📹 Former LGBTQ Members Say Their Changed Lives Prove Homosexuality Isn’t Permanent
Former LGBTQ Members Say Their Changed Lives Prove Homosexuality Isn’t Permanent What’s coming up next? Have a look at …
📹 The Israelites: The #LGBTQ Community Is Not A Lifestyle
Israel United in Christ is a Biblical Organization that teaches the Gospel of Repentance from Sin to Our People scattered around …
Remember, this is a small minority of LGBTQ folks, do not take this as evidence that it’s just a phase, some people just realized they didn’t want it but some others are forced back into the closet because of their family, church, or community either directly forcing them or just pressuring them into thinking they don’t like what they do.
The reason this upsets me if because not all gay people experience torment as kids… so many kids are gay naturally… like me.. when I was a gay I liked boys naturally all on my own.. no one forced me into anything and no one molested me It upsets me that so many people out there think there’s a abusive reason for by people are gay when that’s not the case
Do you see church? Do you see as to WHY we should be careful to others when speaking or living? Speaking or living in faith; you can not have salt water. In other words your words must not be bitter toward those that may not be following Christ. Our conduct toward others, in and out of the body of Christ matters. Pray and seek the Lord. Be blessed of the Lord. 🙂 These here will be my family in heaven…Yeshua Hamashiach said,”Who are my family, but those who do the will of My Father.”
I’m living proof that conversion therapy doesn’t always work. I’m an extremely gay leaning bisexual. People trying to make me straight strength my anxiety and depression to a clinical level and gave me suicidal thoughts. I’m all for people trying to convert to being straight that’s what they want to do, but be aware that it doesn’t always work and can have disastrous consequences.
They were never gay, then. They never „turned heterosexual”, they always were. It’s not possible to change your sexual orientation. You may have experimented as a teenager, your hormones are changing. Some people are just confused, some people really are gay. There’s no issue in both. Or they were absolutely brainwashed. My former girlfriends parents have sent her into conversion therapy. And then she killed herself. It’s traumatizing and abusive. It brainwashes you.
This just popped up on my youtube feed….anyone can change when they have a personal relationship with Jesus i became a christian at 28 and am now 54 ….the biggest problem i had was hating myself and my physical appearance…god has enlightened my mind and helped me know i am perfectly formed in his opinion and deserving of love and what others feel about me is completely irrelevant….thats been my lesson in life and i am still learning it but by being given the grace to overcome my issues i have developed the ability to truelly and honestly embrace others without discrimination. How many can say they can do that……
The tiny “Changed” group will admit to you that nearly all of them are not hetero, they just claim to be asexual angels now who never have any sexual feelings. But this is a political tool for the GOP to deny civil rights to all lgbt because a few dozen of the 6 million lgbt Christians alive today are wearing T shirts saying “Changed”
I was gay since I was 13 until I was 22. This was due to being sexually abused by a older family friend everyday after school. I finally opened to my family about my abuse when I was 20. It took a while, but once I found help, I was able to move on from my past, and get a new mindset. We need help all people who were abused as kids.
Not one “ex-gay” Christian became hetero during the 40 years of ex-gay “change” claims, admitted ex-gay leaders. Every major, decades-old ex-gay ministry from the US to Australia promising change was closed due to total failure. Every time these “change” claims were followed up on later nobody had become hetero.
Wait, this is possible??? I was taught in school that people who were attracted to the same gender as them or whose identifying gender did not match up with their biological one was just who they were and that nothing could be changed. That we should accept these people for who they are and such. I’ve never heard of a gay person becoming straight or anything like that. If this is true, then the whole concept of LGBTQ+ and accepting what most people consider unnatural is thrown into question. I think this is revolutionary, how have not many people heard of this before? GJ to the people who were able to overcome who they were attracted to, no one in this sense thought it was totally possible but it seems like it is possible? I bet a lot of people think this article is fake, but I’m just surprised that Twitter has not tried to mass cancel this yet, which would mean a HUGE explosion in popularity and views. Truly confusing times we live in. The community of people who were once LGBTQ+ but now are not seems to be overlooked, even I didn’t know that leaving LGBTQ+ was an option. GG, I think? Yeah my mind is still blown. Thanks for this article, it completely turns our society upside down I see.
parents counsel their children in the car on the way to school, adult friends or brothers & sisters counsel each other over the phone (discuss home, family, financial, health, relationship issues), family may have weekly meetings or daily Bible studies & sharing about life choices (lessons/solutions) at the dinner table. Nobody has to have a license to counsel someone, but what they should have is godly wisdom. It doesn’t have to be in a church or office bldg. It can be at home, driving, or while walking on a trail at a park. The govt wants to stop it being administered professionally. But we can still learn, pray, study, and hear testimonies & talk (give/receive) godly wisdom in-house. Technically, parents (along w/ mature brothers/sisters in Christ–the Church family) should be the ones discussing these issues w/ the children anyway. If a struggling child wants to live in a way that pleases God, help IS AVAILABLE. All believers war against their flesh & deal with being tempted by various kinds of sinful lusts (period). By the power of God, we overcome!
If gay people want to their choices to be accepted, then should they not accept people who choose to exit from that lifestyle?? Seems to me so many LBGTQ+ are angry at this clip..but i think they are being unfair to these former gays. If they feel happy to leave that lifestyle its ok right ??& they have a right to heard too? it cant be correct that only gay people speak up but they want former gays to shut up. Double standards…example if an alcoholic decides to control his drinking problem & stops drinking alcohol…is it wrong? Other people want to drink alcohol & even talk about fine wine etc…its ok because they dont have a problem with alcohol. But at the same time the recovering alcoholic wants to share why he stopped drinking…help others who want to stop drinking alcohol..he too should be allowed to speak up. Same logic to me anyway.
I’m not being s troll, but this ha to be taken with a bushel of salt; they treating it like sexuality os just a choice and in this case, a “sinful one”, so they want to say that they have stopped being gay. At the beginning, she said “we’ve experienced a change in our sexual orientation; some small…”: “Some small”?? a small change? They feel less attracted than before, or they are distracted by internal homophobia into submerging the attraction? It’s getting submerged, no question about out. No permanent my Aunt Fanny.
God has helped me with many of my own sexual struggles, with him I was able to overcome lustful thoughts and come out victorious in spiritual battles against the enemy. I still struggle with sexual desires and lustfulness sometimes but I believe with the power of the Holy Spirit, I shall overcome. Brothers and sister s, let us run and finish this race well with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Am a gay person and I believe in Jesus Christ I believe in his gospel Do I need to get married to a man for me to be worthy to God, I don’t think so, am a believer yes I don’t want to be gay but I Cannot chance who I am but I can choose not give into the lust of my flesh being a believer have nothing to do with being married or having a family to follow Jesus you have to deny yourself oh i wish being gay was just a life style I so wish that was true. No one wants to be gay and bullied
Well to each his own, I don’t believe in banning stuff like this, but I am gay and a Catholic, and no matter how much masculine stuff I do, I just find women’s bodies gross and unattractive, I think they’re flabby and uninteresting and weak and I think vaginas and periods etc. are gross. That just isn’t something that is going to change. I find these changes hard to believe, though I support their rate to discuss them in public.
Psychological problems often aren’t fixed through physical solutions especially surgery. It mindboggles me how surgeries like these exist. It messes up with your hormones. Also, that bill is to create division as well as for the “falling away” as predicted. Families will turn to eachother and it can get worse and turn into a mob. It all makes sense now. Keep faith and be strong, this is just the beginning
I agree with fluidity within sexuality. This article however does not provide any evidence for the success of conversion therapy. The guy in the article Ken Williams – claims he is not suicidal anymore after therapy – the church’s hostile attitude toward homosexuality is likely the underlying cause of why he felt suicidal in the first place. And the reason why he hasn’t felt attracted to a man “in years” is likely because the conversion therapy rooted his internalised homophobia so deep that he’s too traumatised by conversion therapy to catch feelings of attraction. Just provides further evidence that conversion therapy is nothing but dangerous and psychologically damaging.
AMEN!!!! Love you brothers and sisters! Guys do NOT stop singing out your incredibly unique and special testimonies on every social media platform and every mountaintop you can find! Stand children of God! Stand! Many children are falling and dying therefore STAND! And be not silent! Stand and look UP⬆️! God bless and set FREE those in the LGBTQ community!
Well this isn’t new, Jim Johnson is former homosexual who by the way brought province house, which was movement used to help those that had aids. Now when the gay rights movements heard this, using propaganda they had province house closed. Jim Johnson was an enemy to gays right movement because he decided to change his ways, so am happy for this former gays, i John 2:1
This is my theory on this….I was in the evangelical community myself (now atheist) and a gay man. I know that self-convincing voice when I hear it. How many ex-christians have I met that swear up and down they feel God working in their lives. They feel his presence. Only to leave it one day and say in hindsight, “I just so wanted to believe it that I thought if I just kept repeating it, that it would become true.” I did the same thing. I even remember christians telling me to never admit you have doubts about God, because we need to look very convincing to non-believers. And this is what I hear these so-called ex-gays doing. For whatever reason, they want to believe they’ve changed so badly that they keep repeating it to convince themselves. There are enough ex “ex-gays” out there to confirm this. Very sad. I don’t buy it.
It is so refreshing to hear that there is hope for all. I have never struggled with same sex desires, but it broke my heart to think of believers who came out of that life style, and still desired a companion. It makes me so happy to see that God can change mindsets and thoughts and that there is evidence that we are new creations in Christ.
This is the proplem with religon its the worst invention man ever made. To any young gay person reading this. Your life will get so much better when you get away from the god BS. There is nothing wrong with you, you are gay because that’s who you are. Don’t let the fake religious people tell you how to live. They can even live there own lives. Hang in there and once you rid yourself of these toxic religious people you will bloom and have a wonderful life.
My dears am a proud transgender (girl) and happy to be who I’m okey, so please kindly stop this nonsense drama what you call truth., because some of us we know what it means to be who we are and how we’ve tried to change, “because some of us we do love our parents,friends,country,life and freedom, Can anyone tell me or its fun to loss all that because you can’t change who you are?, if it was possible l could be in my country enjoying my mother’s love, family and friends l could be rich because l could be working freely in my country. Who want to make suicide when its possible to change?who want to live such are hustle lifestyle with no family,friends? Those people a all against LGBTIQ people that’s why they are trying to do all that to convince the free countries to hate us too. Noh Noh Noh nonsense😖😡😠🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 WHO DOESN’T WANT HAPPY LIFE? STOP HOMOPHOBIA GUYS PLEASE KINDLY………………… Regards…………………………….. F.B-names: @Lwanga Abuson Kui. Twitter: @SeagirlH. Instagram: @Seagirlabuson.
So they say it impossible to change from gay to heterosexual but someone who is hereto to gay is discovering! What nonsense is that? God bless these individuals and I pray the truth finally illuminates the blind of those who thinks they cannot be heterosexual again. The blood of Christ can do the impossible!
Listen, let’s get real and down to brass tax, these people would never have experienced the issues with their sexuality if they had been raised in an environment in which they were fully embraced. Great if they’ve found some happiness now, but it seems like such a half life to have gone against their nature. From a Christian perspective, it is impossible for God to make mistakes, the way you were made is a gift from God. In this life we have to be true to ourselves as, let’s face it, we will go out of this world alone and have to live with the consequences of how we treated ourselves and the impact that had on the world. These people aren’t following God, they’re following the fear of the indoctrinated religious communities. Religious does not mean Christian. I’ve seen lots of religious people who claim Christianity when they actually use it as a tool to feed their hate and fear. But hey, each to their own.
They’re right, as a muslim guy, I thoroughly agree with them, and to those who say that practicing homosexuality is normal and that it’s not a test from God to see if we’re strong enough to fight the temptation, then you guys have been brainwashed, and I can’t have a conversation with you because you’re convinced that it’s not a sin and you’re proud of it.
I believe in God and I love women. Honestly its not for everyone and feelings can change. But a lot of conversion therapy was borderline abusive and some people committed suicide because of conversion therapy. There are some that weren’t all that bad and I’m sure these people were able to change, but thats because they wanted to bad enough. You should not be forced to change and no one should be told they are less whether it be because you are lgbt, changed, or always been straight. We all deserve to live life how we want but that doesn’t mean we get to force it on others like a good amount of people were forced into conversion therapy when they didn’t want to be. There is also scientific evidence that your emotions about who you are and who you like develop at a different time than sexual organs meaning its possible to be born a male but like men or feel/act like a women and vice versa. We have to look at everything and understand that everyone deserves to be happy. And my happiness is in believing in God and finding a woman who loves me one day because thats just who I am and I’m not hurting anyone.
I don’t know for a fact whether I was or not. Psychologists say that sexual orientation is formed in utero, so before people are born. Trauma of any type in childhood rewires the brain. It is far too simplistic to assume all LGBTQIA people were s.a! A certain percentage were, obviously. Just as a certain percentage of hetero people were. Looking for the cause of naturally occurring phenomena has never been a pastime of mine.
You often here former homosexuals talk about walking away and leaving the homosexual lifestyle as if they were never, ever gay to begin with. So are you telling me when you walked away you no longer feel those sexual desires they left when you walked away seems so good too be true.. I often regret making that decision some 35 years ago when I walked into this unfamiliar world with hopes of finding true LOVE but walking away broken hearted, lonesome and very confused I honestly feel deceived and ultimately betrayed by those professing and proclaiming to love me i gave up so much and loss so much including my family and friends to be a willing participant and now I am not really sure just who I am anymore seems I’m suffering from identity crisis.
Those poor misguided people. I’m happy that conversion therapy is being outlawed. No one needs ‘help’ for their sexuality and all the depression and suicide rates? That’s not because they’re LGBT, it’s because of the homophobia that they face from the ones that are meant to care about them the most as well as many others. LGBT people DO NOT NEED NEED FIXING.
I had a Schmitta year (jewish year when the land is barren), years ago, and proclaimed one evening “The bible IS the word of G-d”. That night I had a dream, where I was shot in the head twice. Next couple of months my feelings unfroze, and my sexuality calmed down. Used to live a gay lifestyle, now, my sexuality has reemerged. After the schmitta year I cleaned up my lifestyle, and became a Christian. Been forgiving ever since. I was dead, brought back alive. The chains were broken. All they say about Jezus is true. I am a testimony of that. (I was also abused as a child, and molested as an adult. That really interfered with my sexuality, but it was revealed by dreams (thank you Jesus), and then healed. All true people, all true). Final word of advice: if you ever have the chance to forgive someone, do so, don’t be afraid or shy. Forgiveness has opened doors for me, and letting go of the pain was the hardest, but also the best thing I ever did. 🙌
Every ine who is properly aware of homesexuality, knows that sexual orientation is not necessarily permanent. Some homosexuals become straight without resort to any “treatments”. They are just being honest with themselves if and when their orientation changes. That is not Proof that therapy works or that attempts at forcing change are not harmful.
Maybe I’m looking the wrong places but I wish I could find studies or statistics about ex-gay members or success rates for conversion therapy. Perhaps they aren’t heard because the success rates are so low or the community is so minimal. Think about the greater harm conversion therapy has done and the image that is perpetuated from it. About these individuals, I’m not sure if they are successful cases or they were confused about their gender identity or sexual orientation. With the message that many groups preach that one has to explore their identity can confuse people. This does highlight a problem when people realize they were wrong about their initial discovery and others do not accept and reject these people.
I’m curious because there are people who truly feel that Jesus has spoken to them and said that they are accepted and there are people that believe that they weren’t meant to be homosexual and changed. God works miracles so is it possible for some people to be who they are and for some to need to change?
the bible was mistranslated to say “homosexuals won’t inherit the kingdom of God … such were some of you”. this mistakenly led people to think that with divine help people can stop being gay. humans are diverse – a few can go along with this mistake for various reasons. but many are harmed by attempting to change in this way. for some it has unfortunately proved fatal. that’s why you should not attempt this – it’s too dangerous.
Yeah!!!!!!!!!! You have another testimony right here. They say that alcoholism is incurable too. Ask Jesus to heal you and he will. He changed me. No more drinking and no longer a homosexual.. God is greater than anything and everything. I have seen miracles, like a fellow brother in the church with cancer, who God healed. God can do anything it’s all in the person and your faith. God bless these people… Btw I am only speaking to the percentage like me that seek change.
How do we know these people weren’t paid to do this, knowing that Evangelicals would be thrilled, because it seems like all they care about is everyone being straight and making babies, not even caring hardly about orphans in orphanages and foster care and those on the streets?? It seems like they have an agenda as well…
I have a degree in Psychology, and was pursuing a Master’s in Professional Counseling. I don’t know if I can finish it now, because I wouldn’t be able to help that many people, by law. I wouldn’t be able to mention faith as an option, I couldn’t in any way help a client explore other options regarding gender and sexuality besides affirmation, and my hands would be more and more tied if the client was pursuing divorce as an option, because even marriage is being seen as unhealthy. If I retreated to practice in a church, that likely wouldn’t be allowed, either, as the pastor is often considered to be the only counselor in the congregation. So, without God’s guidance on this matter, I will be entering job homelessness and stay up to my ears in student debt after I’m done taking care of my elderly mother. I desperately want to help all of these hurting people, but I’m at a loss as to how I can do it.
Congratulations to all the people who have repentrd of their sexual nature. I am on the same road now leaving my homesexual life behind. I dont blame anyone for my sexuality but me…i dont want to be gay or bisexual. I am a christian and i thank God because it is him and his son Jesus who are fighting my battles.
I have a trouble sleeping for over a year due to grievance and depression. I take medicine for that. My self-guilt aggravates the condition. I have a same-sex attraction but I am no more in relationship for more than 10 years. I have low self esteem, and I relieve stress and sexual urge with gay pornography, as a result, my heart condemns me. Please pray for me. I know I am wrong.
Pastor Steven Anderson from Faithful Baptist Church in Phoenix Arizona needs to see stuff like that’s cos his beliefs about homosexuality has been out of balance, he has been angry with them, hated them, believes they should be killed, The Bible says God isn’t willing that anyone should perish, but that All should Come to Repentance, 1 Corinthians says such as were some of U, but U are washed, sanctified and justified in The Name of The Lord Jesus, John 3.16 says God so Loved The World that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life
Praise the Lord. Through the blood of Jesus they could be changed washed ALL SINS washed away forgotten by God Almighty. Ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit every day to help you do the will of God to maintain firm in God. Psalms 91. Change of friends if they are obstacle in your walk with God. You don’t want to play church so ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit. Fast and pray so those demons don’t return don’t torment you. 1 John 4:4 “Greater is the One in me than the one in the world”.
Gender identity is a facet of religious doctrine. The doctrine that is being pushed on people by the lgbt is a pagan doctrine which is very different than the scriptural doctrine of the Old Testament .the baphomet pagan deity is androgynous and to transgender ones child was a form of sacrifice and admirable in pagan communities because in their religion this is how one would achieve godhood. People have been transgendering since ancient Sumerian times with the use of urine crystals that contain hormones and castration. Scriptural doctrine states that god created man and woman, not pan sexual non binary, asexual, transgender, etc. it’s states a man shall not lay with a man. These religions have very different gender identity doctrine. What is happening is the US is violating the religious rights ( freedom) of scripture abiding and forcing pagan doctrine into the masses. The govt is also violating parental rights of its citizens. I’m surprised a team of lawyers hasn’t seen what a huge class action suit this is. They are favoring one religious group over another and imposing their beliefs onto all citizens. They have also violated separation of church and state in doing this and pushing pagan religious doctrine in the schools. I’d also like to get into pagan beliefs on enlightenment of children but it’s x rated. These acts they believe open the third eye of the child, and it a form of initiation into the religion. The problem is when children experience trauma such as sexual abuse, it actually causes an imbalance in hormone levels.
Zebra, what you do not understand is the power of Yahuah. See one can never tell another what it feels like to die if they have never died,or let alone live without Yahuah . Real life comes after the receiving of Yahusha. I’m so sorry you have not experienced this love . It’s like no other . Absolutely noting can compare or replace it once you have it, it stays ! No amount of argument can move a believer to change their minds. People die daily because they will not denounce Him. Look at China right now !!!! People are being beaten to death in war crime camps because they were praying to Yahuah. There is a soul connection that no man can break . A bond so woven into our spirit that one doesn’t get lost because the Good Shepherd is always there . Rather than rebuke what you do not know, read about it . Or simply ask Yahuah to reveal Himself . Be prepared though should you ask …… it’s glorious