Jeans often rub against light suede shoes, leaving blue stains. To remove denim stains from suede shoes safely, there are several methods, including using vinegar, alcohol, or a white pencil eraser. Rub the suede gently with a clean, dry white bath towel to remove some of the dye and use a clean, white rubber eraser to remove almost all of the dry indigo dye. Gently rub the stained area until all or most of the dye is gone.
Blood stains can be difficult to remove from any fabric, especially suede, which requires extra care and attention. However, there are proven methods for cleaning suede shoes and trainers. All you need is a suede brush, rubber, flannel, white vinegar or rubbing alcohol, and baking soda.
To remove stains from suede shoes, follow these steps:
Rub the stain with a white pencil eraser. Blot fresh stains with a paper towel, sprinkle baking soda on the spot, and allow it to dry overnight. The next day, buff the spot with a rubber eraser and scrub with vinegar.
Dampen a clean white cloth with white vinegar and gently blot the dye spot with the cloth. Do this several times. If some stains remain, add one cup of white vinegar in cold water and soak the jeans inside out for an hour. Place the jeans in the washing machine.
In summary, removing denim stains from suede shoes requires careful attention and care.
📹 Jean Stains on Leather, Nubuck, & Suede Sneakers
In this video, we address the “Jean Stain” question. We’ve been receiving many questions, comments, and emails for the longest …
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