The first few seconds of a speech are crucial as they set the tone and mood, grabbing the audience’s attention and causing them to want to know more about the rest of the talk. A comprehensive guide equips you with the tools to craft an engaging speech about your hobby, including how to structure your presentation, captivate your audience, and practice using useful phrases.
When writing a speech about yourself, consider factors such as your audience, purpose, and length. Look at past speeches and popular TED Talks to learn how to open a speech effectively. Hobbies as a topic in Part 1 of the IELTS test for Part Two require discussing personal experiences and feelings.
To outline a speech, include a clear outline that includes your main hobbies and interests outside of work or school. For example, you can discuss reading and weightlifting as hobbies. While not considering what you do outside of work as a hobby, mention your interests. Both academic interests and hobbies are central to who you are, and both can teach valuable life lessons and skills.
Taking breaks from studying and extracurricular activities is essential for staying alert and focused. Start planning early and practice regularly to keep to a time limit and try out various techniques. Rehearsal is essential for speaking well, helping you stay focused and adapt to different situations.
In summary, crafting an engaging speech about your hobbies requires careful planning, understanding your audience, and practicing effectively. By following these guidelines, you can craft a powerful and engaging speech that captures the attention of your audience and leaves a lasting impression on your audience.
📹 How to Talk About Your Free Time and Hobbies in English – Spoken English Lesson
What do you like doing in your free time? Do you have any interesting hobbies? Talking about free time and hobbies is a good …
What part of speech is hobbies?
The term “hobby” has its etymological roots in Middle English, with a possible origin in the names Robin or Robert. It later evolved from Middle French “hobé,” a variant of the Old French “hobel.” The term “hobby” is a hobbyist noun and hobbyless adjective, which may have been derived from the Old English word “hobeler,” which meant “to skirmish or harass.” Alternatively, it may have been derived from the Middle Dutch word “hobbelen,” which meant “to turn or roll.”
Do you put hobbies on your CV?
Include hobbies and interests on a CV to make a difference in the job market. These hobbies can demonstrate your skills, teamwork, or technical abilities. If you’re a recent graduate or have limited professional experience, include hobbies that showcase your personality traits or working styles. For example, playing a musical instrument shows dedication to practice and openness to learning. It’s important to highlight hobbies that demonstrate your skills and personality traits, even if you don’t have years of experience.
How do you introduce yourself in English with hobbies?
The individual enjoys arts and crafts, being creative and practical, and enjoys socializing with friends. They also enjoy being physically active, playing sports and team games. The hobbies they engage in keep them fit, out of the house, sociable, and provide an interesting activity. They also mention that they are not very expensive and can be done by anyone. This makes the conversation more interesting and engaging.
What is the first line to start a speech?
The speaker’s opening is crucial as it determines the audience’s engagement with the presentation. If the opening is boring, the message may not be effectively conveyed, as people may shift their seats, check their phones, read the program, and engage in other activities. Therefore, it is essential to create an engaging and informative opening to ensure the audience’s attention and engagement.
How should I start my speech?
The article provides seven perfect speech introductions for a successful presentation. It emphasizes the importance of starting with a question, using quotes, inspiring storytelling, starting with an open loop, enchanting the audience with parables, using facts, figures, and statistics, and looking back. These tips are applicable to various types of speeches, such as a keynote at a kick-off event, a festive speech at a company Christmas party, a motivational speech at a team event, or a laudatory speech at an awards ceremony. The author has collected these tips and examples from their experience as a presenter and keynote speaker in front of over 5 million people.
The first few minutes of a presentation are crucial as they are where the first impression is made. The audience intuitively decides within a few seconds whether they like the speaker and want to follow. After that, they have up to three minutes to pick up the audience with the content of the speech.
How do I introduce my hobbies?
Hobbies can be a key factor in a person’s personality and should be explained passionately and concisely. Connect your hobbies with your job and explain how they make you a better person. Avoid discussing anything political or controversial, and never say you have no hobbies. The “What are your hobbies?” interview question is common across all job profiles, and you might also ask questions about your favorite hobbies, how you would describe your hobbies, or what you like to do in your free time.
Choosing the right hobbies and answering them intelligently will help impress the interviewer. This blog provides tips on answering “What are your hobbies?”, examples, best answers, and tips for answering questions related to hobbies or interests. Some common hobbies and interests to consider include:
- Writing about your hobbies: Write about your hobbies in a clear and concise manner, avoiding political or controversial topics.
- Connecting your hobbies with your job: Connect your hobbies with your job and explain how they make you a better person.
- Avoiding controversial topics: Avoid discussing your hobbies if you don’t have any, and focus on writing about your hobbies in a way that makes sense to the interviewer.
How do you talk about your hobbies in a speech?
To talk about your hobbies in English, identify your interests, use simple descriptive language, explain why you enjoy your hobby, mention how often you do it, share your achievements or progress, ask about others’ hobbies, use visual tags for new vocabulary, and practice talking about them. This is a great way to share your interests and connect with others, especially for intermediate English learners who can express themselves and learn new vocabulary.
What is the best introduction for a speech?
A good introduction is crucial in a speech, as it sets the tone, makes the topic relatable, establishes credibility, and previews the main points. It should be the last part of the speech, setting expectations and matching the content. Attention getters are the first few sentences that help the audience understand and reflect on the topic. The speaker should also be prepared with notes and jelly-sticked hands on stage.
How to introduce yourself in a creative way in a speech example?
In a conversation about a new product or service, it’s important to start by introducing yourself and your audience. Start by sharing a personal moment from your six-year-old that relates to the topic. This will give your audience a sense of connection and open up opportunities for humor.
Next, ask a question about how many people have tried Y. This is a traditional tactic but can be effective if you solicit responses. This engages your audience immediately and helps them understand the product. Remember, you’re on a learning journey, so be human, likable, and prepare your audience for the future.
How do you introduce yourself in a formal speech?
The speaker, a student currently enrolled in a grade/year at a school, is eager to present a topic of discussion to the audience, conveying their enthusiasm for the chance to engage with them on the subject.
Should I include hobbies in introduction?
In responding to inquiries about oneself, it is advisable to introduce a hobby as a means of demonstrating to the interviewers that one is genuinely interested in joining the company and is forthcoming about information not already included on one’s resume.
📹 Jordan Peterson – Why it’s so Hard to Sit Down and Study/Work
Original source: Psychology Professor Dr. Jordan B. Peterson explains why you don’t …
1. You are a mess. Solution: clean your room. 2. You are not in control of yourself. Solution: negotiate with yourself rather than being your own tyrant. 3. You are bored by the task at hand, and would rather be doing something else. Everything you would rather be doing becomes a distraction. Solution: perhaps try to make the task more enjoyable.
I have a severe condition of procrastination, each time I think I have learned next time I would do it again, it is like there is something pushing me away from the work before actually starting doing it!, however I end up doing it regretting my procrastinating promising myself to start early next time but yeah. Believe it or not I wrote 90% of my dissertation in 7 hours before the deadline
That’s it I have enough… Since Coronas lockdown happened in 2020, I stopped studying and went from an A student to a C student and in Year 9 it happened… I failed Grade 9 and quit my Sport (Taekwondo) after 5 Years. I stopped exercising and studying and skipped 80 % of School stayed at home jerking off, playing article games, and perusal social media, 15 Hours a Day. And to make matters worse the whole time I was wasting my moms hard earned money (Dad sadly passed away from a Stroke and we are very broke). My Mom always cried and screamed at me and hit me because of disappointment in school and only bringing Fs home. Then I started going out all the time and drinking and smoking. Every day I would eat chips drink Coca cola and sweets. Even though I was never overweight I was the opposite I’m still extremely underweight and need to build muscle. Every night and morning I would tell myself that I’m going to start now and learn now and stop with articlegames and social media. And now I’m here, writing this comment in Secret because my mom thinks I’m doing Math, if I don’t ace the exam in 1 Month, I would have to redo 9 Grade for a third time!!! I can’t let this happen it would break me, so with this comment I’m starting, starting to change no more bullshit I will print it out and stick it to my wall and read it every morning. Today I cleaned my table and put all things in order I know it’s now much but it’s the beginning. This summer I will learn math and ace this exam and if you think “well what if you don’t “?
I’m depressed and I’m having a really hard time with studying at the same time, it’s 12:00 AM right now and I have an exam at 8, I’m trying to focus but I cannot, I just want to go back to bed and sleep and miss the exam. i also have my final exams after 150 days, they’re important and yet I still have no idea what I’m doing. I can’t talk to anyone and no one can understand.
The system of our behavior is governed unconsciously by the repeated practices that become apart of us. Feeling like going to the gym now is different than a year and a half ago when I had to motivate myself to do the work. Now it is not even a conscious process, it’s easy now because I don’t even think about it, I just do it; and it’s not overwhelming or distraction-prone because it’s familiar and routine. The key to enjoying hard work is to at first not enjoy it but force yourself to consistently do it until some results show (providing another source of inspiration/motivation to continue on) and it becomes familiar and routine, at which point you can become more creative in that work because it is no longer a “get-in get-out” but a part of you.
I’d really love to know why it doesn’t happen to articlegames. Even if you’re incredibly bored, playing a “grindy” game, your attention doesn’t fail. I’m a lawyer and before that I was a marketing consultant, so I had to study quite a bit and my work is boreaucratic and frankly quite boring sometimes, and I have to take cofee and turn out all music, etc, to work – but if I play a grindy game, like MMOs, I have to remember to stop and have my 6 hours of sleep to be able to work the next day, and it happens even if I’m not having fun. Game developers are into something we should understand to apply to work/study systems.
best way to not get disctracted is taking good care of your health, ie, sleep, eat and exercise well, and doing fasting. Take care of my physiology worked wonders for my productivity. I used to struggle with catching up to college lectures but now I can study big books like breeze. Your body and brain plays a big role in your ability to manage your focus. And i believe a huge no. of people suffer from ADD due to lifestyle related health issues, which grows slowly over time, and ADD is one of the first signs of poor health.
God! I watch this professor on the language that is not my mother language and I absorb every word like a sponge and I wish I had professor like this in my whole education period but not even close. It is not even my domain. I am taking engineering classes but the truth this guy speaks is something marvelous. If he came to my country or even country nearby I would pay to listen to him. And then on the other hand i see kids scrolling on facebook while he is giving his lectures. The sad part is that the kids paid a lot of money to sit there and he is teaching them with a lot of true true passion for only a little piece of that money while there is so many other people that are not in that kind of position. Be smart my friends, thruth is painful. Greetings from Croatia!
OCD is terrible. I’m middle aged, wasn’t diagnosed until my late 20s. Had it not been for Jesus, the mother he chose for me, and hand full of people who said, “you’re not crazy, we’ll figure this out”, I probably would have eaten a bullet at a young age. My illness prompted me to learn about others. I truly believe that a lot of people suffer in silence for the fear that they will not be understood, called crazy, or just don’t know where to turn. Cognitive behavioral therapy, facing the things that troubled me, my fears, really helped. It doesn’t happen over night though. It is absolutely a fight. It’s one that I still deal with but nowhere near like years ago. Once you have the tools and the will, quality of life can improve drastically. I’m not sure why I put this out there but hopefully it helps someone.
I feel like most people have no idea how bad it can actually get. I have trained myself over 4 strong years to start panicing and getting a stomachache after reading a sentance. Even if I try and take baby steppes I fail after I try and study for more than 5 minutes. I kept retaking the same exam for 2 years now. In 4 days I will come to the inevitable drop out. Yet my brain is still playing the “if you start vigourously studying now you might improve your chances. I have been lying to everyone around me for 2 years now. I am isolated and feel like an impostor around everyone accept my brother who suffers from the exact same issue. No matter how hard we try to push each other to study we end up pulling the other back. (“If he succeeds then all if fine so I can go back to playing games.”) I feel lonely, unfullfilled and pathetic despite still being really intersted in several complex areas. Computer science, mechanical engineering, medicine (still a first year student after 2 years) and much more. The problem is that in Uni no matter what you study those sons of bitches have to put something totally useless into the curriculum. Which is usually the most “important” or rewarded course. I can not defeat those. Even is in the past I managed to study easily for over 4 hours at a time and do it again after 30 minutes, now after 1 hour i calm down and say ok that was enough time to overload my brain with dopamine. Which leads me backnto start building up my study habit from 5 minutes at a time.
Because if you define something as work you’ve already lost. A tiger stalking its prey isn’t “at the office”, nor is a hawk tearing a fish from the water “just doing its job”. A job, by nature, is something you do. But you, by nature, are something you are Don’t be a person with a job Be an animal with a dream
I have like 1000 hours of laid out work I know I need to be doing, but I am simply unable to bring myself to do it well enough ( with enough intensity ). I am also in utter despair because, well, I am lagging behind my peers and I have wasted a tonne lot of time, and that fact is derailing me further unfortunately. I guess I need to take things slow, but methodically, put in 8 hours of work daily, and see how far I can go 🙁
What helps is to overload your sensory system on every level with things that don’t actually require thought. E.g. put on some space-music and an oil burner, and sit on an exercise ball whilst chewing gum, and play with a squishy or fidget cube with your free hand – whilst reading or writing. Does kind of work. Also something like a chocolate coated raisin for every page read or written, and an electric timer that you HAVE to stop when it goes off – always good to be left with more to say rather than nothing. I sometimes find going for a long drive and taking my study material with me, along with a drink and a snack, works too.
no matter how hard i try i cannot find my meaning to life. logically i think family but thats doesnt drive me to do better personally. If my family were poor and i was the only one that could get them to a better life then yes certainly. But thats not that case and i have no fear of anything other than facing my fears i guess. I think i fear my own failures and the inability to be something more than below average. Its why i want to improve my life by studying but have the strongest desire to do whatever else i can that isnt study. Its soul destroying and i dont know how to change.
Completely living in the moment/now —> a quiet mind —> no loss of attention. Why do dreams feel like they happen to us? Because we are completely focused in them. While we dream, we are absorbed in the moment. There is no room left for thoughts that take us away from the moment. Not living in the moment/now —> a non quiet mind —> past/future related thinking —> uncertain what to do. Now, I’m not saying that we shouldn’t think about things(thinks) that happened to us or others or that could happen to us or others but I personally think that, when we do this, we must only do this when we are able to give all our attention to the thoughts. Otherwise, we only comprise ourselves. This is of course all subjective and I would love to discuss this!!! (English isn’t my mother language…)
Why is it so difficult to sit down and study / work? A simple explanation is that we have a natural resistance to do what we’re ‘supposed to’ or have been ‘told to’. As a child, I had no clue why I was being made to study and why I had to get good grades – other than that it was some sort of contest to be won. And then – there are the ‘achievers’ who doggedly commit themselves to the task and compete to win. And there are those, like me, who do it half-heartedly. Underachieve, because they are ‘lazy’, ‘not serious’, ‘careless’, ‘not hard-working’ ‘irresponsible’ etc. These labels only make it worse for us. Why can’t it be understood that we are a class of people who simply find it against their nature to compete / fight / excel to win some race?
Don’t sit down and study…🤣 that is bondage…⛓ that is the old way…👵🏼 Forward thinking, you have a hand held super computer in your hand…👁 u can do research in the middle of a party…🦾 what are you searching 4…🧠 how smart do you want to be? The power is is your hand type the name of the position you wish to acquire..♻️😇👁🤟🏾
I remember having really bad anxiety about who i’d be in the future on top of being really depressed due to lack of social interactions when I was at school and what my life would be like, but after dropping out after 1 year due to not being interested and generally having bad gaming addiction and now being unemployed for some time I’d be happy to even get an interview for a low quality part time job. I’m slowly beginning to regret I haven’t tried harder but the second id begin studying something I don’t really enjoy again id probably find it boring. I guess it’s depends a lot on the circumstances, I’m grateful that I do things everyday not to find myself at the bottom of the pit like at least perusal these kinds of articles and that I don’t have to suffer like people with really bad OCD or Tourette’s. I found it interesting how prof Peterson being so engaging to the students by talking about not being engaged
One should search for “learning and intellectual performance in relation to meditation”, see the studies and their findings, read some anecdotal accounts, and then decide for himself. I personally think that ‘focus’ is one of the most important human faculties, it’s the thing that sets which source of information will get the brain’s attention and its processing power. Focus is also the “cross-hairs” that pulls you towards your future, so it’s hugely important how much you consciously control that cross-hairs and how much of it is in the hands of unconscious drives, instincts and conditioning – aware and awake vs automatic and unconscious. Meditation is the ONLY practice that’s specifically dealing with this aspect of the human mind. But, as it would be expected with such an important ability, training yourself to take control of it is much harder than going to the gym.. as all meditators know. As Peterson says: “You must sort yourself out! And it takes effort!”
The human mind is controlled by god, and has to be so we can complete our part in the devine plan god has for humanity We won’t absorb information any more than god wants us too . Sometimes.when alone in the quiet we find it hard to study and take information in This will concern is when we want to absorb information to learn so we can pass exams so we can get a good job . But in the end it matters not, the real lesson in life is to learn that God has a plan for us and controls so we won’t be any where we are not supposed too be . If you was born into wealth and never had to work ot worry about money would you still go to college and study the lessons you study now . I doubt you would, they are an option, perhaps with the hope of getting somewhere in life
Yeah it’s very hard to sit down and study.. IV been reading since morning and all these thoughts come to my mind. And then suddenly it was the time for coffee, after which came the time for my evening walk, then came the time for dinner. . .now it’s midnight and I could complete only one chapter in the whole day🥺😯
I’m lucky enough to have fought tooth and nail to get an adderall prescription. It has helped tremendously. Do I need it? I don’t think so but the effects are felt and my grades have gone up. Focus is a requirement, how you get that focus you need to figure out. More power to you if you don’t need drugs or coffee.
The really, really, really defeatist attitude of “what am I doing at University? when finding it hard to stay focused while doing homework. That would be in the same vein as the eternally persistent “what is the meaning of life”. Go Clean Your Room or Go for a Walk. The World doesn’t owe you anything. And this one takes the cake: Why do ppl who COMPLAIN aloud of their procrastination tendency THEN BRAG about their ability to finish up an entire term paper in less than 10hrs before the deadline??
I wish YouTube had a way to search articles under 10 minutes because I like JP but he can be kinda long winded and other articles take more time for me to process Edit: I just realized this website could be just what the doctor ordered and I’ve been subscribed for a while with no bell icon clicked. I suppose it isn’t that bad since he doesn’t upload, but to remedy this I’ll probably make a playlist
I don’t think what he said, ‘You cannot control impulses that arise Subconsciously except wait for them to pass’ is true. Once you question why whatever is happening and you dive deep down to the root cause of it then you can find solution of it and when you apply that solution practically and repeat it enough times that it becomes your habit then your subconscious is in your control.
I have adhd and sat down and studied as hard as i could in a year i must do it once again but i cant muster the strength to do it . All i did was torture my self sitting on my desk for hours alternating between being able to focus and losing that focus amd thinking of whatever he said during the first half of the article…its fucking hell
It is not. If we are referring to elementary or high schools and their student body, the answer is these students are instructed to study a series of subjects that have no tangible connection or real life benefit. The pointless nature of this endeavor causes distraction. Those students who thrive in these schools are intelligent enough to understand these subjects are tailored not to educate but to eliminate those who are incapable of meeting their objectives.
Honestly everyone is hyping over this guy, buy why would i/you listen to someone who tells you “You can’t do the work because you’re a mess and even if you wanted to do it, you CAN’T, cause it is wired into your neurochemistry” . Am no? Yes, maybe partly is true, these habits are wired into your subconsciousness, however you can always break them with enough effort and willpower, don’t listen to anyone who tells you something is impossible or you CAN NOT do something . Peace
It’s because you don’t love what you do. I find when I log on to my websites or to do graphic minutes turn into hours in a few blinks. There never was a truer saying than ‘do what you love’ …. don’t chase the money because when the times get hard which they will, doing what you love is what will pull you through, and no matter what it is you do if you are good enough at it you will find a way to make money!
Not true for me — I’m HIGHLY integrated and my conscientiousness is off the charts, so I have a master override for almost all of the “automated systems” in my id (all of them, in fact, EXCEPT those responsible for self-defense/self-preservation), so once I get working on something, I don’t get distracted by ANYTHING, at least by anything short of an immediately life-threatening emergency like a fire in my room or a robber’s gun pointed at my head (I can shut down even hunger, and to a certain extent even thirst)! Plus, I’m highly intelligent and highly introverted, so for me, acquiring new knowledge is NEVER “boring” (the only exception being is if this “new knowledge” is actually ideological brainwashing based on lies — which is often the case in humanities classes)! And yes, I do say things such as “like” or “uh” a lot, but for a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT reason than it having become a bad habit — it’s because my voice-generating chip (Broca something, I’ve heard it might be called that) is laggy, I can formulate my thoughts MUCH faster than it can convert them into grammatically correct sentences (especially when some part of my thought doesn’t quite fit any of my vocabulary terms and I have to search my speech library for the right word), so I use filler words while my voice chip is buffering (this is quite a common problem for us introverts, BTW — we can think faster than we can speak, so we have to use filler words or else we’d end up stuttering — which is also part of the reason why we prefer to write instead of talking, because this way we can edit as we go, just as I’m doing right now)!
Personally i procrastinate because studying makes me so insecure, every time i try to study i feel dumber and dumber cause i have a learning difficulty and the words leave my head as soon as i read them. I said i’d give up on my studies so many times it just has no point, i forget what i learn in days…But i’m still stuck here not knowing what to do with my life.
so now it 10 pm im perusal this. after 100 days i’ll have an exam .if i failed im gonna have to redo the whole year again. but now im stuck with 10 subjects with thousands of pages not knowing were to start and what to do. my parents dont even care they only care when the grades are already out when its done. everyone in my class seem to be doing extremely good like if they are gonna break the world. anyways nobody is even gonna read this so im gonna sleep and dream of something better.
Brothers and Sisters, God loves us so much that He sent His Son Jesus Christ for us, who, bled and died on a cross for us to redeem us from death, to gain life everlasting, for those who put their trust in him. And what’s more, he has risen, and is willing to call you to repentance (correction) and as his witness, by his grace indeed. “For it is by grace you have been saved”. Jesus loves you, God cares for you!
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 🧠 Unconscious Forces in Attention – Your attention is influenced by unconscious forces. – Despite conscious intent to study, distractions and fantasies continuously disrupt focus. – Various subsystems within you vie for attention, making it challenging to maintain control. 01:23 🔄 Dissolutive Function of the Unconscious – The unconscious contains habits that were once voluntary but have become automatized. – These habits, related to procedural memory, can persist parasitically. – Building neurologically wired habits makes them difficult to control consciously. 02:24 🎨 Creative Elements of the Unconscious – The unconscious includes a creative aspect that contributes to writing, art, music, and dreams. – Dreams pose the paradox of being both an observer and a producer, challenging the notion of self. – Jung’s perspective introduces the idea of a collective unconscious influencing dream content. 03:57 🧬 Biological Subsystems and Lack of Control – The id, housing basic instincts, operates as biological subsystems shared with animals. – Lack of integration results in less control over these subsystems, potentially leading to disorders. – Conditions like obsessive-compulsive disorder and Tourette’s syndrome exemplify how the unconscious can dominate behavior. Made with HARPA AI
How neat. I’m impressed… how did you come to be so blessed? You’re a star. You blaze… out like a sharp machine… Like a whale’s moan… Well I’m here if that’s what you want Here we are – You’re pins – I’m needles – Let’s play… Here we are – You want this? – Then come on… Tune out everyone in the crowd because now it’s just me and you Come fall in love with the sound Make a pact to each other when no one’s around put the cross between me and you Who wants to fuck with us now? -Deftones
“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13 “A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish.” Proverbs 19:9 “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” 1 Timothy 6:12
I have a question though. What if you’re someone like me? Who genuinely learns things for fun? Who enjoys uncovering the truth? My therapist really told me that it wasn’t healthy to sit there and want to just keep getting more and more knowledge. I don’t get that. I think the reason the world is so messed up. Is because nobody wants to look for knowledge. They want to pretend they have knowledge where I understand I know nothing even if I learned something new. It is constant. Sently changing which is why? I love learning new things. I just don’t know if it is an unhealthy or healthy habit.
I like the political thoughts of Mr. Peterson, but this psychological inner conflict stuff tends to make me sleepy. My concern with the conscious mind is simply this, why can’t I forget whatever I want and recall only such as I would? Now when the good Mr. Peterson invents a solution for that please awaken me.
His assumptions are false. Distractions aren’t unconscious. Distractions can be clearly conscious and you can gain the skill to not act upon. Eventually you’ll be able, with time, to don’t have many distractions and being able to focus. It’s called meditation and this guy is trying with his wording to make you feel inadequate so that you can listen to what he says. He always nominates nietzsche. Nitesche says “God is dead”. It means religion is dead and people don’t follow any God leader anymore. But they now follows other leaders, phisical leaders: trump, Musk, Steve Jobs, Jordan peterson, or any other public figure. That’s because you feel inadequate because of the society and how you have been trained to think. You are okay you simply need more consciousness, therapy and meditation. This guy will, instead, lead you to his ideologies because you would see him as a savior because he’s using psychological tricks and philosophical holes(God is dead who’s the God now?) to convince you and have his popularity for I don’t know what aim
The answer you’re looking for is progressive overload. Or just sit and stare at your assignment with no stimulation until you start doing it. It might take 5 minutes, it might take 20, but if your really committed and are bored enough after staring with no outside stimulation, you will eventually start.
This article was too long. Halfway through it, I got hungry so I left it playing and went to the kitchen to fix my self a sandwich. But then I found out that I’m out of mayonnaise so I went to a store. There, I saw the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my whole life. But I’m really a shy person so I took up a three-year personality development course so I can introduce my self. She was very friendly and all, but unfortunately, she has a boyfriend. So I said, all good, I’m a mature person. I want the best for her and I harbor no illusion that I am the best person for her and she seems happy with her boyfriend, so l did not bother her anymore. But we kept in touch and we became friends and I got over my crush on her. Then she broke up with her boyfriend, we drank some alcohol because of it. I told her she’ll be fine and I wished her well. I still think she’s the most beautiful woman in the world, but like I said, I am over my crush on her. It was like five years already when I first saw her. Besides, I am quiet happy with the friendship developed with her. It was more important than a crush. So we kept hanging out, drinking, having coffee, and all. I had a girlfriend, she started dating other guys. My girlfriend wants to live some other life without me in it, so I said, okay, I want the best for you and I want you to pursue your happiness. My lady friend and I drank alcohol about it, and she gave me the same advice I gave her when she was in that position and I became okay with the breakup immediately.
This is the kind of Peterson I don’t mind perusal. It’s the other countless articles on politics and religion that I don’t like. What he’s talking about here is what he studied. His thoughts on religion and politics don’t make him an expert on those as well (though a lot of people have been convinced he knows everything about everything). This article is him teaching what he knows. The others are his OPINIONS ON SHIT. Don’t confuse knowledge of one thing with knowledge of all else.