuntary, passive aggressive mannerisms are probably more unforgiveable because they always hit a nerve. It’s really hard to screen them out. It seems like something nearly always defeats me in relationships. I’ve received some attention from this girl I like, and I get the feeling she wants to try out an intimate relationship with me, but, I swear to God, it’s like somebody has put salt peter in my meals. My pecker isn’t working. I’m sure it seems to her right now that I don’t value her, but that isn’t the case. I’m staying away from her because my pecker isn’t working. … I can see how some of the things when I was growing up created a lot of this mess I’m in.
Ya hearing these things is kinda hard. I share a lot of these things. But never could share it with my therapist, I lied a lot. I lied tons too make myself look better, just to wanna learn now but lack the ability. I would like too add an observation I made about me, and my siblings. Me and one of them I think both have this, but me being passive aggressive and her being aggressive. It seems we learned the same coping mechanism but in a way that compliments each other. Meaning even though we weren’t hooligans and were either too smart or scared of the law too provoke it, but we tagged team our way out of tons of punishments. One time I had my phone taken away, so I asked my sibling to use theirs. When I got caught with it I said I stole in from my sibling so she wouldn’t get in trouble. They literally pretended to be mad, FURIOUS to keep up the lie. All without actually communicating with each other. Anyway the point was we share the whole diagnosis, but neither one of us have all of it. And what I’m missing they have, and what Im missing they have.
Why are all these articles geared towards how to ostracize and alienate people with ASPD? Why aren’t there more helpful resources for people w/ ASPD or people who love someone w/ ASPD who want to try to improve the relationship vs “find them out” in order to run away. I think this is a disservice to society. People w/ ASPD who are property supported do much better and can be productive members of society. More productive at least.
I think this personality is prevelant in puerto rican people of Hispanic descent . Specially stateside. If you think personality disorders cant be connected by racenand culture think again. In WW2 there was a diagnosis of Puerto Rican syndrome with the soliders known to produce psuedo epilepsy and siezures. Also Puerto Ricans are known to have Ataque de nervious a cultural syndrome of mostly latino women. Simply Fascinating! Look at Chicago l, NY, Philadelphia and New England Puerto Rican communities and anti social behaviour abounds.
I can understand why people dislike aspd, I have a friend who has it and he told me he sees nothing wrong with manipulating others nor getting them in trouble if it benefits him, I was just like wtf … I told him it isn’t his fault he lacks the instincts like empathy and morality that the rest of us have but he has a responsibly to keep his behavior in check if he wants to participate in society but he disagreed. I got to say I don’t get the hate (nor why people blend them together) on narcissists though. Like if you look into it narcissism stems from having been neglected, belittled or mistreated growing up thus the people develop an inferiority complex and self hatred and feel a need to prove themselves to others for validation. They don’t lack empathy like aspd people do, they’ve just developed trust issues and internalized self hatred.
This whole presentation on ASPD is actually just a bullet point lecture pointing fingers at something you don’t seem to comprehend or can’t treat with drugs. Listing a bunch of the most extreme traits and concluding that you can spot someone with ASPD? Doubtful. This lecture never even comes close to describing the average person with ASPD. It’s no wonder people with ASPD are anti-social. You so called intellectuals are jerks. The fact is that most people with ASPD tend to keep to themselves and try to avoid exhibiting their disorder all-together in any situation. The fact is that you will meet, talk to, and be around people with ASPD your whole life and never see them exhibit a single one of these extreme bullet point traits ever. Even if you see what this presentation is explaining happen from time to time in your life, it won’t be from someone with ASPD, because people with ASPD are far too witty and manipulative to ever show these traits in public. The fact is that these bullet points are nothing more than linkable traits that people with ASPD have and they can very from completely subdued to extreme, to non-existant depending on the person and situation. It’s taken phycologists decades of research to find these traits and only under extremely close observation with extreme cases of the disorder where the average person with ASPD would never even be involved. What information that is being presented here is completely out of context and irrelevent to the layman. However, for someone with ASPD who is willing to open their mind and consider the symptoms they have, this presentation could be benifical as a starting point to get help.
For all the comments Not all people diagnosed with ASPD are bad,evil etc We are also humans and believe it or not we have it hard when you have to fight your own thoughts and to put yourself in line, we can act normal,just because we lack empathy,emotions doesn’t mean we are killers So stop with all the negativity,not all people are the same
A lot of people who may seem anti-social, are actually good people, who have adapted to defend themselves against a hostile environment. Remember that ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ are often arbitrary social norms, and abandoning these values may actually serve to improve a person. Often times the people surrounding the individual, are themselves antagonizes who hide their abuse, or are pardoned for being accepted members of their community. Anti-social behavior, despite resulting in harsh punishment, can indeed be an viable alternative to being victimized by one’s own community.
I just cried over this because I’m extremely certain that the love of my life has this disorder & it has gotten worse to the point I had to leave him… I didn’t want to but I know he would have continued hurting me & I wouldn’t know what to do with that.. I just hope that he does get better, with time & all not for me but just for his well being. I know that their is a good man in there somewhere, & I’m glad I got to see it from time to time… I’m sure it was his upbringing that affected him terribly… I did all I could do to help… but I have to move on with my own life…
I got diagnosed with it when I turned 26 and noticed the symptoms getting worse 3 years prior to that. I do feel shame, I rarely feel guilt, but I do sometimes. I only consider myself to have felt love for people less than 5 times but I loved my dog that passed away way more than I’ve ever loved anyone. I didn’t cry when my granny died nor did I cry at the funeral but I cried when Stephen Hawking died. My most felt emotions are irritation and anger. I’ve not been arrested but have been abusive emotionally and physically. I don’t care about the law and I definitely act strange in social situations. I don’t have best friends, I barely have friends. I can watch gore without being phased and I fall asleep to paranormal or true crime podcasts. I lie, I cheated, I stole, I manipulate and I don’t care about what people think of me. It’s not nice living with this, feelings are strange and when something hurts, it really really really really hurts… I’m not phased by as much as normal people but it means I can’t get as happy as normal people either.
I’m glad people are finally having a discussion about this that doesn’t devolve to “they’re evil people who don’t feel anything”. Granted, they can be very dangerous. Often, if you can get them into therapy, some progress can be made. And it was already mentioned in the article that symptoms lessen over time.
As somebody with aspd I can give another “perspective” ONLY from MY experiences, whenever I’m out in public with other people I’m often told I act reckless of other peoples feelings, reason is it’s very hard to put yourself in the shoes or mind of other people, I also dont know what what empathy feels like, so the feelings of others are usually disregarded for this reason. Also When talking to others it often feels like a brick wall, meaning you dont put yourself In their shoes and think of it more as kicking an object
This illness.. has led me to do something horrible early on when I was 15… I’ve been beat to the ground since young though, so I always learned to value comfort in solitude over the extra beatings I’d get for my involuntary impulsive actions. I don’t ever want to hurt anyone.. but it’s as if you npc and can’t tell reality infront of you.. my life has been over since then though, and to this day.. I never had the parents to even observe me as their child.. or hear me out.. I was always deemed the quiet one.. but no.. just observant… just observant.
It would be interesting for me to know how it can be accurately and safely distinguished from borderline. Especially with ADHD, both personality disorders are common comorbidities and the symptoms of all 3 syndromes overlap – but with ADHD and personality disorder, it is often difficult to say Borderline or Antisocial or both.
I have some of these symptoms but I’m definitely not anti-social. I am super tender hearted and get teared up at the smallest of things. I put myself in other peoples shoes almost all of the time. Now there are times where I’m at my witts end after being trampled over from my kindness where I put foot down. An example from my day to day life now I am a stay at home mom of 3 and I get pulled in so many ways you may not even think of. I even try to tell my kids to put themselves in my shoes while relating it to their everyday lives. Do they get annoyed with their siblings sometimes and want some space? Yes they do. And I tell them that’s how I feel sometimes too. But it doesn’t mean I don’t love them or want to be around them. Sometimes you just need a break. And maybe I’m more of an introvert than an extrovert (I can be in the middle), but kids need healthy ways to deal with their feelings. Their feelings are valid and we all have them. It’s how to deal with them and realize that other people have feelings too. And I’ve been trying my best to show them that.
I started showing signs at 15 not before. I woke up one day I everything about me changed. Before I was a great student athlete, I was popular with the girls, I had very good grades in school, I had never been in trouble. Within a year I dropped out of school, I stop talking to lifelong friends, I started manipulating people, I was fighting all the time. It just happened over night in my mind.
I don’t know if I truly have this problem but I truly hate dealing with customers directly, which is one of the reasons why I create very effective tactics to avoid dealing with customers and clients directly, which is one of the main reasons why I’m so good at working the graveyard shift security and at my other job, as soon as a customer opens his mouth I immediately direct him to my boss rather than dealing with any customer directly.
I Actually Have Antisocial Personality disorder (and yes I have been diagnosed) I’m not actually a bad human being, it’s just really hard bc i have it, Since i feel no remorse, I have never been called a freak but people have asked me “How many times have you thought about killing other people” Or “How many times have you thought about killing yourself?” It does get annoying sometimes but I do get used to it. I remember the first time the sings showed was when i was really young, i was 4, My great grandad had died and i showed not emotion or any kind of sadness, Then my great grandma died and the same happened, So i got a check up and got diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder (Apd/Apsd) But yeah. Edit: Also i do have a habit of manipulating others but i am learning how to stop. Also yes, I never think i don’t need help, its a habit lol.
My grandfather is a diagnosed sociopath but he doesn’t have all those traits, he just doesn’t feel guilt or shame. He doesn’t rob (he hates thieves) nor has problems with the law. He just cheated on his wife, beat her, abandon his kids, escape the country to go with his mistress and doesn’t even care, but yeah, just telling my testimony.
I have been doing research upon research and I can only find the negatives of this disorder . Does anyone know can people with this feel happy? Do they find things funny and laugh genuinely ?? Do they feel sadness and depression ?? It’s always talking about what they cant do or don’t feel I want to know what makes them the same as a neurotypical
A misconception about ASPD is that it makes you an awful person. Those actions you chose too make dictate your behaviour n your personal along with your future. Im diagnosed and have been for 2 decade and yes the “empty” feeling is a real thing but it comes with your dna n your upbringing. Ive done bad things seen bad things without cause or care for others in the past but u can control yourself. even if you know deep down your “emtpy” of the feeling you see in others it doesn’t mean you have too act on the feelin inside yourself remember everyone deserves too live life without trouble n be happy next time your feeling that dangerous way if anyone else understands n sees this just remember you only got one shot here on the planet so don’t let something you feel for a few seconds don’t let it cost you 25 years of your life. And if u think you need too see someone about this doo could keep u from the same life of not caring cuz trust me its nothing too glamourize it’sa lonely life in the cell dog. Really tho try too put yourself in others shoes even if its hard n try too be better then you are anyway ill shut my big mouth 🤣
I have anti-social personality disorder and bipolar 1. I first noticed I was different than other people in 4th grade. We had a special needs student in our class and no one would ever talk to him. I knew he was desperate for companionship. I would rub a gummy bear in the dirt outside and then hand it to him. He would eat it and it would make him happy. it also made me happy for the first time in my life. Now I get angry when people laugh at movies, or show any type of emotion. I isolate myself from the world because I hate everyone. No one will ever notice I’m any different than anyone else though. There is no spotting a sociopath.
After many repeated instances of getting in trouble with the law for piracy, I ended up talking to my therapist that I’ve seen for a long time now, and we both ended up realizing that I showed signs of undiagnosed ODD and ADHD as a child, and that now, due to a combination of factors, have several mental health disorders, including ASPD and NPD. These disorders, I wouldn’t wish them on anyone, I don’t think. My symptoms started getting worse/more noticeable in my early 20s. It feels like I’m fighting with myself every day to keep up the mask of “a pleasant person to be around”, of someone who wouldn’t be getting in trouble for piracy, who wouldn’t be getting in trouble with the law for things.
Necessary clarification: I am NOT an edgelord. Im 13, have Aspergers and ADHD already diagnosed, but recently I have been having homicidal thoughts out of nowhere, episodes of depression and ideas of killing myself. I don’t know what to do. My mother says she will get me help in a couple months. And i have intrusive thoughts about cancer or violence. Anyone know what this is?
I’ve suspected that I may has Anti social personality disorder for a few years, it’s not just that I have no sense of empathy, I think I am a truly hateful person. I used to and still do have aggressive outbursts toward people and pets (truthfully anything living). I am a very cold person (or so I am told) but I do have a good sense of humor… I’m very confused.. Is it something else? Am I just an aggressive person?
I have aspd and I just want to share out that… To me human beings are just items… That’s how I see people… I don’t see the purpose in being alive in this world… There’s no pleasure in making money, no pleasure in doing drugs & alcohol, no pleasure in sex, no pleasure in music, cars, also no pleasure in food (I just eat whatever)…
The step-son of my former partner was diagnosed with ASPD in prison after he murdered a young girl at the age of 15. He was released early when he was able to convince the prison psychiatrist that he was cured. Shortly after his release, he made death threats to me and conspired with his step-father, my partner of 23 yrs, to drive me from my very own home. Although charming and intelligent looking, he is evil and unredeamable.
I feel guilty for myself. I don’t feel bad for those i hurt. I can’t understand what it feels like to be hurt on their side. I have to pretend I understand or care. I have to show comfort because that’s what people do. I have to imitate what a caring person does. I can’t feel it. 🙁 i feel something is wrong with me for a long time. I noticed that I manipulate people. I started to watch myself. And think about it before I speak. When I sense weakness in someone. I feel the urge to prey on it. I would feel guilty when they leave. I no longer have that friendship.
I am stuck with this shit. Its hard to maintain long term relationship. And every time i quit job. And i cant even keep relationship with my sibilings. I am very nice and loving person until the moodswing happens. Its really hard.😪 I quit my at the age of 15 and then after take test . I almost worked in 200 different restaurants. I only keep complete respect with my mom only.. I wanted to be a better person but bad financial situation makes my life bad again. I have just found my girlfriend a week ago and I left her twice. She is a lovely caring lady but I became aggressive again😪😪😪
I had 1 mother 1 father 5 stepfathers all of them abusive, and alot of kids and some teachers at school wer bullys, and i see crazy people like it all the time, honestly it seems like everyone is sociopath or narcissistic or crazy, this world is nuts, like holly mother of s***, its crazy i fell like a want to get out of whatever this thing we call world, so unbelievably 😭😭😭
my mom told me (bad memory from stuff) i was always pretty bossy even abusive to friends, classmates, ect. i liked hitting lizards with rocks and apparently i was good at showing empathy but it never seemed very genuine. that’s all as a kid. middle school is where everything on that article happened. and im in 12th grade now lol. i’m not saying i have it, im just concerned weather it’s my autism or im a bad person 😭
I’ve combat ptsd, a boardeline personality disorder and an antisocial personality disorder…. I’m up n down like a fiddlers elbow, I’m now 50 but I’ve been suffering since op granby gw1 at the age of 18 … I’m on quietapine, zopiclone, diazepam, it’s numbs the pain but I’m continually fighting my inner demons no satisfaction in anything, I’ve over 50 pairs of trainers 👟?? And find it difficult keeping out of brothels, married divorced twice, in and out of mental hospital n prisons for firearms offences, I’m not the perpetrator but when it hits the fan fight or flight corner me … good luck, I’m sorta mellowing with age, but still from time to time enjoy a line of coke a few beers and the odd puff of a joint .
I use to treat all my girlfriends like shit made them cry talk down on them and I didn’t care I liked having that control over them without being physical I like the fact that I could make people hurt without lifting a finger I would cheat on everyone not because I had to but because I wanted to I had multiple relationships at the same time and I got pleasure to know that they knew nothing. I even treat my own mother like shit All my relationships didn’t last long and I would always blame them not myself even though all my ex’s went on to have wonderful relationships and I didn’t understand why. Now I’m 26 and I’ve been alone for 2 years now and I’ve realized how bad I treated these women it doesn’t really make me sad or feel bad about what I did it just made me realize that maybe something is wrong with me idk if its because I’ve gotten older or because I’ve been alone for a while but I know the problem is still there and that if I was to get into a relationship now I would do it again that’s why I’m staying single I think its best for the world. I don’t know if I have anti-social disorder or not but I don’t have some mental issues that have gone unchecked all this time.
Anti social. Social structure is made from tantric bonds. These bonds are created through a common consensus or a doctorine which is meant to promote unity and progress. One who exists independently from these would be “anti-social” or separate from the social structure. This could be used for selfish personal gain OR an elevated function as an innovator. Because they have the ability to exist independently from social structure, they can also access frequencies outside of the mainstream. It’s not about if, it’s about how they remember you.
I sadly feel i have this I want to feel human, I want to be good and do good Its like i cant control myself inside my head im saying dont do it, but im just not in control of my body Ive done abusive things, lied, manipulated and i often feel no feelingslike a normal perspn I feel the urge to prey on weak animals somtimes even though i love them I love and feel so hard But its like i also dont have feelings at all Im talking to a therapist now and have been for a while I just wish i didnt have this life I wish i couldve been normal I need some coping mechanisms
It’s ignorant tie APD In with sociopathy. More often than not people who have a APD are very emotionally and socially intelligent. As for myself, I know how bad I’m fucking up WHILE its happening. Then ill go into a deep depression and recluse for at least a week, because I can’t stop ruminating about about what I had done. This article is painting with VERY broad strokes.
I saw someone in comments mention they were functioning with this disorder and had family and worked as a nurse. Of all the jobs a sociopath to get, this would not be one I would think of working out in their or the patients favor. Purely curious how one can be an effective caregiver with a job of that magnitude: when the very job description itself requires, compassion, empathy and the ability to feel for other people? Not trying to shade at all I’m just genuinely curious. You can have all the actual medical components of the job memorized and be able to administer, but a job such as this requires so much more in order to be an effective, caregiver no? Curious if that same person receives complaints at work for observed wooden/hollow interactions with patients. Again no shade, just intrigued.
Weird how those with antisocial personality disorder tend to be the most social. Always moving in giant groups, flowing with the whole world around. I would probably have killed damn near most people around except like two groups of people; those similar, those in service and those beautiful. Evil way to think yet technically not ASPD.
Neighbor has this disorder, I heard about before but wanted a little refresher. He is employed and helps at the VA doing Worker background checks and clearances .. This article dont make it sound like this is the job for him .. I’ll try to keep my distance, now… Manipulative Behavior can get under my skin, my mom was a bit Manipulative.
Lately I have seen Pensioners behaving Badly & one Banging on a Bus with anger to the Driver!, maybe it is Pensioners causing all the Graffiti & Damage etc & not the Youth as Suspected!, a Lot of them fought in the Wars & are now treated Shabbily by Society so there is the Motive as Columbo would say!, Just a Theory!.
I’ve been having antisocial behavior ever since i was 7 I’m 15 and recently got diagnosed with conduct disorder. But ever since I was 7 I’ve been hurting animals,lying, stealing But the older I got the worse it got now I still have urges that are very strong it’s like a need the urges feel like pressure and when I finally release it I feel much better but the urges never go away I’m in therapy now. When i was young I did feel guilt for the things I’ve done but the older I got the less I cared now I don’t feel guilt at all but with empathy I can choose to ignore it or not.
I think we can all agree that Trump has most all of these symptoms. I think you need to have four out of seven to be classified as a Sociopath but I believe Trump exhibits all seven of the main listed. Although this article lists something like eight so I’m not familiar with the extra one and don’t remember which one is extra.