Hobbies are neither right nor wrong, but the attitude of the person participating in them is crucial. Paul wrote, “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of. Blogging”. God never says, “Thou shalt not have fun, nor shalt thou smile in all thy days”. Having a good time is not a sin, but we should pay attention to the principles God has laid out for godly living when we pursue hobbies.
Hobbies can provide God’s gift of rest and joy, connecting us with others. However, it is essential to measure whether our hobbies glorify God, view them as gifts from God for which we are thankful, and whether they glorify Him. The Bible does not explicitly prohibit or command Christians to have hobbies, but there are some principles and examples in Scripture that can guide.
The true measure of our hobbies should be whether they glorify God, whether we view them as gifts from God for which we are thankful, and whether they glorify Him. For example, if you enjoy cooking, you can use your talents to bless others. A Christian can have hobbies, such as memorizing God’s Word online.
The Bible says to live with joy, and anyone not exhibiting joy through hobbies, passions, laughter, or plain old fun, is likely not communing with the true God of the Bible. God made us to want and need these things, and we can worship Him as we eat, drink, work, read, and enjoy hobbies, nature, and art.
God works through our hobbies to help transport us from fatigue, boredom, and distraction into vigor, renewal, and joy. Sports and hobbies are among those pleasures, except for the few for whom they are not enjoyable.
📹 Is It SINFUL For Christians To Have HOBBIES?!
Is having a hobby or hobbies as a Christian a sinful thing to do? How do we navigate what hobbies and activities can be …
Does God want us to do things we enjoy?
God wants us to enjoy our lives every day, as stated in John 10:10 (AMPC). This scripture emphasizes that God came to provide abundant life, not just to be alive but to live with joy. As a teacher of God’s Word, my passion is to help people learn how to live the life Jesus died to give us, which is why our program, Enjoying Everyday Life, was created. I have learned through personal experience that without joy, no matter what we have or do, it doesn’t matter how great our circumstances may be.
Does God care about my interests?
Rick Warren’s August 6, 2021, From 40 Days of Prayer emphasizes the importance of God’s love and interest in one’s life. He compares God to a father, tender and sympathetic to those who revere him. God’s love is the reason you exist, and when you love someone, you become interested in their interests. God’s love for you is a thousand times more than your own interests, making you alive and alive.
Does God want me to have fun?
The divine intention is for humanity to experience a life imbued with joy, peace, and love. However, it is incumbent upon us to chart a course away from selfishness and negativity. In a manner analogous to a manager guiding his players, our heavenly Father steers us away from circumstances that would otherwise impede our progress, thereby enabling us to experience peace. Although God does not prohibit the pursuit of enjoyment, He does assist in transforming one’s understanding of what constitutes enjoyment and what does not.
Should a person have a hobby?
Cultivating hobbies offers numerous benefits for children, including relaxation, discovering latent talents, understanding likes and dislikes, and expanding their identity. They also serve as conversation starters, common ground in new groups, and a way to make new friends. Moreover, hobbies add a new dimension to a child’s personality, helping them grow into a well-rounded, confident, and interesting individual.
Does God want us to enjoy worldly things?
Christians are encouraged to enjoy earthly things in a legitimate God-honouring way, as Scripture teaches that God has provided us with the senses and intellectual capacity to appreciate these things. Christians can take greater delight in what God has provided for them because they see more in them, not less, and they don’t abuse them or use them solely for personal pleasure. Ecclesiastes 2:3 teaches us about a right perspective on things “under the sun” and how they can be enjoyed as a gift from God, even in eating and drinking.
Ecclesiastes 2:3 teaches us that earthly things cannot satisfy the spiritual needs of the soul, and in verses 24-25, it is qualified by the teaching that we can enjoy the things God has created. This goal is what is good for us in this life, as Alexander Nisbet explains how these verses teach us in relation to happiness in this world.
What does the Bible say about hobbies?
Hobbies are a gift from God, as they bring joy and fulfillment to our lives. As a child, I enjoyed various hobbies such as collecting stamps, building spaceships, and playing softball. However, my passion for writing was the most significant, as I wrote science fiction, police stories, and even a police novel in eighth grade. This passion has been instrumental in my Christian calling, as a college professor, pastor, and now a Christian life coach and blogger.
Some hobbies I struggle to justify include backpacking, hiking, camping, kayaking, and bicycling with friends. These activities provide me with the joy of exploring beautiful landscapes, enjoying savory meals cooked on camp stoves, and witnessing the beauty of the sunset. I also enjoy cycling a 200-mile bike tour, camping each night, and enjoying ice cream with my friends at the end of each day’s ride. Additionally, I enjoy kayaking in the bioluminescent bay of Puerto Rico.
Can Christians do fun things?
The text emphasizes the importance of enjoying God together, even with lukewarm Christians who may have a guarded passion for the Lord. The zenith of fun lies in engaging with God and others in any context, such as going to a game or restaurant with another Christian. This type of engagement is as good as it gets, as it allows for deep and intimate fellowship. The author shares a favorite quote explaining why Christians should be the loudest people in a restaurant: “Laughter is a divine gift to the human who is humble”.
Humor and humility should keep good company, and self-deprecating humor can serve as a healthy reminder that we are not the center of the universe and that humility is our proper posture before others and God. This quote from Terry Lindvall emphasizes the importance of being biblically free and engaging with others in a way that is both enjoyable and spiritually fulfilling.
Does God let us choose our career?
Scripture teaches that God is not concerned with a career choice, but rather how one works in it. Gary Friesen’s book emphasizes the importance of having a strong heart, enthusiasm, devotion to Christ, good will, discipline, quietness, cooperation, honesty, integrity, efficiency, gratitude, and generosity in one’s career. These qualities are outlined in Ephesians 6:5 and Col. 3:22-23, as well as in 2 Thess. 3:8 and Eccl. 9:10. These qualities are essential for a successful career and demonstrate God’s love and concern for one’s career choices.
What are the three things God wants us to do?
Micah 6:8 emphasizes the importance of justice, kindness, and humility in God’s eyes. Justly, one should treat others fairly and respectfully, refraining from oppression or mistreatment, and not abusing power to take away God’s blessings. The Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D. C., states that “Thou shalt not be a victim. Thou shalt not be a perpetrator. Above all, thou shalt not be a bystander”.
Kindness, on the other hand, involves helping the poor, the downtrodden, and the hurting. Jack Jezreel, founder of Just Faith Ministries, illustrates the difference between kindness and justice by comparing the actions of one to another. He would rush to help an unconscious man in a stream, but would also investigate the cause of the bodies in the stream. Both justice and kindness are crucial, but justice deals with symptoms, while kindness deals with causes. In essence, both justice and kindness are essential aspects of a person’s character.
Did Jesus ever have any fun?
Jesus was a joyous individual who enjoyed lively meals and drinks with his friends, often being referred to as a glutton and a drunkard by religious leaders. This joy, which is often translated as “chara” in Greek, was not dependent on circumstances or reactions but rather a lasting emotion, deep-seated assurance, and a way of life. Jesus’ joy was not a result of food, drink, or company, but rather a result of his already existing joy. It allowed him to hang out with people he thought were shady, pursue compassion unhindered, and let worry about his reputation go to the side.
This deep-seated emotion allowed Jesus to forgive his captors on the cross, demonstrating that joy is not dependent on circumstances or reactions but rather on a deep-seated sense of assurance and lifelong happiness.
What is God most interested in?
God’s interest in our journey, known as sanctification, stems from the fallen world and grace’s ability to work. The journey of life can be joyful, heartbreaking, exciting, and overwhelming, and sometimes feels impossible. God’s desire is to change us, often more than changing our circumstances. Paul emphasizes that God is at work in each of us, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. This is why God is interested in our journey and our actions, as well as how we do them.
📹 How Hobbies Glorify God
Ask Pastor John Episode: 270 Transcript: https://www.desiringgod.org/interviews/how-hobbies-glorify-god.
I’m really happy that I got this notification because I struggle with extreme condemnation to the point where I feel so double minded like I’m going to go crazy. I also struggle so much with a religious spirit and even a religious spirit. It’s been really hard. I remember I was going back and forth about working out because I got into gluttony and became obese and as you can imagine that can take a toll on my self esteem in so many different ways. I felt like Christians kept saying that working out is basically a sin. Now I dress like a Muslim woman so I know that when I’m working out I’m not doing so, so I can show off my body. But it’s been really hard to notice the difference between legalism and it actually being the Lord. I remember I commented on this website and I told this person I liked biking, hiking, swimming, etc. they said it sounds like I’m too much into the world all because I said I like doing those as hobbies. It really took a toll on me because I already deal with condemnation. Guys please pray that I come out of this. It is truly a torment even to the point of wanting to commit suicide.
Certainly as a whole not sinful, BUT we must be careful what this “hobby” is. We must ask, does it glorify the LORD (1 Cor 10:31)? Only lately, God told me to stop gaming. Respectively, he did tell me for a while, but I would ignore the calling until the end of last year. It’s just a waste of time. Now I try more to get into making worship music. That certainly is a positive hobby, if you may call it that way.
Truth! This is fire brother! Much boils down to balance and seasons, Ecclesiastes chapter 3. Always listen to His Spirit and ask. I consistently keep Psalm 139:24 in my prayers “point out anything in me that offends you” “Keep fighting the good fight” Noah! Much love to you and your family! That offer stands forever when y’all make it down to KC one day. 😏
I was used to being busy and put a lot of pride in my work and even hobbies but now I am coming out of this because I am having some free time alone with just Jesus and me. I don’t want my job and hobbies to be an idol. I don’t want to be like that anymore, I let the Holy Spirit lead and correct me. I need to learn so much. Finding my identity in Christ is a process for me everyday. As long as Jesus is with me then all is okey and I am at peace. I hope to get a healthy mind, strong in Christ, to give my gifts to the Lord one day.
I think it’s interesting. How Christians think that ministry is all about going out and witnessing or passing out tracks or serving on a ministry at church. They seem to forget that ministry can also be the relationships you develop with other people and how you represent Christ to them. They want to put you on a guilt trip if you’re not doing some like that – – on a ministry, going to Bible, study a few times a week, on top of going to church every Sunday and having a prayer time. We still live in a world. We have to work and take care of things. it’s not realistic to ask people to spend all their non-working hours in ministry or poor, serving the Lord”.
What if there is a hobbies that takes time and work and effort. I am reading the scriptures everyday and am sharing God’s message online – I want to play basketball at my Christian school but didn’t make the team. Ik I’ll have to devote my time, but I want God to help me to play and glorify Him while I practice and try to make the team next year.
Hello Sir, so when I first watched your article, I didn’t really like it because I thought I got called out about my article games. But as I got older and more mature in my Christian life, I really liked your article. One thing I love to do is fishing. I love it a lot but I love God more than that in me fishing. I’m spending time with nature and God’s creation. When I’m at the lake, I pray to God and talk to him about my stuff I will deal with as Christian and I put him first. Yes, I still play article games but I don’t play shooting games. I’ve play fishing games, sports games, stuff in that nature but I don’t let it get to my head. Before I even play around nowadays of a article game. I will pray or read my Bible first.
Noah you said you think AA is occult.. personally I believe God is our deliverer,healer but maybe he uses people to help others through this debilitating tormenting addiction. I personally have one in rehab and yes they say you got to work 12 steps stay in meetings or you will or still can fall but they also have church on Sunday and Wednesday. I never want to think I know everything,God uses people to help love one another. Again I look to God believe he is the one who makes us whole..
Proverbs 6:2 Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth. Galatians 6:1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Brother Noah, I was thinking about a scene in a cartoon film version of John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress where it had Christian and Hopeful in the film getting snared by their own boastings after going with a man who was a flatterer that Jesus Christ warned them to beware of in the film man I will admit it was Proverbs 6:2 that happened to both of them at that scene in the film. For them in the camp who believe they arrive at a state of Grace to where they are not tempted anymore they may want to read these words in the Bible from Proverbs and Galatians and also Matthew chapter 4 as well where it reveals that Jesus Christ was tempted by the evil one before He would be nailed to that cross, also God opened my eyes on the inside using a film I watched many years ago called Clash of the Titans to reveal what He did to the serpent in the garden of Eden for the temptation he brought to pass in that garden when he persuaded Eve to eat the forbidden fruit and Adam as well all I could remember was the character named Zeus in the film had punished another character named Calibos which left me thinking he cursed him for doing something that was evil. Pretty much the same way God Almighty dealt with the devil for tempting His own creation.
Psalms 37:12 The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth. Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Jonah 1:2 Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me. 2 Thessalonians 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
Am I legalistic for cutting off article games completely because I feel like it’s making me stray from God? Am I legalistic for cutting off minecraft and One PIECE? Have I gone too far? Well, to be frank, I do indeed feel bored lately with the lack of entertainment. I try to find them in God but, it’s working I guess?
So awesome to see brother Noah addressing the legalistic mindset that runs so rampant within Christianity! When I first became a believer in Christ (been a few years ago now, went from an ‘agnostic’ to a child of God, all by His grace!) I started seeking out people who believed the same as me and thus ended up in different Christian circles. But looking back over the last few years, I see how the forces of darkness with which we wrestle (as opposed to flesh and blood) have woven this legalistic mindset into the fabric of Christianity and it seems the predominant reason many Christians don’t truly know Christ – and if I’m totally honest I was put off from perusal brother Noah’s articles for a while as I became paranoid that the majority of Christians had this legalistic mindset and as soon as I heard something I slightly likened to this mindset I’d run a mile! But that was me being fearful… that was me lacking faith… and so to see brother Noah addressing this mindset has filled me with immense joy!
Blessings brother, thank you for addressing this. May the Lord continue to use you in a mighty way for his kingdom. Truly a legalistic mindset can be blinding in so many ways. If the Lord allowed us to see every device or traps from the devil (not just legalism) people would be afraid to move. I fell into legalistic mindsets and was delivered from some but as you mentioned about the heart posture. We need to ask the Lord to search our hearts and expose what needs to be brought into the light and we need to bring it to the Lord and whatever is shown to repent of it verbally and by action and ask the Lord to help us walk in truth and victory from that especially if someone hasn’t come across that specific scripture where the truth will set them free or by a revelation in scripture. Ask the Lord to help you be familiar with conviction and condemnation and follow the conviction. I encourage every brother and sister to ask for heavenly wisdom and knowledge to understand the battle plan the Lord has for you to be freed in His perfect way from the stronghold mindsets or possibly unclean spirit if it has gotten to that point. But also to ask for his wisdom, not just for deliverance but for all things. I hope this can bless someone. God bless everyone in Jesus name 🔥✝️🔥