Parents often struggle with homework, which can spoil their downtime and become another item on a seemingly infinite to-do list. To deal with this, parents should create a checklist of tasks and understand that they are experiencing an emotion in the moment. If homework is unnecessary for students to succeed in a subject, it is probably unnecessary everywhere.
To help children struggling with homework demands due to ADHD, depression, anxiety, OCD, or school avoidance, parents can play music, which boosts energy and keeps them alert. The best way to do homework is in a quiet space without distractions, where they can spend as much time as needed comfortably.
Children do not need hours of homework time to succeed, yet they act like sitting at a kitchen table after a full day doing this stuff. Parents should identify if they are giving stupid homework and give higher quality homework. When confronted with a tween or teen boy who refuses to do “stupid” homework, parents should simply do the homework themselves.
When confronted with a tween or teen boy who refuses to do “stupid” homework, parents should be honest and encourage them to complete all their homework between classes. This will help them feel more engaged and motivated to succeed in school.
In summary, parents should create a checklist of tasks and understand that homework can be a distraction for children with various emotional states. By addressing the problem of homework and providing better quality work, parents can help their children succeed in school and improve their overall academic performance.
📹 You’re NOT stupid, you have ADHD | How I Study When I Can’t Focus or Concentrate on ANYTHING
You’re NOT stupid, you just have ADHD | How to Study When You Can’t Focus or Concentrate on ANYTHING Download …
What to do if you are struggling with homework?
Homework can be overwhelming, especially in high school. To make it easier, create a homework plan, understand the assignment, find a good place to work, get in the right mood, and seek help when needed. Create a plan by writing it down in a notebook or app on your phone, and ask questions about the expected timeframe. This will help you remember what to do and make it easier to remember during or after class.
Additionally, consider asking your teachers about the length of specific assignments to ensure they are completed on time. By following these strategies, you can make homework more manageable and enjoyable for you.
How do I stop thinking about homework?
Homework anxiety can be a significant issue for children, especially those struggling in school. It can be caused by various factors such as procrastination, procrastination, or lack of support. To help reset the mind and relieve anxiety, try deep breathing, gentle stretching, or a short walk before starting homework. Some kids may share their feelings, while others may not yet identify or talk about it. Homework anxiety often starts in early grade school and can affect any child, but it is particularly significant for struggling students who may feel they cannot complete the work.
Do homework with ADHD?
ADHD children often struggle with time management and getting off track. To help them, break down their homework into mini-assignments and use timers or alarm apps to keep them on track. Break down big projects into simple steps and set a schedule with a due date for each step. This helps them complete the project on time. Additionally, children who take ADHD medication may study better in the afternoon when the drugs are still in effect, while later in the evening when they wear off.
Is homework anxiety real?
Homework anxiety is a condition where students feel intense fear and dread about doing homework, often putting it off until later. This self-exacerbating condition can cripple some students who are capable of doing the work, causing unfinished assignments and grades to slip. Common causes of homework anxiety include:
- Lack of motivation or motivation to complete the task;
- Lack of time or resources to complete the task;
- Lack of motivation or resources to complete the task;\n4
Why do I refuse to do homework?
Procrastination on homework is often due to personal and situational factors, such as exhaustion and anxiety, which outweigh self-control and motivation. These factors include fear and perfectionism, as well as distractions and unclear instructions. Self-control is often relied upon to complete homework on time, but when these issues interfere with or oppose self-control and motivation, procrastination can occur. The balance between these factors may shift in favor of the procrastinator, or it may be too late.
Is it normal to not like homework?
Homework is often viewed as boring or dull by students, as it can be time-consuming and difficult to learn from. This makes it difficult for them to concentrate on tasks and pay attention to details, leading to mistakes and frustration. Additionally, missing a deadline can result in severe penalties, such as additional work or reduced grades. These factors contribute to students’ dislike for homework and hinder their ability to fully utilize their education.
In addition to these negative aspects, students may also struggle with concentration and attention to details, which can lead to mistakes and frustration. Additionally, missing a deadline can result in severe penalties, such as increased work or reduced grades, further exacerbating their dislike for homework. Overall, students’ perceptions of homework can significantly impact their overall academic experience.
Is studying harder with ADHD?
Procrastination is a common issue among people with ADHD, as it can hinder their ability to complete tasks or stay on track. To manage procrastination, it is important to set a deadline, focus on one task at a time, and study during short periods of focused time. Setting small, achievable, and realistic goals can help motivate individuals to continue, while breaking up larger projects can make them easier to complete.
Using time management apps or lists can help structure your day’s activities, and taking breaks can refresh your mind and help you focus better upon returning to the task. Rewarding yourself after completing a task can also help in overcoming procrastination.
In summary, procrastination is a challenge that individuals with ADHD must overcome. To manage procrastination, it is essential to set a deadline, focus on one task at a time, set realistic goals, break up larger projects, use time management tools, take breaks, and reward oneself for completing tasks. By following these tips, individuals can overcome the challenges of procrastination and achieve their goals.
Is it normal to cry over homework?
Homework anxiety can be a common issue among children, especially those with perfectionism. It is crucial to teach them that homework is an opportunity to practice and that the purpose of school is to learn, not to be perfect or know everything already. Parents can help their children with homework skills by understanding why they cry over homework, creating a realistic routine, taking a short break, giving a child space when upset, and talking to their teacher to troubleshoot.
Joon can help children complete homework assignments and other tasks by creating a customized task list for parents. When children complete their tasks, they receive rewards, such as taking care of a virtual pet.
Why can’t I do my homework even though I want to?
Procrastination on homework is often due to personal and situational factors, such as exhaustion and anxiety, which outweigh self-control and motivation. These factors include fear and perfectionism, as well as distractions and unclear instructions. Self-control is often relied upon to complete homework on time, but when these issues interfere with or oppose self-control and motivation, procrastination can occur. The balance between these factors may shift in favor of the procrastinator, or it may be too late.
Why do I feel so uncomfortable doing homework?
Homework anxiety is a combination of worry, stress, and fear that can cause emotional and physical distress. It can stem from the overwhelming workload, fear of failure, excessive pressure, difficulty understanding the material, or time management issues. Symptoms can range from putting things off to feeling physically unwell or struggling to focus. Identifying the signs of homework anxiety can help you identify it early and take steps to manage it.
These signs include constant worry, physical issues like headaches or rundown, difficulty concentrating or finishing homework, avoidance of homework, and frustration or feeling stuck. By addressing these symptoms, you can help yourself manage your time and overcome homework anxiety.
Why do I cry over homework?
Homework anxiety can stem from various factors, including other anxiety issues, fear of testing, general school struggles, lack of support, and perfectionism. Students may associate anxiety with homework due to the weighty and important nature of it. To help alleviate homework anxiety, parents can set time limits for assignments, ensure students have support available, and teach general anxiety-coping techniques like deep breathing, taking a short walk, or quieting racing thoughts.
The Brain Balance Program, developed by Brain Balance, focuses on building brain connectivity and improving the foundation of development, rather than masking or coping with symptoms. This program is based on extensive scientific research that demonstrates that the brain is malleable, allowing for change and development. By implementing these strategies, parents can help their children manage homework anxiety and improve their overall academic performance.
By focusing on building brain connectivity and improving the foundation of development, parents can help their children overcome the challenges of homework anxiety and achieve better academic performance.
📹 You’re NOT Stupid, It’s Your Academic Flop Era | How to Get Better Grades in 2023
Watch if you’re failing school/university & don’t know how to study (from a med student who failed) MY E BOOK …
The worst is when you have autism AND ADHD so neither organization or procrastination feel okay. It’s like a constant place of feeling wrong and doing it the wrong way. I think giving achievable goals as well as doing things in the order that is most fun (if that is possible) with some of the rough stuff sprinkled in really helps. You’re still interested in the fun stuff, so you get thru that terrible stuff just to do the fun thing. Flashcard making is usually boring for me, but decorating them isn’t! That’s how I get them done, lol. Write em down, get to decorate.
I’m not diagnosed with adhd, but I do have some traits. What helps me, beside using adhd friendly study techniques, is 1. Having water, coffe and THE study juice, plus some snacks, 2. Create stations(math station, litterature station…) to bounce around in that period of time 3. The work is done standing and I write on sheets attached to the wall 4 I put on some very stimulating music on loop
I don’t really know if i have ADHD or not but i struggle a lot with staying focused and remembering stuff from lectures. I relate a lot with Dr.Faye in terms of getting bad grades and trying again and also wanting to become a doctor in the future so i will definitely be starting to implement these tips into my study sessions. Thanks a lot Dr.Faye.
As someone who was diagnosed at 23, IN THE 8TH SEMESTER OF A 6 SEMESTER DEGREE, this is so real. Ive written all 4 exams this summer. Usually I would barely be able to do 1-2/5. I finally feel like I’ll be able and motivated to finish my degree.. medication is amazing it has changed my life. I feel robbed of so so much time and potential.. 😢
I nearly cried when you mentioned hating reading! I feel so validated! Reading is the perfect way to put me to sleep. Guaranteed to fall into a deep sleep after reading one, maybe two pages of a book. I have been struggling with flashcards now though. I’m trying to get back to using them, but I get easily distracted.
1.) The squeeze: Do something which engagess you and us effective for the time that you’re able to focus. 2.) The gorilla: Incentivise yourself with short-term rewards. 3.) Body Doubling: Study with someone else to stimulate your mind and help focus. (personally I can’t do this because I’ll end up chatting for hours with my friends but Faye mentioned white noise which I’ve had a good experience with. I’d also add doing study with me’s on YouTube because you’re “with” someone but they can’t distract you/ talk to you )
I haven’t been diagnosed with ADHD but I’m quite certain I have it. Studying has always been so difficult for me! My 3 years of Nursing degree ended up taking me 5 years! I struggled so much! Even though I’m a nurse now, I’m still constantly looking for different study methods to help me keep up with my knowledge to provide better and safer care
1. active learnmethod that works for you(for example flash cards/ questions) 2. Reward yourself after studytime to keep yourself motivated 3. Create a metod to make u want to learn (for example filling out circles every time you learn for a certain amount of time) 4.set timers with a study budy (virtual or in person) 6.white noise
This feels so validating i want to cry lol. Im a huge fantasy reader, I can literally sit down and read about 300 pages easily. Yet when it comes to study books (even the one I literally am interested in) I cant focus for the life of me, feel myself zoning out. I most probably have AuDHD but since the care in this department isnt so accessible in my country (post soviet country, what can we do), it will probably stay just as a self diagnosis forever (and just because I faced some backlash after saying this sometimes, no I did not only used tiktok lol, I did every oficial exam there is). And honestly seeing someone struggle lke this as you openly show in the article.. I never tought I need it. It just feels like such a validating and safe space here, I will definitely be a frequent visitor from now on. And youre doing so great and Im so proud of you too, youll be a great medic <3
I’ve just recently being diagnosed with autism (38 yrs old) and perusal this and I can remember when I did my GCSE that this was how I used to learn and try to remember stuff with making the flash cards. This has been an eye opener and can’t wait to sit down and listen to more medical stories with you next week
Mind maps are what help me the most. I had two teachers who gave lectures by making mindmaps on a whiteboard whilst explaining everything and using examples and also allowing us to ask questions during the lecture so we could understand everything, the course material was well organised and it had proper structure and I found that their teaching method was what worked best for me because I could write down the same mindmap and add some other notes for myself during the lecture. They would also give us a small 5 minute break in the middle and give us a quick recap after finishing the lecture. I had the best grades in those subjects. Other teachers would put on a power point presentation full of sentences and paragraphs with barely any images and the stuff wasn’t organised so I didn’t have any structure and I was incapable of staying focused and paying attention and would constantly zone out or even fall asleep. I had to create my own study material from the books, make a comprehensive summary and then from that summary I would create my own mindmap. This was all very time consuming but I had to do it to get good grades because the teachers were useless to me. The only way I can focus on a lecture with a power point presentation is if it’s well made (I mean that the information has to be well organised and not all over the place) and I get the ppt file and I can take notes on the file itself during the lecture so that making my own study material is easier. I need to be writing during lectures because otherwise I will zone out.
Thank you for this article! I’m in grad school and was diagnosed with ADHD in 2019. Body Doubling saved me especially as a remote student. I started a body doubling session with my good friend where we focus on our work/studies for an hour every Monday. We’ve been doing it for two years and have conquered so many goals.
I love using flash cards so when my family and friends are running through them with me, I form memories of going through particlular questions and even now in my second year of a levels, I can remember exact gcse flash cards I made and what they say because I remember sitting in my kitchen whilst my mum tested me and when I would go through them with my friends in the canteen queue so attaching memories to things to remember for exams really helps for me 🧠❤
I’m glad I’ve found this article, Faye. While I haven’t adhd (I’ve been tested for it and for autism when I was younger cause I received a misdiagnosis and in reality I was losing my ability to perceive sounds bc of a heavy ear infection), I have an eating disorder and I don’t handle stress too well cause I’ve dermatitis, allergies and a hyperactive immune disease that trigger my stress responses. All these things can severely damage mental health and often adhd has co-morbidity with EDs, so we share some difficulties. Between 2018-2019 I had a burnout and entered into a dangerous period with my ED. Up to that stage of my life, my grades were good, I’ve never had focus and concentration issues, but after that my mind basically shut down. My mental abilities dropped off and I’m still struggling with finishing my master, while I’m slowing recovering from the rest. My grades are good, but I’m really slow and one last exam is left. It’s Neuroanatomy (I’m becoming a neurobiologist) and it requires a lot mnemonic skills that I have almost completely lost. perusal your article reassured me, I’ll try your methods. I hope to recover and I wish the best to you and all the people you have reached with this article, that can be a lifesaver (and a career saver for me, lol). 🍀💗
my story so basically i just got my 9th final exam result i got 91 percent and let me tell you i am devastated growing up i was the intelligent god gifted child but as i entered my teens i started noticing adhd symptoms i become an average student in high school i just couldnt focus and everybody around told me how i am so talented and how i didnt work hard enough and if i did i could have got atleast 95 percent honestly your story has given me so much inspiration that there is still some hope left for me
Back in the day, I went to a special needs school where we only did GCSE Art and the rest was all about ASDAN Youth Awards. Flash cards were our go-to for years. Fast forward to college, I left those cards behind while chasing my degrees. Now, they’re back in my life, sparking inspiration. Cheers for the top-notch content on your YouTube article, really appreciate the effort! 🎉
I have not been diagnosed with adhd. But recently came across a article and it was spot on my life story. I was feeling so bad today that i was not able to achieve my study goal. This article helped me a lot reminded me gow i studied best with my techniques even though other people might have other proper ways of studying. I am so grateful that you have shared your tips . It really helps me feel confident and hopeful.
🧠 Faye, thanks for your strategies and tips! I used to study in my favourite coffee shops/cafes ☕. There were people around, which I guess worked as body doubling. Plus, I could get something to eat or drink after finishing a certain part as a reward. Also I knew I have limited amount of time as I will have to go home, and, thus, I need to complete something. I don’t have an ADHD; usually, I’m quite focused. But still being productive and doing many things in life is hard and tiring.
Everything in here is making sooo much sense!! I was introed to flashcards last semester, and I remember them pretty well. I found I’m easily overwhelmed by them, so this semester I’m taping them into my notebooks (then they’re less easily lost). Doing the flashcards last semester made it easier to think more actively during lectures I think!! I also have a schedule for each 30 mins, but I never thought about crossing it off each day! I love that idea, lol the Lil Gorilla!!
Hey, Faye! This is the first article of yours I’ve watched and I can’t wait to explore more. I’m a teacher and I’m always on the lookout for new tips and tricks for my students! These are great strategies for anyone, whether they have ADHD or not. I’ve never used flashcards, but I want to introduce them to my very young students as a fun way to learn their vocabulary words. I don’t have ADHD and I can remain on task for hours, but only if I make it worth my while. I do that in two ways. First, before actually studying, I try to get myself excited to study. The numbers and symbols in maths and science, and the prefixes and suffixes in grammar are small parts you can play with. Longer texts from history and literature open up a whole new world I’m excited to explore. This excitement and curiosity are enough to get me started. I then start studying using my outside voice, being the teacher to myself. I explain each step of the process or analyse how one sentence leads to the next one, so that I don’t just repeat stuff. I might pause to write down an interesting question/thought and I always have a blank piece of paper next to me for a rough outline, pretty much like the information you would put on your flashcards. If I get tired or bored, I might get up for a quick break or simply switch subjects before I come back. A timer works miracles too! Once I know I have the basics, it’s time to memorise the information. Exercises are great for subjects like maths, science or grammar and syntax, so it’s enough to get started and reiterate the rules and formulas while solving problems.
I tend to not listen to what I´m reading in my brain and what works best for me is to write. Kinda like flashcards I take important words/topics and just write everything down that i can find in my Book/skript. It gives you the feeling of accomplishing something bc you see how much you’re writing. I do that multiple times for the same topics but on different days.
Hello Faye!!! Ngl, it kinda scared me you popping up in my recommendations bc I just have been starting to suspect I may have ADHD and I’m also in medical school, it’s my first semester and it’s been complicated to focus even more than usual. In hs it was easier to manage but now I had no clue of how to really study but I guess this recommendations fitted perfectly. Thank you ❤, really, knowing that it isn’t impossible to become a doctor with ADHD has been relieving bc I really love medicine and I don’t want to fail. ✴✴✴
im awaiting my first session for my adhd assessment and in my first year of a physics degree at 21 after dropping out the first time around and doing a year-long course to make sure i knew what i wanted the second time around (i’m much happier in physics than in my previous course! :D). thanks for this as a never really learned to study, just managed to get by with good grades in secondary school with little to no effort. unfortunately for me, uni is much more difficult (duh) and requires effort. this combined with the fact that my adhd symptoms are getting harder to manage has been a nightmare. im using this article both as advice, and to help motivate me and “get me in the zone” haha. thanks again <3
Hi Faye! I just came across your website. I was one of the “lucky” ones being diagnosed at age 9. I went to Ohio State for my undergraduate career and am now applying for graduate school hopefully in Fall 2024! I completed my B.A in Psychology in Dec 2022 but wanted to take a break cause of the pandemic. I love that you share your journey and story living with ADHD cause it certainly isn’t easy. Socially, academically, etc. I also never used/read any of the textbooks assigned like I think I only read one through cause it was about the history of American criminal justice and it was a topic that interested me. But thank you for sharing your tips. I certainly will apply these in the counseling programs I am applying for.
I know you probably wont read this, but i just wanted to thank you so much for how much you have helped me over the past few years. I was diagnosed with ADHD 4 years ago and I have had type 1 Diabetes wince i was 7. My life has been a mess because of this, i missed more than 5 years worth of school in total from Grade 5 to Grade 9 due to health issues. I loved learning but no matter what i did i could never seem to get decent grades. I discovered your website last year and you have been one of my biggest inspirations to study and try to get my life turned back around. I was barely passing every subject for most of my high school years but thanks to you, i managed to get 97% on my recent Chemistry Exam, 100% on my Biology Exam, and 98% on my Advanced Mathematics Exam, and i’m currently sitting on a GPA of 4.0 in Grade 11. You have inspired me to pursue my dream of Architecture which i had otherwise given up on. Thankyou so much for getting me through school. I’m studying for my finals and i hope i get accepted into university.
Crossing off half hours is a very intriguing idea! I’d never thought of it and I’m going to try that right away. My usual problem is GETTING STARTED (and then I can’t stop, but for the working world, that’s less of a problem, no matter how harmful it can be). This seems like it might help, especially when it becomes a habit
One thing I have started doing is making time lapses of myself when I need to study, especially when I can’t body double. I feel like I have to put on a show and become productive for the camera and viewers so that if someone looks back at the recording, I look like this very focused and productive ideal student, even if I’m not actually one. Only con to this is the storage use (I usually post the time lapse onto my private tiktok account and delete them as I go) but besides that, I have honestly become 10x more productive and a lot less likely to be distracted.
i suspect i might have adhd and i have found that body doubling is ESSENTIAL, i am incapable of working at home but i can go to a library (or the office now that i work) and smash it all out. i prefer slightly open-plan layouts so i can see other ppl also focusing and i would go to another department’s library so i wouldn’t get distracted by people i knew 😅 my dopamine primarily comes from music (i am constantly listening to music and switching between radio stations and playlists) and i also sit next to a walkway at work so take regular breaks to chat to my colleagues as they walk by.
This article and comment section might actually save me 😭 I always knew I liked body doubling, but never knew the term nor had opportunities/friends to do so with.. Def gonna try the flashcards, squeeze, and half-hourly checklist. My only dilemma is with being in HS, having poor sleep habits bc of leftover energy late at night — but also not enough energy when I first get home after masking all day.. I feel like I’m at war with myself sm, somehow staying afloat. I think (hope!!) things will get better in college..
I have adhd and I have never been able to make flash cards work for me. I also have anxiety, so I get really stressed trying to make flash cards. I also find they prevent me from tying different concepts together. I prefer to connect the dots. I use a brain dump method. before an exam, I try and write out literally everything I can remember from the course, and what I know I don’t remember. This gives me a starting point of what I need to study the most, and then I’m less overwhelmed by all the content to go through. I also take notes on the lecture slides, annotate diagrams, highlight stuff, and write down what the prof is saying. I make silly jokes about the content and sometimes turn it into little song lyrics to make lectures more fun.
the bodydoubling works also bc imo we also might want to be a role model for other ppl. Another Tip is to study by explaining to people who know nothing about ur course about what youve learnt. Similar to the flashcard method, it helps with recalling ur memory, but with an added benefit of making sure you are communicating clearly that you know your stuff, sometimes even helping you recall basic concepts that you might’ve overlooked and eventually forgotten bc you wouldnt have gone over it again if not for explaining to a clueless person. If you wanna lvl it up even more, explain it to ppl in your course/who know about this subject too, then they can do some active recalling to fact check you and themselves. AND it all also doubles as body doubling or fun to do as a study group <3 hope this helps!
one thing ive discovered with flashcards and that is always seemingly linked to medical school or students is anki! a nice online format for flashcards and i do really enjoy it,,,however i need enough time to actually make the flashcards, which i don’t give myself – so! the idea of making flashcards during lecture is actually such a good idea and i can’t believe i haven’t done that yet also the half hour schedule is very real – because i find that my focus only lasts for so long, or if i get distracted and i really time goes by so much faster than i think it does and now suddenly im two hours late i do like the idea of body doubling! and it definitely works, however im a bit of a lone wolf and would rather do things myself whoops
the flashcards. the flashcards!!! I feel so validated. I’m just finishing a full course load since highschool (yeeeaaars ago) and flashcards are the only things that got me through it. The combination of the satisfaction of having a huge stack combined with figuring out what information should get a card AND trying to figure out the best way to summarize that information has been perfect. Who knew adhd brains liked them so much 😂 sidenote, and I apologize if you mentioned it in the article, but you mentioned typing out your flashcards, what app or website do you prefer for digital flashcards?
I personally love to create study notes but I struggle studying them if that makes sense, especially if I think the topic is boring or not interesting enough . I also always find myself thinking about my far future career wise instead of focusing on the now which really irritates me idk if anyone has any tips on how i can avoid that. But I’m definitely going to try your study tips for a start:)
As an INTP i have a loooot common traits with people that have ADHD. (I mean i was pretty sure i had it at some point, but nope it’s just who i am). So i can’t tell how much articles like yours help me, because this techniques work pretty damn well for me as well. Thank you for your effort you put in this articles and for sharing your experience! ❤
After perusal your article, the first method and last method were on point for me. Flashcards are a good way for me to study because I prefer interactive learning since that’s really how I grew up. I also realized that you are right about studying with friends. When people I know are around me it does help me concentrate. Your article came in handy at a great time. I got really bad grades in my AS May/June AS level exams so I have to retake them in the October/November series and on top of that, my mom is pressuring me to take my A level exams in the Feb/March 2024 series. And it is also hard for me because I was skipped 2 grades from grade 6 to 8 so I’m not the normal age for the grade I’m in which is 15 currently, turning 16 in October when I have my exam :). I’ll get to making Flashcards and using them, thanks a lot!
I have adhd, and by now im medicated for my axienty bc it went bad for a time, BUT, the point is im on 5th year of medicine school too, and just the last two years i kinda discover how to “manage” mi head to study, bc is easy to learn i like it and everything but basically I’ve prefer to be just lying on my bed. The point is i loved your article and you are just right, so good advices❤
From my experience I feel like when you are also under alot of pressure you get more done,idk why .. it happened to me a few times though one time in college I finished a project that was due the next day in under 20mins and I had put it off for weeks lol I also was so hyper focused & it was late . So all three of those made me realize I need the pressure of “bodybuilding”, I’m at my prime during evening hours which creates and activates my hyper focus super power to complete anything
If I had known Sketchnotes while I was still studying I would have been so much better 🙂 Drawing the little pictures and taking everything into consideration while listening…that‘s so satisfying and I can finally keep my attention up while listening (even at school back then I was usually drawing or writing a letter to be ABLE to listen to the teacher) … and that‘s a strategy I teach my pupils as well. So if you‘re still at school or university: try sketchnotes for situations you need to listen to something.
This article is great, im currently studying bsc criminology and while I love it, I am also struggling to retain a lot so I’m looking forward to testing these methods out! Did you also struggle with losing your vocabulary when speaking, during assignments or taking notes? If so, how did you conquer it?
if your body doubles or the friends you like to study with are chatty, you could always just put headphones on. i used to do that when a huge group of us would go to the library to study, id still be with them and able to work together when needed but when i got overstimulated the headphones went on and they knew to only interrupt if it was important. That ofc would require that you are able to focus when you eliminate just the noise and you dont get sucked into more conversation
I’m so curious how this would work with someone with ADHD & Autism. My daughter has great determination but keeping her on track is very hard. Very much learning is based on her interests but slowly she is opening up. Congratulations when I see other people achieve depite their challenges it definitely gives me hope ❤
Love this article. I’m testing with the state and I have been to 3 of the same classes 16 hours worth each time, exactly the same class, same teacher, same notes, and a zoom call with the same teacher and the same lesson as the class and I have taken my test 5 times and failed, the last two times I failed by 1 point! Because I know all the information but it gets scrambled when I try to remember what answer to what question or I totally forget something and then I try to remember and I go totally blank! The exam is in a testing center and the room is more quiet than a library, cameras are perusal you (One in front of you) and all over the room, it’s got cubicles and very much like an empty classroom but other people are in the room., headphones they give you do help, but…. I get distracted by what’s around me even tho it’s just people like me doing the same thing as me. And I can still hear them move in the chair or the door open when someone comes or goes. Or a cough I have to pass this exam this time, so I’m trying to figure out how to remember what I need to and how to avoid getting distracted in the exam because they don’t allow music or anything in the exam room besides yourself and the headphones.
I been thinking about going back to school but i been scared of failing ny classes agin and being forced to drop out i think having mutiple creative assignment all due the same week isnt for me. I need something i can study for or an assignment someone can help me with is more for me. This article has really help me think i can succeed in school thank you.
I love flashcards and they helped me so much when I was taking anatomy last year but I haven’t been using them this year and I think that’s the reason my grades have suffered. I’ve tried to use other study methods (notes, reading) but it tiring trying to even study that way I just put off studying. Now going back to my flashcards, I miss them
I purposely go to the library, coffeehouse, or have a co-worker who is on board with article conferencing to body double with. Something about the environment and “hearing people think” get me to focus, too. Also, I listen to cafe background articles while working at home, and either sniff or drinking something like coffee. It’s a lot of work to trick, hack, optimize yourself. 😂❤
I can never think due to adhd, and then I get mad due to my anger issues. As a result my relationships suffer. Meds don’t fix the turmoil in my head. Im going to end up getting fired and losing my family. I can’t afford time off work to get help because I’m the sole provider for a large family. I can’t keep this up much longer.
Thank you so much for your article!! I love the idea of scheduling in order to keep dopamine hits steady, but did you ever struggle with feeling intimidated by this structure? I’ve tried this method before but I quickly get overwhelmed by the structure and bunk it off quicker than I prepare the structure.
My Inattentive ADD is sooo bad though like to understand how I am able to find a roadmap for a career seems soo hard to do. I always have so many questions about college, it’s draining. I know I’m a hard worker but somehow, the college experience looks so hard to navigate. Also, I think I have a little bit of a speech problem- I have a hard time structuring words sometimes. It’s just so much – I want to be a Medical Esthetician but I’m so scared to try
My classmates prefer to Study alone instead of group Study. Body doubling works for me well to the point my partner calls me, mind you we are in 9 hours time zone differences only to accompany me studying. He doesnt need to talk or study, but he is doing his things. I also love cafe /coffee shop ambience, the more people the merrier. I just put my earbud and I am on my hyper focus mode.
I knew I was “intelligent” by societies standards but couldn’t get my shit together to succeed in my own businesses and actually make money. I was like I’m not stupid but there is something wrong. People who are genuinely stupid have successful businesses. Got diagnosed with ADHD at 40. Now it’s all makes so much sense
Flashcards are very helpful for me but this is the first time I’v heard of body doubling and suddenly it clicked. When studying alone, unless I really enjoy the subject, 1 hour was stretching it. But during the pandemic when all those Study With Me’s became so popular, I tried it. Et voilà, suddenly I could focus for 4 to 6 hours, no problem? Still feels like magic 😅
I remember in elementary school, I had such a hard time focusing. It was like I was in airplane mode. My mind would wonder off to who knows where and for what reason. I wasn’t a rude student but I couldn’t grasp anything. I wasn’t doing well academic wise. My mom mentioned that she took me to the doc when I was a child because a teacher had advised her that there was something wrong with me but the doctor said that I was normal. Looking back I wasn’t normal. It sucks because I feel like I missed out on a “better education”. I couldn’t focus ( I wish things were diff. ) I still have a hard time focusing, but it’s nothing compared to before. I wonder if what I have/ had was/ ish adhd.
I don’t know if it’s still relevant for you or if you’ve already heard of it, but I really recommend you try listening to brown noise while trying to focus! It’s basically like white noise, but in a much lower frequency, so it’s a lot less annoying and more like a general background hum. It helped me so much when trying to focus on studying for my med school exams 🥲
If you have a bunch of little stuff like e-mails, invoices etc. to do and love the small reward that crossing of a time increment gives you, try to do a ‘done’ list instead of a ‘to-do’. I don’t always to it, but sometimes I just need to show myself how many little tasks we do everyday but often feel like we haven’t done anything. And for me especially, I HATE to have a bunch of those little tasks that are seperate from each other, because it feels like having to muster up energy ‘to get started’ over and over again. I’m very good with big tasks that can be split up in little increments. But 5 E-Mails to 5 different people and I wanna die
🧠This was so helpful, thank you! I’m getting ready to attend uni for the first time, having been out of school for almost 20 years, and have been looking for ways to experience more success now than I did then. I am curious what you meant when you said you didn’t use books for “revision” (I’m from the US). Did you read a textbook once and then just refer to flashcards you created during that reading, or did you never use one at all?
I just finished my A levels and got my results. However, for Bio and Chem I did not do well so planning to retake :/ I was wondering if you declared your old grades that you may of not done well in into your Medical application as well as your new one? And did it effect your chance of being accepted after declaring your old grades as well as predicted?
Love your article, Faye. But also, just a little but quite major thought that I had while perusal your content was the language you use to describe neurodivergence and ADHD. Maybe consider replacing words like “guerrilla brain”/ “animalistic” to describe how ADHD and other neurodivergent folx navigate through things. These are derogatory to say the least, but moreover, these terms are stereotypical, ableist, and very very reductionist and inhumane. If this is how you understand your own mental struggles with ADHD, I really wish you would unlearn such internalized stereotypes against your mental condition as well.
Thank you for this, I have my higher maths gcse in a month and I can’t focus for the life of me. I was told my whole life that I have adhd but I never got it tested if I actually do have it. I remember in yr 8 I revised with flashcards and got a high grade but ever since I didn’t do it, I have no clue why, but i’m going to try to do it with the white noise.
Hi Faye! I thought you said in another article not to make your own flashcards as it’s a waste of time and there likely are others available? I spent my first year making my own flashcards and I felt so stimulated but I lost so much time. It’d take me so long to make them I didn’t have time to go through them again after that. I’m now in second year and I don’t know if I should make my own or use already available ones, which aren’t always good
I am living a double life. On the one hand, I am a Computer Science and Engineering major at a community college, who is trying to get into UCLA. I have a 3.96 GPA, and while studying for my main major, I have earned an Associate’s Degree in Mathematics, and another in Physics – both with Summa Cum Laude degree honors. Additionally, I am about to earn another degree in Chemistry. Then there’s the other side of me. The one when I forget to take my ADHD medication. I look happy, as I bounce around in my seat in class and tell jokes. I am absolutely CLUELESS, have no idea what the professor is talking about, and can’t put 2 thoughts together. I just smile and giggle. But in the inside, I hate myself for not being to listen to a single word my professor says, or read more than 3 words without having to go back and re-read them 100 times before I can process a sentence. Everyone tells me I am smart, and are impressed with what I have achieved, and I just think to myself “How does anyone think I am anything but the dumbest person in the room…” Anyway, sorry, I just had to rant. I forgot to take my meds today when I went to school. I didn’t even know I had forgotten them until I came home and sudden realized why I hadn’t understood a single thing that happened in any of my classes. ADHD sucks.
Lol I did this but not with flash cards. In classes I got PP for it was easy u just write it down on the pp slide. For classes Where I didn’t get PP for I just wrote down questions . Reason was I was a bio major and all test were write in format test that . I would listen to the professor and wrote questions and paid lots of attention when they drew diagrams . I would then go with my list of questions to the supplemental tutoring they had at the school and got my answers explained . I hate flash cards but I would always condense my work into one sheet. Then while I worked or worked out I would try to remember what the professor said if I could or remember my study sheet that I would do from the start of the semester. I graduated with a 3.2 . I wanted to be a doctor but realized it was going to take 10 more yrs of school + more loans. I was 22 and wanted to be independent. I never wanted to be a scientist. Biology is beautiful and don’t regret my degree ( I just hate the loan part) but it doesn’t and never really hasn’t sparked my interest like medicine . I decided this yr to go back but go for nursing . I do hv ADHD but I managed it all and got a 3.2 in bio without meds. It’s a long story, but was diagnosed at 10 my parents were against treatment didn’t believe it. It really never bother my studies and I learned ways to get around it. My 8th grade teacher was making fun of me in front of class and told me I should live by the K.I.S.S method but you kno what she was right and I applied that to my life and studies .
I swear there is too many ADHD in America compared to other country (im french and I was diagnosed with adhd and autism at the age of 3 because i had every stuff in adhd, I didn’t even go to elementary school for a few years because I was such a pain in the ass.). I don’t understand people who are diagnosed much later. Even if they only have the inattentive type.
yeah that is creative, but for just studying the Guyton and Ganong physiology, how many flashcards are we going to make, well in that case to get the full material, that would be millions. but well it also depends on the program as well ! I have no idea, I myself am an mechanical engineering student, and I use the lectures files for learning and when possible I use the references as well.
Hey, I’m just wondering how do you go about getting tested for ADHD? I’m currently studying Physiotherapy and and my attention and concentration is awful. I thankfully do really well but I get very overwhelmed and stressed very easily compared to my peers (even though academically I’m above average on the course). I have so many ADHD traits and it would be good just to know if I have it or not so I can manage it and understand it and get more support at university! X
I’ve noticed that articles made about adhd and how to work with it are never straight and to the point. They’re very long winded and sometimes take almost half the article to get to tips and trick. I usually lose interest real fast and start skipping around and the have to back up and read watch something and then ultimately just stop perusal. Now I’m not saying your article is bad. It’s just my opinion on what I’ve noticed. I try and focus and stick with the article but it never pans out that way
Hopefully you answer me, can you please tell me what article camera you use ? I want to start my YouTube again . My YouTube website is all about my life and trying to survive literally a women with 0 support system and not the best upbringing, but fighting all I got for a better life. I have a lot on my plate . I currently found out I do have ADHD . School can be a lot harder to have another thing I have worry about, like editing articles . It got to a point I’m perusal my own YouTube article . My life is in real time . There no way to change it but with time because I have no hands out. I been off for almost a year. In one more year I will like to give an update on my life . I bought a expensive camera but it not the quality I want . I want my articles to be HD like yours ❤️
Sad true story 😢: once upon a time there were people who lived in peace in their own country, suddenly One day and out of nowhere another people came and claiming that it’s their country and not only that they even kicked theme Out of their houses violently and stole their lives (even children’s and women’s) And now all they want is to get back their country by fighting because is the only way but the Thieves found it an opportunity to pretend that they were the victims and they get compassion from the world that they don’t deserve. So put yourself in the place of those people that your country is taken and your family are killed and no one wants to believe you. 🇵🇸
Hi there! In my situation what I’ve observed is that for me it is really really tough to put effort and maintain attention on subjects and topics related to things which I’m not interested in or don’t see relevant to my career, on the other hand anything which I like, no matter how irrelevant it is to my career, I have such good attention span, curiosity and a hunger to learn more about that thing. Is it one of the signs of attention disorder?
I think i have adhd and i am 38. I have been given anti depression table since i was 15. I am that person that dont believe in adhd the person just need less sugar or a crack round the back of head. But i have change and think i have adhd. I have ask my doctor and they said they would put me on a waiting list for 2 year fine. I ended up in a and e for suicide attempt and fround out i was refused by my doctors to be put on the list. What can i do. Thanks for you article. Uk to.
Flashcards are hugely inefficient. People absentmindedly write out flashcards and spend a lot of time doing so. If you immediately try and test someone on their flashcards straight after they have written them, more often than not, you’ll get the response ‘I haven’t learnt them yet’. Which means the time spent writing them is essentially wasted and wasn’t learning time.
People are just too kind, sorry to say but “adhd” is the same as “stupid”, it really is just a man made label to make people who are stupid feels better about themselves, “oh I’m diagnosed with adhd its not my fault”, but truth is you are born stupid lol. Be glad that society still accept flawness such as adhd or whatever they call it. As for me I do have other mental illness too but not adhd, and I have met people with adhd, they are just stupid, unreliable people, that I don’t want anywhere near me, sorry.
When I was a kid…no one and I mean NO ONE loved learning mor then me. Covid hit and that all went downhill. Family drama didn’t help. I am disappointing younger me. I DESPERATELY need to take it seriously. I LOVE school so much and it makes me sad to see I’m just throwing time away instead of lifting myself up. Today on my 16th birthday I am ADAMANT to fix all this bullshit and get on with my life PROPERLY.
When she said ” ITS OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM THAT MADE US BELIEVE THAT WE ARE NATURALLY SMART ” it hit home cause I think we all made it a part of our identity to be academically gifted and then suddenly the reality hits like a truck when we all enter uni because we see that everyone is the ” THE SO CALLED SMART STUDENT WHICH U WERE TOLD THAT YOU ARE AND SUDDENLY THERE ARE SO MANY OF THEM LIKE YOU OR BETTER THAN YOU” and we suddenly go into a whole identity crisis because our “SMART” isn’t enough to pass the exams like in scl … Oh man this article was seriously eye-opening
I really related to your “smart kid but when you failed, you thought that you had already reached your peak so everything goes downhill from there” experience. Took a leave of absence from uni for 3 semesters because of burn out and fear of my last year at school, thinking that I hadn’t really learned anything at all. I was always scared of people finding out i’m a fraud and that the smart girl they knew is actually just really average. Got impostor syndrome bc i got into my country’s top uni, then realized how big the world is and how naturally smart some people are. Then i didn’t even know how to study because i never needed to in high school, so i got shit grades in uni. Now, i can’t say that i’m not afraid anymore or that i’ve turned into a more driven person, but i’m trying to implement this growth mindset now that i’m going back to uni. Instead of focusing on the fact that I failed, I need to focus on why I did and what I could do better. I need to actually make use of the consultation hours of my professors. Instead of memorizing, i need to understand why. Loved the article! Thanks for sharing
Your article popped up to me at the best time. I was a straight A student in secondary school and now that I’m in A-levels I can’t seem to get it. It’s like I’ve lost my “magic” and I feel as though I’ll never make it and that everyone who ever doubted me was right. You showed me that it isn’t the end and I can still get up again, thank you so much and I wish you well on your journey through medicine. My dream is to one day become an Emergency Room doctor.
“you’re not stupid, it’s your academic flop era “, the title couldn’t have been more resounding for me. As someone who was also labelled as a smart child since primary schools it has always been inbuilt for me to perform academically better. The first 2 years of my college year went really nice then starting 3rd year i failed both my 5th and 6th semester and it was such a blow that i found it really hard to accept that fact. The worst fact was that I actually worked very hard for them. I had studied the hardest in my life an still getting such results it felt just like how you explained, that i had already peaked academically and there’s only downfall from now on, from being annoyed seeing a C on my mark-sheet to straight up seeing Ds and Fs have been a terrible experience. It wasn’t that i gave up but I stopped trying for a while and let go because working hard didn’t seem to have meaning anymore. It just felt unlucky to experience that, cause i clearly worked hard . Right? But thankfully I’ve started to get out of the slump. and perusal this article and reading all the comments of people experiencing the same thing have made me feel a bit more understood and relieved a part of my worries. So huge thank you to you and also to every other comments on here. i just want to say all of you that you all will surely get over the slump you are currently facing. No matter the amount of odds you are facing, you got this and you will definitely rise up victorious. Everyone, we are bound to be successful💪💪❤🩹❤🔥
been bawling my eyes out because for years I haven’t been able to regain my academic drive when all I want in life is to succeed and further my education and become a lawyer but I’ve just been feeling so lost and unmotivated and I really needed to hear this. I hope I can improve and make myself proud in time for my GCSEs. every time I’ve applied to sixth forms I constantly get the horrible thought that I will never succeed and it’s just tiring. I just want to prove to myself that I’m not wasted potential but it’s so hard to do that when it’s been all I’ve been feeling and all I’ve been told for the past 2 years. I just want to better myself but it’s so hard sometimes. I honestly needed this and I genuinely bawled like a child at the end
I actually went looking for this article coz honestly I’m starting to doubt whether I’ll make it to my graduation😭 All throughout primary and secondary school i was one of the ‘smart’ kids who didn’t need to put in too much effort but uni is seriously humbling me. I’m in my 3rd yr and the smart girl exterior is slowly but surely cracking and despite trying my best it just isn’t cutting it anymore. This coming year I’m hoping to really turn things around for myself coz i am done letting myself down! Clearly I’m not the pull-an-all-nighter girlie so disciplining myself into studying throughout the semester it is🙃 Success and well wishes to anyone in the same boat as me we got this!!
In my flop era, I failed two papers despite having pitting more effort than I did before and it’s really been getting to me where I’m starting to think thoughts like, no matter how much I grovel I will never get there. I think detaching myself from my failures has been the best piece of advice fron this. I have a huge wave of exams coming up October onwards and I don’t want to be overwhelmed and stuck anymore. Here’s to revisiting this comment with a different standpoint. Thank you Faye ❤
My phone is most definitely listening in on my convos lol. I was talking to a friend earlier today about not doing well in school and not getting the grades I needed for medicine. I also have to retake the entrance exam soo many times. Glad your vid was recommended to me by the YT algorithm. I’m trying to get into graduate entry med and that GAMSAT is kicking my ass lol. I keep trying, because trying is the only thing I can do. Thankfully, I did a lot better in my undergrad and got the grades I needed. Got diagnosed with ADHD midway through and that cleared a bunch of things up. Stopped comparing myself to others, and questioning why I couldn’t be like them, or do as much as they seem to do in a day, etc.
I literally cannot believe I failed in physics (it’s so embarrassing to even say it here, its my first time ever failing) and just got marks in chemistry and I got zero (I asked for a recheck i’m so frickin nervous) I really don’t wanna cry and actually do smth about it and then I see this. lets hope I do it right this time edit. the teacher said the answer was correct but there was some silly mistake and strict checking so still zero :/ but there’s like another test next week and guess who’s gonna try her best to ace? I will make 2023 my academic year. i just will. UPDATEEE : i got 20/20 in listening skills (me being the only one from my class B)) ANDDD I THINK I’LL GET ABOVE 4 IN CHEM THIS TIME LIKE I LITERALLY DIDNT SLEEP BUT WHATEVER (I got a 5.5!!! now i swear I’ll work harder and get full in chemistry on this week’s test) GUYS UPDATE!!!! I GOT 8.5 OUT OF 9 IN THE RECENT CHEMISTRY TEST AND 6.5/10 IN PHYSICS!!! (I know not the best but we getting thereee^^) update pt. 2 : so like i’ve always loved math and well, in the last two tests i got full score. my math final is the day after tomorrow (overmorrow i suppose?) and idk why i’m just not studying i think i am getting overconfident? idk my friend called me and was like you’ll get good marks you always have even in the last tests you did great…but idk i feel like i’m getting some kind og god complex and i need help to change it and actually study idk how edit. physics exam in a few hours and i’m so scared i really hope it goes well UPDATE!
i failed a midterm last semester and barely passed two of my classes after my finals. now i’m in my second semester and i realized that my fear of the soul-crushing disappointment i felt after failing DESPITE studying last semester has kept me from reaching my academic goals 🙁 i’m struggling with a few classes and i’ve been putting off work/not trying hard enough because i felt so hopeless and stupid. this article could not have come at a better time gosh. hearing advice from someone who has hit a low point in their life and visibly worked so damn hard to turn their life around is incredibly special to witness and i am forever changed. i am sobbing so hard right now lmao but i can’t thank you enough for this faye ily !!! :’)
Thank you so much for this article queen. I myself am currently in an academic slump didn’t do so well in my first semester in medical school classes and also got out of a toxic 4 year relationship. Your article gave me the motivation to push forward and know that I am not alone and it will get better. Sending you lots of love from Miami ❤
the last point is exactly how i feel. I took bio, chem and history alevels and chem is crazy, my teacher told me that if i don’t start getting As soon then i have no chance in going to med school (i’m currently on Cs) i felt totally defeated but i’m improving and the hope is coming back😭thanks faye❤️
“It was easier to handle emotionally if I failed because I wasn’t trying than to fail despite trying”. Unfortunately, I still subconsciously do this all the time. I tried to get into medical school twice and didn’t make it. Now I’m in pharmacy school because I thought it was close enough, but apparently the universe wanted me to see this article and call me out. Thank you for sharing your story in such an honest way.
This article literally came at the time where I most needed it .This made me feel more motivated because I was literally so stressed and anxious about my grades that I felt worthless .But after perusal I realised that it wasn’t me who was wrong it was my study methods and tactics .Thank you so much Faye.
I had just got my senior certificate, passed highschool with a deploma (my parents and everyone wanted me to get a bachelor). My mom pretends to the world she is happy ND proud and tells ppl I got a bachelors… Then when we’re alone she tells me how she has to lie and pretend and how she is ashamed and disappointed. I know it’s my fault I ddnt do better so I’ll do better, upgrade my points so I can get into med school, my teacher said the same thing to me, but I’ll prove her ring like u did. U really helped me, thank you so much Faye 🥺
I also want to say that some teachers bring students down on purpose. I have felt anxiety, sadness and feel that I’m not worth much because of their words. I know after A-Levels, it will take time to heal from such a traumatic experience. My college would not cooperate with me and only cared about themselves. I have A-Levels in May & June and I’m terrified. Just keeping my faith in God and trying to work hard.
I had almost an identical experience, and it was soooo bad. I became seriously depressed and I struggled so much with my self-identity and self worth. The school environment didn’t help at all, and I just needed advice like this. Honestly still struggling with the grades now, so I’m definitely going to try these techniques. Thanks a bunch Faye!
I donno I just needed this. How did this popped up at the most perfect time? I did pass the whole day thinking about giving it all up. I have my board exam in 3 months and my head was about to explode overthinking that I’m not good enough to get a good result .I was feeling like the people who ever doubted me was right probably. I was literally crying the shitt out of me and a lot more. Thanks for this though <3
I think YouTube was listening to me while I was breaking down, weeping, and verbally destroying myself because of acads earlier today because it suddenly recommended this article to me. Thank you, ma’am. I bookmarked this article. I want you to know that this article helped me when I was at my lowest. Thank you <3
This article truly came at the most perfect time.. thank you for sharing your experiences with us, Faye. I’ve felt so alone for long and I’ve found it difficult to open up about this. Your article has allowed others to share their experiences and I realize that there are so many of us that resonate and have felt this way. Thank you for being the older sister we all need.. providing us with comfort, inspiration and encouragement. So proud of you for pushing through and for making it as far as you have! Much love, Faye <3
I’m so happy I saw this in my youtube homepage cause I’m struggling currently with the fact that I need to improve in school in a less than a year at school so I can get to the school I wanna go. I think this gave me some motivation to do it since I’m not even that far away from my goals. Even tho it is hard I want to do it because it will affect in the future rest of my life. Thank you for making this article and helping others. <3