Street Fight Strategy Borat Style?

In a humorous video, pranksters confront people in Compton before stripping down to MANKINIS. Learning a martial art can prepare you to win a street fight if you’re pushed into a corner. Choose a fighting style that teaches strikes, hand-to-hand combat, and ground fighting. The 400 meter sprint is the most effective thing to train for street fights, as most street fights involve untrained people. However, grappling art is preferred as it allows you to control where the fight takes place.

To win a street fight, you must know how to fight in all three distances of combat: Kicking Range, Kicking Range, and Krav Maga. Krav Maga is a great system for winning a street fight, but it’s best to find a reputable gym with experienced teachers who emphasize effective techniques. MMA has been criticized for being too dangerous and not providing enough protection for fighters, but it is one of the best martial arts for street fights or self-defense. It teaches a large variety of punches, kicks, and grappling.

In a Borat-style street fight, take the center and dominate with the intention of putting that person down. If you have the opportunity, retreat and don’t engage. Honoring the truth while fighting the good fight is essential.

In conclusion, learning a martial art can prepare you to win a street fight, especially if you’re pushed into a corner. By avoiding encounters and resorting to violence when necessary, you can ensure a successful street fight.

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Street Fight Strategy Borat Style
(Image Source:

Rae Fairbanks Mosher

I’m a mother, teacher, and writer who has found immense joy in the journey of motherhood. Through my blog, I share my experiences, lessons, and reflections on balancing life as a parent and a professional. My passion for teaching extends beyond the classroom as I write about the challenges and blessings of raising children. Join me as I explore the beautiful chaos of motherhood and share insights that inspire and uplift.

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  • Я бы посмотрел как он так будет дёргаться в реальной уличной драке, единственно правильное решение если драки не избежать, бить оппонента в бороду, солнечное сплетение или нос. Тогда вы сможете дейтвительно дезориентировать противника и выиграть время чтобы убежать, всё остальное выглядит как нативный способ получить по лицу

  • I really like the fact that the trainer tells them to protect the aggressor against severe head injuries. It is one thing to defend your-self but another to kill or paralyse another human being, EVEN if he or she attacks you. This distinguishes you from the aggressor and should be the reason why you should learn how to fight. Great article, mille gracie

  • No soy experto en técnicas de defensa, pero soy policía hace más de 20 años y he visto y participado en muchas peleas que comienzan con ese empellón. No alcanzas a reaccionar ante ese primer empujón frontal, ni un gato lo haría! Eso es falso! 60 cms máx. debe recorrer el puño o la palma para llegar a tu pecho o cara v/s el metro que se deben mover tus dos piernas luego de iniciado el golpe. Esa es sólo una situación diseñada por el instructor. Ese golpe siempre lo recibes cuando tu oponente está sobreseguro de que estas en desventaja de cualquier motivo espacial, física, psíquica, laboral, técnica, etc. Por ejemplo desventaja espacial: si estás en una habitación pequeña llena de muebles ocupado en resolver el altercado no te has dado cuenta de una silla detrás tuyo, recibirás el empujón y recién deberás rediseñar otra técnica que coincida con el momento y así sucesivamente hasta un cuarto o quinto golpe si eres experto. Ni hablar si te topas con un peleador con calle. Sólo es mi experiencia más la lógica. Busquen aquí mismo Tiempo/distancia/reacción y las peleas profesionales de cualquier clase donde los luchadores reaccionan con una contratecnica al tercer o cuarto embiste.

  • It’s amazing how reality and training differ. I’ve actually had this happen, but in reality it was a friend and I wasn’t expecting the situation to escalate so quickly. And unlike the article if someone is going to push you the distance is much much closer. No one does a run and push unless they really have no intention on actually engaging. The combination of timing and speed coordination to pull this off against someone who’s been in a few most people just don’t have. I think training seminars should come with a ‘this is under optimal conditions’ set up before passing it off as techniques that can work just because you’ve taken a few classes.

  • you know how you end a fight in 3 seconds? Train for 10 years. There is no shortcut to anything, including a fight. You could spend a lifetime solely on the mental aspects of combat. Quick shortcut:? Study wrestling, western boxing, muay thai, judo, brazilian jiujitsu. You will be unstoppable. It’s called MMA

  • Brown belt in Karate myself but I always found it less than real-life helpful that when practicing and demonstrating that someone would throw a half hearted punch and then freeze at their extension so you could do your thing. I doubt anyone in real life would just stand there, arms extended, and let you do your thing after throwing their punch. Of course, in class, you don’t want to hurt one another and your learinng technique, but this is how most martial arts classes go I think and you have to start somewhere. Of course, I expect a lot of criticism over my view point. Fine, this is how I saw it.

  • Although these hand-to-hand techniques have the potential to be effective in a real fight, as with any hand-to-hand technique, they are context-dependent. If there are people who seek a hand-to-hand technique that will work regardless of the context, they’ll be waiting indefinitely. If you want to be best equipped to protect yourself and/or others from harm, you have to sufficiently dedicate yourself to more than just one technique. The more effective techniques you can execute effectively, the better equipped you’ll be to protect yourself and/or others from harm. If you want to avoid violence occurring in your life, then don’t do what is conducive towards violence occurring in your life. That’s going to require thought, and possibly, a change of belief, in order to best equip yourself to do so. I hope this helps someone.

  • leggo un sacco di commenti “strani”….cosi commento pure io…..e uso le parole di un Maestro : non esiste la tecnica perfetta che ti garantisce la Vittoria, esiste solo il grado di preparazione che hai….piu sei preparato e allenato, piu si alzano le probabilita di Vittoria…..quindi allenatevi…..e buona fortuna in caso di aggressione

  • As dishonourable as the Internet May find it. But striking first is the only way to win a fight whether it’s a sucker punch or a well executed haymaker. NEVER wait for the enemy to attack because if he hits you first chances are you’ll never find time to recover. That’s how I’ve seen it during my time as a hooligan. And that’s the ONLY way unless you are a grandmaster of martial arts or some crap

  • Classrooms and the real world are very different though. 90% of classroom training is rendered worthless when the shit actually hits the fan and you piss yourself in fear. Combat sports are great for getting that confidence up to do actually fight. Slowly reenacting moves in a gym cant give you that. Not saying that this is bad, not in any way. This is good, but only a part of what is necessary to actually be able to defend oneself.

  • All martial arts (some exceptions) are effective when you train and actually been in a fight or two (not tournaments). You learn very quickly what you are in a real fight, win, lose, gun, gangs, or cops. These days, depending on where you live, you’re not fighting one person, unarmed. Such a world we live in these days. Ugh… I love this instructor and his lessons. Awesome teacher and love his explanations. I wish him and his school all the best and thanks to Luca Goffi for this article. God bless

  • Everybody saying, “Just bring a gun lol,” listen up: 1. Guns aren’t always readily available, whether it be for legal or practical reasons or something else entirely. 2. A gun is not going to be as effective as you think it would be. In close quarters like he was demonstrating, an attacker WILL get to you before you have drawn, disengaged safety, and aimed, even if you’re trained, and they’re not. That’s assuming you keep a small, loaded handgun easily accessible on your person. Anything else, you’ll look ridiculous trying to pull it out in the middle of a fight, because you will lose before you start. 3. The reflexes necessary to pull off moves like that in a real fight are only developed through practice. perusal articles without even moving from your seat isn’t going to help you at all. Go practice! The training is good exercise anyway. So don’t put all your trust in a weapon, turn yourself into one instead, and stay safe out there!

  • If this situation happens, someone manages to dodge and execute the movement, it’s risky to just let his head fall on the ground. If he gets a brain concussion, even though he is the attacker, you will be still legally liable. To avoid this mess, just try to contain him, if he doesn’t cooperate, deliver a punch to the jaw.

  • @ Jolly All a red belt means is you can just about walk around the Dojang without falling over. There is some great self defence in TaeKwonDo, but also a lot of useless stuff . You just have to train long enough to filter it out . Same with Aikido and Karate . It isn`t just about knowing where to twist the arm, or where to headbutt . You have to condition your reflexes and your attitude . I know plenty of “Black belts” who couldn`t beat up their grandma, because they are solely concerned with learning modules to pass gradings . I also know some deadly ones. These are the guys who have looked a little more deeply into the roots of the art. The guys who just show up twice a week, pay their fees and go home at the end of an hours training are just paying the instructors mortgage. You have to get involved . Look around at lots of martial arts, and be open minded is my advice. Sensei ILZ 5thDAN

  • When he was saying push your opponent to gain confidence I laughed a little. Only because I remember I was in a fight in middle school where the guy pushed me in the chest as hard as he could and HE flew back. Then, while my hands were still down, he landed a punch at my cheek and I hardly moved. Then he ran the other way. He didn’t have much confidence after that! lol

  • Самый лучший прием должен лежать у вас в сумке на готове, а именно ( перцовый болончик, шокер или пистолет) в остальных случаях, даже если вы мастер карате или мастер спорта по боксу, велика вероятность что это не сработает . Т.к у него может окащаться все что угодно . От шила до ножа . 1 ошибка и смерть

  • Funny True Story…. I’ve Been Doing Maui Thai Since I Was 8 Years Old I’m Now 35 I Went to a Self Defence Class As My Wife Wanted to Try it So The Guy Picked Me To “Demonstrate” a Move Probably Because I’m 6ft6 And In Good Shape & He Was 5ft1 With Short Man Syndrome 😂😂 He Said Take This Fake Rubber Knife & Come At Me & I Will Disarm Then Slam Me On The Ground…. When He Said “Go” I Stepped Forward & Kicked Him in The Head Really Hard He Got Dropped Not Knocked Out But He Got The Shock of His Life He Threaten to Call The Police As He Fake Fighting BS Was Well Fake I Dropped Him Not Even Trying I Was Wearing Jeans & a Hoodie Too 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️😂😂😂

  • Most people get interested in KM for the disarms. Then you realise that when an attacker is legitimately holding onto a knife or gun (unlike how a limp wristed opponent in the gym would hold one), the techniques are far less successful. Not to mention that a scenario in which someone is actually holding a gun to your forehead is extraordinarily unlikely. Unfortunately, in most situations the only real answer for a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. I still think that if you want to learn self defence, KM is one of, if not the most practical systems there are. I’m just wary of the techniques that I see as being a little less practical and a little more showy. Helps to know one’s limitations when the shit hits the fan and act accordingly.

  • I’m not a fan of Krav Maga. I don’t know if this stuff can be used in real situations, it may look cool but I don’t think it easily translates to real situations. I had a co worker who was well versed in Krav Maga, and he got into a situation with some inmates and ended up being hurt really badly, he would always show me Krav Maga moves, and said if it ever came down to it, he would be able to seriously hurt someone. That day came and his training failed him. Since then I have just focused on boxing and judo, and work out 5-6 times a week as well. I think I am better equipped with boxing and judo to seriously harm someone than Krav Maga. Maybe the real Krav Maga they teach in Israel might work, but the schools here in the United States seem to be filled with fluff. Just my opinion.

  • To all dear commentators here: Never mind which Martial Art you train…just train hard (eventually they all do the job if you train seriously) to keep your mind and body healthy and productive in whatever you do and AVOID ANY FIGHTS by not going into unnecessary situations – These are the best fighting strategies THAT ARE PROVEN EFFECTIVE by all statistics…..

  • Elementary techniques performed at below level standards. The so called instructor does not even explain what he is showing but more importantly can’t explain as to why he is doing those techniques a sure sign that he has never performed these techniques for real and is a sure sign of a McDojo. Viewers don’t believe the hype.

  • Ma quando mai… la strada sta gente non l’ha mai vista perchè sta chiusa in palestra! Di fronte tu non hai uno che aspetta che gli dici che sei pronto, tu non sai che tipo di attacco ti verrà inferto, tu non hai uno davanti che sta fermo e si fa menare, ma una persona che, se ti sta aggredendo, vuole farti male e che inizia a scalciare e tirare pugni a manetta su tutta la tua figura. Questi schemi sono utili mentalmente per allenare i riflessi e non aver paura del contatto fisico, ma pensare di uscire indenni in quel modo da uno scontro in strada significa solo non aver mai avuto la sfortuna di trovarcisi in certe situazioni. per altro a livello meramente logico (e anche legale) sarebbe spropositata come reazione a una spinta un attacco che provoca, cito testualmente, shock della cervicale e rottura del setto nasale: diventa eccesso di legittima difesa, se ti va a denunciare poi tu sei illeso e quello col naso spaccato va a finire che l’aggressore diventi te e passi pure i guai. Per altro una spinta non ti verrà mai inferta partendo da quella distanza, a meno che non sei in uno scontro già preannunciato e voluto, quindi con una parte di colpevolezza da parte tua, ma ti spingono quando sei a breve distanza, proprio per creare spazio per allontanarti e poi eventualmente attaccarti, quindi non potrai mai uscire in quel modo da una spinta, al massimo puoi provare se sei abile a bloccare le mani dell’aggressore al tuo petto e usare la sua forza per una leva articolare, ma parliamo di una rapidità di intenzione che presuppone un allenamento professionale, non certo per amatori che vanno in palestra tre volte a settimana per due orette.

  • I call bullshit I’ve been studying martial arts for nearly forty years in all its forms and I find no perfect style. Myamoto Musashi is the only one who ever perfected it and lived to tell about it. The vast majority of martial artists have never killed a man. That’s what makes it fake! It’s all hypothetical. It’s not war, it’s not combat, it’s just juice. Picture yourself on an ancient battlefeild with 500.000 men. Are you gonna walk away? No, you’re gonna get killed and looted. Again, picture yourself on a modern battlefield with 500 men with guns. Are you gonna walk away? No, you’re gonna get killed and looted. You and me in an alley, which of us do think is about to get looted? It’s all good in training and practice, hey guy, walk into my counter-punch…

  • I really do think KM is useful learning a lot of great and helpful techniques to defend yourself But please guys do me a favor… Just leave those bs scripted slow motion sequences out or please emphasize that this just not Reality. No one on the street will just jab you straight on. They will come with wild punches or try to grab you. A sequence without scripting and slowmo would be nice to see. Don’t get me wrong I think you guys Know what to do and what you are capable of but try to teach realistic stuff. With best Regards.

  • One thing I’d like to see more of with these technique articles is having the aggressor try to compensate like in real life instead of just letting it happen. I’m not saying it won’t work IRL, but IRL the if he already has contact with your chest, the opponent won’t just keep going past you when you side step.

  • I don’t want to burst anyone’s bubble but bjj, muay thai, boxing ect. Are the only ways you’re gonna properly know how to defend yourself. These articles are highly telegraphed and things don’t work like this in a real fight. No ones just gonna stand there, and alow you to finish these sequence of events. When I was younger i watched this same exact article thinking krav maga is so cool, but after learning various martial arts and coming back to this article i just have to say this vid is downright offensively silly. Please don’t rely on these silly articles to defend your self in a life or death situation.

  • This is nonsense. Real krav maga incorporates weapons such as guns and knives. It teaches you close quarter combats where your opponent will also have a gun or a knife. It’s about pushing off and creating distance to effectively use your weapons. This martial arts version the internet has created is complete nonsense

  • No matter how easy this looks still gotta keep in mind these guys have had years of training and practice. To make the average middle aged chubby guy or woman think they can learn and execute these moves without a lot of practice and mental awareness and fighting experience is dangerous. All these moves are executed here in safe environments when the attacker isn’t fighting back. The moves seem so final and devastating, but what happens when the guy you just ducked and moved on, maybe even face raked or knocked down comes right back at you twice as hard? I think this stuff inspires false confidence in the average person’s ability.

  • Only with regular training you can pull this stuff off, obviously. And even then it’s hard. Not because of your technique but because of your mental state. Only through training and sparring/matches you learn how to react appropriately. Imagine being caught off guard, or you’re drunk or you’re attacked from behind for no reason like I was once. articles like these are great but dont rely on them unless you’re being trained by someone.

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