Semen, a product of the human body, contains living cells and is not an animal product. Many vegans consider semen to be vegan-friendly, as it is not intentionally created by exploiting animals. There is some evidence linking diet to sperm health, but there is limited knowledge about the impact on sperm quality. Vegetarians may not get enough vitamin B12 from their diets, which could affect sperm count and motility.
A study on 474 males found that vegetable-based food intake decreased sperm quality, with lacto-ovo vegetarians having a lower sperm concentration. The prominence of soy protein in vegetarianism may be the culprit, but other factors may also play a role. A research study found no significant differences in semen quality parameters between vegetarians and omnivores, but female vegetarians showed lower plasma oestrone.
Meta-analyses showed no significant differences between vegetarians and omnivores in terms of semen quality parameters, including sperm concentration, progressive sperm motility, sperm morphology, ejaculate volume, and total sperm volume. However, sperm from meat-eaters is no meatier than sperm from vegans, as they can consent to slurping their sperm.
Semen is technically not vegan because it is sourced from an animal, but a vegan would likely drink human semen with their consent. Higher consumption of animal-based food was correlated with lower sperm motility, and vegan groups had a significantly higher sperm quality.
There is some evidence linking diet to sperm health, but there is limited knowledge about the exact relationship between diet and sperm health. Vegans may not get as much vitamin B12 from their diets as they need, and a plant-based diet rich in specific nutrients can play a pivotal role in enhancing sperm quality and overall fertility.
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Take control of your reproductive health with the help of natural remedies designed to increase sperm count and improve fertility.
Do vegetarians have higher fertility?
A vegetarian diet is as healthy as a meat-based diet for female fertility, as it increases the likelihood of getting essential nutrients and helps prevent weight problems. A diet containing fruits, leafy greens, whole wheats, nuts, and legumes is suitable for a fertility plan. However, vegetarians must consider their protein sources to ensure they are getting enough of the nine essential amino acids.
Most meat products are complete proteins, while vegetables, grains, nuts, and legumes typically feature eight or fewer of the essential amino acids. To ensure they are getting enough of these amino acids, vegetarians should get their protein from a wide range of sources.
Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient for conception and pregnancy, but it is found in virtually no plant sources. Some plant milks, soy products, and cereals are fortified with B12, and vegetarians, especially vegans, should consider taking a B12 supplement if they don’t have many B12-fortified products regularly. It is best to consult with a healthcare provider before taking a supplement.
Do vegan men have higher sperm count?
A preliminary study by Marija Kljajic et al. found that vegan diet significantly increased total sperm count and the percentage of rapid progressively motile sperm compared to non-vegan individuals. The study aimed to evaluate differences in sperm quality parameters, sperm oxidative stress values, and sperm acrosome reaction between vegan and non-vegan individuals. Insufficient nutrition and inappropriate diet have been linked to various diseases, and it is crucial to determine dietary factors that can affect male fertility. The study highlights the importance of understanding the impact of vegan diets on male fertility.
Is vegetarian diet good for sperm?
The study revealed no statistically significant differences in semen quality parameters between vegetarians and omnivores. However, female vegetarians exhibited lower plasma oestrone levels, while male vegetarians demonstrated higher sex-hormone-binding globulin levels.
as a german citizen I am actually surprised to see that this country actually published a study basically in favor of veganism lowkey. because I am also aware that sadly germany overall, regarding it’s ‘official health institutions’ like Robert Koch and so on, dismiss veganism widespreadly one could say. they always state stuff like ‘there is no proof for a plant based diet being more healthy’. germany sadly is also known for heavy Animal AG lobbyism though. so this is, although it arrives pretty late, a sign that provides at least some optimism. thank you for sharing x)
Hey Mic, There’s a TicToker by the name of “conanmvisser” that did a ’30 day vegan challenge’ right after doing a ’30 day alcoholic challenge’ (yes, really). He basically just ate veggies and coconut oil and hailed the vegan diet as the worst diet ever right after as he had some ‘bad side effects’, I’d love to see you do a rundown if you get the chance to and let him know what he could have done to improve his diet
My friends (married, trying for a baby), shes been vegan for a year and her partner pretty much went majority plant based as well. They started trying recently, thinking it would take at least 5 months to be successful as it’s very common to have difficulty conceiving. Yet she got pregnant first try LOL. I know it’s anecdotal but I’m not surprised in the least that eating a good quality plant based diet would lead to better fertility outcomes. I wonder if difficulty in conceiving is much more intrinsically tied to diet than people would like to believe 😬😬
Very interesting. And the hyper masculinity angle, “I did it for my count…” 😀. Thanks, this should be well known and as you say if the shoe was on the other foot there would be screaming headlines. As always, a pleasant and watchable article too as well as being informative. Now let’s hope bigger studies are done which – as vegans we can’t help hoping – reiterate what this one said.
I’m vegan and this is fascinating. Though I’d really like to see this experiment replicated with a larger group of guys and across different demographics. As significant as the results are, I just don’t think that 10 vegans and 10 non-vegans is a large enough study to make non-vegans think twice about their habits… This can be far too easily dismissed ‘yeah, whatever, thats just a tiny group so I don’t need to pay attention’.
Hi Mic, today i watched a article recently put out by the website Leo and Longevity titled “5 Supplements you shouldn’t take” or something along those lines. In this article he recommends not using whey protein powder due to excessive protein intake being a major factor in rapid aging, but in the same breath he recommends eating meat instead. I found this shocking because he prides himself on making recommendations based on science and the focus of his website is LONGEVITY and quality of life rather than say bodybuilding for example where health consequences aren’t the priority. Was wondering if you could make a response article or maybe reach out to Leo privately? great article as always btw
So glad these studies showing this turned up here. This is discussed by Rip Esselstyne in his film. He changed these big hunky athlete friends of his into WFPB diets. Lets just say the young men were astounded at not just the better quality & number data in sperm counts but also the sexual endurance & potency WITH the plant-based diet!!
You forgot to mention that the study only had 10 men in each group and no other factors or variables were taken into account. Who knows what kind of people they picked. Small observation studies like this doesn’t say anything. Good luck in trying to repeat this results with a much bigger and more controlled group.
For those that caught the random “Paralegal” joke on that list at 1:45 who aren’t millennials that watched mid 90s TV, here is the type of commercial with random scrolling jobs that inspired me to write that: It doesn’t say paralegal and just says legal assistance in that one but I’m sure others did.
Hi I am a porn star and I have tested many difrent types. I can say for certainty that vegans taste better but surprisingly pescatraians also taste good . Meat eater are usually disgusting . Fruit juice helps a lot . I have been experimenting for over 11 years and would say although 90% have been meat eater we are looking at a ruff test of 2200 guys so although I haven’t helped my reputation pls don’t judge me i thought this could be genuinely useful . As for load sizes we always empty the male star atlestvonce 45 mins prior to a shoot so I think it depends on the man and or how long he has been building up . I would say the forst couple of loads are usually thicker . I don’t know of to post this but I think I am going to . Thanks
This review is both honest and cunningly dishonest at the same time. Honest in that the reports says what it says. Cunningly dishonest in that it is comparing males who are vegans versus those who ate whatever they wanted and that includes meat. So the conclusion should really be men who don’t control what they eat versus vegans. This is not a comparison of men who are vegans with those who ONLY ate animal proteins. Plus it is incorrect to readily assume that meat is the culprit because junk food with refined sugars/carbs/oils including meat could be the contributor, which I assume is those vegan men are NOT eating junk food with animal products. A better comparison would be to have two groups both eating the SAME junk food but with one replacing all animal proteins with plant proteins for 1 year. Lastly, the study did not seem to account for the metabolic state of their subjects. The result could well be due to a better metabolic state, which then should focus people on achieving those healthier metabolic state instead of not eating meat.
Thank you Mic for being a strong, yet compassionate, vegan male role model. I give vegan men such credit for going past the hypermasculinity that males link to eating flesh and blood. It is such a ridiculous desperate attempt by omnivorea to link killing gentle sentient animals and eating them with being strong and masculine. With regard to signs of masculinity, eating animals seems to cause aggression, agitation, and unhealthy effects for the arteries above and below the waist. Compassion is a strength for both men and for women, and if vegans are ‘too sensitive”, what does that say for the others who criticize veganism?. Cheers.
Hi MIC! THANK YOU for your worck and enthusiasm ! Can you please make article abous SHBG . I read in book about testosteron written by polish physician that VEGETARIANS has high SHBG and as result low Free testostern . I try to find newest researchings on it but unsuccessfully. In those wich I found only ovo-lacto-veg and carnivore diets compares : (
What is the definition of a meat eater in this study? Is it somebody who goes to Mc Donald and has a fast food burger in a bun or some other garbage every day? Or somebody who eats pizza with salami regularly? Vegans are very specific to choose their “healthy” diet. So the proper study would be to compare vegans with people on specific carnivore only diet.
Off topic, do you now if it’s healthy to eat a mixture of wheat flour, 65g, rapeseed oil, 20g, and soy protein powder, 15g (per 100g, like 450kcal, so about 500g a day needed), supplemented by linseed oil and a nutrient capsule with 100% of the daily requirements for a prolonged period of time? Because as far as I know, this would meet the daily requirements of nutrients, fat, carbohydrates, protein and fibre, right?
As always good information Mic. I stop veganism a long time ago. I used to eat a lot of meat. I just eat more protein from plants than from animals. If I eat meat is from fish or organic eggs. I respect u guys. I do understands your morals. I dont use milks, I dont use cheeses. I live in a country that is hard to go vegans. Im doing my best to lower the impact on the environment.
I did research this surface level because we are trying to get pregnant (both vegan since app 3 years) and I found that there seems to be no real difference since some studies found the vegans sperm count and agility to be higher and others found the opposite. I feel like the problem is the sample sizes are just too small.
The major irony of all of this. 🤣 “I’m a strong, masculine dude with big muscles. I need protein, so I need to eat lots of meat and eggs to keep up my manliness. 💪 No way am I gonna live off of salad and veggie burgers. That’s sissy food for skinny guys.” Eats lot of meat and eggs. 🍗🍖🍤🥓🥩🍳 Proceeds to diminish reproductive potential (which, biologically, is at the very heart of manliness). 😫 Why can’t I get my wife pregnant?! Must be stress/age…maybe I need more protein! Vegan dude puts up with taunts about his masculinity. 🙄 Continues eating a plant based diet. 🥙🌯🥗🍚🥜🍠 His wife falls pregnant their first try. 🥳 Vegan dude has proof of his manliness to all the haters and doubters. 🤰
I’m going into 7 years Vegan, and I have insane stomach problems, I eat high fibre foods, little to no processed foods and try to cut all sugars and vegan treats. no alcohol, I exercise, etc. but I get bad heartburns and leaky gut, which has been hunting me in the last three months. can’t sleep, I was diagnosed with Hp Pylori in the past, I feel this is where it lies my problem, but I find that eating raw just all my symptoms decrease almost to 0, but asap I eat two bowls of cooked lentils I star getting bad heartburn, and if I do raw sprouted lentils I get nothing. I’m starting to consider Raw veganism and I wanted to know your opinion on the topic.
Vegan or non vegan, types, or choice of food does play important part in boosting sperm counts. One thing that can add on is the mind set of man and women to make the feminine and masculine to be the merger. As only human being have the choice in this earth. Other living beings does not have choice. Thank you for sharing it. 😍👍🙏
Had to steal a few of your sources just now. I know you don’t mind, but I still want to thank you for your work. Oh, and in case you remember me. Yes I’m still vegan. Yes I still hate it … and you of course! Though I have to admit the biggest I ever was (actually so big that my mom said it’s too much when she saw me) was not in my meat, but my vegan days. Go figure? Anyway, right now I’m struggling with lateral epicondylitis on both arms. Too much still rings. Gyms were closed, you understand. Did I mention that I still hate you? I did? GOOD!
Interesting, however you have overlooked the fact that it takes two to produce a healthy baby and just because a male vegan’s swimmers can go the distance does not mean their vegan partners physiology is up to task nor does it mean the resulting offspring is going to be healthy and thrive on a vegan diet. Baby making is a team effort and all members have to be in peak condition to bring home the gold.
The study is interesting, but to be fair – it doesn’t change much on the global scale. We know from the actual reality that you don’t need to have “perfect sperm” to have babies, because meat eaters do have babies. If someone is suffering from infertility, they could definitely try veganism. But other than that, I don’t know if it’s relevant.
So many diet questions though. Hormones in meats and dairy these days are crazy. I would love to see better controlled studies of meat eaters that eat “clean” meats, against “mass produced meat eaters”, with dairy taken out of the equation, etc. to rule those hormones out. And what if you eat a lot of veggies and happen to eat meat? Great study otherwise..