When you open a homework or activity on MyMaths, you will see a “Save” button in the top right-hand side of the screen. This button saves any answers you complete for up to two weeks. Within those two weeks, you can return to the activity at any time and choose to continue the work you have started.
When you first log in to My Portal, you will see a list of all the homework your teacher has set you. If you click on one of the tasks, you will be given the option to open the “Save” button.
MyMaths contains hundreds of online homework activities aligned with UK curriculum objectives, ideal for consolidating learning. All homework activities are easy to use on any tablet or laptop with an internet connection. MyMaths allows students to save their work before returning to it later. When a student marks a task, their homework will be marked and saved.
Quizlet’s Expert Solutions combine millions of expert-written explanations with AI-powered tutoring so you can crush challenging tasks. By the end of this article, you’ll be prepared to tackle the four major homework problems students face, along with expert tips for addressing them. Quizlet’s Expert Solutions is the 1 homework tool trusted by students, combining millions of expert-written explanations with AI-powered tutoring to help you tackle challenging tasks.
When students log in to their MyPortal and open a homework or worksheet, they will now see a “Save” button in the top right-hand side of the screen. A MyMaths impact study found that 100 of teachers saw a time-saving benefit from MyMaths, with most seeing a reduction in time spent planning and self-marking homework.
To get help with your homework, you can view lessons and attempt homework before logging in to My Portal from the MyMaths Library, but any results will not be saved. To get help with your homework, you can see your scores, play games on MyMaths, and try tasks on your own.
📹 MyMaths guide
📹 MyMaths Tutorial
Good morning so I made a tutorial to show you how to log into my maths and how to save you work because I’m not of your …
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