The Supreme Court has consistently upheld parental rights, with a significant case involving a challenge to a Washington state law that allowed any person to petition for visitation rights with a child at any time. The court held that the law violated parents’ fundamental right to make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of their children. The Justice Foundation argues that parents have a fundamental right to direct the care, custody, and control of their children and that the State should not interfere with this right.
The United States Supreme Court initially acknowledged the right to raise children in 1923 when it held that the liberty interest referred to in the Fourteenth Amendment was “not”. The court’s opinions created a starkly different constitutional status for unwed fathers than for unwed mothers, demanding additional actions and relationships.
The Arizona Supreme Court held that the nonbiological mother was entitled to the marital presumption of paternity despite Arizona’s use of the marriage presumption. The court’s decisions on unmarried fathers and foster parents view parenthood as a social practice rather than elaborate a biological approach to parenthood. Under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, the unmarried father was entitled to a hearing on his behalf.
Furthermore, the Supreme Court has heard challenges to family law statutes brought by unwed biological fathers since the 1970s. Parents can establish legal parentage for their child without going to court by signing a Voluntary Declaration of Parentage (VDOP). This paper questions how far the liberty interests of parents will take us in terms of defining parentage and argues that expanding views towards who can legally establish paternity through the court is necessary.
📹 FATHERS RIGHTS — What you need to know
In this INSIDER EXCLUSIVE TV Special we “Go Behind The Headlines” in “FATHERS RIGHTS — What you need to know “….. to …
Can grandparents file for grandchildren in USA?
In 2021, child poverty was 16. 9%, with rates varying from 8. 1 to 27. 7% across states. Grandparents can petition the courts for custody of their grandchildren to provide support and become legal guardians. Reasons for filing for custody include unexpected circumstances like parent death, financial issues or mental illness, or to complete school enrollment forms or take the child to appointments. Other common reasons include assisting with medical appointments, assisting with education, or providing financial support. Grandparents can also seek legal rights to become legal guardians to help their grandchildren navigate their lives.
What legally makes you a father?
In all states, courts require confirmation of paternity for custody or child support orders for unmarried parents. The methods to establish paternity vary, with some states allowing birth certificates as a sufficient proof. If both alleged and legal parents agree on parenthood, they can sign a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity. If they disagree, they can go to court for a paternity case, which often involves genetic testing. Even if the child is not biologically related to the alleged father, a family court can grant the man legal-parent status if he has acted in a parental role.
How does the US Supreme Court make decisions?
The Supreme Court’s opinion is considered the official opinion of the court until it is delivered in open court or made available to the public. A majority of Justices must agree to the contents of the opinion before it is publicly delivered, signing onto it. The Justice in charge of writing the opinion must consider the comments and concerns of the others who voted in the majority. In close cases, a dissenting opinion may become the majority opinion due to a switch in votes. Decisions may be handed down before oral arguments are heard. The Court meets every Monday to release opinions, with additional days designated as “opinion days” during the last week of the term.
What is the rule of four?
The “rule of four” is the Supreme Court’s practice of granting a petition for review only if there are at least four votes to do so. This rule is an unwritten internal one and is not dictated by any law or the Constitution. The court can grant review and hear oral argument even if a five-justice majority prefers not to do so. However, four justices might not vote to grant review if they believe the full court is likely to issue a decision on the merits with which they disagree.
Are US Supreme Court decisions binding?
The Supreme Court hears a limited number of cases at its discretion, primarily involving federal law questions. Its decisions are binding on all federal courts and state courts regarding Constitution and federal law issues. State courts have trial courts, intermediate appellate courts, and an appellate court of last resort. Each state uses its own terminology for naming its courts, with New York’s trial courts being called the Supreme Courts. Other courts include Courts of Claims, Family Courts, Surrogate’s Courts, and County Courts outside NYC. Additional trial courts have limited jurisdictions.
How to establish legal paternity in California?
A Voluntary Declaration of Parentage (VDOP) form can be signed by both parents to establish legal parentage for a child without going to court. This form is typically signed at the hospital during childbirth but can be signed later. The VDOP has the same effect as a court order and can be canceled if either parent changes their mind. A judge can determine a child’s legal parents through a parentage or adoption case.
What are fathers rights in the United States?
Fathers’ rights advocates have advocated for the right of unwed fathers to custody if their child is adopted by a third party or placed in foster care. They seek a gender-neutral approach, where unwed men and women would have equal rights in adoption issues. In the US, some states have passed laws protecting unwed fathers’ custody rights, with courts increasingly supporting these rights.
Some fathers’ rights advocates have sought the right to prevent women from having an abortion without the father’s consent, arguing that it is discriminatory for men not to participate in a decision to terminate a pregnancy. However, this option is not supported by any laws in the United States. Advocates argue that “choice for men is a flawed solution” and that a “financial abortion” concept exists, where the option exists to sever all responsibility for child support for an unwanted child.
Pressure from father’s rights groups has resulted in gender-neutral programs eligible for parental leave in several countries. These benefits emphasize gender-neutral child-rearing, the benefits of father participation in children’s care, and redress discrimination against men who wish to be involved with their infants.
In summary, fathers’ rights advocates have worked to ensure equal rights for unwed fathers in adoption and child welfare issues, but critics argue that this approach does not sufficiently acknowledge the different biological roles in procreation and pregnancy and the disparity in society’s social and economic structures.
How long does a father have to be absent to lose his rights in USA?
Parental rights can be terminated due to various grounds, including abandonment, incapacity, non-support, abuse or neglect, and surrender. To terminate a father’s parental rights in North Carolina, the petitioner must prove that the father has willfully abandoned the child for at least six consecutive months. Other grounds include mental incapacity, substance abuse, or other factors that make it difficult for the father to fulfill his responsibilities.
If the father fails to financially support the child, his rights may be terminated. If the father has abused or neglected the child, his rights may be terminated. If the father voluntarily surrenders his rights, his rights may be terminated. It is advisable to consult an experienced family law attorney for guidance on the legal process and understanding of your rights and options under the law.
How do I establish legal paternity in Florida?
Paternity can be legally established through a civil action in circuit court, where a judge can issue a court order and the court will hear the case to determine its validity.
What was the US Supreme Court decision on grandparents’ rights?
The Court ruled that parents’ interest in their children’s care, custody, and control is a fundamental liberty interest, which is implicated in grandparent visitation cases. The Washington visitation statute was struck down as it unconstitutionally infringed on this right. State courts must apply a presumption that fit parents act in the best interests of their children, and Troxel requires state courts to give “special weight” to a fit parent’s decision to deny non-parent visitation and other decisions regarding their children’s care and custody.
The Court held that parents’ decisions about their children’s upbringing are among associational rights protected by the Fourteenth Amendment against the State’s unwarranted usurpation, disregard, or disrespect.
Do grandparents have legal rights in USA?
Grandparents’ rights vary by state. While all 50 states have grandparents’ rights, around 20 have restrictive visitation statutes, allowing only in cases of divorce or death of parents. Others, like Washington and Hawaii, have permissive visitation statutes, allowing grandparents or other caretakers to petition the court for visitation based on the child’s best interest. It’s important to check your state’s specific laws to understand the process.
📹 Man Perfectly Explains Family Court
Take a gander as Mark Ludwig of Americans for Equal Shared Parenting explains how his son was kidnapped from him and then …
My ex and I were fostering a brother and sister, eight and nine years old. After having them for eight months my then wife decided the young boy was “too much to handle”. So she decided he had to go back into the nightmare that is foster care system. A couple years after, getting divorced because I did not agree with that decision about the boy. Not only has this woman managed to alienate that boy from his sister and me, now she has managed to alienate my now adopted daughter who I have not seen in person in almost 3 years. The punchline? This woman is a “special needs teacher”! YUP
I am a father, found fit. But because I was a man I lost custody of my son to a grandmother. Never allowed to see him again. I have been alienated since my sons mothers death. New judge, hates men since he came from criminal court. I fought for 9 but in the end I lost due to lack of $. Lancaster PA is big on removing kids from parents for $. Grandma never paid me for child support, but I have to pay her. 900$ a month. Then she doesn’t insure him because she doesn’t want to work anymore. She’s decided to retire of me. Meanwhile I’m alienated from my son and never allowed my family to have a relationship with him. You wonder why United States is falling apart. Look at the Family Court System. It’s a pay for play, you have no rights to your own children. Kids belong to the state. Civil War is coming
I have spent 3 years 90 thousand in legal fees to a family court system that only empowers moms bad behavior. Woman want equality well we can start in the family court. The burden should be on the mother to prove to the court why dad deserves less time with his child and why she deserve more. The way the family court system is right now the main purpose is to bankrupt the father and keep the money flowing through the court system. The child is NOT in the family courts best interest. It’s a shame, and the ones who lose are the kids. Mothers cannot teach children what fathers provide. Same the other way around. Majority of marriages and relationships are broken not because the man left but because the woman leaves or files for divorce when life gets tough. I just want more time with my little girl and the court is dragging.
That is exactly my situation. My ex withheld visitation after we split starting May 2015. I got an atty and filed for divorce and shared custody. She broke almost every order by coaching the kids to hate and withdraw from me. She got the kids to say they wouldn’t go with me on my time or for me to be allowed to take pics or get a hug and kiss from them. Funny part is that before our split. I couldn’t leave the house without a hug and kiss from both of them. I was also the stay at home parent for several years. After 4 years in court and being run out of money by my lawyer, I have literally no co tact with my kids while my ex demands that I give her over 25% of my pay in child support. 2 years I was homeless fighting for time with my kids. Not done but had to take a break to try to get my finances fixed.
my ex suddenly accused me of child abuse out of no where, i hadnt spoke to her in almost 2.5 years. there was literally no issues, suddenly shes would bash me online, talk crap about me to my friends, deny my parenting time to our child, she kept my daughter away for 5 months, created so much chaos and drama out of thin air. and the accusations, every text had an accusation of some sort in it. what was going on and why was she going on the attack at me like i did something wrong had my mind in a mess, i had no choice but to go to court because she was taking my child away, she origionally left me for another man, but wont ever admit it. i believe that when a woman wants to be single and does not a man to support her, she will go for the resources that the government promises her, child support, is one of them, my ex does not have a job, gets child support, gets family allowance, gets tax returns, does not pay for rent because its subsidized, does not pay for her lawyer because its legal aid, everything is basically free, which makes me think that working is pointless and that i too might aswell go on wellfare, but even then i wouldnt get the same benefits
I was there. Mark Ludwig truly has a gift at Communicating this information and message, to those with a Seat at the Table. Many many thanks for posting this article and the editing, as this amazing testimony was buried in 2 hours of the Live Feed of the Hearing. Sunshine is a Powerful disinfectant. The moral arc of the universe is long, but it does bend towards justice. ……
I loaned a co-worker a $1,000 to fly back to California. He was in the Navy prior getting hired. When he came back from an extended 8 month cruise he went to put the key in his door and it didn’t work. He knocked on the door and a strange woman answered. His ex had taken every dime of his pay, moved in with her new boyfriend, took the kids, and never said a word. In Court the Judge blamed him for staying away for so long, the Navy was no excuse, and he should have thought about that before joining.
The notion of “visitation rights” is highly offensive to me. I am not a visitor. I am the father of those kids. I am a parent to those kids. In order for me to be a father, I demand that I am given full access to my kids. I demand that I am allowed to parent my kids, and that I be allowed to discipline my kids as I see fit. If you want full custody, you’ve got it. I’ll simply walk away. How can I be a father when I’m not allowed to be a father?
They go after fathers big time for child support. But when a father is raising the child alone, with no help from the mother and she isn’t forced to pay child support, nothing happens to her. There is such a double standard there. This is so not right. I’ve known and still know fathers raising the children on their own. They sure don’t get the same help that mothers get.
FAMILY court, more like use the children as PAWNS to make the lawyers money and keep the Judges and clerks employed. Imagine if the Judges were fair instead of singling out One parent for Punitive treatment how much better the lives of the children will be. But the Children are not a Priority for the courts it’s all about job security.
I know a guy that has his kids full time, the mother wants nothing to do with them but yet before court she quit her job because she didn’t want to pay child support and the judge did nothing to her for quiting her job. If that were a guy they would through him in jail . Then she got the judge to give her half his pension when she already had her own . And she ended up not paying child support and then getting Alimony given to her by this corrupt judge . This all happening in Canada, Ontario, Hanover Ontario.
brother i spent £20000 to family court to see my daughter. my ex partner falsely accused me of hitting her and got legal aid. they slandered my name and pride. they made me lose my family and lost my house. it took me 2 years to recover but it made me realise how family court was a business and a child abuse scandal. it is horrible so i know what you are going through
In 2013 I was the male victim of repeated domestic violence offenses which began after I informed my childs mother that I wanted to end our relationship. She was undocumented and it soon became apparent that she was behaving this way hoping that I would retaliate enabling her to receive a U-visa. Instead I called the police and filed over a dozen domestic incident reports. The police had been to our home numerous times and repeatedly warned her to stop or she would be arrested. On the final night we lived together she assaulted me and was ultimately arrested. The DA declined to prosecute her due to her immigration status and the sanctuary policies in NYC. A month later she filed a false report alleging DV on the date that SHE was arrested. I NEVER even once raised my hand to her and wtf is an “attempted” assault anyway? At trial all of the NYPD officers involved testified in my favor, article footage proved that her testimony and allegations were false, her only witness was a family member who arrived after the police were called. That family member pretended to the courts that she did not speak english despite having been born here, attending school here, living and being employed here for over 30 years. Her lie was discovered during examination on the stand and she was admonished by the judge. Upon realizing that the prosecutor had no case against me they reduced the charges to a midemeanor held a bench trial and found me guilty of misdemeanor attempted assult. The judge having a nasty disposition and bias towards men remanded me to rikers island for two weeks without bail.
This is so true. There is no justice for men in family court. My friend is fighting a very contested divorce. They married for 12 years with two kids. The wife is after permanent alimony, full physical and legal custody of the kids, and no visitation of the father. The wife took the kids away and left the house. She claimed the husband abandoned her and kids and the court awarded her legal fees (about $100k) paid full by the husband. My friend is a retired military man. After serving 24 years, he felt betrayed and screwed by the very county he served.
Imagine down voting this…. There’s so much in domestic law that needs fixed in this country, it’s sickening. The truth as said here is that they courts and their agents (that includes lawyers) are mostly in for the money and they will do everything they can to squeeze as much money out of the case as possible. Even with compelling evidence of truth, they will find ways around it to make you pay into the system. If you can avoid the system altogether, do it. My empathy goes out to those who have to continually live in this corrupt and broken system because of a high conflict case with a co-parent who can’t see outside of themselves. At the end of the day, it’s up to the people to fix this system. Those in power will never fix it until they stop profiting off of it.
My mother used to threaten my dad with divorce all the time and he put up with an alcoholic drug addict abusive mother. I’ve got articles of how she gets when she doesn’t get her way. And then I ended up marrying somebody very much like her they’re very Charming up front at the beginning and then watch out what happens when you don’t let them have what they want. They will find whatever tool they can and whatever tool they can to use to hurt you they don’t care about the children. They don’t care about the children at all. And then when it comes to the courts it’s he who has the most money he or she who has the most money.
I need some people to pray for my best friend. When his son was a year old his mom took off due to my friend not letting her do heroin. She just took him, he called the police, they said IT WAS LEGAL because they weren’t married!!!!!!! Legal! Legal to just leave with HIS son. He looked, searched, and checked everywhere she frequented, 6 months later he was contacted by a friend of the family who saw his son coming threw the system, IN FLORIDA, we all live in Michigan. She took his son to Florida, was getting high, lost him, claimed he had no dad, and the courts failed to do a diligent search, the day he found him, he left to Florida, it’s 6 years later, he hasn’t missed a single visit, he has his own home (even employes me) raises his daughter with his new wife, and fights daily for his son. The hearing to terminate his rights is this August, he’s a great dad, but his sons still living with the dope friend sister and not his father. Knows and loves his father, but can’t be where he belongs. PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM IN HIS HEARING.
This article is so true and it is how we deal with the “result” of divorce. If you truly want to fix something you need to fix the “cause”. So my question is, “when are we going to teach men and women how to have successful long-term committed relationship, so that our children and families don’t have to go through this? The best solution for our children and their future is for them to be raised in a loving, respectful and trusting family. With a mother and a father that leads by example. The relationship was great at one point, you fell in love, you got married, you lived together, you had a child, you became un-happy, you decided to move on. What the hell happened? Your children paid the price for your actions. Our society is paying the price form your actions.
I fought in family court against my ex wife who remarried a Convicted Sex Offender found Guilty of Rape, the guy served 5 years up State My ex was still awarded Primary Custody of our daughter I was ordered to pay child support and my daughter was manipulated against me I decided to just pay the support obligation and wash my hands of the situation This November I’ll be done paying support and can put it all behind me
And the opposition will counter with: “But what about the abusers?” Like so many issues in this country, what’s fair and right is pushed back by knee jerk reactions to very real issues that aren’t the only thing involved, but it can sway opinions because it’s such a visceral, emotional subject. We’re not asking for equal outcomes, but an equal start. A 50/50 presumption simply sets the starting point where it should be. If there’s abuse, then of course that will change the outcome, but right now one party starts with a severe disadvantage, and that causes all sorts of undue stress and shames the person who is at a disadvantage. Nothing good comes from shaming people.
The problem in many states is that you HAVE to go through family court when you get a divorce. I say if mom and dad can reach an agreement themselves, have a document prepared THEMSELVES and notarized, theres no NEED to involve the courts initially. Save the court for disputes and disagreements. If two adults can reach a mutually beneficial agreement, screw the court.
As i sit here and read all of these messages, knowing my daughter was stolen from me by the court, even after caseworkers, school, and investigators told the judge, that my daughter belongs in my care. It makes me wonder why we are not banding together because i will not stop fighting until my last breath is taken. It would make it a lot easier for all who are willing to do the same for their children to do it together. Show me where men gather to fight this corruption and i will be there!!!
I didn’t see my 10 months old Child for 410 days, paid $1500 in child support per month for a year without any access. After 1 year when I meet my daughter she was 2 year old she ran straight towards me as if she never forgotten me and huged me for very long it was best moment of my life. The most disturbing thing to me was we both earn equal income. Despite this Australian Legal Aid provided full funding to Ex so I could be completely destroyed financially in court they loved her as she loves crying in front of everyone the poor women tag goes long way. I was completely going downhill financially and Ex was having best days of her life buying cars worth $70000, Diamond rings, etc. She went on just bragging about it on Social media.
We all need to stand up and protest like people do with other stuff to get their ways. To me this is more important than the other stuff they protest for. If we would all come together like the storm area 57 and all protest at every family court in every city possible on the same day we could make a difference and make a change. If we could organize something to where we would all just go at the same day same time it would be on national television and things would change
Good god. I loved this. I’m going through this now. Fighting to get to see my boys in a 50/50 state to see the two lives I helped made and raised, yet money gone and a constant battle on why I deserve the right to be a father. No law on making them, law on who gets what though, a price tag on my children. Sad
Women are always seen as the victim in any case… How did we get there? How women get the custody by default? Why is the man the bad guys? That is why I would encourage men not to marry women. When women get married they have nothing to loose beside their emotions. When man get married their life is going upside down…
I’m gonna not care about seeing the kid if they put me on child support (hypothetically; I have no kids). I’m not gonna care for a relationship with him, except to call him everyday just to tell him “Mom cares more about my money than my relationship with you. Make her stop stealing from me so we can finally be together.”
My son just got divorced, he wanted 50/50 with him as the primary because the mother is bipolar and is on medication. The mother admitted to sleeping with 10 men during their marriage, admitting herself for a physical evaluation, leaving their kids with her mother who was dating a man who just got out of jail for drug dealing and has 3 child service cases on her. She still got soul custody and he gets every other weekend. Tonight he called his kids and they were screaming and crying, apparently she had an episode and pushed her own mother to the ground while screaming in her face. The kids were terrified, the sad part is the judge is making him pay so much child support he can’t afford the appeal. I cried when I heard my granddaughter crying and yelling at her mother I am not going anywhere with you until you apologize, she is only 5 years old. How can this happen? The same court that is supposed to protect children is putting them through this abuse.
This is especially true to start proceedings…we need 50/50 at the start. That’s because the judge is the most uninformed person in the room…they don’t know the parents or kids…so why start off picking sides. Wait a few months until you learn more, and then minimize one parent’s time if it’s truly deserved. The court’s mindset is totally wrong.
As a black child born in poverty in Mississippi in 1957 who was not allowed to know his “real” father, I had no idea of anyone that I could trust close to me. The concepts of injustice are fundamental and obvious. Those persons who have proceeded to make a livelihood, which has to be in the millions, by denying other human beings their human rights is despicable. It so happens that my wife, who’d been abused as a child but was afraid to tell me, proceeded to take my only son and child away from me as a three-year-old, which came as no surprise. Her brothers are lawyers and had been planning to do this. They are white (Irish, so to speak), and I am black. What was alarming and most disturbing is that no one in Family Court in Oakland, CA, heard me when I said that the mother had been a victim of child abuse. Of course, money, race, and gender all played roles in denying my son and me, in addition to my own family, any time with one another. As a result, our lives were totally destroyed. I involved myself in electoral politics, but because I was too poor, surrounding citizens who had no clue about the obligations, I could not win. I ran for Mayor of Berkeley to make a statement about my intentions if elected in 1998. Please read it and respond if you’d like to no more. We must stop this system. Thank you.
Something that doesn’t get talked about much is parental alienation. In Australia the Federal Government released their figures on it. 5 years after divorce 50% of children never got to see the non custodial parent anymore even though they’re still paying child support. That percentage continued to rise after 5 years. I don’t know the percentages but it’s something like 80% of mothers getting custody. There are legal avenues except they’re extremely expensive while the vast majority of mothers automatically get free legal aid. The Court says it is there for the kids. The Family Court should have it’s name changed to the Mothers Court. No wonder these kids are so screwed up. I last saw my son when he was six and when he was 21 I saw him again in a store but I wasn’t certain so I got the sales person serving him to find out his name. He was a complete stranger to me and on seeing him I was horrified that my parental bond with him was nonexistent. My last appearance in the Family Court was to have my access enforced and for an order to stop his mother disappearing again. She had already fled over 2000 miles by the court date and her free legal aid attorney turned up for my application The Judge said I had his sympathy and he ordered I be given their address within 24 hours of them moving but that never happened.
My brother just went through divorce for “emotional abuse” because she didn’t like that he was upset with her cheating on him throughout their marriage. The judge for his final delivery had nothing bad to say about my brother also realizing to everyone that he was left with nothing and the mother got everything and was paid exponentially throughout the divorce. He then proceeded to scold the wife for demonizing the husband (my brother) and that she was committing adultery and even got pregnant with new guys baby while still married. The side guy immediately moved into my brothers house and slept with her on my brothers bed with his one year old in bed with them and my brothers two other children in the house. And the judge said to her he caught on to her lying to the court and that she defied court orders about staying in town and she took the kids out of town to live with her new boyfriend and sold everything they had which she was not supposed to do and then right after saying all of this he said it was a tough decision but he rewarded the mother with full custody of the children. The system is rigged so that the mother gets the children and all the money every time no matter what. The only time there is a chance is that the mother is on drugs or is abusive to the kids and there has to be proof. Other than that the mother can lie, cheat, defy court orders and manipulate the judge and she will still win every time. My brother is now homeless with over 50 to 60 thousand in fees.
god bless this man! Many fathers are complacent with what they get awarded from the court. My kids have been brought to tears after their mother alienated them from me for months on end. Let’s normalize Fathers fighting for their kids! Never Give Up always fight for them!!! When they grow up they will realize everything!
Family court is abused by lawyers who exploit children. The lawyers, who abuse the court system, need the child as an excuse to engage the courts cooperation. The abuse of the court is so common that there is an acronym for it, SLAPP lawsuit. SLAPP means “strategic lawsuit against public participation”. A SLAPP lawsuit is what a big company does when it wants to crush a little one. Although it is not called a “SLAPP” lawsuit in family court, the process is the same and even easier to conduct in family court. Family court is easy to abuse because it is informal and does not follow “DUE PROCESS” requirements that formal courts follow. This means the fraud conducted by an abusive parent and their lying lawyer is unchecked. The prosecutor should be addressing lies told in family court by lawyers but this does not happen. I think the prosecutor puts the child’s best interest on the bottom of the priority list because children don’t vote and this mitigates the prosecutor’s interest in protecting children from fraud used in family court. My son and I have been seriously abuse, harassed, and, but not limited to, exploited through the use of the family court. The public’s power has been used to abuse me, my son, and lots of other children. The court’;s power comes from the public. Lawyers practiced at the art of deception, use the public’s court as a tool to profit by fabricating problems the child is allegedly subjected to. The lying lawyer paints a picture for the judge that causes the judge to make decisions that are contrary to the child’s best interest.
I have my kids every other weekend because I work. My loser x didn’t work and I needed someone to watch my kids for a few hours in the morning 2 days a week to have them 50%. We did that for a year with not 1 complaint. I had my kids 50% for an entire year. The loser took me back to court and her pig attorney said she wanted “compensated” for those few hours. My x loser can’t even spell the word. I demanded to the judge I want my kids 50% and want to know why I don’t have my kids 50%. The joke “judge” said “I can’t force her to watch them for those few hours”. But you can force me to pay someone who refuses to work???? I almost came out of my seat and ripped that courtroom and everyone in it apart. I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it and hear it with my own eyes and ears. Her pig attorney also said “She only has a high school education, what can she possibly do”. Complete loser mentality.
The problem is the state may create a shared parenting law. Ours passed one over 4 years ago. That absolutely never is ordered by our circuit court judges though. The number of parents who are not even aware that in our state every day over years and years go there was a custody bill and it was made to be law so that we changed things to EVEN HAVE a shared parenting law … is like 99.9998 % of them. Nobody gets 50-50 parenting time not a single person brings up the fact that there’s a law that says it and anyone who brings up the Michigan laws to the judge gets it brushed off and they’re still stuck with whatever they get. I don’t get how but WE HAVE NO ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THE LAW EVEN TO VE FOLLOWED OR ORDERED THAT WAY. Instead maybe they’re coming up with worse and worse things to accuse the other parent of to the point where it’s a safety concern for the child to be with that parent and that makes it even worse because they’re going lower than low. I’m going on 7 years of being “mentally ill” with to psych evaluation‘s over the course of five years and doctors therapists everyone you can think of that’s normal and not one single diagnosis of any insulin us but yet I still get called it and that’s why I get one day every other weekend now with my kid. That and there are just constant threats of being called by police officers or CPS or another police officer or going to the quart defending yourself against a crime because the other parents want to put you away so bad that theywill do anything to get the kids from you.
My personal experience in clay county Missouri: I spent 10k on the divorce. Decided to go pro se in a modification that was filed 5 months after the divorce. I gave the opposing attorney my bank statement, she claimed it was not enough, filed a motion for sanctions. I gave the judge the statement and she said in open court “this is not a bank statement, everyone knows what a bank statement is”. Sanctioned me. I went to an attorney after that and showed him the bank statement, he said “this is obviously a bank statement”. Now I paid another 5k retainer for the modification. That county is so corrupt they force you to have an attorney. family court needs massive reform. It’s a scam.
The other secret is that marriage itself, falls apart many times prematurely and one of the best ways it can be worked on is if husband and wife have equal financial and parenting time. It is because the level of respect is then equalized while decreasing the level of resentment. “What benefit a man or woman to gain the whole world and still lose the soul.”
Case well stated, another example of how the system works against the people and for the establishment. This goes on in most our courts and will continue because the only people who can currect it are the same people who are perpetrating it, just like the police policing the police. They need to realize their there to serve us and for our best interests and be held accountable when making these decisions that are to the contrary of our laws and constitutional rights.
My ex cheated and left state and now I’m fighting for some type of custody. She won’t get hit with kidnapping because she’s their mom, is what the sheriff’s told me. I got court next month and i still cant get visitation until court. It’s been 3 months since i last seen my twins 2 years Harmony&Darlene
One of the biggest problems is when going to court for visitations or joint custody, child support gets brought up while reason they are there is “reserved”, and when in child support case you are not allowed to bring up if the parent with custody isn’t allowing the visits. They tell you to file for a separate court to discuss it. It’s like you have to pay just to be part of your child’s life, and when you are being alienated from them you are shown as a deadbeat or “not wanting to be in their life”.
Well in the real world kids are going to be with one parent the majority of the time unless both parents work less often, the point is the courts need to go and not only is the college fund being flushed down the toilet but the child’s inheritance, one generation after the next we actually lose skills the the older generations had because those skills are not being passed down so less kids go through trades because they have less of a foundation to work with since they were never taught anything from living with their mother and they become estrange from one parent in most cases and if that child has no relationship with that man after the checks run out then those kids will be without a father!
Good on you mate Australia is the same I haven’t seen my daughter for 6 months. And haven’t even had a chance to hold or meet my second daughter who was born 4 month’s ago. There mother is a foster child who has massive mental health issues. I was the only full time parent. She abused us on a daily basis, smashed up our rental property destroyed our possessions. Even smashed my daughter’s toys Infront of her and made her cry. She would throw objects past our baby’s head like 400gram tins of baked beans inches from her little head at full speed. She’s been locked up under the mental health Act. And in the last week together would stay in her room and wear our baby’s nappies pooing and weeing herself uncontrollably whilst seven months pregnant. She refused to get medical help. I called the police when I had finally stepped up and started recording her abuse and captured her voice threatening to stab me and Bury our beautiful dog alive. She had killed my old cat a few days earlier. The police came and arrested her, she complained of stomach cramps as soon as she got to the police station and being seven months pregnant they called her an ambulance. She discharged herself from hospital the next morning stormed in the back door whilst I was changing the baby’s nappy and getting her ready for a walk at the beach. She called 000 and told the police I had held her against a wall and threatened her. I was never arrested. And then later that day she went back to the police station with her two foster parents and two of her foster sister’s who may I add had nothing to do with us and wouldn’t help me get her help even when I begged them.
This makes a lot of sense. My case just finished. I actually filed for full custody because I thought my now ex was neglectful while our son was going down a bad path. I was the one involved in his doctors appts, school, activities, etc. My ex exaggerated some things on the stand, couldn’t defend my claims of her being neglectful, yet the judges ruling on paper shows so much favor to her and hardly any to me. She got both full physical and legal custody, which I’m really scratching my head over. If there was joint custody, there would be no child support payments, and if I got full custody, there wouldn’t be much from her. My lawyer missed details regarding finances after many clarifications, and upon the ruling one of the first things he asks me is if I want him to setup my child support payments as a direct withdrawal from my paycheck.
Thank you so much for this presentation, so eloquently stated. I would like to connect with you. I was once a protective parent living this story, and I have helped men and women now 20 years in the same circumstances. I would like to help those you serve. Please visit me on instagram @DrJeanneKingPhD
e the state funded medical insurance- I am sorry for the runaway story, it is just so traumatizing to recall. I have a recorded timeline with substantive evidence to support these claims- which were never heard, despite being prepared for evidence in court. My daughter will never be ok. She lives in fear everyday and I am reminded every time I advocate the right for all people to be free from harm and abuse, bc she tells me, ” just like you told me no one has the right to abuse me ” . It is devastating the loss we have suffered, it tore my whole family apart. We were a close family, we went from my parents and 5 siblings who stood beside me the entire time I gave birth, my brother who took me to Lamaze class, to a family that doesn’t speak to each other anymore. It is not ok. I will not sit silenced in fear anymore. I have nothing else to lose, she is an adult now, and a new mother- I don’t want my grandchildren to suffer at the hands of this unjust system that paid a man to abuse a child. No child should ever fear that speaking up against abuse is a punishable offense.
There is a corrupt family court Judge in Genesee County in Batavia NY negated Eric R Addams that runs a corrupt city because there is no mayor and no one above him, stealing children from fathers on a mass scale. I’m a army veteran that this has happened to, no one will help me. I have been belittled, robbed, and alienated.
So, if you are touring all over the country, how would he/you be able to have 50/50 custody???? That said, my ex lived an hour away, so I let him have the boys every weekend. He came to my house for every Thanksgiving/Christmas, etc. He traveled a lot, but would always call and say, hey I am headed into town, can I see the boys. My answer was always yes.
He threatened to leave, he threatened to stay. He threatened to take all my money, he threatened to pay. He threatened to drive, he threatened to walk. He threatened to sing, he threatened to talk. He threatened to whisper, he threatened to scream. He threatened to sit quietly next to a stream. He threatened to sleep, he threatened to work. He threatened to read, he is such a jerk. Family court is just, family court is fair. Thank you family court for taking care. Make up rules, cry and despair. Lawyers and judges make a lot of money.
Some say If corrupt judges and lawmakers legally faced the death penalty for their actions, then and most likely only then will family court profiteering be abandoned. Can one expect a system that profits off of pandering to a whole gender at the expense of the other to vanish by it’s own hands? I say they will be put to eternal death anyways so let God handle it. In the meantime do what you can to protect your children from the family courts and rest assured that once they mature, they’ll understand what really happened. They’ll cherish you and despise the family courts along with its customer/typically the “mother”
My insight and response to my son’s mother, who recently made half a dozen news stations…for abandoning her current child ( not mine) near a RIVER, and pretty much got off with a mere slap on the wrist( any man would have had more charges, including attempted murder)I am posting my views here, from a relevant perspective I’m a single father of her other child going 6 years strong( my son, not the poor girl in discussion here ( her current child) Proud to say he is an amazing, intelligent, honor roll student, with an inner charm that can light up the sky..but I digress. What truly saddens me, besides the fact it could have been my son, is that this should, and COULD have never happened to begin with. Let me begin by saying the police/ all other personnel did an amazing job saving this poor child, and this is not to discredit them in any way. That being said, the justice system, and it’s heavy bias toward men, and fathers, was a big contributor to this unfortunate situation. Many times I pleaded and explained to deaf/ biased ears about the kind of person she was, but their main concern was castrating and emasculating me, for reacting to her negligence in a way I believe ANY father of a sound mind would, after finding out what their child was subjected too. ( I cannot go into details..let’s just say she subjected my son to harmful is a personal and private pain I still deal with daily)Because of a restraining order ( for yelling. yes. reacting like a human being who actually cares for his son.
I need an investigative reporter. South Carolina Family Court placed my daughter with a two timed convicted felon who is from Haiti and who just recently got citizenship. He did over 10years in prison and was on probation at the time of placement and he had a probation violation. His first felony was for selling drugs and he received a lifetime sentence but strangely got out. His second felony was for racketeering. Family Court illegally placed my daughter in Georgia with this criminal. She has been acting out and getting into fights at school and being very disrespectful to me. Her Guardian Ad Litems recommended that Family Court remove her from him and the Judge refused to do so. Judges are mandated reporters. Things have gotten a lot worse. He abandoned her at a hotel and relocated to NY and left her with a family I don’t know. He tells her not to give me the address. He has a 14 yr old catching Uber by herself in Atlanta. I have no more money to retain counsel. I need to get my daughter out of Atlanta and back in South Carolina. I neednto save my daughter. Can anyone help me??
I’ve seen my kids less than 5 times in the last 4 years.. My child support is over $600 a kid and hasn’t been adjusted since I retired from the military.. I can’t afford an attorney.. we have a court ordered parenting plan that she hasn’t followed not even one time.. and I’ve been too frightened to do anything because I’m afraid that she will come up with false allegations like she has a history of doing in the court always believes her so she has cut me out of my child’s life even though I pay more than $1,200 a month in child support.. if I even mentioned if I even mention this she brings up things threats and for some reason I’ve always just been frightened by it because of the way things went down during our divorce.. the courts never listened or believed a thing I said.. I was robbed of swing my children grow up there highschool..
I’m currently preparing for court right now; it’s scheduled for this day next month. I haven’t seen my son since June first this year and prior to that his birthday luckily and prior to that January. I never got a chance to spend a holiday with my newborn 💔 not one. My wife is taking me to court after an argument where I said mean things and broke a picture frame after she beat me up and poured water on me but the cops don’t know that of course lol smh I don’t have much money and lawyers are charging me 55,000 to what they say put the ball in my court. I denied and plan to read. Imma educate myself as much as I can and represent myself in court for my son. His name is legend ❤️🔥 My name is Travis and Imma try my best to get my baby guys 💯🙏🏾 I’m praying so fucking hard!
Day one federal court, on the stand the court family consultant accused me of “extreme DV”. After 4 years in FCA, a psych recorded my ex stating there never was any DV. I went all the way to 3 judges of appeal, 8 years in Court. We get 8 hours supervised contact, every second month, that’s 48 hours a year.
This issue affects mostly men, making it a gender issue, since most men lose contact with our children who become tools of emotional and financial abuse by vicious and malicious mothers who have an incentive BY LAW to destroy their families, the men who made them mothers and their children for greed and hypergamy. Criminalize Parental Alienation! Hold WOMEN accountable for their child abuse and abuse of men as a HATE CRIME.
In my case cps with police purposely misrepresented facts gave me no representation. Then placed my son back to the family i never had. The ones who refused counsiling . Who were ordered when i was 12 doing no self work and never forgiving me. Yet allowed to make false claims in my case my rip out because of cps at age 11 i was thoroughly traumatized age 11 worked hard for me and mine and now allienated from my own little one because of a fabricated police report i was weird none of my family visited us. I find it quite suspect i lost my job right after my parental rights . And denied my rightful unemployment I’ve owned my home for 24 years Meanwhile the social worker says I was homeless three times It’s looking like that’s what they’re trying to create!
My ex wife came to my home drunk attacked me pushed me into the wall breaking my finger and all i did was push her off. Of course she fell down because she was drunk. She continued to try and fight me but I called the police who I told I wanted to press charges she even left an open beer on my front porch. The police let her leave with my son drunk that day. I was arrested later that week for domestic violence and I had to take Family Violence classes for 6 months. My son saw all of it and he knew I was innocent. I ended up getting custody a year later and was able to take my son out of that mentally abusive house and if I had to go through all of this to save him then it was well worth it. He understands what happened but he will only truly understand when he is grown and become a man himself. It is sad that even with proof of your innocents men in this country are not heard and are guilty just because they are men. The Me Too movement has only made this worse.
There is a better way. Parental custody of children is actually a very simple matter to solve given the true desire of “What is best for the child”. We need to separate and discard marriage from family law as they no longer seem to be connected. We can develop protocols that confer (over time) equal parental rights and responsibilities,…..once parentage is proven. Children’s natural maturation process has 3 essential stages of need. A.The unconditional love of the mother from birth until about 7 years of age. The mother to have “thefinalsay” and to receive child allowance. B.The conditional love of the father, who takes his children out into the world, gives security and teaches social boundaries from 7 until about 13 years of age. This will allow the father to do his “thing” at all stages.The father to have “thefinalsay” and to receive child allowance. C.The friendship and respect of peers from 13 until 18 years of age. The child to have “thefinalsay”. If these 3 stages are not gone through in order, maturation is unlikely to be satisfactorily achieved and mental resilience reduced. This has now become generational. Such a regime of equal parenting rights (over time) would bind parents into a co-operative relationship, because (over time) each will hold the power of “thefinalsay” sequentially when they are best favoured to use it. Such family protocols would be the default position, (allowing love, courtesy and humour to prevail) but could in exceptional cases be varied by the court.
Children should come first, we should be perfect parents, there should be solutions, education, yet nobody cares, especially the courts. It is a script they follow and adhere to and know two years of income is guaranteed. I lost my daughters and parental alienation is real. It’s 4 years for me of not having a relationship and not one day goes by that I don’t miss them, worry about them and think of them. It’s a nightmare and trauma for everyone. Society and all systems must have help and education in place for everyone involved, because mostly by the time we get to court, we are in a state of shock.
Unlikely to happen… I’ve been battling for 2 years and now everything is going to court to reduce custody from 50% to 20% AND she wants more than 50% of the assets that I proposed in a agreement 9 months ago (that they haven’t counter offered on), with occupational rent and spousal maintenance on top of child support that I already pay, all at a massive financial cost ~40-50K legal costs each side and ongoing support costs – Not to mention the unknown settlement which could cost me another $200K+, both of us now hate each other and still have to parallel parent for the next 10 years… only winners are the lawyers Acrimonious process that creates the future damaged adults that end up in the justice or social systems later in life… its pure idiocy… but lines lawyers pockets… as there are at least 4 lawyers involved in my case (mine, exes, childrens and solicitor holding the house proceeds) and years of work being spent on these leeches Men, never get married or into a de facto relationship – Family law is hostile towards men and its simply a BAD DEAL
Im 15k behind in arrears sons mom wants more support and i just had another baby thank god i seen this coming years ago……. im paying my arrears in a calendar year and working my tail off till my oldest turns 18 and essentially, im going to retire at 40…thank god i have a good job and woman by my side 🙏
I’m the mother and as much as it kills me after the father went against me and took my children the court thinks ill fight to get them back. I will not let the courts weaponise my children and so I refuse to fight for them back. Youngest us four older one is ten so she knows what courts are doing she watched police break into home twice but they couldn’t make up anything as I was recording but the corrupt judge still make an order listening to local authority and took all of them only to then force one into foster care where she was abused. Police brushed it under the carpet and said there is no evidence. What evidence did they have on me? Nothing! Yet all the professionals targeted me as one parent has to be bad both cannot be good.
Meyer v. Nebraska Skinner v. Oklahoma Prince v. Massachusetts POE ET AL. v. ULLMAN, STATE’S ATTORNEY Stanley v. Illinois Eisenstadt v. Baird Mabra v. Schmidt Planned Parenthood of Central Mo v Danforth Cleveland Board of Education v. LaFleur Parham v. J. R. Santosky v. Kramer, In Lehr v. Robinson Doe v. Irwin Board of Directors of Rotary Int’l v. Rotary Club of Duarte Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey Reno v. Flores Washington v Glucksberg Croft v. Westmoreland County Children Youth Troxel v. Granvill
I don’t agree with everything, especially being involved in a long drawn out custody case myself with a parent who refused to actively parent until he had to pay child support and then wanted full or shared custody so his girlfriend and parents could use about 40% of his time. Also recently with him being given full custody because I couldn’t afford to stay in the same state. However, I do believe custody determination is levels based on who has the most money and is generally unfair. Edit: After reading some of these comments, I don’t understand how some people aren’t seeing their children for months or years. My ex openly lied in court at trial in and in his complaint numerous times. It came out in court, and he still prevailed in the long run.
The courts do this to ensure that money flows from the parent who makes more income. This generates state TANF funds via Social Security Title 4D. States get reimbursed 66cents on the dollar for every dollar the DCSS collects from non-custodial Dads. States ran out of deadbeat dads to go after so they started creating them with lopsided custody judgements. The consequence of this was generations of fatherless children and fathers being jailed for losing their jobs. There is a reason why family courts were designated administrative courts, departing from the Constitutional Courts. It’s legalized extortion under the threat of imprisonment. This is why 50/50 parenting time is not the norm.
Believe it or not 50/50 isn’t always the best case scenario for kids. Kids are not meant to live in two separate houses with two sets if rules. They get comfortable at one home and used to the rules and its time to pack up and leave again. The parents never really get to enforce anything because their child is leaving half the time. Also I think it depends on the age and history of the child.
He describes the ongoings of Family Court quite well but does not explain how and why they are doing what they are doing well enough and I have insights people need to understand about this matter. A bit about me… a week before my son’s first birthday she kidnapped him and moved to a different state. He just turned 18 this year… have seen him, in total, less than two years of his entire life and he has been severely alienated and pathologically enmeshed with his mother to the extent that he has told me he hates me… fought in court the entire time, through the pain, strain and depression. Have it all well documented. Had every other weekend visitation and part of the summer ordered also, but all that was rarely ever adhered to and they never would find her in contempt of the court… Lots of other pertinent details I’m glossing over… I have learned so much I wish I did not have to learn. The take away here is that the courts in this country (corporation rather) are purely administrative and interested solely in commerce, they are corrupt and that Title IV-D is a separate, private entity, from the courts and therefore is fraudulent and you do not have to tolerate it. Firstly, regarding Title IV-D and Child Support, it’s a contract you enter into without informed consent and through coercion, which voids ANY contract, not to mention the contracts between the County, State and the Title IV-D (a private and for profit) Agency you are never made aware of… again, this is fraudulent activity people.
Men who want to be there suffer because of the men who don’t. Sadly most of the time neither parent actually wants the child, but men get to walk away and demand that he get to parent the way he wants to while a woman is left to parent the way they’re supposed to. 50/50 isn’t 50/50 when mom is required to have a larger residence so the child can have their own room while dads 50% of the time is spent with dads mom, girlfriend, or in his studio bachelor pad, because that’s all he can afford. When dad can’t afford child care so he needs mom to keep the child most of his parenting time. Society really doesn’t do men any favors by accepting their excuses for not living up to the standards of living that mothers have to.
50/50 is what there giving even newborn babies here in Utah. It’s a horrible lifestyle for a child. A very unstable and inconsistent life. I think if we make porn illegal and straighten our morals as a nation it would help our culture and families. Marriage and children are a big deal and should be respected. Husbands should be treated with patience and kindness. Wives should be treated with patience and kindness. They should be loyal and honest with each other. I am divorced. I was cheated on. I forgave him. He divorced me and made up horrible stories about me to cover himself and what he had done. Now I share my baby too. My baby hurts a lot and is so confused. My ex and the court system gave my son and I a very difficult lot.
So what about us who couldn’t make arrangements for our kids and still can’t or are less likely to? So we should pay this erroneous amount? The counter narrative against child support I don’t even like so guys without help or family will always continue to get fxcked if we ever did make any progress with this bullsh!t argument.
I just found out im a cather to a child i was told was never mine ..10 years later now she want child support ..did the dna its mine sad i lost 4 years of that time because of her but back on pov i headed up to the court house to file a petition for vistation that was a dead end lol ..they told me all forms are on line i had to print off and bring up and file …only forms they have online are a cover sheet for the petition..the other option is call a legal aid the state of arkansas legal aid dont cover family court so that was dead in the water …so now im left here with a cover sheet and no way to learn how to fill out a petition to see my kid
There were that you’re doing is fantastic. However, there is a correction that needs to be made: the first time parents have any animosity toward each other is at the time that they actually split up/divorce. It is wrong for you to say that the first time either parent expresses or has any animosity towards other parent is when they go to Family law court- we all know it happens well before then
I have the same problem I am indigent with medical problems ordered to pay 400.00 a month have not hugged my son in over 3 months. I have no addictions not abuse but a lesion on my brain that causes migraines. I went to the courts for relief of only receiving $100.00 in child support having my son 85% of the time and now father makes all the rules and keeps son from calls or visits. I’m so lost I don’t know what to do I need help and can’t afford a lawyer. In AZ there is no help.
Luckily my kids mom was great on that aspect. She understood very well that boys need to be with their father and i am raising two wonderful sons. There is absolutely no animosity between us. They can go with her anytime they want but she doesn’t interfere much. Women are always complaining about how tuff it is to be a single mother. Men are more than willing to raise their kids. You do not have to. There is always the exception.
I don’t like the fact that court involves into my family problems, business, lifestyle, or whatever do with our personal things within my family. If there is a issue, why should court interfere ? Wives or siblings or cousins fighting in courts. The court has no business to deal with my family. If a family member has problems ; they will separate, why court involves ? It seems that court is getting benefitted either politically or economically by using our family problems.
If motherhood continues regardless of a child’s age or circumstance, there may be no suitable date on which an order for child support should end and there may be no amount of money to adequately compensate someone for giving birth to and raising a child, but all things come to an end otherwise there may be no end to evil.
We HAVE to start looking at the REAL issue, and hold parents and the courts accountable- right now, why should the court care, they make it a battle of he said, she said, let’s also remember, there is a financial element, to campaigns, to things that take place outside of court, elections, if it’s a he said, she said, mom vs dad, think about this when moms a stay at home or earning a teachers salary and the father has been earning a salary based on a decades established business or career, and has much more money to donate, so, while it’s true that just bc a woman has the DNA to carry a child shouldn’t mean she’s a shoe in, nor that dads NOT, it’s also no more stable to throw a lot of money at the situation and think that’s going to guarantee perfect results with fathers movement, don’t get me wrong, the court should not be swayed toward one parent automatically, and for some time,in certain courts, it seemed this way, swapping that to the father isn’t the answer either, let’s get things child focused, the children are the ones innocent here, and they are the one without say, and paying the price .
12 months at 3.5 million people is 42 million people in one Country in one year. Think of how much big business owners in the wealthy got attacked in politics for how much money they make and not a single person looks towards the Family Court and wonders why everybody in America is so poor?? I’d rather have crap health insurance for 18 years then fight the Family Court and have them earn my money from incentives and stuff if they are ever going to address it on the government ever. Maybe they should stop talking about healthcare for four years or tax cuts for certain people for check loan money or whatever and start looking at how much mind family court judges and these lawyers make and how much more equal everybody’s lives and their earnings and their ability to actually pay for things such as just throwing this out there cause it’s always talked about like a procedure themselves because they have hundreds of thousands of dollars left of the money that they wouldn’t have had if they continued in Family Court. I’m typing this really fast. But it’s crazy here at debate and election seasons and all this political stuff nobody wants to look into the court. That is a whole third branch of our government sadly now I thought maybe that’s why nothing gets done at all? America? UGH.
Think about it, if another country tries to get involved with our internal matters, we’ll say our country is a sovereign one and you have no say in it. A family is also a small unit just like a country. Why are courts involved in our internal matters? If some violence happens, that’s understandable. Otherwise men should have full authority of his home. Is this thought too much? Share you opinions
Sorry to hear of your abusive biased outcome, but I feel for the rest of the other American parents like myself, who weren’t treated with respect like you., Just to be forced to wait, for someone in higher power, like yourself, who ended up being forced to endure the same illegal obstacles, mistreatment, suffering etc., As disadvantaged, struggling Americans, like myself, in order, to change the Child Custody Law., It’s sad and pathetic that for years Americans Politicians, Law Firms, Public Defenders etc..,, Have intentionally ignored such troubling truths, yet, prioritizing their power to 3rd world countries illegal immigrants, foreigners while intentionally victimizing Americans children of divorce parents., As well as wrongfully convicting, prosecuting, torturing, arresting etc., The accused non custodian parent.,
How about we as parents teach future generations to take marriage and children more serious, maybe the dads should be more supportive to the new moms before throwing them into the streets and make a marriage work. Try not having kids with someone who you can’t see spending the rest of your life with, I can go on and on and narrow down all your supporters to a handful of Fathers who actually deserve to have 50/50 because they truly believe and live for the best interests of their child and more then not the best interest is for the babies is to be with a Happy Mother not a depressed one who’s child was ripped from her arms, a child that grew inside her for 9 months, I definitely feel for those deserving fathers with narcissistic baby mama but then the court system to be more proactive in those cases …Good Luck all this is my opinion from personal experiences of people I know
2 Peter 2 King James Version (KJV) 2 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. 2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
You know that lawyers get paid more if they can complete your case quickly and move on to the next case. As the case drags out, the $$ starts drying up. The longer the case, the less the attorney gets paid, even if you are a millionaire. It’s not the lawyers that can’t get the cases done it’s the parents.