Children’s Health is dedicated to making kids better today and healthier tomorrow. The hospital offers special services and benefits to its members, including complimentary parking in designated parking decks and a complimentary volunteer uniform. The Adult Volunteer Program, which includes working professionals, college students, retired persons, and seniors, performs various roles that benefit young patients and their families during their stay.
Volunteers at Children’s Colorado make the hospital experience more normal and special for kids by providing smiles, kind words, and thoughtful actions. They also donate blood and support Dr. Bear’s Closet.
Volunteers at Children’s National Hospital serve in various ways to assist patients, while Boston Children’s Hospital performs a wide array of duties throughout the organization. Each year, hundreds of compassionate individuals from the community volunteer throughout all areas of the hospital.
Dress code requirements include no shorts, knee-length skirts, jeans or denim, and meal vouchers for the hospital cafeteria. Denim or denim look-alike clothing of any type, including colored denim, shorts, work-out or beach attire, and overalls are not allowed while volunteering.
On your first day of volunteering, you will receive an identification badge with your picture on it, which you will wear whenever you are volunteering. Many volunteers return year after year due to the energy and excitement of Jeans for Genes Day.
The Happy Wheels Hospitality Cart Volunteer helps bring comfort to families who are at the hospital with their loved one. The volunteer role is similar to a shadowing in a small rural clinic, but with a larger hospital/clinic setting.
📹 It’s easier to grow strong children than to repair broken adults | Jean Freer | TEDxSittardGeleen
The idea was born 16 years ago, because of children with diverse problems. Children who were thinking about suicide and who …
📹 This is Why You Never Mess With a Royal Guard…
Visitors to London are often delighted to see the iconic Queens Guard standing motionless in their red coats in front of …
They’re also human beings. I was in London with my goddaughter, we were trying to find a pub somewhere around the Palace to meet up with mates and were incredibly lost. The Queen’s Guards don’t just man the front gates, they’re all around the property. My goddaughter was close to tears, we couldn’t find anyone else to ask, not another soul around, so I went up to the guard and said, “I know you’re not supposed to move or anything, but we’re looking for XYZ street and completely turned around. Could you like maybe just flick your eyes in the right direction? Please?” He stood completely rigid for a few seconds, then smiled, and – like any normal human being – said “go down that way for two streets, turn left, and it’ll be just past ABC shop on the right.” Went back to being a statue while my goddaughter gawped in astonishment. “Thank you so much, thank you!” And off we went. My goddaughter couldn’t stop telling that story for weeks.
I just watched a article of a father telling his autistic son not to get too close or touch a Royal Guard as they were trying to take a picture with him. The guard took one step towards the father and son to get in the picture. Much respect to the guard and I hope he doesn’t get into trouble for moving.
I once saw a article of some American tourist who tried to touch a Royal Guard’s hat. It didn’t end well. In one movement, the guard moved his foot behind the offender’s, gave him a shove, and as the guy hit the ground, he wound up with a rifle in his face and the bayonet about an inch away from his nose with the guard booming “STAND DOWN!” Talk about scary-good. Those guys are weapons.
These soldiers performing the royal guard, over the past few years also served multiple tours of Afghanistan, Iraq, Northern Ireland amongst others. They’ve lost friends and fought to serve their country, So your average man on the street isn’t conscripted. This is just part of their duties. Show some respect
I appreciate this information about the Royal Guards. I have never understood why anyone would show disrespect toward these dedicated and wonderful soldiers. I am an American who respects the history and traditions of England especially since both sides of my family came to America centuries ago from England.
My grandfather and father were Coldstream Guards at Buckingham Palace which is a part of the British Army. My dad did not talk a lot about his time in the guards but I do remember him saying that they had to polish the soles of their boots. The height requirement was 6’2″ or taller so I was surprised to learn the height requirement has been reduced. This was an interesting article but I am not sure all of the info is correct.
I’m a US Navy veteran and have empathy for the Royal Guard. I ve had to stand motionless in certain ceremonies. It’s not fun. While we wouldn’t likely go to prison for slightly moving, we were expected to be as still as possible. Why do people think that screwing with a guard of any military organization is a good idea? That is highly disrespectful and a bit loony. I’ve been an armed guard at a post. Luckily for me I was free to move about. I would snap to attention when I checked ID’S at the gate and render the proper salute when required. I’m lucky that the general public had enough since to mess with me. I had a loaded pistol and a ratio for backup.
I’m not sure why you think Guardsmen are not allowed to move. They stand still only for about 10 minutes while on duty and are allowed to walk/march short distances to keep the blood circulating. If caught smiling by an officer they can be fined from their wages, but certainly not imprisoned. They may require to pee during duty, as in hot weather they are encouraged to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and fainting.
Just to point out, most of the information in this article is flat out made up, if not wrong. There is no jail sentence for making a guard smile or talk. There is no height requirement for signing up for it – any soldier can do so, whether they get in or not is up to the quality of the application. British soldiers are, compartive to other armies, well trained but not only the elite and most decorated war heroes perform duty as guard. They are not necessarily the most elite well trained soldiers. It’s not like they’re all Marines, Paras and SAS. Any soldier that has served some tours of duty can do it. I mean he repeats throughout the article “most elite and decorated” it’s not the case. They don’t have to be from one of 7 specific regiments of the army, also I don’t know what he means with “exclusive” regiments like they’re some sort of club? Weird description. They aren’t picked, they volunteer for it, he got that wrong too. Their ceremonial uniforms are not worn in combat, only at their guard posts and patrols. There is no “English” army, it’s British. There’s a lot of talk about “Sacred Oaths” and “Ancient orders” hahahahaha they aren’t the Knights Templar they’re soldiers im uniform. Many of the clips aren’t showing real guards, but what look like actors. And Guards from other countries. But other than that, yeah accurate article!
I once knew a former Royal guard. And not only are they not to be tested while they are servicing on duty, they aren’t to be mess with even after they retired and have become civilians. Lets just say that I mildly brush the ex SF soldier the wrong way and he over reacted and our short lived friendship was instantly over. Yes all of those guards have experienced combat so they are naturally unhinged and PTSD is the norm for them!
I’m shocked that so many don’t realise that they are serving elite soldiers. When not on duty in London these regiments have served in the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan and all over the world. Those horse guards you see with the swords and the plumed helmets are our elite tank regiments who have served all over the world in conflicts and peace-keeping roles. They are the best of the best.
I was a firefighter/EMT..I Once stood guard at the funeral of our longtime chief. Granted it was only a few hours for 2 services, but it was not easy. At the end of the night, I overheard a child about the age of 7 or 8 asking his mom why I was standing so still, and why I wouldn’t smile back at him…I tried really hard to not break, but after about 10 minutes of the child’s innocent questions and faces he made trying to get me to smile,I smiled back. I didn’t get scolded or shot…it was actually quite a memorable experience. 😊
It is indeed unfortunate that many individuals are lacking in just plain “common sense” to not even realize that outside of actual “COMBAT,” that “GUARD DUTY” FOR ANYONE SO ASSIGNED IS THE MOST SERIOUS ENDEAVOR AND INTERFERING WITH SUCH CAN AND MOST LIKELY WILL BE THE CAUSE OF YOUR SUFFERING DIRE CONSEQUENCES.
Another American doing a bad job on telling Youtube what he thinks he knows and getting it totally wrong. Even though he was talking about the British Guards regiments he slipped in a clip more than once of bad actors pretending to be British Guardsmen he also slipped in a clip again more than once clip of I think a Danish Guard (the one in blue/grey uniform) and even managed to show a clip of a pair of American soldiers basically a very poor attempt at telling this story 🙄🙄
Royal Guards are such underestimated ones… People don’t realize how making them laugh would end their carreer…. And also, I think it’s kinda cruel making them stand still until they faint. I’m worried that this posture may bring any physical or mental consequences… I know they’re highly trained, but still… They deserve a lot more respect than they get. Congratulations, Royal Guards.
The Daily Nugget Real Talk Redefining The Law Part 2 If you could aspire to anything, we would ask you to become impeccable Keepers of Frequency. Keep inside yourself knowledge and information of the highest order -an order of unlimited being and high-standard morality. Make that frequency, simply by living it, available to all around you by walking your streets, shopping in your stores, and simply resting on your pillows in the evening and knowing who you are. If you approach all that you know with the stance that there is divine order and divine purpose, without your ego aspect comprehending it all the time, you will move rapidly through realities. There will be many different ways this galactic tidal wave of light will be experienced. Definitely it will catapult everyone into some exaggerated version of their highest and greatest opportunity. That is, of course, each person’s choice. If you put yourself behind others and are afraid of having what others do not have because you think there is not enough, you do not understand that as you allow the divine principles to work in your body and anchor themselves upon the planet that you become a living example of light. You allow the underlying purpose of light to move through your vehicle and you become a living light example of what others can also be. This is the high vibration that we intend to teach all of you. We want you to understand that there is no limitation. There is no limitation on the entire planet. Each person on the entire planet can operate in cooperation and in uniqueness of being.
Feinting to attention was not limited to elite soldiers. In 1975 I feinted on parade and yes I wiggled my toes etc. I was scraped off the ground by a R.S.M, which was very unusual but then I was a 15-year-old in the Army Cadet Force. Tough standards. I was proud as an Aussie to wear the Queens uniform.
First of all, if your country is so modern and progressive now why do you still need to punish a man just for smiling? Also why do they still need to wear that ridiculous hat if they need to be taken seriously! Their getup makes them look funny, not to mention killing bears for making such ridiculous hats. That is also unnecessary cruelty. Why do you need a hat out of bear skin in this age of technology when you have hundreds of fabrics to make your clothes from? And lastly, it will not be the end of the world nor the end of their masculinity if a man smiles once in a while. Even the deadliest of the assassins can smile once in a while. These archaic laws should be abolished and the bear skin hat thrown away. Enough killing bears and humans now.
I was in the Canadian military and there are ways you can sort of help yourself while on parade. wiggle your toes bend your knees a smidge and move your ankles. Flex your hands and do isometrics and still once I had to take a knee. Instead of falling on my face (a friend did that and broke her jaw!!) I knelt on one knee and when I felt better I stood up again.
The Daily Nugget Real Talk The Law can’t Touch This Part 2 We keep emphasizing that the time to get moving is now. It is not necessarily that you have run out of time. It is that time has been squeezing in on itself upon you. And if you do not act, things can move into discomfort. As we said, there is a culling of the chosen. You have chosen yourselves; therefore, if you do not move into the work of the blueprint you have designed for yourselves, to a certain extent you will run out of time. If you are not living your life in the true eminence of light you have volunteered to, it could be too late. In other words, if you procrastinate and procrastinate, you will be washed into the undertow of the tidal wave as it comes-perhaps literally. No matter what the endeavor in which you are being led to participate, it is part of your blueprint and plan so that you can evolve. And by evolving, you affect the evolution of the planet. Everything you do is for your evolution. As you come into comprehension of who humans are and what this place is, you begin to open new pathways for others. You will find that events you never imagined will some how be put together before you. These will be things that are beyond your comprehension-“setups,” as we like to call them, or opportunities you never thought of. This is when you will know that you are living your light and doing so with courage. There is a good possibility that light carriers will come into question. All of you must have a clear intention as to how you would like your reality to be designed.
The Daily Nugget Real Talk Outside the law Part 2 A heathy use of fear has a purpose and can serve as a wake-up call or warning that you are walking too close to the edge of a cliff, and had best back off. When you approach a genuinely perilous situation, your body may experience a tremendous rush of energy as the amygdala, which is nestled in the center of the brain and operates as the body’s fear-system’s command center, sends out fight-or-flight signals along the neural links, with internal flashing red lights and wailing sirens. This inner warning system is always on security watch for danger; therefore, you may indeed experience feelings of fear in response to an internal signal from your cells when they sense a genuine threat to your survival. From a practical perspective, healthy fear issues a warning for staying out of harm’s way. Your biggest test with the body is overcoming fear. When the fear center is employed by habit, the mind cannot think straight and rational thought is paralyzed. Projecting feelings of fear onto your reality, in the absence of pending danger, distorts the body’s sense of integrity and creates a state of internal havoc that broadcasts fear into the mass consciousness and the world at large. Your body’s natural intelligence-gathering system works at great speed and in keen cooperation with your attitude and expectations. When you change your attitude, you will undoubtedly change your experience. Millions of cells seamlessly access and evaluate the myriad of choices you make- how you manage energy -in order to impel you toward encountering your desires.
The Daily Nugget Real Talk Part 2 There will come a time when you will no longer need to seek information outside of yourselves. At this time, we and others like us come to trigger you, to round you up, to gather you together, and to put you into clusters so that you can reflect off each other and electromagnetically charge each other. When we work with you, we create sparks of light that allow openings. As these openings occur within you, you vibrate at such a rate that you affect everyone around you. Whenever something clicks with one of you, you send out a frequency of recognition and other people pick it up. That is how the group mind grows. It occurs without you rationally understanding it or specifically having a picture or a realization of it because it happens electromagnetically within the body. You create the raising of energy according to how much you are able to handle. The prevailing vibrations are changing physical needs, and along with expanding your conscious and spiritual awareness, accommodating your bodies’ requirements is of paramount importance. Sufficient sleep is essential—give your body the rejuvenation time it needs to perform well. Drinking a lot of pure water also is essential—it helps to eliminate the toxins you absorb through your polluted environment and adulterated foods, and it helps to keep bodies’ electrical systems working properly. Exercise in accordance with physical ability aids in those respects too, and it helps circulatory and respiratory systems to behave smoothly.
3:30 – Check your facts. Getting sent to military prison? Which one? Canadians serve in Buckingham Palace in some capacity. I have never heard of anyone getting sent to military prison for smiling (again, you did not specify – which prison, where, on which charge on QR&O. And tell me what is prison called for military personnel in military slang?!
Here is suggestion…. Why not build a public fence 10 feet high and 15 feet on front of the guards all around the perimeter of the areas the guards are guarding to eliminate any chance of the public getting too close to the guards and thus stopping all that harassment guards have to go through. That way the public still gets close to the tourist areas of the Royal Family while not causing problems. I doubt they would follow my suggestion because it makes to much sense and humanity is still thousands of years away from doing everything right.
those that disrespect these guards should think about would they like it if we came to your country and disrespected your presidents etc. and their guards? also if you get injured by a guard due to your own fault it’s a shame that you can get treated free here. as a tourist (I.E. non UK Citizen) you should have to pay for medical treatments, we’d have to in your country. oh and our health care is not actually free for UK residents, we do pay into it.
Nhờ ơn Chúa Thánh Thần nên trong năm 2016 ở Việt Nam giống Xuất hành chương 7 câu 14 đến chương 10 câu 29: Số 1: Nước biến thành máu: Cả 4 tỉnh miền Trung và thế giới từ 2016 đến 2023: Nước biến thành máu Số 2:Ếch: Cả nước Số 3:Muỗi: Cả nước Số 4:Ruồi nhặng: Cả nước Số 5:Ôn dịch: Sốt xuất huyết, sốt rét Số 6:Ung nhọt: Bệnh Tay Chân Miệng Số 7:Mưa đá: ở Sapa và các vùng lân cận Số 8:Châu chấu: ở Lai Châu và thế giới từ 2016 đến 2023 Số 9:Cảnh tăm tối: Đó là 21,22,23 tháng 12 khi trái đất ở xa nhất mặt trời thì Bắc cực sẽ có ba ngày ba đêm không nhìn thấy nhau Rồi một đêm tôi nằm mơ thấy những nấm mồ mầu trắng ở đó có hình Thánh Giá mầu trắng chung quanh là tím than. Rồi có tiếng hét: Chết hết cả rồi ! Tôi giật mình thức giấc:12 giờ đêm ở Mỹ (1 giờ đêm). Ở Việt Nam là 15 giờ cùng ngày Rồi một đêm khác tôi nằm mơ thấy hai con chim nhạn bị bắn chết. Tôi nghe nó nói: Nó là anh em sinh đôi. Tôi liền nghĩ là….. và Tận thế Vậy…… rồi tận thế lúc 12 giờ đêm ở Mỹ (1 giờ đêm). Ở Việt Nam là 15 giờ cùng ngày YouTube:” Những dòng sông nước chảy như máu từ thế giới 2016 đến 2023″ và “Những đàn châu chấu từ thế giới 2016 đến 2023” Dịch bệnh, lủ lụt, các điềm lạ, động đất, hạn han…. Phản Kito là ĐGH Sắp tận thế lúc 15 giờ cùng ngày
Why would anybody do such a silly job and take all that abuse? Standing still the whole day, not allowing to smile, having people constantly sort of harass you etc etc, and for what purpose? To protect whom? Those royals inside? My blunt opinion here is: I am from The Netherlands and we also have a Royal family, but I don’t care about those useless people, getting free money from us taxpayers, which runs in the millions while their possessions are already in the billions. All that money spent (read: wasted), on the royal family and the whole entourage could have better been used to help the poor, handicapped and other people in real need. But that’s my opinion.
What puts my nose out of joint is the way many AMERICAN reporters emphasise that OUR BRITISH Monarch is the Queen/King of ENGLAND. This may be so, but he/she is also the monarch of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and its dependancies (the Isles of Jersey, Guernsey the Isle of Mann, etc.). Not to mention Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the many OTHER Commonwealth countries that our monarch is head of state of. The correct title in this instance is the ‘BRITISH MONARCH’ or Queen/King of the United Kingdom or at a pinch Queen/King of Britain. It is just like a British reporter saying that the President is ONLY the President of, say, Washington DC (or any other US State) and NOT the PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Please US reporters, MAKE SURE THAT YOU DO YOUR RESEARCH and give our monarch’s subjects the respect that they, and our monarch, deserve. END OF RANT! 😊
I would like to pose a question that has been on my mind. In the event that a tourist, such as an elderly woman, experiences a medical emergency, such as a heart attack, while posing for a photograph next to a royal guard, it is unclear whether the guard would intervene or remain at their post. I would appreciate clarification on this matter plz 🙏 😊
Fools named and Fools faces Always found in Public Places !!! I cannot believe all of the idiots who make their way to the King’s Guards, only to ridicule and challenge them ! Seriously ??? Get a life !!! I also find it disrespectful and demeaning the the King would allow those morons to even come near them . At all. They are Soldiers for crying out loud !
Why you should be a messed up to a guard.?? You have a time for these?? Would mean you are perfect in everything for you are doing things with no think in if is good for is person???? Is his work.. and paid salary to have food into is table his family.. What is your problem???? You are teach in person to be cruel.. instead to live Life tranquility and calm.. is what everyone want it.. after Revolution Wars..
Why do you keep using fake photos of black men harassing the guards? You never have the footage to corroborate the image either. Feels like racial manipulation. there are plenty of real images of non black or brown people being absolutely disrespectful to the guards, horses, and event the UK. Im a brown American man that loves and respects the King’s Guards and their traditional duties. Please stop manipulating for likes. its truly unnecessary. The click-bate makes me dislike this article and block further articles from “T.C.”!
I think it’s outrageous that so many people take such liberties with the Guards for a stunt. These adults look absolutely ridiculous and childish getting up close and performing like jackasses just to make them laugh BECAUSE it’s forbidden. It makes me sick. They should be completely in awe of these men.
I’m an American who is completely embarrassed when I see American tourists show such disrespect to these guards and their horses. I would never, ever do something like that, especially in a country that I have been allowed the privilege of visiting. On behalf of my country, I apologize. To me, interfering with these guards is the same as disrespecting our guards who protect the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in America.
as a kid growing up, now as an old adult, I have never been able to grasp why IDIOTS try to mess with these soldiers while performing their duty, I guess its somethiNG CALLED RESPECT AND BEING TAUGHT IT AT AN EARLY AGE, I have no empathy for anyone that gets caught up with whatever punishment deemed necessary by the soldier that dishes it out
It’s finally time for the Royal Guards to bring Defensive Measures up to the next level. Here are some examples to consider: Ultra-Sonic Sound Canons to hurt the Ear Drums of Anyone who foolishly thinks that They could possibly go pass the point that Tourist must stay behind; Manual Or/And Laser Guided Water Turrets that will blast Anyone-Tourists or Terrorists-who dares to go beyond the clearly written boundaries unmistakenly laid out for People to notice; Attack Dogs that wear a special Lightweight Bullet-Proof Armor; and finally, to truly bring Their Defenses into the 21st Century, a Complete Redesign of the Royal Guards’ Outfits Themselves that will allow Them to become Bullet-Proof, Fire-Proof, Electro Shock-Proof, Toxic Chemicals Proof and Enhance Their Strength Level to handle anything that a Violent Mob could ever throw at Them. It sounds pretty much like Iron Man* Armor, as it needs to be, because that is what is needed nowadays to take on Violent, Crazy, Uncivilized People of Today.
What are you talking about? They aren’t ‘The Royal Guards’ or the ‘Queen’s Guards’. They’re ordinary soldiers in the British Army. Regiments of Guards do a ceremonial tour on rotation. They might be Scots Guards, Irish Guards, Coldstream Guards, Life Guards, depending on whose rotation it is. They are ordinary infantry soldiers, some armoured infantry, some not. Sheesh.
They are called the Welsh Guards because they are Welsh not English. Welsh were also the longbow-men in previous times because they were the best shots and could remain accurate with a 150lb draw pull from the bow and could also shoot ambidexterously. If you think you Wales is the same as England then you need to read some history.
“England’s greatest military victories”!!!! England hasn’t had an army since 1707!! It is the British Army which includes troops from England, Scotland, Wales and more recently, Northern Ireland which has won these military victories. If you’re going to post articles which include “facts” then please get the facts right!
I’m sorry but it’s about time content contributors got their facts right, there are many different guards regiments, mostly are mechanised infantry regiments, and armoured reconnaissance, they take turns in rotation serving ceremonial Royal guard duty, and the king (Charles ) and formally Queen Elizabeth (basically who ever is head of state ) is also ceremonial supreme commander of all British armed forces, so whichever regiment who’s turn of tour is to provide ceremonial Royal Guard duty becomes the the kings guard for that period Be it Coldstream, Welsh, Scott’s, Irish ect, then there are the Royal Cavalry regiments which Household Cavalry, Blues and Royals, The Life guards, the Grenadier guards ect, which serves mainly horse mounted ceremonial duties but are in fact main battle tank (challenger 2) and light armoured reconnaissance (scimitar being replaced by Ajax) by the way the overused clip of a Scot’s Guardsman knocking out a guy is Fake an acted clip (no belt no rifle ect not even properly dressed
Why do you keep saying in englands history? Queen Elizabeth 2 of England but just Queen Elizabeth as she’s the first Elizabeth of the UK and she is a direct defendant of the Scottish kind, the oldest monarchy in the world and the second oldest in the world should be the first but apparently a nest falling on a Neanderthals head counts so we will say Scotland was the oldest kingdom in the world world, like the actual recognised and civilised world, along with the English crown, the Scottish crown and English crown were merged, not separated and dissolved like the UK did when it created a new state in 1707 in the act of union which turned Scotland and England (already united in kingdom) now merged into a single state that was the kingdom of Great Britain, it then set about world domination ambitions and as a result, half bakes morons half the world away parrot your own history to you totally incorrect
You would think that the monarchy, not being ignorant of science, would provide these men with APPROPRIATE uniforms during EACH season, rather than being concerned with appearance and tradition. I have no respect for ANY employer, commander, or monarchy who endangers the health and wellbeing of the people who serve and protect them for reasons of vanity.
Several of the clips in this article are from comedy shows or of guards from other countries. The guards regiments are not only English, they are from all of the UK’s nations: there are Welsh, Scots and Irish guards regiments: Please don’t say England / English when you mean UK (“Britain”) / British… Any Welsh, Scots or Irish viewers will be very offended! Also, although the incident shown in the still in the title may have occurred, it is not covered in this article, so is yet another example of an unrepresentative title screen…🙄
When I watch the guards I think… your not feeling the huge stomp you just did right now but give that 20 years they’ll be feeling that in their knees & feet. Apparently I’m just getting old to think like that. I also love that they’re all so tall but I understand why they changed that rule however it’s strange seeing women do this job. It’s new & takes time to adjust to. They’re not going to prison for a smile or a laugh. That’s ridiculous.
Every guard is elite. If you have to protect the highest ranking persons in your country, you HAVE to be the best of the best. The guard of the tumb of the unknown soldier, the Wachbataillon des BmVg (guard of the German president and the German chancellor), the Swiss guard of the Vatican, and many other… I would never ever try to mess with these.
The British Monarch is the overall monarch to the whole of the Great Britain and Ireland, not just England, England is a quarter of the whole country, the royalty are monarch to Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England. I never understand why other country people America in particular struggle with geography. These soldiers and British Soldiers made up of citizens from all 4 nations that make up the United Kingdom.
People do their homework understood what it takes to be a queen’s guard they would show them respect treat them with dignity and never never do anything to get them in trouble they stand in position for hours sometimes they have to use the restroom on herself and I’ll try to go there and act like clowns and and try to disturb them cuz you won’t act weird and funny
Indeed not bad for a copy of the Swiss Guard of the vatican who defended the pope when the western roman empire fell. Train to pronounce “Chuchchäschtli” correctly and maybe they give you a chance in the Swiss guard coming from the Queen’s guard. Swiss mercenaries were not medevial bouffons but a breed of muscle packed hells angels crossed with well paid officers. They ask questions always and only later.
So much wrong with this commentary. They are not elite and they are not secretive. They are not the Royal Guard nor the Queens Guard (or Kings Guard as you would now claim). They are elements of the British Armed Forces who happen to be on Ceremonial duties. They can be from the Army, Navy or Royal Air Force. Generally though they are from the Guards Division. Many of them would rather be on operations than “poncing about at a palace”. That said they are, like all the armed forces highly trained and professional and one of the best in the world.
They treat their own Royal Guard like they’re not even human or worthless….. wow. Truly inhuman. Don’t know how the Royal Guard getting THIS mistreated has gone so unnoticed this long. The fact they have to wear that 1 outfit, nomatter how hot or cold it gets……. is cruel. How much are they PAID for that? Do they have insurance? HOW are they trained to protect AND handle extreme weather? WHY are their punishments so severe if they “smile”? WHY are so many bears killed for those ridiculous useless HATS? Just evil for evil sake? How much is worth all that? All these questions do have answers, that’s also the sad part.
This is total and utter bullshit My son was a queen’s guard for 6mnths during training for 5 rifles My son’s two friends that live a few doors away from me, They are permanent queen’s guard’s, they have gone through basic training, just like all soldiers do, the guns not loaded but the public are Encouraged to believe they are,
from everything i’ve read about the guards they would not be fired or sent to prison for laughing or smiling while on duty. unless it’s habitual they’d probably just be fined up to 2000 pounds and/or severely reprimanded by their superiors. a lot would also depend on the context as to what made them smile, such as seeing a child dressed up in a uniform mimicking him.
What bollocks that a guardsman gets the jail for smiling. Why are Danish soldiers included in this article? They are not just English guards there are Scots and Irish and Welsh guards regiments amongst others not aligned to the nations, principality or province that makeup the UK. Basically other than they are elite trained soldiers renowned for their drill and battles skills who take their duties seriously take this with a pinch of salt. The guys in the blue jackets and bearskin are NOT from the Bitish Army.
My brother was a royal guard. Believe you me you do not mess with them. These idiot tourists make me so angry. These soldiers are far braver than you will ever know and for tourist to behave as they do just shows how utterly ignorant they are. They think it’s funny, it’s not. DO NOT TOUCH a guard. My brother taught me to look after myself when out and about to keep me safe. These idiot, rude tourist need to be taught a lesson.