In Indiana, How Do You Begin Homeschooling?

Indiana homeschooling parents can report their homeschool’s enrollment to the Indiana Department of Education (IC 20-33-2-21). This is not required for those who choose to home educate their children. To begin homeschooling, parents must inform their child’s current principal in writing. Indiana homeschool laws require parents to teach in English, teach 180 days per year, and maintain attendance records. Parents can begin homeschooling before age seven, and students are finished with school at age 18. Indiana requires a total of 180 days of instruction for homeschooled students, with families having the freedom to choose the days and hours that work best for them. Indiana also requires home educators to conduct homeschooling for at least 180 days in an academic year from July 1st to June 30th of the following year. This guide provides all the necessary paperwork and qualifications to get started and thrive as a homeschooler in Indiana.

📹 How to Homeschool Legally in Indiana | A Quick Overview

Please note: Although HSLDA is a legal advocacy organization, nothing in this video, even legal information, can be considered …

Is there a tax credit for homeschooling in Indiana?

Indiana taxpayers can claim a $1, 000 deduction per qualified dependent child enrolled in a private school or homeschooled. The dependent child exemption increase allows taxpayers to claim an amount of $3, 000 instead of $1, 500 for the first taxable year. The child is not considered a dependent if the previous $1, 500 exemption was claimed by someone else or if the exemption was claimed or claimable when the child was living outside of Indiana.

The taxpayer must indicate the child is being claimed as a dependent on Schedule IN-DEP. Indiana deductions are used to reduce taxable income, and taxpayers must check if they qualify for any deductions before filing their annual income tax return on Form IT-40 or IT-40PNR.

How do I register my child for homeschooling in Indiana?

The state of Indiana does not mandate that homeschooling families register with the relevant authorities. Parents may submit the requisite enrollment information to the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) by clicking the link labeled “Register Your Homeschool.”

What does Indiana require for homeschooling?

Indiana homeschooling rules require 180 days of instruction in English, attendance records kept by parents, and equivalent instruction to public schools. There is no legal requirement for families to register with the state before starting homeschooling. However, the Indiana Department of Education offers a homeschool enrollment form for families to share information about their students. To avoid truancy confusion, it is recommended to send a formal letter to the current school’s principal stating that you are officially withdrawing your child from the school to begin homeschooling. More information on Indiana’s homeschool laws can be found at A2ZHomeschooling. com.

Can I send my kid to any school in Indiana?
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Can I send my kid to any school in Indiana?

Open enrollment in Indiana allows parents to send their children to any public school, regardless of its location. Indianapolis Public Schools requires schools within the district to allow transfers, while other districts allow students to transfer to any public school of choice, provided the school has a policy allowing open enrollment. A new law in 2024 eliminates fees for out-of-district transfers.

Parents can request their child transfer to another district if there are crowded conditions or if another district offers curriculum important to their child’s vocational aspirations. Open enrollment is a valuable form of public school choice, providing more public options for parents.

Is unschooling legal in Indiana?

Indiana is a state where unschooling is legal, as it is in all 50 states. This guide provides information on the paperwork, qualifications, and requirements needed to start homeschooling in Indiana. It also outlines how to best meet your family’s needs and ensures that you adhere to the state’s specific requirements. However, it is important to note that this article is not legal advice and should be checked with your local school board and official Indiana laws before making any decisions about educating your children.

How do I legally homeschool in Indiana?
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How do I legally homeschool in Indiana?

Indiana homeschooling laws are minimal, with only four mandates: 180 days of instruction per year, English language instruction, and attendance records. This allows families to start homeschooling at any time they choose. However, research is crucial to ensure a successful experience. Information on how to start homeschooling in Indiana, Indiana homeschooling laws, associations, groups, field trips, standardized testing, Time4Learning, and building the best homeschool curriculum for PreK-12 in Indiana are provided.

It is the responsibility of the homeschooler to interpret and understand the laws they will be homeschooling under. It is essential to research and find support to ensure a successful homeschooling experience.

Do you have to send your kids to school in Indiana?

In accordance with IC 20-33-2-6 and IC 20-33-2-8, a child is required to attend school from the age of seven onwards. This applies to all children, regardless of whether they are enrolled in an accredited or non-accredited, non-public school.

How many homeschool days are in Indiana?

It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their children receive a minimum of 180 days of instruction within a single academic year, which runs from July 1st to June 30th. This period includes days spent enrolled in public or accredited schools, and any days spent receiving instruction will contribute towards the 180 days of attendance.

How much does Indiana pay for homeschooling?
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How much does Indiana pay for homeschooling?

Indiana’s Private School/Homeschool Deduction program offers a $1, 000 state income tax deduction for families with children attending private schools or homeschooling. However, this tax deduction does not provide increased choice or opportunity, as it is small compared to the costs of private school tuition or homeschooling. The program does not place additional requirements on private or homeschooling groups or schools.

To have a meaningful effect on families, the cap on the deduction would need to be dramatically increased, moving closer to Wisconsin’s deduction funding cap. The program covers tuition, fees, computer software, textbooks, workbooks, curriculum, school supplies, and other written materials used primarily for academic instruction and tutoring.

Does Indiana require standardized testing for homeschoolers?
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Does Indiana require standardized testing for homeschoolers?

State law does not mandate state testing for children in homeschools, but they can take state standardized tests if they are enrolled in a specific educational program offered by a public or accredited non-public school. Homeschooled students are not considered dropouts, but they must keep their driver’s licenses upon withdrawal. If a student is withdrawn without a signed Withdrawal form, they will be considered a dropout and the BMV may refuse to issue a learner’s permit or driver’s license.

Homeschooled children with special needs can receive referrals from homeschool organizations, and they have the same opportunities for participation in IDEA funded programs as those in accredited, non-public schools. Effective 7/1/2021, Indiana will no longer require work permits for minor employees, and employers will no longer need to complete the “Intent to Employ” form.

Is there funding for homeschooling in Indiana?
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Is there funding for homeschooling in Indiana?

Indiana’s Education Scholarship Account (ESA) Program is designed for families with special needs students, such as dyslexia, ADHD, or autism, who find mainstream schooling difficult. Eligibility is for legal residents aged 5-22 with an active IEP, service plan, or Choice Special Education Plan. Homeschooling families can create an IEP if their child doesn’t have one from a previous public school.


Hello friends, and welcome to my channel #OneBlessedMess for this video about the #homeschooling requirements in Indiana!

In Indiana, How Do You Begin Homeschooling?
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Rae Fairbanks Mosher

I’m a mother, teacher, and writer who has found immense joy in the journey of motherhood. Through my blog, I share my experiences, lessons, and reflections on balancing life as a parent and a professional. My passion for teaching extends beyond the classroom as I write about the challenges and blessings of raising children. Join me as I explore the beautiful chaos of motherhood and share insights that inspire and uplift.

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